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Zusammenfassung Die Ergebnisse wurden mit Bodenfallen in Getreidefeldern erarbeitet. Fenitrothion beeinflußte bei Flugzeugausbringung in normaler Dosierung (600 g/ha in 40 1 Wasser) nur die Populationsdichte von Pterostichus vulgaris und P. niger vorübergehend. Eine Spritzung mit erhöhter Dosierung (900 g/ha in 350 1 Wasser) wirkte sehr stark auf die fünf häufigsten Carabidenarten ein. Parathion-äthyl beeinflußte in normaler Dosierung (125 g/ha in 300 1 Wasser) bei einer Behandlung Anfang Juni besonders einschneidend die Frühlingstiere, Ende Juni stark die Frühlings- und die Herbsttiere. In doppelter Dosierung reduzierte es alle wichtigen Prädatorengruppen sehr deutlich. Parathion-methyl (Staub) wirkte bei Ausbringung auf feuchte Pflanzen (200 g/ha) nicht stark auf die epigäischen Räuber. Nur kletternde Arten (Staphyliniden und Agonum dorsale) wurden geschädigt. Methoxychlor wirkte als Spritzmittel (600 g/ha in 300 1 Wasser) stark auf die großen Carabiden, während die kleinen Laufkäferarten, die Staphyliniden und Spinnen nicht beeinflußt wurden. Methoxychlor-Staub, auf die feuchten Pflanzen ausgebracht (1000 g/ha), beeinflußte die epigäischen Räuber nicht. Eine Randbehandlung eines Winterrapsfeldes mit Methoxychlor-Staub störte die Besiedlung des Feldes durch Carabiden und Staphyliniden nicht.
Summary The influence of some insecticides often used in agriculture upon the terrestrial predaceous arthropods was investigated by pitfall trapping on cereal fields of about 10 hectares each, half the area of which was treated.Fenitrothion, sprayed by aeroplane at the normal dosage (600 g/ha in 40 1 water) influenced the abundance of Pterostichus vulgaris and P. niger only, for a short period. Spraying fenitrothion at a higher dosage (900 g/ha in 350 1 water) killed a high percentage of the five most common carabid species.Parathion-ethyl at the normal dosage (125 g/ha in 300 1 water), sprayed at the beginning of June reduced numbers of spring breeders especially (e.g. Pterostichus cupreus). Sprayed at the end of June, it influenced both spring and autumn breeders (e.g. P. vulgaris). Rain, falling one day after the insecticide treatment, did not alter its effect upon the terrestrial predators. At a higher dosage (250 g/ha) parathion-ethyl reduced numbers of all predators to a large extent, but not very much more than at the normal dosage.Parathion-methyl dust, applied to moist plants (200 g a.i./ha), did not influence all terrestrial predators, but only those species which also climb up the plants (some staphylinids and Agonum dorsale).Methoxychlor emulsion, sprayed at a dosage of 600 g/ha in 300 1 water, killed the bigger ground beetles only (Carabus spp. and P. vulgaris), but not the smaller ones (Agonum dorsale and Bembidion lampros), the staphylinids and the spiders. Methoxychlor, dust, applied to moist plants (1000 g a.i./ha) did not influence the terrestrial predators. Treating the edge only (ca. 20 m) of a winter-rape field with methoxychlor dust did not prevent the colonization of the field by carabids and staphylinids. It is recommended, therefore, to treat the field edges only, which should control most cereal pests.
Soluble sugars and starch have been estimated during the first40 days of development of round and wrinkled pea seeds. At alltimes the wrinkled seeds contained more soluble sugars and lessstarch than the round seeds. The significance of these results,in relation to the expression of the round (RaRa) and wrinkled(rara genotypes, is discussed. Pea seeds, round, wrinkled, sugars, starch  相似文献   
The effects of soil cultivation immediately after application of the rhabditid nematode, Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita , to the soil surface were investigated in two field experiments. The first experiment was done in mini-plots separated by barriers, with an artificially introduced population of slugs ( Deroceras reticulatum ). Nematodes were applied as a drench at a rate of 3 times 109 ha-1 in one of two application volumes and then left undisturbed or incorporated into the soil by cultivation to 2 cm or 10 cm depth. Moist soil conditions were maintained by irrigation throughout the experiment. Nematode application significantly reduced slug damage to Chinese cabbage seedlings throughout the 7 wk duration of the experiment and the population of D. reticulatum in soil 7 wk after treatment. However, soil cultivation had no effect and did not interact with the effect of nematodes. In the second experiment, in a crop of winter wheat, nematodes were applied to soil by hand-lance at a rate of 3 times 109 ha-1 and left undisturbed on the soil surface or incorporated by spring-tine cultivation to a depth of 2, 5 or 10 cm. In this experiment, nematodes were applied to dry soil. Cultivation alone had no effect. Nematode application reduced slug damage to wheat plants in plots where nematodes were incorporated into the soil, but not where they were left on the surface. There was no detectable impact of nematodes on slug populations in the wheat experiment.  相似文献   
Abstract. The delphacid planthopper genus Sogatella Fennah is redefined and a key provided to males of the fourteen included species. The type-species of Sogatodes Fennah, S.molinus Fennah is considered to be a Sogatella species and consequently Sogatodes becomes a junior subjective synonym of Sogatella. The remaining species of Sogatodes are transferred to Tagosodes gen.n . (type species T.cubanus (Crawford) comb.n. ). Latistria Huang et al. or Sogatellana Kuoh. A key is provided to distinguish the four genera. A check list of species in each genus is given. Several species are important rice pests and information on biology and pest status is summarized.  相似文献   
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