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Moczyd?owska, M., Schopf, J.W. & Willman, S. 2009: Micro‐ and nano‐scale ultrastructure of cell walls in Cryogenian microfossils: revealing their biological affinity. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 129–136. Recently established protocols and methods in advanced microscopy and spectrometry applied to studies of ancient unicellular organic‐walled microfossils of uncertain biological affinities (acritarchs) provide new evidence of the fine ultrastructure of cell walls and their biochemistry that support the interpretation of some such microfossils as photosynthesizing microalgae. The micro‐scale and nanoscale ultrastructure of the cell walls of late Cryogenian sphaeromorphic acritarchs from the Chichkan Formation (Kazakhstan) revealed by the advanced techniques and studied originally by Kempe et al. (2005) is here further analysed and compared with that of modern microalgal analogues. On the basis of such comparison, we interpret the preserved cell wall ultrastructure to reflect original layering and lamination within sub‐layers of the fossil wall, rather than being a result of taphonomic and diagenetic alteration. The outer thick layer represents the primary wall and the inner layer the secondary wall of the cell, whereas the laminated amorphous sub‐layers, 10–20 nm in thickness and revealed by transmission electron and atomic force microscopy, are recognized as trilaminar sheath structure. Because two‐layered cell walls, trilaminar sheaths and the position of the TLS within the fossil cell wall are characteristic of the mature developmental state in cyst morphogenesis in modern microalgae, we infer that the Chichkan sphaeromorphs are probably resting cells (aplanospores) of chlorophyceaen green microalgae from the order Volvocales. □Biological affinity, cell wall, Cryogenian, microfossils, ultrastructure.  相似文献   
Nuclear Receptors in Mosquito Vitellogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vitellogenesis in insects involves the coordinated activityof the fat body, which produces large amounts of yolk proteinprecursors (YP), and oocytes, which specifically accumulatethese proteins. The expression of YP genes is achieved throughstrict sex-, tissue-, and hormone-specific control in the femalefat body. In mosquitoes, expression of YP genes is controlledby 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E). To elucidate the role of 20E inmosquito vitellogenesis, we cloned cDNAs encoding the Aedesaegypti ecdysteroid receptor (AaEcR) and two isoforms of itsheterodimeric partner, the Ultraspiracle homologue (AaUSP).The two AaUSP isoforms differ in their A/B domains and havedistinct expression patterns. The ecdysone regulation of YPgenes likely involves products of early genes. We cloned thegene of the mosquito homologue to the Drosophila early geneE75 (AaE75) belonging to the nuclear receptor superfamily. Kineticsof AaE75 expression correlate with the expression of YP genes,suggesting that AaE75 may have a regulatory role in YP geneexpression. A second nuclear receptor superfamily member, theNGFI-B homologue AaHR38 is implicated in repression of the ecdysone-signalingpathway in the fat body of the previtellogenic female mosquitoat the state-of-arrest. Finally, three isoforms of the hepatocytenuclear factor 4 (HNF-4) homologue AaHNF-4 are differentiallyexpressed in the mosquito fat body during vitellogenesis, suggestingtheir involvement in regulating vitellogenic events in thistissue.  相似文献   
Global surface temperatures are expected to increase by several degrees in the next century, with potentially large but poorly understood impacts on ecological interactions. Here we propose potential effects of increased temperatures on ecologically dominant New Zealand grasses (Chionochloa spp.) that mass flower and mast seed. Twenty-two years’ data from five masting Chionochloa species in New Zealand showed that the cue for heavy flowering was unusually high temperature in the summer of the year before flowering. Attack by predispersal insect seed predators was much reduced in mast years, apparently because predator populations were satiated. Increased temperatures would greatly decrease interannual variation in Chionochloa flowering, allowing seed predator populations to increase and potentially to devastate the seed crop annually. Similar responses are likely in masting species worldwide. This previously unrecognized effect of global warming could have widespread impacts on temperate ecosystems.  相似文献   
1. Completion of a large interbasin water transfer system in northern Texas (U.S.A.) provided the opportunity to test the effects of pre-planned, experimental increases (≈×30) in flow on the fish fauna of a small, low-gradient, natural stream that was included as part of the conveyance system. Water from Lake Texoma (Red River basin) was pumped via a 16-km pipeline to the headwaters of Sister Grove Creek (Trinity River basin), which then carried the donor water 50 km downstream to Lake Lavon.
2. Baseline (pre-transfer) data on the composition of fish assemblages at seven stations on the creek or at its confluence with the receiving reservoir were collected monthly for 3 years, and similar data were collected for 2 years during and after trial flows of Lake Texoma water to Sister Grove Creek. We also documented fish abundance at five creek stations immediately before and after three trial flow periods of 10–14 days each in summer and autumn.
3. Multivariate analysis of all routine monthly samples over the 5-year pre- and post-transfer period showed moderate changes in the fish fauna of the creek after initiation of the trial flows. Samples taken within a week before and after the artificial high flows showed little overall change in abundance of individual fish species, but at some stations the quantitative or qualitative change in composition of the local assemblage was substantial.
4. The trial flows lasted 2 weeks or less. Long-term effects of water transfer on the fish fauna of Sister Grove Creek can only be determined after the conveyance system goes into normal operation, with periods of artificial flow of longer duration.  相似文献   
1. Each year since 1983, H3PO4 has been added continuously during the ice-free season to a P-limited tundra river (Kuparuk River, North Slope, Alaska). Effects on epilithic metabolism, invertebrate community structure and fish production developed quickly. 2. In 1990, 7 years after fertilization began, we noted extensive coverage by bryophytes within the fertilized reach of the river, where very little had been noted before. Bryophyte biomass from a limited set of quadrats taken in 1990 and 1991 yielded 17 ± 9 (SE) g dry mass m?2 in control reaches and 322 ± 96 g dry mass m?2 in fertilized reaches. 3. An initial survey of macroalgal and bryophyte cover in 1991 suggested that the moss Schistidium (Grimmia) agassizii was distributed in both control and fertilized reaches of the river. No clear difference in coverage by this species was found in either reach. 4. In contrast, two species of Hygrohypnum (H. alpestre and H. ochraceum) were found almost exclusively in the fertilized reach. An extensive point transect survey done in 1992, above, within and below the fertilized reach, indicated that increased cover and biomass of Hygrohypnum spp. were confined to the fertilized reach of the river. Detrended correspondence analysis clearly separated the macrophyte and macroalgal communities in the fertilized reach from those in the control and downstream reaches. 5. A fourth bryophyte species (Fontinalis neomexicana) also occurred almost exclusively in the fertilized reach, but was much less abundant than the Hygrohypnum species. 6. Analysis of total N and P in the tissues of the Hygrohypnum spp., and estimates of average coverage (~15%) and biomass (~150g dry weight m?2) over an 8km fertilized reach, suggest that these species alone may have removed two-thirds of the P added in the fertilizer experiment. The bryophyte community in this river is likely to be the dominant sink for P in the fertilized reach.  相似文献   
1. Wetland insect predators can structure aquatic prey communities via selective predation, but receive considerably less attention than vertebrate predators. We conducted laboratory experiments to test selective predation by two species of larval dytiscid beetles ( Agabus ; Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) and the potential contribution of these beetles to suppression of mosquito populations in constructed wetlands.
2.  Agabus consumed copepods, ostracods and mosquito larvae in no-choice tests. When offered a choice, 76% of all prey consumed were mosquito larvae, indicating selective predation. Subsequent experiments revealed this preference was due to ease of capture of mosquito larvae over alternative prey.
3. Cannibalism and intraguild predation were common within and between species of Agabus , which may reduce the overall impact of the observed selective predation.
4.  Agabus larvae selectively preyed on mosquito larvae over alternative prey, which is not characteristic of some fish used as biological control agents for mosquitoes. Predator exclusion or similar experiments in the field could document how these results translate into a natural setting.
5. The findings of this study suggest developing mosquito suppression strategies focused on conservation of native wetland predators. These strategies are preferable to introducing non-native generalist predators, or applying pesticides.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. In 2004, Brood X of the periodical cicada (Magicicada spp.) emerged in Delaware. Extensive suburban development and concomitant planting of exotic species has occurred since the previous emergence of Brood X in 1987. 2. Exotic species could suffer extensive damage during years of cicada emergences if they are preferred for oviposition. Alternately, a shortage of suitable plant hosts may negatively affect remaining cicada populations. 3. We determined if the periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim, preferred to oviposit on native or exotic woody plant species. Potential hosts were divided into three groups and planted in a randomised design near a likely source of cicadas. The first group, Natives, included 15 species native to Delaware. The second group, Non‐natives, included 15 exotic species that had a native congener represented in the Native group. The final group, Aliens, included 13 exotic species that did not have a native congener. 4. Based on observations of 428 plants, cicadas were more likely to oviposit on Natives or Non‐natives, which did not differ from each other in this measure, than on Aliens. Non‐natives had more oviposition holes per metre than Natives, which had more holes per metre than Aliens. The likelihood of stem flagging was lowest on Alien species; the percentage of the total plant that flagged was greatest for Natives. Plant morphology also influenced host preference and likelihood of flagging. 5. Taking plant morphology into consideration, we speculate that the evolutionary history between periodical cicadas and potential hosts is an important component of host preference.  相似文献   
Decomposition is a critical process in global carbon cycling. During decomposition, leaf and fine root litter may undergo a later, relatively slow phase; past long-term experiments indicate this phase occurs, but whether it is a general phenomenon has not been examined. Data from Long-term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team, representing 27 sites and nine litter types (for a total of 234 cases) was used to test the frequency of this later, slow phase of decomposition. Litter mass remaining after up to 10 years of decomposition was fit to models that included (dual exponential and asymptotic) or excluded (single exponential) a slow phase. The resultant regression equations were evaluated for goodness of fit as well as biological realism. Regression analysis indicated that while the dual exponential and asymptotic models statistically and biologically fit more of the litter type–site combinations than the single exponential model, the latter was biologically reasonable for 27–65% of the cases depending on the test used. This implies that a slow phase is common, but not universal. Moreover, estimates of the decomposition rate of the slowly decomposing component averaged 0.139–0.221 year−1 (depending on method), higher than generally observed for mineral soil organic matter, but one-third of the faster phase of litter decomposition. Thus, this material may be slower than the earlier phases of litter decomposition, but not as slow as mineral soil organic matter. Comparison of the long-term integrated decomposition rate (which included all phases of decomposition) to that for the first year of decomposition indicated the former was on average 75% that of the latter, consistent with the presence of a slow phase of decomposition. These results indicate that the global store of litter estimated using short-term decomposition rates would be underestimated by at least one-third.  相似文献   
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