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DNA fragments containing theKlebsiella oxytoca genes encoding -glucosidase and amylase were cloned into the kanamycin resistance transposon Tn5. Another DNA fragment containing two genes for polygalacturonatetrans-eliminase was cloned into Tn1721. These newly constructed transposons were then each transposed in vivo onto the broad-host-range plasmid pR751 and conjugally transferred to a variety of Gram-negative bacteria. These were then screened for the newly acquired phenotypes.  相似文献   
We have developed video microscopy methods to visualize the assembly and disassembly of individual microtubules at 33-ms intervals. Porcine brain tubulin, free of microtubule-associated proteins, was assembled onto axoneme fragments at 37 degrees C, and the dynamic behavior of the plus and minus ends of microtubules was analyzed for tubulin concentrations between 7 and 15.5 microM. Elongation and rapid shortening were distinctly different phases. At each end, the elongation phase was characterized by a second order association and a substantial first order dissociation reaction. Association rate constants were 8.9 and 4.3 microM-1 s-1 for the plus and minus ends, respectively; and the corresponding dissociation rate constants were 44 and 23 s-1. For both ends, the rate of tubulin dissociation equaled the rate of tubulin association at 5 microM. The rate of rapid shortening was similar at the two ends (plus = 733 s-1; minus = 915 s-1), and did not vary with tubulin concentration. Transitions between phases were abrupt and stochastic. As the tubulin concentration was increased, catastrophe frequency decreased at both ends, and rescue frequency increased dramatically at the minus end. This resulted in fewer rapid shortening phases at higher tubulin concentrations for both ends and shorter rapid shortening phases at the minus end. At each concentration, the frequency of catastrophe was slightly greater at the plus end, and the frequency of rescue was greater at the minus end. Our data demonstrate that microtubules assembled from pure tubulin undergo dynamic instability over a twofold range of tubulin concentrations, and that the dynamic instability of the plus and minus ends of microtubules can be significantly different. Our analysis indicates that this difference could produce treadmilling, and establishes general limits on the effectiveness of length redistribution as a measure of dynamic instability. Our results are consistent with the existence of a GTP cap during elongation, but are not consistent with existing GTP cap models.  相似文献   
EBV-transformed B lymphocyte cell lines (EBV-BLCL) produce superoxide after stimulation with phorbol ester, a capacity unique among nonmyeloid cells. The superoxide producing system of EBV-BLCL (B cell oxidase) was compared with the phagocytic NADPH-oxidase and the relationship of the capacity to produce superoxide to the presence of the EBV-genome was analyzed. The two EBV-transformed B cell lines F1 and HELL generated superoxide in response to PMA (2.3 nmol/10(6) F1 cells x 1 h and 6.27 nmol/10(6) HELL cells x 1 h with 1 microgram/ml of PMA), whereas no superoxide release was detected with the EBV-positive Burkitt lymphoma line WIL-2 and the EBV-negative plasmocytoma line U-266. Also, F1 and HELL showed lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence (CL) after PMA-treatment, whereas no CL responses were detected from WIL-2 or U-266. Further, F1 and HELL cells contained a low potential cytochrome b-245 (10.9 and 61.0 pmol/mg protein, respectively) and also a 45 kDa diphenylene-iodonium (DPI)-binding peptide, both components of the phagocytic NADPH-oxidase. In contrast, neither the cytochrome b-245 nor the 45 kDa DPI-binding peptide were detected in WIL-2 and U-266. In addition, DPI inhibited O2- production by PMA-stimulated EBV-BLCL and polymorphonuclear granulocytes. Further, F1 line cells showed superoxide dismutase-inhibitable lucigenin-dependent CL when triggered by protein A-bearing staphylococci (Cowan strain I) or by a mAb directed against human IgG in the presence of solid-phase goat anti-mouse-Ig antibody. From a panel of eight EBV-BLCL, only five responded with CL when exposed to protein A-bearing staphylococci, whereas all showed CL when treated with phorbol ester. Inasmuch as all eight EBV-BLCL possessed surface Ig and a "functional" oxidase, their differential response to cross-linking of surface Ig may be determined by differences in signal transduction. Superoxide production by EBV-BLCL appears thus related to expression of an electron transport chain structurally homologous, if not identical, with the "phagocytic" NADPH-oxidase. Apparently, the presence of EBV-genome in B cell lines does not per se lead to expression of this oxidase. This suggests that nontransformed B cells may, at a certain differentiation stage, also express a superoxide-generating chain. From the finding of stimulation of superoxide production of EBV-BLCL via surface Ig it appears possible that also Ag may be able to trigger such B cells to production of superoxide which might have an important role in the physiology of B cells.  相似文献   
The C region of human lambda L chains is specified by multiple C lambda genes of which three--C lambda 1, C lambda 2, and C lambda 3--encode for the isotypes designated Mcg+, Kern- Oz-, and Kern- Oz+, respectively. The Mcg, Kern, and Oz factors have been characterized by sequence differences involving specific C lambda amino acid residues. They have also been recognized serologically by polyclonal antisera but, with rare exception, these reagents are no longer available. We have obtained two murine anti-human lambda-chain mAb, 14G1 and 14D1, that recognize antigenic determinants specific for the C lambda isotypes Mcg and Oz, respectively. These antisera have been used to classify as Mcg+/Mcg- or Oz+/Oz- monoclonal lambda-chains (Bence Jones proteins) and intact Ig lambda proteins. There was complete concordance between the chemical and serologic assignment of lambda-chains as Mcg+/Mcg- or as Oz+/Oz-; no single protein expressed both isotypes. There was no evident association between the C region isotype Mcg or Oz and the V region subgroup of the protein tested. However, our finding that four of seven amyloid-associated lambda VI Bence Jones proteins were Oz+ suggests a predominant expression of the C lambda 3 gene product among proteins of this uncommon V lambda subgroup.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which CD8+ T cells from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals suppress HIV replication in acutely infected CD4+ T cells was investigated. Cytotoxicity was not involved, as the antiviral activity of the CD8+ cells did not correlate with the ability to lyse HIV-infected or uninfected CD4+ T cells. In addition, the frequency of HIV-infected CD4+ cells increased during coculture with CD8+ T cells even in the absence of detectable levels of virus replication. Moreover, separation of the CD4+ and CD8+ cells by a 0.4-micron-pore-size filter delayed HIV replication, indicating a role, at least in part, for a soluble factor. However, cell contact was required for optimal antiviral activity. These results extend further the observation on the mechanism of antiviral HIV activity by CD8+ cells from infected individuals. They support the conclusion that CD8+ cells can play a major role in preventing development of disease in HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   
This series of experiments was conducted to evaluate the growth hormone (GH) releasing activity of intranasally administered His-D-Trp-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2 (GHRP-6, SK&F 110679) in conscious dogs. Intranasal administration of GHRP-6 increased plasma growth hormone levels in the conscious dog in a dose-related manner. Doses of 0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg produced GH levels of 11.3 +/- 4.8 ng/ml and 28.6 +/- 8.0 ng/ml, respectively. Peak levels were observed 15 minutes after dosing and GH levels were elevated for up to 105 minutes after intranasal dosing. Intranasal administration of isotonic saline did not produce any change in basal (negligable) GH levels. When GHRP-6 was given by the intravenous route, a maximal dose of 0.5 mg/kg, produced a peak plasma GH concentration of 60.8 +/- 10.5 ng/ml. Saline had no effect on GH levels when given intravenously. Using the intravenous and intranasal GH response data (i.e., area under the time-response curves), the intranasal bioavailability of GHRP-6 was estimated to be 34.4 to 44.9%. The results of these studies suggest that significant activity and excellent bioavailability can be achieved when GHRP-6 is administered by the intranasal route to conscious dogs. Based on these results, the intranasal activity of GHRP-6 should be evaluated in man. The successful intranasal administration of this peptide in man should provide GH therapy with reduced patient discomfort and better patient compliance when compared to presently available parenterally administered remedies.  相似文献   
The processing of phagosomes containing Legionella pneumophila and Escherichia coli were compared in Tetrahymena vorax, a hymenostome ciliated protozoan that prefers lower temperatures. L. pneumophila did not multiply in the ciliate when incubated at 20 to 22 degrees C, but vacuoles containing L. pneumophila were retained in the cells for a substantially longer time than vacuoles with E. coli. Electron micrographs showed no evidence of degradation of L. pneumophila cells through 12 h, while E. coli cells in the process of being digested were observed in vacuoles 75 min after the addition of the bacterium. T. vorax ingested L. pneumophila normally, but by 10 to 15 min, the vacuolar membrane appeared denser than that surrounding nascent or newly formed phagosomes. In older vacuoles, electron-dense particles lined portions of the membrane. Acidification of the phagosomes indicated by the accumulation of neutral red was similar in T. vorax containing L. pneumophila or E. coli. This ciliate could provide a model for the analysis of virulence-associated intracellular events independent of the replication of L. pneumophila.  相似文献   
Genes that act inside the cell to negatively regulate proliferation are of great interest because of their implications for such processes as development and cancer, but these genes have been difficult to clone. This report details the cloning and analysis of cDNA for prohibitin, a novel mammalian antiproliferative protein. Microinjection of synthetic prohibitin mRNA blocks entry into S phase in both normal fibroblasts and HeLa cells. Microinjection of an antisense oligonucleotide stimulates entry into S phase. By sequence comparison, the prohibitin gene appears to be the mammalian analog of Cc, a Drosophila gene that is vital for normal development.  相似文献   
Genetic experiments have indicated that succinoglycan (EPS I), the acidic Calcofluor-binding exopolysaccharide, of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium meliloti strain Rm1021 is required for nodule invasion and possibly for later events in nodule development on alfalfa and other hosts. Fourteen exo loci on the second megaplasmid have been identified that are required for, or affect, the synthesis of EPS I. Mutations in certain of these loci completely abolish the production of EPS I and result in mutants that form empty Fix- nodules. We have identified two loci, exoR and exoS, that are involved in the regulation of EPS I synthesis in the free-living state. Certain exo mutations which completely abolish EPS I production are lethal in an exoR95 or exoS96 background. Histochemical analyses of the expression of exo genes during nodulation using exo::TnphoA fusions have indicated that the exo genes are expressed most strongly in the invasion zone. In addition, we have discovered that R. meliloti has a latent capacity to synthesize a second exopolysaccharide (EPS II) that can substitute for the role(s) of EPS I in nodulation of alfalfa but not of other hosts. Possible roles for exopolysaccharides in symbiosis are discussed.  相似文献   
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