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1. A collapse of Nile perch stocks of Lake Victoria could affect up to 30 million people. Furthermore, changes in Nile perch population size‐structure and stocks make the threat of collapse imminent. However, whether eutrophication or fishing will be the bane of Nile perch is still debated. 2. Here, we attempt to unravel how changes in food resources, a side effect of eutrophication, and fishing mortality determine fish population growth and size structures. We parameterised a physiologically structured model to Nile perch, analysed the influence of ontogenetic diet shifts and relative resource abundances on existence boundaries of Nile perch and described the populations on either side of these boundaries. 3. Our results showed that ignoring ontogenetic diet shifts can lead to over‐estimating the maximum sustainable mortality of a fish population. Size distributions can be indicators of processes driving population dynamics. However, the vulnerability of stocks to fishing mortality is dependent on its environment and is not always reflected in size distributions. 4. We suggest that the ecosystem, instead of populations, should be used to monitor long‐term effects of human impact.  相似文献   
The effects of leaf age and of shading on photosynthetic rateand on other leaf parameters of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)were studied using a portable gas exchange system. A rapid decreasein the rate of photosynthesis during leaf senescence was observed.This was accompanied by an increase in stomatal resistance,and as a result a fairly constant level of sub-stomatal CO2concentration was maintained at all leaf ages. The reductionin the photosynthetic rate in older leaves was therefore assumedto be essentially mesophyllic in origin, whereas the stomatalresponse was probably secondary. Canopy density significantly affected the rate of photosyntheticreduction with leaf age. Leaves maintained under high radiationintensities manifested a slower decline in their photosyntheticrate, especially in the early stages of their senescence, thanleaves kept under shade conditions. The latter leaves were foundto be more adapted to low radiation intensities, as indicatedby changes in their chlorophyll a:b ratio and specific leafweight Solanum tuberosum L, potato, photosynthetic rate, mesophyll, stomata, leaf age, radiation intensity, chlorophyll a:b ratio  相似文献   
Plants of Lupinus albus L., cv. Ultra, were grown hydroponicallywith NO3-nutrition for 51 d under control (0.05 mol m–3Na+ and 10 mol m–3 Cl) and saline (40 mol m–3NaCI) conditions. Plants were harvested 41 and 51 d after germinationand analysed for content and net increment of C, N and the mineralcations K+, Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ and the anions Cl, NOJ,malate, phosphate, and SO42–. Roots, stem interaodes,petioles and leaflets were analysed separately. During the studyperiod net photosynthesis, respiratory losses of CO2 from shootand root and the composition of the spontaneously bleeding phloemsap and the root pressure xylem exudate were also determined.Using molar ratios of C over N in the transport fluids, incrementsof C and N, and photosynthetic gains as well as respiratorylosses of C, the net flows of C and N in the xylem and phloemwere then calculated as in earlier studies (Pate, Layzell andMcNeill, 1979a). Knowing the carbon flows, the ratios of ionto carbon in the phloem sap, and ion increments in individualorgans, net flows of K+, Na+, and Cl over the study periodwere also calculated. Salt stress led to a general decrease of all partial componentsof C and N partitioning indicating that inhibitions were notdue to specific effects of NaCI salinity on photosynthesis oron NO3 uptake. However, there were differences between variouslyaged organs, and net phloem export of nitrogenous compoundsfrom ageing leaves was substantially enhanced under saline conditions.In addition, NO3reduction in the roots was specificallyinhibited. Uptake and xylem transport of K+ was more severelyinhibited than photosynthetic carbon gain or NO3 uptakeby the root. K+ transport in the phloem was even more severelyrestricted under saline conditions. Na+ and Cl flowsand uptake, on the other hand, were substantially increasedin the presence of salt and, in particular, there were thenmassive flows of Na in the phloem. The results are discussedin relation to the causes of salt sensitivity of Lupinus albus.The data suggest that both a restriction of K+ supply and astrongly increased phloem translocation of Na+ contribute tothe adverse effects of salt in this species. Restriction ofK+ supply occurs by diminished K+ uptake and even more by reducedK+ cycling within the plant. Key words: Lupinus albus, salt stress, phloem transport, xylem transport, partitioning, carbon, nitrogen, K+, Na+, CI  相似文献   
Using the compartmental analysis the unidirectional Na+ fluxesin cortical cells of barley roots, the cytoplasmic and vacuolarNa+ contents Qc and Qv, and the trans-root Na+ transport R'have been studied as a function of the external Na+ concentration.Using the re-elution technique the effect of low K+ concentrationson the plasmalemma efflux co of Na+ (K+-Na+ exchange) and onR' was investigated at different Na+ concentrations and correspondinglydifferent values of the cytoplasmic sodium content Qc. The relationof the K+-dependent Na+ efflux coK+-dep to Qc or to the cytoplasmicNa+ concentration obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. This isconsistent with a linkage of co, K+-dep to K+ influx by a K+-Na+exchange system. The apparent Km corresponded to a cytoplasmicNa+ concentration of 28 mM at 0·2 mM K+ and about 0·2mM Na+ in the external solution. 0·2 mM K+ stimulatedthe plasma-lemma efflux of Na+ and inhibited Na+ transport selectivelyeven in the presence of 10 mM Na+ in the external medium showingthe high efficiency of the K+-Na+ exchange system. However,co, K+-dep was inhibited at 10 mM Na1 compared to lower Na1concentrations suggesting some competition of Na1 with K1 atthe external site of the exchange system. The effect of theNa+ concentration on Na1 influx oc is discussed with respectto kinetic models of uuptake.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Teneral reserve components (soluble sugars, glycogen, lipids), as well as proteins, of laboratory-reared yellow dung flies ( Scathophaga stercoraria ) are shown to increase hypo-allometrically (slope < 1) with body size. This is also true for sugars and glycogen of field-caught reproductive flies, the lipid content of which however, increases hyper-allometrically (slope > 1), probably related to foraging or reproductive activity. The longevity, or starvation resistance, of adults subsisting exclusively on their teneral reserves equally increases with body size, and this positive relationship remains when flies have access to sugar, pollen or prey for 24 h after emergence. Energy use, by contrast, is generally not body size dependent, except for lipid (and possibly glycogen) utilization when flies were completely starved. All the results obtained are independent of sex after controlling for sexual size dimorphism. These net results clearly support the greater energy efficiency of larger flies (Kleiber's law), whereas only weak evidence is obtained in support of the contrasting hypothesis of greater absolute energy demands of larger individuals, possibly because such effects are likely masked by stronger size-dependent anabolic effects.  相似文献   
Overgrazing‐induced degradation of temperate semiarid steppes may affect the soil sink for atmospheric methane (CH4). However, previous studies have primarily focused on the growing season and on single grazing patterns. Thus, the response of annual CH4 uptake by steppes compared with various grazing practices is uncertain. In this study, we investigated the effects of grazing on the annual CH4 uptake by two typical Eurasian semiarid steppes (the Stipa grandis steppe and the Leymus chinensis steppe) located in Inner Mongolia, China. The CH4 fluxes were measured year‐round using static chambers and gas chromatography at 12 field sites that differed primarily in grazing intensities. Our results indicated that steppe soils were CH4 sinks throughout the year. The annual CH4 uptake correlated with stocking rates, whereas the seasonality of CH4 uptake was primarily dominated by temperature. The annual CH4 uptake at all sites averaged 3.7±0.7 kg C ha?1 yr?1 (range: 2.3–4.5), where approximately 35% (range: 23–40%) occurred during the nongrowing season. Light‐to‐moderate grazing (stocking rate≤1 sheep ha?1 yr?1) did not significantly change the annual CH4 uptake compared with ungrazed steppes, but heavy grazing reduced annual CH4 uptake significantly (by 24–31%, P<0.05). These findings imply that easing the pressure of heavily grazed steppes (e.g. moving to light or moderate stocking rates) would help restore steppe soil sinks for atmospheric CH4. The empirical equations based on the significant relationships between annual CH4 uptake and stocking rates, aboveground plant biomass and topsoil air permeability (P<0.01) could provide simple approaches for the estimation of regional CH4 uptake by temperate semiarid steppes.  相似文献   
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