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Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) is a genus of flowering plants with over 800 species distributed throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. On the Hawaiian Islands, 60 named species and over 89 putative hybrids exist, most of which are identified on the basis of morphology. Despite many previous studies on the Hawaiian Cyrtandra lineage, questions regarding the reconciliation of morphology and genetics remain, many of which can be attributed to the relatively young age and evidence of hybridization between species. We utilized targeted enrichment, high‐throughput sequencing, and modern phylogenomics tools to test 31 Hawaiian Cyrtandra samples (22 species, two putative hybrids, four species with two samples each, one species with four samples) and two outgroups for species relationships and hybridization in the presence of incomplete lineage sorting (ILS). Both concatenated and species‐tree methods were used to reconstruct species relationships, and network analyses were conducted to test for hybridization. We expected to see high levels of ILS and putative hybrids intermediate to their parent species. Phylogenies reconstructed from the concatenated and species‐tree methods were highly incongruent, most likely due to high levels of incomplete lineage sorting. Network analyses inferred gene flow within this lineage, but not always between taxa that we expected. Multiple hybridizations were inferred, but many were on deeper branches of the island lineages suggesting a long history of hybridization. We demonstrated the utility of high‐throughput sequencing and a phylogenomic approach using 569 loci to understanding species relationships and gene flow in the presence of ILS.  相似文献   
Microarray technology was utilized to isolate disease-specific changes in gene expression by sampling across inferior parietal lobes of patients suffering from late onset AD or non-AD-associated dementia and non-demented controls. Primary focus was placed on understanding how inflammation plays a role in AD pathogenesis. Gene ontology analysis revealed that the most differentially expressed genes related to nervous system development and function and neurological disease followed by genes involved in inflammation and immunological signaling. Pathway analysis also implicated a role for chemokines and their receptors, specifically CXCR4 and CCR3, in AD. Immunohistological analysis revealed that these chemokine receptors are upregulated in AD patients. Western analysis demonstrated an increased activation of PKC, a downstream mediator of chemokine receptor signaling, in the majority of AD patients. A very specific cohort of genes related to amyloid beta accumulation and clearance were found to be significantly altered in AD. The most significantly downregulated gene in this data set was the endothelin converting enzyme 2 (ECE2), implicated in amyloid beta clearance. These data were subsequently confirmed by real-time PCR and Western blot analysis. Together, these findings open up new avenues of investigation and possible therapeutic strategies targeting inflammation and amyloid clearance in AD patients.  相似文献   
A number of bacteria in the family Enterobacteriaceae harbor the genes comprising well-developed pectinolytic pathways (e.g. Erwinia sp.) or abridged versions of this pathway (e.g. Yersinia sp.). One of the most enigmatic components present in some of these pathways is a small gene that encodes a predicted secreted protein of approximately 160 amino acid residues with unknown function. This protein shows distant amino acid sequence similarity over its entire length to galactose-specific family 32 carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs). Here we demonstrate the ability of the Yersinia enterocolitica example, here called YeCBM32, to bind polygalacturonic acid containing components of pectin. This binding is selective for highly polymerized galacturonic acid and shows a complex mode of polysaccharide recognition. The high resolution X-ray crystal structure (1.35 A) shows YeCBM32s overall structural similarity to galactose specific CBMs and conserved binding site location but reveals a substantially different binding site topology, which likely reflects its unique polymeric and acidic ligand. The results suggest the possibility of a unique role for YeCBM32 in polygalacturonic acid transport.  相似文献   
Numerous analogues of insulin have been prepared over the past three decades for use in diabetic therapy. However, only two long-acting insulins have been approved for clinical use. One is Levemir (Novo Nordisk) and the other is Lantus (Sanofi-Aventis). Glargine (commercial name: Lantus) is characterized by a substitution of Gly in place of Asn at the C terminus of the A-chain and addition of two Arg residues to the C terminus of the B-chain. Despite the clinical advantages of glargine, it is not without concern that its increased affinity for the IGF-1 receptor may correlate with increased mitogenic activity. Recently, a systematic study of modified analogues of glargine showed that placement of an extra Arg residue at the N terminus of the A-chain conferred improved insulin:IGF-1 receptor selectivity without significant loss of pharmacological profile. However, as it is difficult to prepare such an analogue in high yield by recombinant DNA methods, we undertook its chemical assembly by our refined solid phase synthesis method. We describe herein its chemical preparation and biological activity in both insulin receptor binding assays and DNA synthesis assays. The synthetic analogue, A0:R glargine, showed slightly reduced affinity for IR-B (twofold) compared to native insulin. In stimulating DNA synthesis, A0:R glargine was slightly less potent compared to insulin or glargine. This result ultimately confirms the previous report that A0:R glargine has a lower potency in mitogenic assays compared to glargine. This glargine analogue thus could be a potential lead compound for drug design and development for the treatment of diabetes.  相似文献   
The selenoenzyme thioredoxin reductase regulates redox-sensitive proteins involved in inflammation and carcinogenesis, including ribonucleotide reductase, p53, NFkappaB, and others. Little is known about endogenous cellular factors that modulate thioredoxin reductase activity. Here we report that several metabolites of 15-lipoxygenase-1 inhibit purified thioredoxin reductase in vitro. 15(S)-Hydroperoxy-5,8,11-cis-13-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid, a metastable hydroperoxide generated by 15-lipoxygenase-1, and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, its non-enzymatic rearrangement product inhibit thioredoxin reductase with IC(50) = 13 +/- 1.5 microm and 1 +/- 0.2 microm, respectively. Endogenously generated metabolites of 15-lipoxygenase-1 also inhibit thioredoxin reductase in HEK-293 cells that harbor a 15-LOX-1 gene under the control of an inducible promoter complex. Conditional, highly selective induction of 15-lipoxygenase-1 caused an inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase activity, cell cycle arrest in G(1), impairment of anchorage-independent growth, and accumulation of the pro-apoptotic protein BAX. All of these responses are consistent with inhibition of thioredoxin reductase via 15-lipoxygenase-1 overexpression. In contrast, metabolites of 5-lipoxygenase were poor inhibitors of isolated thioredoxin reductase, and the overexpression of 5-lipoxygenase did not inhibit thioredoxin reductase or cause a G cell cycle arrest. The influences of 15-lipoxygenase-1 on (1)inflammation, cell growth, and survival may be attributable, in part, to inhibition of thioredoxin reductase and several redox-sensitive processes subordinate to thioredoxin reductase.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P450 (P450) 2A6 activates nitrosamines, including N,N-dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) and N,N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN), to alkyl diazohydroxides (which are DNA-alkylating agents) and also aldehydes (HCHO from DMN and CH3CHO from DEN). The N-dealkylation of DMN had a high intrinsic kinetic deuterium isotope effect (Dkapp ∼ 10), which was highly expressed in a variety of competitive and non-competitive experiments. The Dkapp for DEN was ∼3 and not expressed in non-competitive experiments. DMN and DEN were also oxidized to HCO2H and CH3CO2H, respectively. In neither case was a lag observed, which was unexpected considering the kcat and Km parameters measured for oxidation of DMN and DEN to the aldehydes and for oxidation of the aldehydes to the carboxylic acids. Spectral analysis did not indicate strong affinity of the aldehydes for P450 2A6, but pulse-chase experiments showed only limited exchange with added (unlabeled) aldehydes in the oxidations of DMN and DEN to carboxylic acids. Substoichiometric kinetic bursts were observed in the pre-steady-state oxidations of DMN and DEN to aldehydes. A minimal kinetic model was developed that was consistent with all of the observed phenomena and involves a conformational change of P450 2A6 following substrate binding, equilibrium of the P450-substrate complex with a non-productive form, and oxidation of the aldehydes to carboxylic acids in a process that avoids relaxation of the conformation following the first oxidation (i.e. of DMN or DEN to an aldehyde).  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA (1075 bp: cytochrome b, 300 bp; 12S rRNA, 393 bp; and 16S rRNA, 382 bp) corroborates the monophyly of the genus Macroprotodon and of the species M. mauritanicus, M. abubakeri, and M. brevis. The subspecies M. brevis ibericus is also monophyletic. The mtDNA tree presented here indicates that M. cucullatus consists of at least two separate units and may possibly represent a primitive morphology rather than a species in its own right. However, this hypothesis is tentative since it is only reflects the history of a single evolutionary unit (mtDNA). A definitive understanding of the evolution of M. cucullatus will not be possible until informative nuclear markers are added to the mitochondrial data. Macroprotodon appears to have originated in the Maghreb region of NW Africa and speciated there around 4-5.5 million years ago around the end of the Miocene period, after which its three main lineages may each have expanded north into more mesic conditions. The group also spread eastwards into coastal areas of Libya quite recently and on to Egypt and Israel. Later still, M. b. ibericus from extreme north Morocco reached the Iberian Peninsula, and M. mauritanicus from Tunisia or Algeria colonised the Balearic Islands of Menorca and Mallorca. Both these range extensions may result from very recent natural colonisations or even from accidental human introduction. Recency of origin of Iberian and Balearic populations is indicated by uniformity of their mtDNA even across large distances, and its great similarity to that of populations in source regions. Isolated populations assigned to M. cucullatus in the Hoggar mountains (southern Algeria) and Western Sahara are probably relicts from quite recent periods of climatic amelioration in the North African desert.  相似文献   
In the southwestern United States (US), the Rio Grande chub (Gila pandora) is state-listed as a fish species of greatest conservation need and federally listed as sensitive due to habitat alterations and competition with non-native fishes. Characterizing genetic diversity, genetic population structure, and effective number of breeders will assist with conservation efforts by providing a baseline of genetic metrics. Genetic relatedness within and among G. pandora populations throughout New Mexico was characterized using 11 microsatellite loci among 15 populations in three drainage basins (Rio Grande, Pecos, Canadian). Observed heterozygosity (HO) ranged from 0.71–0.87 and was similar to expected heterozygosity (0.75–0.87). Rio Ojo Caliente (Rio Grande) had the highest allelic richness (AR = 15.09), while Upper Rio Bonito (Pecos) had the lowest allelic richness (AR = 6.75). Genetic differentiation existed among all populations with the lowest genetic variation occurring within the Pecos drainage. STRUCTURE analysis revealed seven genetic clusters. Populations of G. pandora within the upper Rio Grande drainage (Rio Ojo Caliente, Rio Vallecitos, Rio Pueblo de Taos) had high levels of admixture with Q-values ranging from 0.30–0.50. In contrast, populations within the Pecos drainage (Pecos River and Upper Rio Bonito) had low levels of admixture (Q = 0.94 and 0.87, respectively). Estimates of effective number of breeders (N b ) varied from 6.1 (Pecos: Upper Rio Bonito) to 109.7 (Rio Grande: Rio Peñasco) indicating that populations in the Pecos drainage are at risk of extirpation. In the event that management actions are deemed necessary to preserve or increase genetic diversity of G. pandora, consideration must be given as to which populations are selected for translocation.  相似文献   
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