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The bactericidal and opsonic activity of fresh human serum (FHS) for a mucoid strain ofPseudomonas aeruginosa, 144M, and its spontaneous nonmucoid revertant, 144NM, was examined. Strain 144M was sensitive to the bactericidal activity of FHS, but strain 144NM was not. This bactericidal activity was due to the combined interaction of IgG and IgM with complement, activated through both pathways. Neither 144M nor 144NM was ingested by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) without FHS. Whereas maximal phagocytosis of 144M required only 5% FHS, comparable ingestion of 144NM required 25% FHS. Maximal phagocytosis of either 144M or 144NM required IgG, IgM, and complement. However, 144M required a heat-sensitive opsonic IgG, whereas 144NM required a heat-resistant IgG. Using selective absorption techniques, the targets for bactericidal and opsonic immunoglobulins on 144M and 144NM appeared to be different, suggesting that the variant 144NM had one or more altered, absent, or inaccessible cell surface components that account for differences in response to FHS and PMNL.  相似文献   
We studied the relationships between litter size, litter weight, newborn weight, relative clutch mass and the female snout-vent length in some Lacerta vivipara populations over a period of three years.
Litter size and litter weight were positively correlated with female snout-vent length in all the populations for all the years, as in most other lizard species. Relative clutch mass generally increased with female size, though correlations appear not to be very tight.
Considering the two best studied populations suggests that montane females invest less in reproduction than lowland ones.
The main reproductive traits of the species appeared highly variable between as well as within the different populations hitherto studied.
We argue that current theory about lizard reproductive strategy requires, first to work out a good estimate of reproductive effort, and second to get more information about the relations between the species and their environmental, biotic and abiotic conditions.  相似文献   
Extreme variability in the size, shape and spacing of skeletal spines ofPocillopora damicornis has been demonstrated both within single colonies and also between colonies from different environments. Preliminary studies indicated that the majority of spines from branch tips at the apex of the colony display a ‘fasciculate’ growth surface in contrast to partly fasciculate or ‘smooth’ growth surfaces exhibited by spines from branch tips at the base of the colony. No significant differences in the height and width of costal spines from apical and basal branch tips within a single colony were observed, although spines from colonies exposed to strong wave action tended to be significantly shorter and narrower than those from more sheltered environments. Both costal and coenosteal spines from wave-exposed colonies displayed branching and divided extremities while those from sheltered environments consisted of simple cones. Spines develop as an outgrowing of the calicoblastic ectoderm which secretes the skeleton. Growing costal and coenosteal spines are enveloped by a layer of calicoblastic ectoderm which penetrates through mesogloea, aboral gastroderm, coelenteron, oral gastroderm, mesogloea and finally oral ectoderm. Spines within the corallite are surrounded by calicoblastic ectoderm, mesogloea and aboral gastroderm only. A scheme for the growth of the spines is discussed.  相似文献   
Observations on the behavioral development of two okapi calves and one giraffe calf were made at Brookfield Zoo. The following behaviors were monitored for 4 to 6 mo after birth; nursing duration and nursing attempts, mother-infant distance, bunting the mother's udder, lying, moving, maternal grooming, mother and infant autogrooming, object licking, tail chewing, and contact by others in the herd. Behaviors in both species showed oscillating patterns with high levels of mother-infant contact behaviors at 3–4 wk, 9–11 wk, and 14–15 wk in okapis. Giraffe infants showed similar oscillations with high periods of contact about 2–5 wk later than those in okapis. Other behaviors oscillated in concert with these, with specific correlations occurring between nursing behaviors and grooming behaviors. A main difference between okapi and giraffe development centered around maternal motivation during the high contact (regressive) periods. In okapis, after 10–12 wk there was a low rate of nursing success, whereas in giraffes the percentage of success in nursing rose with later behavioral oscillations. The regressive periods became conflict periods in okapis, whereas in the giraffe, the mother initiated the periods. This difference was in accordance with the unique strategy of infant rearing in wild giraffes in which there is an extended “hider” period when older calves are left together in shaded areas with an adult sentry. Field studies also indicated probable oscillations of mother-infant contact and a prolonged period of the mother initiating contact with her calf.  相似文献   
A survey for 1,3,6,7-tetrahydroxy-C-glycosylxanthones of representative species within the primitive vascular plants, emphasizing the leptosporangiate ferns, has indicated a limited distribution of these compounds within three leptosporangiate families: Hymenophyllaceae, Aspleniaceae and Marsileaceae. In the Hymenophyllaceae the distribution of these compounds appears to be a useful criterion for segregating species of Mecodium from other species of Hymenophyllum (sensu lato) and suggests that the tubulate vs. the valvate indusial condition may not be an ideal character for separating all species of Hymenophyllum (s.l.) from those of Trichomanes (s.l.). These compounds appear useful for delimiting several species of Elaphoglossum section Pachyglossa and support a relationship among the Aspleniaceae, Athyriaceae, and Elaphoglossaceae. Their presence in Marsilea also raises questions as to the origin of this group of plants.  相似文献   
Apolipoproteins, extracted from human serum high-density lipoproteins, can be resolved and recovered with high yield from a preparative MicroPak TSK Type 3000SW size-exclusion column using Tris-buffered 6 m urea or 6 m guanidinium chloride mobile phases. Adequate resolution of some apolipoprotein pairs is only achieved at low flow velocities and low sample loads, necessitating repetitive injections of small amounts of material for preparative isolation. An analytical high-performance liquid chromatograph equipped with a simplified sample introduction scheme and low-pressure switching valves for fraction collection was used to isolate milligram quantities of HDL apolipoproteins.  相似文献   
Rat hepatic uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase has been isolated and purified 50-fold with a 36% yield by ammonium sulfate fractionation and sequential chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel and Sephadex G-100SF. Inhibition of uroporphyrinogen III formation with increasing porphobilinogen concentration was observed. Cosynthase was shown to be thermolabile, and a time-dependent loss of enzyme activity during reaction with uroporphyrinogen I synthase and porphobilinogen was observed. The pH optimum for the complete system (synthase and cosynthase) was pH 7.8 in 50 mm Tris-HCl or 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer. Various metals (KCl, NaCl, MgCl2, CaCl2) increased formation of Uroporphyrinogen III. Heavy metals including ZnCl2, CdCl2, and CuCl2 were shown to selectively inhibit cosynthase activity, whereas other metals (HgCl2, PbCl2) were less selective and inhibited both synthase and cosynthase at similar concentrations.  相似文献   
Under nitrogen (ammonia)-limited continuous culture conditions, the ruminal anaerobe Selenomonas ruminantium was grown at various dilution rates (D). The proportion of the population that was viable increased with D, being 91% at D = 0.5 h−1. Washed cell suspensions were subjected to long-term nutrient starvation at 39°C. All populations exhibited logarithmic linear declines in viability that were related to the growth rate. Cells grown at D = 0.05, 0.20, and 0.50 lost about 50% viability after 8.1, 4.6, and 3.6 h, respectively. The linear rates of decline in total cell numbers were dramatically less and constant regardless of dilution rate. All major cell constituents declined during starvation, with the rates of decline being greatest with RNA, followed by DNA, carbohydrate, cell dry weight, and protein. The rates of RNA loss increased with cells grown at higher D values, whereas the opposite was observed for rates of carbohydrate losses. The majority of the degraded RNA was not catabolized but was excreted into the suspending buffer. At all D values, S. ruminantium produced mainly lactate and lesser amounts of acetate, propionate, and succinate during growth. With starvation, only small amounts of acetate were produced. Addition of glucose, vitamins, or both to the suspending buffer or starvation in the spent culture medium resulted in greater losses of viability than in buffer alone. Examination of extracts made from starving cells indicated that fructose diphosphate aldolase and lactate dehydrogenase activities remained relatively constant. Both urease and glutamate dehydrogenase activities declined gradually during starvation, whereas glutamine synthetase activity increased slightly. The data indicate that nitrogen (ammonia)-limited S. ruminantium cells have limited survival capacity, but this capacity is greater than that found previously with energy (glucose)-limited cells. Apparently no one cellular constituent serves as a catabolic substrate for endogenous metabolism. Relative to losses in viability, cellular enzymes are stable, indicating that nonviable cells maintain potential metabolic activity and that generalized, nonspecific enzyme degradation is not a major factor contributing to viability loss.  相似文献   
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