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The meadow grasshopper, Chorthippus parallelus (Zetterstedt), is common and widespread in Central Europe, with a low dispersal range per generation. A population study in Central Germany (Frankenwald and Thüringer Schiefergebirge) showed strong interpopulation differences in abundance and individual fitness. We examined genetic variability using microsatellite markers within and between 22 populations in a short‐ to long‐distance sampling (19 populations, Frankenwald, Schiefergebirge, as well as a southern transect), and in the Erzgebirge region (three populations), with the latter aiming to check for effects as a result of historical forest cover. Of the 671 C. parallelus captured, none was macropterous (functionally winged). All populations showed a high level of expected and observed heterozygosity (mean 0.80–0.90 and 0.60–0.75, respectively), whereas there was evidence of inbreeding (FIS values all positive). Allelic richness for all locus–population combinations was high (mean 9.3–11.2), whereas alleles per locus ranged from 15–62. At a local level, genic and genotypic differences were significant. Pairwise FST values were in the range 0.00–0.04, indicating little interpopulation genetic differentiation. Similarly, the calculated gene flow was very high, based on the respective FST (19.5) and using private alleles (7.7). A Neighbour‐joining tree using Nei's DA and principal coordinate analysis separated two populations that were collected in the Erzgebirge region. Populations from this region may have escaped the effects of the historical forest cover. The visualization of the spatial arrangement of genotypes revealed one geographical barrier to gene flow in the short‐distance sampling. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 875–890.  相似文献   
The norepinephrine transporter(NET) is a member of the Na^ /Cl^- dependent neurotransmitter transporter family and constitutes the target of several clinically important antidepressants.To delineate the critical amino acid residues and the function of C-terminal in regulating transport activity of NET,here we constructed two site mutants (V70F,F72V;V70I,F72V) and one C-terminal truncated mutant (Δ 611-617).The wild type and mutants of NET were expressed in Xenopus oocytes by injection of their cRNA.We found that all of these mutants lost their transport activity.These results indicate that the amino acid residues of V70 and F72,and the last seven amino acids of C-terminal are essential to the transport activity of NET.  相似文献   
Global change includes multiple stressors to natural ecosystems ranging from direct climate and land‐use impacts to indirect degradation processes resulting from fire. Humid tropical forests are vulnerable to projected climate change and possible synergistic interactions with deforestation and fire, which may initiate a positive feedback to rising atmospheric CO2. Here, we present results from a multifactorial impact analysis that combined an ensemble of climate change models with feedbacks from deforestation and accidental fires to quantify changes in Amazon Basin carbon cycling. Using the LPJmL Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, we modelled spatio‐temporal changes in net biome production (NBP); the difference between carbon fluxes from fire, deforestation, soil respiration and net primary production. By 2050, deforestation and fire (with no CO2 increase or climate change) resulted in carbon losses of 7.4–20.3 Pg C with the range of uncertainty depending on socio‐economic storyline. During the same time period, interactions between climate and land use either compensated for carbon losses due to wetter climate and CO2 fertilization or exacerbated carbon losses from drought‐induced forest mortality (?20.1 to +4.3 Pg C). By the end of the 21st century, depending on climate projection and the rate of deforestation (including its interaction with fire), carbon stocks either increased (+12.6 Pg C) or decreased (?40.6 Pg C). The synergistic effect of deforestation and fire with climate change contributed up to 26–36 Pg C of the overall decrease in carbon stocks. Agreement between climate projections (n=9), not accounting for deforestation and fire, in 2050 and 2098 was relatively low for the directional change in basin‐wide NBP (19–37%) and aboveground live biomass (13–24%). The largest uncertainty resulted from climate projections, followed by implementation of ecosystem dynamics and deforestation. Our analysis partitions the drivers of tropical ecosystem change and is relevant for guiding mitigation and adaptation policy related to global change.  相似文献   
Since 1991, a large-scale satellite tracking study of White Stork Ciconia ciconia has followed 75 individuals along the eastern migration route, which passes across Israel into eastern Africa. Twenty-six of these birds travelled at least as far as the Sudan. Fifteen (58%) did not migrate to the eastern Sudan — the primary winter quarters in Africa suggested by ring recoveries — but flew to western Sudan and Chad and in one case even through Cameroon and into Nigeria. The significance of this new, important staging region for White Storks should be investigated urgently to establish the areas that are ecologically valuable for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   
在许多激素、神经递质、药物和异生化合物的生物转化中,硫酸酯化反应是一重要的代谢途径[1,2].这些化合物的硫酸酯化通常导致其生物活性的降低及尿排泄量的增加.硫酸酯化是把3′-磷酸腺苷-5′磷酸硫酸(PAPS)的活性硫酸根转移到某一底物(如R-OH)....  相似文献   
Because heavy branchial infestations are thought to interfere with respiration, we examined the attachment of three stalked ciliates commonly found in the branchial chambers of Louisiana crawfish. Attachments by Cothurnia sp., Epistylis sp. and Acineta sp. differ in their fine structure. Stalks of the peritrichous ciliates. Cothurnia and Epistylis, contain striated tubules that differ in their arrangement, diameter, and in the periodicity of their striations. In both species the striated tubules branch within the basal disk and attach to a pad of adhesive material secreted by the organism during initial attachment to the gill surface. The stalk of the suctorian Acineta is composed of a striated honeycomb-like matrix. Within the basal disc the matrix is disorganized; however, striated elements anchor the stalk to a pad of adhesive material. Attachment sites also differ in the amount of secretory material deposited. Cothurnia forms a multi-layered, granular pad; Epistylis forms an indistinct, microfibrillar layer, and Acineta deposits a thick mucoid pad. None of the ciliates appear to damage the gill epicuticle nor is there an obvious host response. Harmful effects are probably limited to a decrease in respiratory surface area and disruption of normal water flow patterns. This may impair respiration sufficiently to increase the susceptibility of crawfish to low dissolved oxygen concentrations encountered periodically in commercial crawfish ponds.  相似文献   
Two new genera, Fulvoscirtes n.gen. and Acanthoscirtes n.gen. , are established within the subtribe Karniellina of Conocephalini. Fulvoscirtes is based on Xiphidion kilimandjaricum Sjöstedt, 1909 and Acanthoscirtes on Phlesirtes kevani Chopard from northern Kenya. The majority of Fulvoscirtes spp. are confined to open grasslands in the submontane zone of mountains. Fulvoscirtes contains eight species, seven of which are newly described in this paper. Three species and one subspecies occur on Mt Kilimanjaro. These are F. kilimandjaricum (Sjöstedt) constricted to the southern slopes, F. legumishera n.sp. confined to the northern side and F. sylvaticus n.sp. occurring on the western side of Kilimanjaro and on the eastern slopes of Mt Meru. Fulvoscirtes fulvus n.sp. is divided into two subspecies, F. fulvus fulvus n.ssp. found in the submontane zone of east Kilimanjaro and F. fulvus parensis n.ssp. in submontane to montane localities of the North and South Pare mountains. Fulvoscirtes fulvotaitensis n.sp. occurs in the Taita Hills of southern Kenya. Fulvoscirtes viridis n.sp. is described from savannah habitats between Mts Longido and Meru. Fulvoscirtes laticercus n.sp. is found in the Kenyan highlands, while the most southerly occurring species, Fulvoscirtes manyara n.sp. , is found on Mt Hanang and the Mbulu highlands of northwestern Tanzania. Acanthoscirtes contains three species, of which A. albostriatus n.sp. is described newly from savannah habitas of eastern Kilimanjaro. Information is given on the ecology and the acoustic behaviour of some of the species together with keys to the genera of the Karniellina and the species of Fulvoscirtes and Acanthoscirtes. The genera of Karniellina probably evolved at a time when grasslands spread in East Africa due to an increasing aridification of the climate. The earliest lineage, the genus Karniella, is adapted to more forested habitats while the majority of the genera of Karniellina prefer open grasslands. Major splits within Karniellina probably occurred with the emergence of savannah grasslands due to the ongoing fragmentation of forest habitats several millions years ago, but most species within the genera are geologically young, their radiation being boosted by climatic fluctuations of the past 1–2 Ma.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The morphology and morphogenesis of some oligotrichs were investigated using protargol impregnation, silver carbonate impregnation and scanning electron microscopy. The somatic kineties of Strobilidium caudatum form a spiral at the posterior pole. Strobilidiids without such a spiral are transferred to the genus Rimostrombidium. Fourteen new combinations and a nomen novum, Strobilidium kahli, are necessary, Meseres corlissi n. sp. is characterized by eight somatic kineties composed of long cilia which are not fused to “bristles” as they are in Halteria. Strombidium oblongum shows similar characteristics and is thus combined with Meseres. Strombidium rehwaldi n. sp. has an anterior and an equatorial girdle of extrusomes. The morphogenesis of Meseres and Halteria is very similar, i.e. the entire somatic ciliature and the oral primordium originate apokinetally on the cell surface; the parental somatic ciliature is resorbed. In strobilidiids and tintinnids, the oral anlagen develop in a subsurface pouch and the parental somatic kineties, which are not resorbed, elongate by intrakinetal proliferation of basal bodies. In strombidiids, the oral primordium develops in an intracellular sac or tube. These morphogenetic peculiarities and distinct morphologic characters (e.g. arrangement of adoral membranelles) were applied in constructing a phylogenetic system for oligotrichs using hypotrichs as outgroup. This shows that halteriids are more closely related to hypotrichs than they are to other oligotrichs. The Halteriidae are thus raised to ordinal and subclass ranks, Halteriida n. ord., Halteriia n. subcl.  相似文献   
1. Amazonian terrestrial invertebrates produce high population densities during favourable periods and may suffer a drastic decrease during occasional floods and droughts. However, the monomodal, predictable flood pulse of the larger Amazonian rivers favours the development of morphological (respiratory organs, wing‐dimorphism), phenological (synchronization of life cycles, univoltine mode of life), physiological (flooding ability, gonad dormancy, alternating number of developmental stages), and behavioural adaptations (migration, temporal diving) with numerous interactions. 2. In lowlands of Central Europe, the flood pulse of large rivers is less predictable than in Central Amazonia and is superimposed by the seasonal light/temperature pulse (summer/winter regime). Some terrestrial invertebrates show physiological resistance against inundation or drought, phenologies fitting the normal annual rhythm of water level fluctuation (quiescence or diapause of eggs or adult invertebrates), high dispersal ability and migration. However, most species survive simply using a `risk strategy', combining high reproduction rates, dispersal and reimmigration following catastrophic events. 3. The diversity of species in terrestrial invertebrates is lower in lowland riverine ecosystems of Central Amazonia and Central Europe compared with the respective uplands because of flood stress in these systems. However, floodplains in Central Amazonia possess a greater number of endemic species in comparison with Central European floodplains because of long periods of fairly stable climatic conditions in comparison with large palaeoclimatic changes in Central Europe.  相似文献   
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