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The high-affinity uptake system of phosphatelimited cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans [Synechococcus leopoliensis (Raciborski) Komarek] is characterized by a threshold value below which uptake cannot occur. Here it is shown that, if phosphate-limited cyanobacteria are challenged with a short pulse of high phosphate concentration that appreciably exceeds this threshold value, the uptake system undergoes an adaptive response, leading to the attainment of new kinetic properties and a new threshold value. These new properties are maintained for several hours after the pulse. A notable characteristic of this new state is a wide linear dependence of the uptake rate on the external phosphate potential that is a function of the driving force of the uptake process. According to theoretical arguments it is shown that this “linear operation mode” can be explained by the simultaneous operation of several uptake systems with different, staggered threshold values and kinetic properties. Moreover, the new linear uptake properties, in turn, reflect the prehistory of phosphate supply experienced by the population. The consequences of this result with regard to environmental fluctuations of the phosphate concentration in lakes are discussed.  相似文献   
Stimulation of the Alternative Pathway by Succinate and Malate   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Stimulation of the cyanide-resistant oxidation of exogenous NADH in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Bintje) tuber callus mitochondria was obtained with succinate, malate, and pyruvate. Half-maximal stimulation was observed at a succinate or malate concentration of 3 to 4 mM, which is considerably higher than that found for pyruvate (0.128 mM). No effect of succinate or malate addition was found when duroquinone was the electron acceptor. Duroquinol oxidation via the alternative pathway was poor and not stimulated by organic acids. Under stimulating conditions, no swelling or contraction of the mitochondria could be observed. Conversely, variation of the osmolarity did not affect the extent of stimulation. However, the assay temperature had a significant effect: no stimulation occurred at temperatures below 16 to 20[deg]C. Membrane fluidity measurements showed a phase transition at about 17[deg]C. Ubiquinone reduction levels were not significantly higher in the presence of succinate and malate, but the kinetics of the alternative oxidase were changed in a way comparable to that found for stimulation by pyruvate. At low temperatures the alternative oxidase displayed "activated" kinetics, and a role for membrane fluidity in the stimulation of the alternative pathway by carboxylic acids is suggested.  相似文献   
The blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans Drouet (Synechococcus leopoliensis Raciborski) cultivated under phosphate-limited conditions adopts a threshold value in the nanomolar range below which uptake ceases. In this study, we investigated the influence of phosphate pulses on the regulation of uptake behavior during reestablishment of the threshold value. Short-term pulses had only a slight effect on uptake kinetics and, hence, on the threshold value, even if the population had been exposed several times to elevated concentrations above the steady-state level in the growth medium. The threshold value was also practically insensitive to the amount of phosphate stored during these short-term fluctuations. Long-term phosphate pulses resulted in a transition to a metastable state that was characterized by a severalfold higher threshold value. This transition, apparently an adaptation to the transiently elevated phosphate concentrations, was further studied by following the influx of 32P-phosphate at constant external concentrations and was shown to be complete after a period of 10–20 min. After adaptation to pulses, the uptake behavior followed a linear flow-force relation over a wide range of external concentrations. This behavior was explained by the simultaneous operation of at least two uptake systems with different, but coordinated kinetic parameters. This linear flow-force relation facilitated a direct determination of the threshold value from uptake measurements. For applicability in the field the force-flow relation can be a diagnostic tool to assay for fluctuating phosphate and to establish threshold values below the normal measurable range .  相似文献   
We used the fluorescent labelled dopamine D1-receptor antagonist Bodipy-SCH 23390 for the cellular localization of D1-ligand binding sites in the retinae of different vertebrates (teleosts, Xenopus, turtle, rat and rabbit). Competition experiments with unfixed cryosections of fish retina were performed to characterize the binding conditions of Bodipy-labelled SCH 23390. Tissue bound [3H]SCH 23390 was displaceable with increased amounts of bodipy-SCH 23390. The pharmacological specificity of the D1 fluorescent antagonist was determined by competition experiments with an excess of unlabelled SCH 23390. This treatment significantly reduced the level of fluorescence of the retina confirming the specificity of the binding. We observed a homogeneously distributed fluorescence signal in both plexiform layers in unfixed cryosections of fish, frog, turtle, rat and rabbit. Similar staining intensities of both plexiform layers were found in frog, turtle, rat and rabbit retina. In teleosts, the label of the outer plexiform layer was markedly more intense. Non-specific label was associated with photoreceptor outer and inner segments. The specific labelling of both plexiform layers indicates a mismatch of dopamine releasing and D1-binding sites, and suggests a possible extrasynaptic localization of the D1-receptor. The physiological significance of the observed distribution of D1-ligand binding sites is discussed with respect to the role of dopamine in controlling adaptational processes in the retina.  相似文献   
Aromatase, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estradiol, is found in the rat brain and is present in regions of the preoptic area, hypothalamus, and limbic system. Gonadal steroid hormones regulate aromatase activity levels in many brain regions, but not all. Using in situ hybridization, we examined the distribution of aromatase mRNA in the adult male forebrain, as well as the levels of aromatase mRNA in the brains of males and females, and the regulation by gonadal steroid hormones. In the adult male, many heavily labelled cells were found in the encapsulated bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), the ventro-medial nucleus (VMN), the medial amygdala (mAMY) and the cortical amygdala (CoAMY). The regional distribution of aromatase mRNA was similar in males and females, but males tended to have a greater number of aromatase mRNA-expressing cells in each region compared to females. Aromatase mRNA levels in the BNST, MPN, VMN and mAMY tended to be lower in castrated males than in intact males, whereas aromatase mRNA levels were unaltered by castration in the CoAMY. Further analysis of individual cells expressing aromatase mRNA suggests that aromatase mRNA may be regulated by steroid hormones differentially in specific populations of cells in regions where enzyme activity levels are steroid-hormone-dependent.  相似文献   
Hanger, Christopher C., Robert G. Presson, Jr., Osamu Okada,Steven J. Janke, John J. Watkins, Wiltz W. Wagner, Jr., and Ronald L. Capen. Computer determination of perfusion patterns in pulmonarycapillary networks. J. Appl. Physiol.82(4): 1283-1289, 1997.Individual pulmonary capillaries are notsteadily perfused. By using in vivo microscopy, it can readily bedemonstrated that perfusion continually switches between capillarysegments and between portions of the network within a single alveolarwall. These changes in capillary perfusion occur even when upstream pressure and flow are constant. Flow switching between capillary segments in the absence of hemodynamic changes in large upstream vessels suggests that capillary perfusion patterns could be random. Tocalculate the probability that perfusion patterns could occur bychance, it is necessary to know the total number of possible perfusionpatterns in a given capillary network. We developed a computer programthat can determine every possible perfusion pattern for any givencapillary network, and from that information we can calculate whetherperfusion of individual segments in the network is random. With theresults of the computer program, we have obtained statistical evidencethat some capillary segments in a network are nonrandomly perfused.

Capillary recruitment and transit time in the rat lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Presson, Robert G., Jr., Thomas M. Todoran, Bracken J. DeWitt, Ivan F. McMurtry, and Wiltz W. Wagner, Jr.Capillary recruitment and transit time in the rat lung.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 543-549, 1997.Increasing pulmonary blood flow and the associated rise incapillary perfusion pressure cause capillary recruitment. The resultingincrease in capillary volume limits the decrease in capillary transittime. We hypothesize that small species with relatively high restingmetabolic rates are more likely to utilize a larger fraction ofgas-exchange reserve at rest. Without reserve, we anticipate thatcapillary transit time will decrease rapidly as pulmonary blood flowrises. To test this hypothesis, we measured capillary recruitment andtransit time in isolated rat lungs. As flow increased, transit timedecreased, and capillaries were recruited. The decrease in transit timewas limited by an increase in the homogeneity of the transit time distribution and an increased capillary volume due, in part, to recruitment. The recruitable capillaries, however, were nearly completely perfused at flow rates and pressures that were less thanbasal for the intact animal. This suggests that a limited reserve ofrecruitable capillaries in the lungs of species with high restingmetabolic rates may contribute to their inability to raiseO2 consumption manyfold abovebasal values.

The structure of the potassium channel blocker agitoxin 2 was solved by solution NMR methods. The structure consists of a triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and a single helix covering one face of the beta-sheet. The cysteine side chains connecting the beta-sheet and the helix form the core of the molecule. One edge of the beta-sheet and the adjacent face of the helix form the interface with the Shaker K+ channel. The fold of agitoxin is homologous to the previously determined folds of scorpion venom toxins. However, agitoxin 2 differs significantly from the other channel blockers in the specificity of its interactions. This study was thus focused on a precise characterization of the surface residues at the face of the protein interacting with the Shaker K+ channel. The rigid toxin molecule can be used to estimate dimensions of the potassium channel. Surface-exposed residues, Arg24, Lys27, and Arg31 of the beta-sheet, have been identified from mutagenesis studies as functionally important for blocking the Shaker K+ channel. The sequential and spatial locations of Arg24 and Arg31 are not conserved among the homologous toxins. Knowledge on the details of the channel-binding sites of agitoxin 2 formed a basis for site-directed mutagenesis studies of the toxin and the K+ channel sequences. Observed interactions between mutated toxin and channel are being used to elucidate the channel structure and mechanisms of channel-toxin interactions.  相似文献   
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