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The geographical and bathymetric distribution of southern African octocorals is analysed. Of the over 200 estimated species of regional octocorals, 81 confirmed and adequately described species are studied using a radial sector method. Two primary faunal components are recognized–endemic (53.3% of the fauna by numbers of species) and Indo-Pacific (39.4%). An Atlantic component contributes only minimally (about 1.7%), while the remaining fauna is made up of cosmopolites (2.8%) and scattered species (2.8%). A subantarctic component is not evident for the present-day, although evidence for previous contact is presented. A sister-group analysis using genera as a guide to sister species, shows the biogeographic affinities for the present-day fauna as a whole to be 45% Indo-Pacific, 31% cosmopolitan, 10% endemic, 10% Atlantic and 4% southern oceans (subantarctic). Applying the same method to only those genera with endemic species shows the affinities of the present-day endemic fauna to be 27.5% Indo-Pacific, 27.5% endemic, 24% cosmopolitan, 14% Atlantic and 7% subantarctic. Clearly defined boundaries for west, south, and east coast faunas (as recognized by previous authors in describing various intertidal faunas) are found not be present with regard to the octocoral fauna (largely due to its overwhelmingly subtidal nature). Instead two primary zoogeographic provinces are recognized–the Cape Endemic Province (extending from Liideritz to Inhaca Island) and the south-western fringe of the Indo-Pacific Province from East London north-eastwards. An overlap zone between these two is recognized between East London and Inhaca Island, with the region in the vicinity of Richards Bay having an essentially evenly mixed fauna (roughly 50% Cape Endemic Province and 50% Indo-Pacific). Of the 84 octocoral genera recorded for the region, seven (or 8.3%) are endemic, and of these, five are monotypic while two are ditypic. The fauna is shown to be predominantly sublittoral (about 95% by numbers of species), the shallow sublittoral (< 100 m in depth) being the region with highest species richness. Pennatulaceans are eurybathic (intertidal to 4756 m) and clearly show a high proportion of cosmopolites (20% of presently identified species). Soft corals are stenobathic and restricted to the intertidal, continental shelf and uppermost portion of the continental slope (<500m), while gorgonians are intermediate in depth distributon (intertidal to 1200 m). No cosmopolitan alcyonaceans are presently recorded. The centre of the Cape Endemic Province is the Agulhas Bank–an extensive region of shallow continential shelf (< 200 m in depth) between Cape Town and East London. Two regions of octocoral radiation for southern Africa are postulated–the Agulhas Bank and the western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   
Determination of the Pattern of Winter Dormancy in Lateral Buds of Apples   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Controlled environmental conditions and decapitation treatmentswere used to distinguish and determine the relative importanceof environmentally-imposed dormancy, correlative inhibitionand rest on the imposition of winter dormancy of lateral budson detached shoots and potted seedlings of apples. It is establishedthat the winter dormancy of lateral buds follows a pattern similarto that previously proposed for buds in general. The minimum procedure for the assessment of dormancy in lateralbuds is discussed. Malus sylvestris L, apple, bud dormancy, winter dormancy  相似文献   
The time courses of axial movement in Nitella translucens ofa number of 14C-labelled compounds and of 36C1 and 22Na havebeen determined together with simultaneous microscopical observationsof the rates of visible protoplasmic streaming. In general,the translocation profiles suggest the irreversible absorptionof tracer though there are examples of reversible absorption.The coupling between visible streaming and the front of theaxial transport is weak. Light, DCMU (dichlorophenyldimethylurea),and temperature affect the translocation but visible streamingis affected only by temperature and the passage of an actionpotential. There is evidence, from a number of compounds, ofa faster-thari-streaming translocation of small amounts of tracerin the form of ‘pulses’ which are completely detachedfrom the main body of tracer. Either vesicles or microperistalticpackets are thought to account for this rapid moiety. Observations of transnodal transfer suggest that an active mechanismis involved in the transference of carbonate, urea, acetate,and chloride. The influxes of the various compounds have been calculated andshown to be in good agreement with existing published values.Action potentials reduce the influx of carbonate, chloride,and possibly acetate, as do lack of light and DCMU. It is suggestedthat the influx of these anions is coupled with the active anionpump and with loading sites on the plasma membrane which becomeinoperative during and immediately following an action potential.  相似文献   
Germination of seeds of a range of species from indigenous grassland was tested at an alternating temperature regime in incubators, soon after they were shed in 1978 and also after various intervals of dry storage at outdoor ambient temperatures. Concomitant investigations were made of seedling emergence from and seed survival at different depths of soil in pots; Poa annua and Poa trivialis were investigated separately in 1979. Almost all seeds of Lolium perenne, Cynosurus cristatus, Festuca rubra and Holcus lanatus germinated readily, but c. 30% of Deschampsia caespitosa seeds and c. 15% of fresh, early-shed Agrostis capillaris did not germinate until they were also given gibberellic acid. However, more late- than early-shed seed of the latter two species germinated and their seeds became more germinable with increasing length of storage. Of the dicotyledonous species tested, germination of Cerastium fontanum ssp. glabrescens was rapid and complete, but that of Ranunculus spp. was particularly protracted. All Ranunculus repens seeds and a large proportion of Ranunculus acris seeds were highly dormant. Species differed greatly in their ability to emerge from and persist at different depths in pots. The most persistent species after 15 months were R. repens (69%), A. capillaris (39%), Luzula campestris (37%), C. fontanum ssp. glabrescens (30%), P. trivialis (8%), D. caespitosa (7%) and H. lanatus (3%). A mean of 42% of P. annua and 16% of P. trivialis seeds persisted from autumn 1979 until late spring 1980, but pre-imbibing the seeds decreased seed persistence to 12% and 4% respectively. The results are discussed in relation to previously published information on the germination biology of the species and to the different abilities of the species to become part of the soil seed population.  相似文献   
Abstract. We present a method for estimating the construction costs of plant tissues from measurements of heat of combustion, ash content, and organic nitrogen content. The method predicts glucose equivalents, the amount of glucose required to provide carbon skeletons and reductant to synthesize a quantity of organic product. Glucose equivalents have previously been calculated from the elemental composition of tissue. We define construction cost as the amount of glucose required to provide carbon skeletons, reductant and ATP for synthesizing the organic compounds in a tissue via standard biochemical pathways. The fraction of the total construction cost of a compound or tissue (excluding costs of transporting compounds) that is reflected in its glucose equivalents is the biosynthetic efficiency ( E B). This quantity varies between 0.84 and 0.95 for tissues with a wide range of compositions. Using the new method, total construction cost can be estimated to ± 6% of the value obtained from biochemical pathway analysis.
Construction costs of leaves of three chaparral species were estimated using the proposed method and compared to previously published values, derived using different methods. Agreement among methods was generally good. Differences were probably due to a combination of inaccuracy in the estimated biosynthetic efficiency and technical difficulties with biochemical analysis, one of the older methods of determining construction cost.  相似文献   
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