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Testing models of selection and demography in Drosophila simulans   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Wall JD  Andolfatto P  Przeworski M 《Genetics》2002,162(1):203-216
We analyze patterns of nucleotide variability at 15 X-linked loci and 14 autosomal loci from a North American population of Drosophila simulans. We show that there is significantly more linkage disequilibrium on the X chromosome than on chromosome arm 3R and much more linkage disequilibrium on both chromosomes than expected from estimates of recombination rates, mutation rates, and levels of diversity. To explore what types of evolutionary models might explain this observation, we examine a model of recurrent, nonoverlapping selective sweeps and a model of a recent drastic bottleneck (e.g., founder event) in the demographic history of North American populations of D. simulans. The simple sweep model is not consistent with the observed patterns of linkage disequilibrium nor with the observed frequencies of segregating mutations. Under a restricted range of parameter values, a simple bottleneck model is consistent with multiple facets of the data. While our results do not exclude some influence of selection on X vs. autosome variability levels, they suggest that demography alone may account for patterns of linkage disequilibrium and the frequency spectrum of segregating mutations in this population of D. simulans.  相似文献   
To address the need for new approaches to antibiotic drug development, we have identified a large number of essential genes for the bacterial pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus, using a rapid shotgun antisense RNA method. Staphylococcus aureus chromosomal DNA fragments were cloned into a xylose-inducible expression plasmid and transformed into S. aureus. Homology comparisons between 658 S. aureus genes identified in this particular antisense screen and the Mycoplasma genitalium genome, which contains 517 genes in total, yielded 168 conserved genes, many of which appear to be essential in M. genitalium and other bacteria. Examples are presented in which expression of an antisense RNA specifically reduces its cognate mRNA. A cell-based, drug-screening assay is also described, wherein expression of an antisense RNA confers specific sensitivity to compounds targeting that gene product. This approach enables facile assay development for high throughput screening for any essential gene, independent of its biochemical function, thereby greatly facilitating the search for new antibiotics.  相似文献   
Kidneys of prostaglandin H synthase-2 (PGHS-2) null mice fail to develop normally, leading to renal insufficiency. We have found that in a mixed DBA/B6 background, the lack of a functional PGHS-2 gene causes less severe renal pathology than was reported previously for PGHS-2 null mice in a B6 genetic background. The increase in blood urea nitrogen in the DBA/B6 strain of PGHS-2 null mice was significantly lower than reported for B6 PGHS-2 null mice (200% versus 270%). Cystic changes in DBA/B6 PGHS-2 null mice were also less severe. The DBA/B6 PGHS-2 null adult mice did not die from renal failure, unlike their B6/PGHS-2 counterparts that showed excessive neonatal and adult deaths. Therefore, DBA/B6 PGHS-2 null may be highly suitable to study the functional consequences of the lack of PGHS-2 in the kidney due to their less severe pathology and greater survival.  相似文献   
A portion of the nuclear gene glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd) was sequenced in 26 representatives of the paleotropical moss, Mitthyridium, and a group of 20 outgroup taxa to assess its utility for phylogenetic reconstruction compared with the better understood chloroplast markers, rps4 and trnL. Primers based on plant and fungal sequences were designed to amplify gpd in plants universally with the exclusion of fungal contaminants. The piece amplified spanned 4 introns and 3 of 9 exons, based on comparisons with complete sequence from Arabidopsis. Size variation in gpd ranged from 891 to 1007 bp, in part attributable to 6 indels of variable length found within the introns. Intron 6 contributed most of the length variation and contained a variable purine-repeat motif of possible use as a microsatellite. Phylogenetic analyses of the full gpd amplicon yielded well-resolved trees that were in nearly full accord with the trees derived from the cpDNA partitions for analyses of both the ingroup and ingroup + outgroup taxon sets. Pairwise nucleotide substitution rates of gpd were as much as 2.2 times higher than those in rps4 and 2.8 times higher than in trnL. Excision of the introns left suitable numbers of parsimony informative characters and demonstrated that the full gpd amplicon could be compartmentalized to provide resolution for both shallow and deep phylogenetic branches. Exons of gpd were found to behave in a clock-like fashion for the 26 ingroup taxa and select outgroups. In general, gpd was found to hold great promise not only for improving resolution of chloroplast-derived phylogenies, but also for phylogenetic reconstruction of recent, diversifying lineages.  相似文献   
Detecting putative orthologs   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We developed an algorithm that improves upon the common procedure of taking reciprocal best blast hits(rbh) in the identification of orthologs. The method-reciprocal smallest distance algorithm (rsd)-relies on global sequence alignment and maximum likelihood estimation of evolutionary distances to detect orthologs between two genomes. rsd finds many putative orthologs missed by rbh because it is less likely than rbh to be misled by the presence of a close paralog.  相似文献   
The effects of concentric (CON) and eccentric (ECC) contractions on Delta plasma volume (PV), heart rate (HR), and lactate in responses to protocols in different body positions were investigated. CON or ECC contractions were performed in either a single-exercise (6 sets of 12 repetitions of leg extensions completed at 80% of 12 repetition maximum [12RM] with 3-minute rest periods) or multiexercise (4 sets of 10 repetitions for both CON and ECC trials of bench press, leg extension, military press, and leg curl at 80% of 10RM with 90-second rest periods) protocols. HR and lactate increased significantly for both protocols from pre- to postexercise for CON but not ECC trials. DeltaPV was greater following both CON single-exercise (-11.48 +/- 1.38%) and multiexercise (-4.64 +/- 0.33%) trials vs. ECC single-exercise (-1.62 +/- 1.69%) and multiexercise (-1.26 +/- 1.20) trials. Data demonstrate ECC exercise in response to single and multiexercise protocols at the same absolute workload as CON exercise produces less cardiovascular stress.  相似文献   
A fundamental goal in cellular signaling is to understand allosteric communication, the process by which signals originating at one site in a protein propagate reliably to affect distant functional sites. The general principles of protein structure that underlie this process remain unknown. Here, we describe a sequence-based statistical method for quantitatively mapping the global network of amino acid interactions in a protein. Application of this method for three structurally and functionally distinct protein families (G protein-coupled receptors, the chymotrypsin class of serine proteases and hemoglobins) reveals a surprisingly simple architecture for amino acid interactions in each protein family: a small subset of residues forms physically connected networks that link distant functional sites in the tertiary structure. Although small in number, residues comprising the network show excellent correlation with the large body of mechanistic data available for each family. The data suggest that evolutionarily conserved sparse networks of amino acid interactions represent structural motifs for allosteric communication in proteins.  相似文献   
The use of survival models involving a random effect or 'frailty' term is becoming more common. Usually the random effects are assumed to represent different clusters, and clusters are assumed to be independent. In this paper, we consider random effects corresponding to clusters that are spatially arranged, such as clinical sites or geographical regions. That is, we might suspect that random effects corresponding to strata in closer proximity to each other might also be similar in magnitude. Such spatial arrangement of the strata can be modeled in several ways, but we group these ways into two general settings: geostatistical approaches, where we use the exact geographic locations (e.g. latitude and longitude) of the strata, and lattice approaches, where we use only the positions of the strata relative to each other (e.g. which counties neighbor which others). We compare our approaches in the context of a dataset on infant mortality in Minnesota counties between 1992 and 1996. Our main substantive goal here is to explain the pattern of infant mortality using important covariates (sex, race, birth weight, age of mother, etc.) while accounting for possible (spatially correlated) differences in hazard among the counties. We use the GIS ArcView to map resulting fitted hazard rates, to help search for possible lingering spatial correlation. The DIC criterion (Spiegelhalter et al., Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 2002, to appear) is used to choose among various competing models. We investigate the quality of fit of our chosen model, and compare its results when used to investigate neonatal versus post-neonatal mortality. We also compare use of our time-to-event outcome survival model with the simpler dichotomous outcome logistic model. Finally, we summarize our findings and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   
There is great interest in the patterns and extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in humans and other species. Characterizing LD is of central importance for gene-mapping studies and can provide insights into the biology of recombination and human demographic history. Here, we review recent developments in this field, including the recently proposed 'haplotype-block' model of LD. We describe some of the recent data in detail and compare the observed patterns to those seen in simulations.  相似文献   
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