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Thirty five homosexual men (17 positive for antibody to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and 18 consistently negative) were vaccinated against hepatitis B virus infection. Eight of the 17 seropositive patients failed to develop detectable hepatitis B surface antibody within three months of the third injection compared with only one of the 18 seronegative patients (p less than 0.01). HIV infection is prevalent in the developed world in groups at risk for hepatitis B infection and in certain Third World countries where widespread vaccination programmes exist. This study shows the impact that coincident HIV infection may have on an otherwise efficacious vaccine. The efficacy of this and other vaccines in patients infected with HIV needs to be studied urgently.  相似文献   
Regulation of epithelial barrier function requires targeted insertion of tight junction proteins that have distinct selectively permeable characteristics. The insertion of newly synthesized proteins and recycling of internalized tight junction components control both polarity and junction function. Here we show that the small GTPase Rab14 regulates tight junction structure. In Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) II cells, Rab14 colocalizes with junctional proteins, and knockdown of Rab14 results in increased transepithelial resistance. In cells without Rab14, there are small changes in the trafficking of claudin-1 and occludin. In addition, there is substantial depletion of the leaky claudin, claudin-2, but not other tight junction components. The loss of claudin-2 is complemented by inhibition of lysosomal function, suggesting that Rab14 sorts claudin-2 out of the lysosome-directed pathway. MDCK I cells lack claudin-2 endogenously, and knockdown of Rab14 in these cells does not result in a change in transepithelial resistance, suggesting that the effect is specific to claudin-2 trafficking. Furthermore, leaky claudins have been shown to be required for epithelial morphogenesis, and knockdown of Rab14 results in failure to form normal single-lumen cysts in three-dimensional culture. These results implicate Rab14 in specialized trafficking of claudin-2 from the recycling endosome.  相似文献   
The diversity and phylogenetic relationships of fungi obtained from Antarctic soils were analysed using molecular techniques. Direct extraction of soil community DNA from two locations, Fossil Bluff (FB) and Jane Col (JC), was supplemented with isolation studies. Nucleic acids from both the community DNA and the colony extracts were PCR amplified using primers specific for the 18S rRNA gene (18S rDNA). Amplicons were separated in denaturant gels (DGGE) or following endonuclease digestion (ARDRA). Clones presenting unique ARDRA banding patterns and unique DGGE bands were sequenced. Comparison of the experimental sequences from the different techniques employed with those held online resulted in the repeated recovery of a limited range of related organisms indicating low species diversity of microfungi in these soils. A total of 102 fungal sequences were obtained from FB (37 sequences) and JC (65 sequences) that together were distributed among the Basidiomycota (48 sequences), Ascomycota (48 sequences) and Zygomycota (6 sequences). Sequences of the latter were only recovered from the JC soils. Phylogenetic comparisons of the experimental sequences with those held online have shown high rRNA gene relatedness with those obtained from other, less extreme, environments.  相似文献   
Host defense against the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) requires innate and adaptive immunity. Here, we directly imaged immune cell dynamics at Lm foci established by dendritic cells in the subcapsular red pulp (scDC) using intravital microscopy. Blood borne Lm rapidly associated with scDC. Myelomonocytic cells (MMC) swarmed around non-motile scDC forming foci from which blood flow was excluded. The depletion of scDC after foci were established resulted in a 10-fold reduction in viable Lm, while graded depletion of MMC resulted in 30-1000 fold increase in viable Lm in foci with enhanced blood flow. Effector CD8+ T cells at sites of infection displayed a two-tiered reduction in motility with antigen independent and antigen dependent components, including stable interactions with infected and non-infected scDC. Thus, swarming MMC contribute to control of Lm prior to development of T cell immunity by direct killing and sequestration from blood flow, while scDC appear to promote Lm survival while preferentially interacting with CD8+ T cells in effector sites.  相似文献   
Executive functions are processes that act in harmony to control behaviors necessary for maintaining focus and achieving outcomes. Executive dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders is attributed to structural or functional pathology of brain networks involving prefrontal cortex (PFC) and its connections with other brain regions. The PFC receives innervations from different neurons associated with a number of neurotransmitters, especially dopamine (DA). Here we review findings on the contribution of PFC DA to higher-order cognitive and emotional behaviors. We suggest that examination of multifactorial interactions of an individual's genetic history, along with environmental risk factors, can assist in the characterization of executive functioning for that individual. Based upon the results of genetic studies, we also propose genetic mapping as a probable diagnostic tool serving as a therapeutic adjunct for augmenting executive functioning capabilities. We conclude that preservation of the neurological underpinnings of executive functions requires the integrity of complex neural systems including the influence of specific genes and associated polymorphisms to provide adequate neurotransmission.  相似文献   
An elastic protein with a secondary structure distinct from all well-known load-bearing proteins is found in the byssus of the giant clam, Tridacna maxima . The byssus consists of a bundle of hundreds of individual threads, each measuring about about 100 μm in diameter, which exhibit a tendon-like mechanical response. The amino acid composition of Tridacna byssus, however, is unlike tendon collagen, lacking high glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements suggest that the constituent nanofibrils of the byssal threads are distinct from known secondary structure motifs previously reported for elastic proteins including the collagen triple-helix, the β-sheet nanocrystalline domains of silks, or the double-stranded coiled-coil regions of intermediate filaments. Instead, X-ray diffraction data indicate a structural organization in which four coiled-coil α-helices form a stable rope-like structure, which then further pack in a pseudohexagonal lattice to form nanofibrils. Amino acid composition analysis shows unusually high concentrations of acidic as well as basic residues, suggesting that the four-helix structure is stabilized by strong ionic interactions between oppositely charged residues in neighboring strands. The composition also suggests additional stabilization by disulfide cross-linking. On a larger scale, scanning and conventional transmission electron microscope (STEM and TEM) observations indicate that the nanofibrils exhibit an alternating periodicity of about 500 nm along the axial direction. A molecular model that combines the mechanical properties with the structural characteristics of the Tridacna byssal threads is proposed.  相似文献   
Short-lived TCR microclusters and a longer-lived protein kinase Ctheta-focusing central supramolecular activation cluster (cSMAC) have been defined in model immunological synapses (IS). In different model systems, CD28-mediated costimulatory interactions have been detected in microclusters, the cSMAC, or segregated from the TCR forming multiple distinct foci. The relationship between TCR and costimulatory molecules in the physiological IS of T cell-dendritic cell (DC) is obscure. To study the dynamic relationship of CD28-CD80 and TCR interactions in the T cell-DC IS during Ag-specific T cell activation, we generated CD80-eCFP mice using bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic technology. In splenic DCs, endogenous CD80 and CD80-eCFP localized to plasma membrane and Golgi apparatus, and CD80-eCFP was functional in vivo. In the OT-II T cell-DC IS, multiple segregated TCR, CD80, and LFA-1 clusters were detected. In the T cell-DC synapse CD80 clusters were colocalized with CD28 and PKCtheta, a characteristic of the cSMAC. Acute blockade of TCR signaling with anti-MHC Ab resulted in a rapid reduction in Ca(2+) signaling and the number and size of the CD80 clusters, a characteristic of TCR microclusters. Thus, the T cell-DC interface contains dynamic costimulatory foci that share characteristics of microclusters and cSMACs.  相似文献   
Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is a debilitating disorder producing episodes of extreme hypertension in patients with high-level spinal cord injury (SCI). Factors leading to AD include loss of vasomotor baroreflex control to regions below injury level, changes in spinal circuitry, and peripheral changes. The present study tested for peripheral changes below and above injury level 6 wk after a transection at the fourth thoracic spinal level. Changes in vascular conductance were recorded in the femoral, renal, brachial, and carotid arteries in response to intravenous injections of two alpha-adrenergic agonists, phenylephrine (PE; 0.03-100 microg/kg) and methoxamine (Meth; 1-300 microg/kg). Unlike PE, Meth is not subject to neuronal reuptake. Ganglionic blockade (0.6 mg/kg chlorisondamine) was used to eliminate the central component of the cardiovascular response. After ganglionic blockade, SCI animals exhibited prolonged vasoconstriction in response to PE in all blood vessels measured compared with those in intact animals (all, P < 0.035). However, the PE dose-response curves obtained after ganglionic blockade revealed no significant difference in the potency between the two groups (all, P > 0.06), indicating that the prolonged vasoconstriction was not due to supersensitivity to PE. In contrast to PE, vascular responses to Meth did not vary between intact and SCI groups (all P > 0.108). These results show the development of a widespread peripheral change producing prolonged vasoconstriction in response to PE, but not Meth, possibly due to reduced neuronal reuptake of PE after SCI. This is the first study to report such a change in blood vessels not only below but also above injury level. Interventions to correct this reduced reuptake may help limit the development of AD.  相似文献   
Most studies of social relationships in later life focus on the amount of social contact, not on individuals' perceptions of social isolation. However, loneliness is likely to be an important aspect of aging. A major limiting factor in studying loneliness has been the lack of a measure suitable for large-scale social surveys. This article describes a short loneliness scale developed specifically for use on a telephone survey. The scale has three items and a simplified set of response categories but appears to measure overall loneliness quite well. The authors also document the relationship between loneliness and several commonly used measures of objective social isolation. As expected, they find that objective and subjective isolation are related. However, the relationship is relatively modest, indicating that the quantitative and qualitative aspects of social relationships are distinct. This result suggests the importance of studying both dimensions of social relationships in the aging process.  相似文献   
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