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We describe polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers and conditions to amplify eight dinucleotide, one trinucleotide and 14 tetranucleotide microsatellite DNA loci isolated from the northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). The PCR primers were tested on 16 individuals collected from a population located within the Red Hills region of south Georgia and north Florida. The 23 primer pairs developed in this study yielded an average of 6.5 alleles per locus (range 2–11), an average observed heterozygosity of 0.47 (range 0.06–0.94) and average polymorphic information content of 0.60 (range 0.06–0.85).  相似文献   
Brown frogs of the complex Rana macrocnemis demonstrate various degrees of differentiation between the two widespread forms, macrocnemis and camerani , in different parts of Anatolia, the Caucasus Isthmus and northern Iran. In order to reveal whether or not the forms represent monophyletic evolutionary lineages, we analysed the geographic distribution of characters of external morphology, alleles at three polymorphic allozyme loci and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes. All three character sets showed a highly congruent pattern in a limited area of humid forests in the south-west Caucasus. Frogs from this area (form macrocnemis) represent a monophyletic lineage which forms a narrow hybrid zone with populations of camerani inhabiting the southern Caucasus and north-east Turkey. However, in other parts of the group's range, hybridization between the two lineages resulted in the merger of forms and the formation of a clinal pattern of variations. The role of landscape-dependent diversifying selection in the evolution of the group is discussed. Conceptual difficulties in delimiting the borders of subspecies are pointed out.  相似文献   
We surveyed nucleotide diversity at two candidate genes LeNCED1 and pLC30‐15, involved in an ABA (abscisic acid) signalling pathway, in two closely related tomato species Solanum peruvianum and Solanum chilense. Our six population samples (three for each species) cover a range of mesic to very dry habitats. The ABA pathway plays an important role in the plants’ response to drought stress. LeNCED1 is an upstream gene involved in ABA biosynthesis, and pLC30‐15 is a dehydrin gene positioned downstream in the pathway. The two genes show very different patterns of nucleotide variation. LeNCED1 exhibits very low nucleotide diversity relative to the eight neutral reference loci that were previously surveyed in these populations. This suggests that strong purifying selection has been acting on this gene. In contrast, pLC30‐15 exhibits higher levels of nucleotide diversity and, in particular in S. chilense, higher genetic differentiation between populations than the reference loci, which is indicative of local adaptation. In the more drought‐tolerant species S. chilense, one population (from Quicacha) shows a significant haplotype structure, which appears to be the result of positive (diversifying) selection.  相似文献   
The importance of genotype-specific selection between host and symbiont, founder effect, and clonal reproduction in Rhizobia leguminosarum biovar trifolii populations is relatively unknown. A field experiment was conducted to sample 1268 isolates of R. l. bv. trifolii from four genotypically distinct Trifolium pratense plants for allozyme variation at nine loci. Genetic and genotypic variation, population genetic substructure, and linkage disequilibrium were estimated. Of the 1268 isolates 188 genotypically distinct strains (electrophoretic types or ETs) were identified with an average of 11.04 different ETs per plant. Total genetic diversity in the plot was 0.346 and most of the variation was found within plants (= 80%). Our data suggests that genotype-specific selection between the rhizobia and the four host-plant genotypes tested does not influence local population structure, but evidence of founder effect was present. Significant linkage disequilibrium was observed and is most likely due to the clonal reproduction of R. l. bv. trifolii.  相似文献   

Key factors governing polar ocean ecosystems are low temperatures and a pronounced seasonal variability of ice cover, light regime and primary production. Depending on their ecological niche and trophic position, zooplankton species at high latitudes have developed a variety of reproductive strategies and energetic adaptations to cope with these extreme environmental conditions. Life-cycle strategies of the herbivorous copepods and euphausiids, which make up the major portion of polar zooplankton biomass, include seasonal vertical migration, dormancy (diapause, quiescence) and the accumulation of energy reserves. These lipid stores help to buffer the pulsed seasonal food supply, and they play an important role in fueling reproduction independent of phytoplankton. Only a smaller fraction of the lipid reserves accumulated during spring and summer are usually catabolized for metabolic maintenance during the food-limited dark season. These deposits are retained until the end of winter and allow early egg production and spawning prior to—or coinciding with—the onset of vernal primary production. It enables the new generation to make full use of the short productive season for growth and development to reach viable overwintering stages. The Antarctic krill Euphausia superba is an exception since it uses its depot lipids for metabolic maintenance during the dark season. It therefore relies on external resources (Primary production) for reproductive processes, resulting in a later spawning period as compared to the other euphausiids. Another important component of the herbivorous Antarctic zooplankton, the salps, have developed a very different reproductive strategy. They are able to switch from sexual reproduction to asexual budding (metagenesis), which allows extreme multiplication rates under favourable feeding conditions. Due to these successful adaptations, herbivores are able to build up huge stocks, in spite of the short productive period. Omnivorous and carnivorous zooplankton species, e.g., amphipods or chaetognaths, are not much constrained by the seasonality problem, but experience a more constant food supply. They show a tendency towards K strategies with a prolonged reproductive period, reduced egg numbers and increasing parental care. However, they do not exhibit such typical “polar adaptations” as developed by the herbivorous species.  相似文献   
  • 1 Females of the aphid hyperparasitoid Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis) search successfully for hosts during both day and night. Oviposition numbers per host patch did not differ significantly between day and night.
  • 2 D.carpenteri females also displayed a nocturnal flight activity, showing that they are not only capable of searching on a given host plant but also of dispersing between host plants.
  • 3 Nocturnal oviposition activity was mainly influenced by egg load. Females with a high egg load laid more eggs at night than females with a comparatively low egg load. Thus, D.carpenteri females may use nocturnal foraging to compensate for the lack of oviposition opportunities during day.
  • 4 D.carpenteri females which foraged continuously for hosts both day and night (= for 24 h per day) benefitted from an 1.4-fold increase in lifetime reproductive success when compared to females which foraged only by day (= for 16 h per day).
  • 5 The benefit of night foraging for this species is a significantly increased reproductive success.
Abstract. Vibrational alarm communication was studied in the New World, damp-wood termite Zootermopsis nevadensis (Isoptera: Termopsidae). Workers and soldiers react to disturbance such as sudden bright light or air currents by drumming their heads against the substratum. This drumming has been described as alarm signalling; its functional significance and perception by the nest mates, however, remained unclear. In the present study we analysed spectral and temporal properties and absolute amplitudes of the vibrational signals and used behavioural responses of the termites to determine the thresholds of the sense of vibration and to find out if and how the termites discriminate the conspecific alarm signals from the background noise.
The drumming signals are trains of pulses of vibrations of the substratum with a pulse repetition rate of about 20 Hz. The carrier frequency depends on the substratum; in the nests studied it was in the range 1–3 kHz. The highest vibrational amplitudes measured close to the signal emitters are usually about 10m/s2 (acceleration, RMS). The threshold of the behavioural response is about 1m/s2 over a wide range of frequencies (10 Hz to 5 kHz), indicating that the termites can detect these signals as vibrations of the substratum. The animals respond preferentially to temporal patterns similar those of the natural signals; temporal rather than spectral cues seem to be used for signal discrimination.  相似文献   
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