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Matrix Gla protein (MGP) is a 14-kD extracellular matrix protein of the mineral-binding Gla protein family. Studies of MGP-deficient mice suggest that MGP is an inhibitor of extracellular matrix calcification in arteries and the epiphyseal growth plate. In the mammalian growth plate, MGP is expressed by proliferative and late hypertrophic chondrocytes, but not by the intervening chondrocytes. To investigate the functional significance of this biphasic expression pattern, we used the ATDC5 mouse chondrogenic cell line. We found that after induction of the cell line with insulin, the differentiating chondrocytes express MGP in a stage-specific biphasic manner as in vivo. Treatment of the ATDC5 cultures with MGP antiserum during the proliferative phase leads to their apoptosis before maturation, whereas treatment during the hypertrophic phase has no effect on chondrocyte viability or mineralization. After stable transfection of ATDC5 cells with inducible sense or antisense MGP cDNA constructs, we found that overexpression of MGP in maturing chondrocytes and underexpression of MGP in proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocytes induced apoptosis. However, overexpression of MGP during the hypertrophic phase has no effect on chondrocyte viability, but it does reduce mineralization. This work suggests that coordinated levels of MGP are required for chondrocyte differentiation and matrix mineralization.  相似文献   
Changes in the activity of muscle glycogen synthase or phosphorylase (GP) may be responsible for the deregulation of glycogen synthesis and storage which occurs in diabetes mellitus. To clarify the relationship between muscle atrophy, fibre type, insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and GP activity during insulin resistance, we used sciatic nerve severance to induce insulin resistance in rat hindlimb muscles and compared the above parameters in muscles with a range of fibre types. Changes were analysed by comparison with the contralateral hindlimb, which bears more weight due to denervation of the opposing limb, as well as the sham-operated and contralateral limb of a separate rat. Denervation caused a decrease in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 1 day after denervation and a decline of GP activity after 7 days in all muscles investigated. GP activity decreased by 73% in soleus, 36% in red gastrocnemius, 35% in tibialis and 13% in white gastrocnemius, which was related to the degree of muscle atrophy and inversely related to the overall GP activity in non-denervated muscles. GP activity in muscles of the contralateral limb from the denervated rat did not differ from either hindlimb of the sham-operated rat. We conclude that the fibre-type related reduction in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake of denervated muscle determines the change in its metabolism and it is this metabolic change which determines the mechanism, rate and degree of muscle atrophy, which is directly related to the decline in GP activity.  相似文献   
Determination of the disulfide-bond arrangement of a protein by characterization of disulfide-linked peptides in proteolytic digests may be complicated by resistance of the protein to specific proteases, disulfide interchange, and/or production of extremely complex mixtures by less specific proteolysis. In this study, mass spectrometry has been used to show that incorporation of (18)O into peptides during peptic digestion of disulfide-linked proteins in 50% (18)O water resulted in isotope patterns and increases in average masses that facilitated identification and characterization of disulfide-linked peptides even in complex mixtures, without the need for reference digests in 100% (16)O water. This is exemplified by analysis of peptic digests of model proteins lysozyme and ribonuclease A (RNaseA) by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS). Distinct isotope profiles were evident when two peptide chains were linked by disulfide bonds, provided one of the chains did not contain the C terminus of the protein. This latter class of peptide, and single-chain peptides containing an intrachain disulfide bond, could be identified and characterized by mass shifts produced by reduction. Reduction also served to confirm other assignments. Isotope profiling of peptic digests showed that disulfide-linked peptides were often enriched in the high molecular weight fractions produced by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) of the digests. Applicability of these procedures to analysis of a more complex disulfide-bond arrangement was shown with the hemagglutinin/neuraminidase of Newcastle disease virus.  相似文献   
Why do different species of birds start their dawn choruses at different times? We test the hypothesis that the times at which different species start singing at dawn are related to their visual capability at low light intensities. Birds with large eyes can achieve greater pupil diameters and hence, all other things being equal, greater visual sensitivity and resolution than birds with small eyes. We estimated the maximum pupil diameter of passerine birds by measuring the diameter of the exposed eye surface, and measured the times of the first songs at dawn of songbirds present in different bird communities, and the light intensities at these times. Using phylogenetic comparative analyses, we found that songbirds with large eyes started to sing at lower light intensities (and therefore earlier) than species with smaller eyes. These relationships were stronger when differences in body size were controlled for statistically, and were consistent between two phylogenies and when species were treated as independent data points. Our results therefore provide robust support for the hypothesis that visual capability at low light levels influences the times at which birds start to sing at dawn.  相似文献   
In this study of the amino acid nutrition of a marsupial we tested three hypotheses: (a) that brushtail possums eat less when diets contain excesses or deficiencies in essential amino acids, (b) that brushtail possums choose diets that do not contain amino acid excesses, and (c) that amino acid consumption is mediated partly by the 5HT3 receptor. Possums ate less when 0.2-1.0% methionine (wet matter) was added to the diet, but similar concentrations of lysine and threonine had little effect. However, when given a choice, possums always selected the basal ration over one with added lysine, methionine or threonine at concentrations between 0.05% and 0.9%. In contrast to the experiments with excess amino acids, possums did not eat less of a diet almost devoid of an essential amino acid. Instead, the possums ate less when their diets contained synthetic amino acids rather than similar amounts and proportions of amino acids as casein. Contrary to the third hypothesis, the 5HT3 receptor antagonist, ondansetron, did not affect feeding by possums given a diet containing 0.8% methionine, suggesting that post-ingestive feedback, via the 5HT3 receptor, does not regulate amino acid intake when diets contain amino acid excesses.  相似文献   
Serum mannose-binding proteins (MBPs) are C-type lectins that recognize cell surface carbohydrate structures on pathogens, and trigger killing of these targets by activating the complement pathway. MBPs circulate as a complex with MBP-associated serine proteases (MASPs), which become activated upon engagement of a target cell surface. The minimal functional unit for complement activation is a MASP homodimer bound to two MBP trimeric subunits. MASPs have a modular structure consisting of an N-terminal CUB domain, a Ca(2+)-binding EGF-like domain, a second CUB domain, two complement control protein modules and a C-terminal serine protease domain. The CUB1-EGF-CUB2 region mediates homodimerization and binding to MBP. The crystal structure of the MASP-2 CUB1-EGF-CUB2 dimer reveals an elongated structure with a prominent concave surface that is proposed to be the MBP-binding site. A model of the full six-domain structure and its interaction with MBPs suggests mechanisms by which binding to a target cell transmits conformational changes from MBP to MASP that allow activation of its protease activity.  相似文献   
Over the past decades, genetic studies in rodent models of human multifactorial disorders have led to the detection of numerous chromosomal regions associated with disease phenotypes. Owing to the complex control of these phenotypes and the size of the disease loci, identifying the underlying genes requires further analyses in new original models, including chromosome substitution (consomic) and congenic lines, derived to evaluate the phenotypic effects of disease susceptibility loci and fine-map the disease genes. We have developed a relational database (MACS) specifically designed for the genetic marker-assisted production of large series of rodent consomic and congenic lines (speed congenics), the organization of their genetic and phenotypic characterizations, and the acquisition and archiving of both genetic and phenotypic data. This database, originally optimized for the production of rat congenics, can also be applied to mouse mapping projects. MACS represents an essential system for significantly improving efficiency and accuracy in investigations of multiple consomic and congenic lines simultaneously derived for different disease loci, and ultimately cloning genes underlying complex phenotypes.  相似文献   
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