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Mycotoxin Producing Potential of Fungi Associated with Dry Shrimps   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Among 114 fungi isolated from 20 dry shrimp samples, 27 isolates were capable of producing mycotoxins. Aspergillus and Penicillium were-the-predominant fungi. Two of 3 Aspergillus flavus could produce aflatoxin B1 and G1 on yeast extract sucrose medium and on surface sterilized dry shrimps. For other toxigenic species, toxicity was found mostly in the chloroform extracts of cultures. Visibly mouldy dry shrimps had significantly higher moisture content than the non-mouldy ones. Most of the fungi were isolated from mouldy samples.  相似文献   
目的:旨在探索Ⅰ型日本乙型脑炎病毒传代致弱后基因组突变NS2A-C60A对乙脑病毒生物学特性的影响。方法:首先通过对传代致弱及原始乙脑毒株基因组序列进行测序比对、结构预测分析并利用Western blotting(WB)确定了目标研究位点NS2A-C60A;然后使用反向遗传定点突变技术构建拯救了包含NS2A-C60A单点突变的病毒株;最后利用噬斑形态观察、生长曲线、双萤光素酶分析,WB以及炎性因子检测和动物实验研究了该单点突变对于乙脑病毒生物学特性的影响。结果:首次研究发现Ⅰ型乙脑病毒传代致弱会导致NS1'蛋白表达的显著下降以及可能的相关位点NS2A-C60A,并成功拯救获得了NS2A-C60A单点突变毒株rJEV-C60A,研究发现NS2A-C60A突变对乙脑病毒的生长特性及噬斑形成没有显著影响,但是能够显著降低乙脑病毒NS1'蛋白的表达,并且该位点突变能够轻微阻碍乙脑病毒对细胞炎性因子表达的抑制,动物实验结果显示NS2A-C60A点突变病毒与原毒株具有相似的神经毒力,说明该位点突变不是影响乙脑病毒毒力致弱的关键位点。结论:新发现的NS2A-C60A位点突变能够显著减少乙脑病毒NS1'蛋白的表达,但是对其增殖、诱导炎症及神经毒力等生物学特性没有显著影响。  相似文献   
吴世君 《昆虫学报》1983,(4):428-430
在皖南山区调查竹类蚧虫,发现竹链蚧属一新种,现描述如下。模式标本保存于安徽省马鞍山市科委业务科。 竹秆红链蚧Bambusaspia rutilan新种 雌成虫 虫体近卵形,深红或紫红色;长约0.8毫米,宽0.45毫米。缘8字腺一列,后  相似文献   
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and white clover (Trifoliumrepens L.) were examined for Se assimilation and nutrient elementuptake. Substantial Se tolerance difference was found betweenthe two species. An inverse relationship between Se accumulationand Se tolerance suggests an exclusion mechanism that restrictsSe uptake by the plant with greater Se tolerance. A positiverelationship between the increase of protein Se concentrationand growth inhibition in the plants suggests that assimilationof Se into proteins is responsible for the Se toxic effect andthis study indicates that the antagonistic effect of sulphateis responsible for reducing Se toxicity at the protein level.No evidence that a Se exclusion mechanism which excludes Sefrom incorporating into protein, such as that found in Astragalusspecies, plays any major role of Se tolerance in these two species. Under Se treatment, plant tissue Ca concentration was increased,but P concentration was decreased. A higher Fe concentrationwas found in white clover which increased with increasing tissueSe concentration. Copper, Mn, and Zn concentrations only increasedin the white clover under conditions of severe growth inhibition. Key words: Tall fescue, white clover, selenium assimilation, selenium exclusion, tolerance, nutrient uptake  相似文献   
本文通过细胞核染色和遗传分析的方法证明了粉拟青霉的异核性。在遗传分析中采用酶解菌丝细胞壁及原生质体再生的方法,得到了组分同核体;同核体又配接重新形成了与原菌株性状相似的异核体。细胞核染色显示粉拟青霉分生孢子为单细胞多核,结合其它现象,证明了在其生活史中异核性是稳定的。表明该菌田间分离株是永久性异核体。这一现象与已报道的分生孢子为单核的虫生真菌异核现象不同,了解这一现象及其实质对认识该菌生理、菌种改良以及提高野外防治害虫的效果有重要意义。  相似文献   
樟叶蜂的生物学和防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樟叶蜂是樟树幼苗的主要害虫之一。田间世代重叠。在广州,室内饲养年1—7代,以老熟幼虫于土中茧内越冬。卵单个地散产于嫩叶组织内,幼虫取食嫩叶,对樟树幼苗造成严重损害。幼虫老熟时下地入土结茧。两性或孤雌生殖。幼虫四龄。预蛹期常滞育。 室内试验表明:对2—3龄幼虫喷射90%敌百虫晶体100,000倍或200,000倍液;80%敌敌畏乳剂100,000倍液:40%乐果乳剂30,000倍液;50%杀螟松乳剂10,000或20,000倍液:50%马拉松乳剂10,000或20,000倍液;80%易卫杀可溶性粉5,00或10,000倍液;25%可湿性西维因2,000或4,000倍液;20%除虫菊脂乳剂2,000或4,000倍液;以及27.5%杀虫双乳剂10,000或20,000倍液或25%杀虫净乳剂2,000或4,000倍液(加洗衣粉0.025%)均有良好效果。  相似文献   
继新蚤属三新种记述及对属征的进一步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
继新蚤属(Genoncopsylla Wu,Liu,1966)是根据我国西藏所采得的长鬃继新蚤(C.longise-gosa Wu,Wu & Liu,1966)于1966年建立的一个新属。1968年 Traub报告了在邻国尼泊尔采到的另一种——三角继新蚤“(Evansipsylla thysanota Traub,1968)”,当时因为他漏看了长鬃继新蚤的文章而根据三角继新蚤建立了Evansipsylla属。后来Traub(1972)及Lewis(1974)相继都把Evansipsylla作为继新蚤属的同属异名,同时Lewis还疑惑三角继新蚤就是长鬃继新蚤。Brelih(1975)又根据在尼泊  相似文献   
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