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Lucas, W. J. and Ogata, K. 1985. Hydroxyl– and bicarbonate–associatedtransport processes in Chara corallintr. Studies on the light–darkregulation mechanism.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1947–1958.Experiments were undertaken on the fresh water alga Chara corallinato investigate the nature of the coupling between the chloroplastsand the light–dependent OH and -associated plasmalemma transport systems. Electrophysiologicalexperiments, in which DCMU was employed, revealed that thischemical could elicit a hyperpolarization of the membrane potentialthat was identical to that normally obtained by turning offthe light. This DCMU–induced hyperpolarization was obtainedunder control () and phosphate–decoupled conditions (). Measurements of the extracellular electric potentialswhich are associated with the acidic () and alkaline (OH) regions, indicated that, in the presenceof control ()or phosphate–decoupled conditions, normal profiles were established under air, oxygenor nitrogen environments. These results indicate that the generationof the control signal(s) is related to events associated withchloroplast electron transport, rather than to changes in theflow or levels of carbon intermediates within the reductivepentose phosphate or photorespiratory cycles. Although the levelof oxygen was found to have no effect on the light–inducedactivation of the OH regions, we found that in pure oxygen thedark–induced inactivation of the OH efflux systemwas delayed, and that partial transport function could be maintainedin the dark. The possible involvement of changes in either theratio of oxidized to reduced ferridoxin or NADP? to NADPH, aspart of this light–mediated control signal, is discussed. Key words: Chara corallina, Plasma membrance transport, OH and , regulation  相似文献   
It has been found in recent studies that the inflorescence and nodes (node-pulvini) are the primary sources for native gibberellins in the Avena shoot, and that GA3 is the predominant gibberellin in the inflorescence. In the present work, linear growth of next-to-last internode is drastically reduced by removal of the inflorescence and last leaf. This growth is completely abolished when the nodes are also excised. It is restored fully by the addition of GA3 when the nodes are present, and restored only partially when the nodes are deleted. Internodal growth in Avena stem segments with basal node present is also restored by native GA3-like substances extracted from Avena inflorescences and partially purified by silica gel partition column chromatography. Evidence from these studies, taken in toto, indicates that the inflorescence, nodes, and leaves supply gibberellins, leaves supply substrate, and nodes modulate the gibberellin growth response in next-to-last Avena internodes.  相似文献   
1. Headwater streams are a significant feature of the southern Appalachian landscape, comprising more than 70% of the total stream length in the region. Salamanders are the dominant vertebrate within headwater‐riparian forest ecosystems, but their ecological role is not clearly understood. 2. We studied a population of black‐bellied salamanders (Desmognathus quadramaculatus) at a headwater stream in the southern Appalachian Mountains using radio‐telemetry and mark‐recapture methods. The length and area of headwater streams in the region were estimated using GIS. 3. Home ranges of radio‐tracked salamanders were relatively small (mean = 1.06 m2). Adult salamanders in our telemetry study inhabited edge microhabitats significantly more often than either stream or riparian microhabitats, and the same trend was observed in the mark‐recapture study. 4. We estimated the population density at this site to be 11 294 salamanders ha?1, amounting to 99.30 kg ha?1 of biomass, an estimate that is six times greater than reported in previous studies. The majority of this biomass was found within the stream, but 22% was found in the surrounding riparian habitat more than 1 m from the stream. Using headwater stream length and area estimates, we extrapolated biomass estimates for black‐bellied salamanders inhabiting stream and riparian microhabitats across the study region. 5. We report one of the largest estimates of secondary consumer biomass for a headwater ecosystem, attesting to the overall productivity of headwater streams. Headwaters are known to be important for ecological and ecosystem processes and our biomass estimates suggest that salamanders are a critical component to these systems.  相似文献   
1. Recent studies have shown that ultraviolet (UV) radiation (280–400 nm) has increased by ≈ 8% in temperate regions over the past decade, but little effort has been devoted to understanding the ecological effects on temperate ecosystems. This research examined the effects of artificial ultraviolet-B (UVB; 280–320 nm) radiation on the drift response of immature stream insects in laboratory microcosms.
2. Two experiments involved natural populations of stream invertebrates, collected from the Cache la Poudre River (September 1994) and the Arkansas River (October 1995) in Colorado. UVB lamps were turned on from 10.00 to 14.00 h each day, and drifting animals were collected on days 1, 3, 5 and 7 during the exposure period. Levels of artificial UVB used in these experiments were similar to levels that stream organisms experience during clear, mid-day conditions at Fort Collins, Colorado (longitude 105°30'; latitude 40°35').
3. Drift was significantly higher in microcosms exposed to UVB than in controls and was dominated by Baetis sp. (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), Trichoptera (caddisflies) and Simulium sp. (Diptera: Simuliidae). The increased drift of some stream invertebrates in UVB-exposed streams may be a behavioural response and/or a result of injury.
4. Stream organisms may be particularly sensitive to predicted increases in UV radiation, because streams are generally shallow with clear water. As a result of this potential sensitivity, we recommend that research be directed to understanding the ecological effects of UV radiation on these habitats.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic reconstruction of the Neotropical electric fish genus Hypopygus based on 47 parsimony‐informative morphological characters is presented. A series of synapomorphies support the hypothesis of monophyly of Hypopygus, and partially resolve species‐level relationships within the genus. Hypopygus species are recognized here as miniaturized fishes based on two criteria; first, a derived condition of diminutive body size, and; second, the presence of a suite of reductive morphological characters, including partial or total losses, simplifications, and reductions of the anal‐fin rays, scales, cranial bones, and laterosensory canal system. Reductive characters associated with miniaturization comprise 45% of the total number of characters in the phylogenetic reconstruction of the genus. Miniaturization and reductive morphological evolution in Hypopygus are discussed here in the phylogenetic context. A taxonomic revision of Hypopygus is presented, in which five new species are described, two species previously assigned to the genus are redescribed, and a single known species of Stegostenopos is redescribed and included in Hypopygus as a junior synonym. Distribution maps and a key for all eight valid species of Hypopygus are provided, based on the examination of 5014 catalogued museum specimens. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1096–1156.  相似文献   
1. Completion of a large interbasin water transfer system in northern Texas (U.S.A.) provided the opportunity to test the effects of pre-planned, experimental increases (≈×30) in flow on the fish fauna of a small, low-gradient, natural stream that was included as part of the conveyance system. Water from Lake Texoma (Red River basin) was pumped via a 16-km pipeline to the headwaters of Sister Grove Creek (Trinity River basin), which then carried the donor water 50 km downstream to Lake Lavon.
2. Baseline (pre-transfer) data on the composition of fish assemblages at seven stations on the creek or at its confluence with the receiving reservoir were collected monthly for 3 years, and similar data were collected for 2 years during and after trial flows of Lake Texoma water to Sister Grove Creek. We also documented fish abundance at five creek stations immediately before and after three trial flow periods of 10–14 days each in summer and autumn.
3. Multivariate analysis of all routine monthly samples over the 5-year pre- and post-transfer period showed moderate changes in the fish fauna of the creek after initiation of the trial flows. Samples taken within a week before and after the artificial high flows showed little overall change in abundance of individual fish species, but at some stations the quantitative or qualitative change in composition of the local assemblage was substantial.
4. The trial flows lasted 2 weeks or less. Long-term effects of water transfer on the fish fauna of Sister Grove Creek can only be determined after the conveyance system goes into normal operation, with periods of artificial flow of longer duration.  相似文献   
1. Each year since 1983, H3PO4 has been added continuously during the ice-free season to a P-limited tundra river (Kuparuk River, North Slope, Alaska). Effects on epilithic metabolism, invertebrate community structure and fish production developed quickly. 2. In 1990, 7 years after fertilization began, we noted extensive coverage by bryophytes within the fertilized reach of the river, where very little had been noted before. Bryophyte biomass from a limited set of quadrats taken in 1990 and 1991 yielded 17 ± 9 (SE) g dry mass m?2 in control reaches and 322 ± 96 g dry mass m?2 in fertilized reaches. 3. An initial survey of macroalgal and bryophyte cover in 1991 suggested that the moss Schistidium (Grimmia) agassizii was distributed in both control and fertilized reaches of the river. No clear difference in coverage by this species was found in either reach. 4. In contrast, two species of Hygrohypnum (H. alpestre and H. ochraceum) were found almost exclusively in the fertilized reach. An extensive point transect survey done in 1992, above, within and below the fertilized reach, indicated that increased cover and biomass of Hygrohypnum spp. were confined to the fertilized reach of the river. Detrended correspondence analysis clearly separated the macrophyte and macroalgal communities in the fertilized reach from those in the control and downstream reaches. 5. A fourth bryophyte species (Fontinalis neomexicana) also occurred almost exclusively in the fertilized reach, but was much less abundant than the Hygrohypnum species. 6. Analysis of total N and P in the tissues of the Hygrohypnum spp., and estimates of average coverage (~15%) and biomass (~150g dry weight m?2) over an 8km fertilized reach, suggest that these species alone may have removed two-thirds of the P added in the fertilizer experiment. The bryophyte community in this river is likely to be the dominant sink for P in the fertilized reach.  相似文献   
1. Wetland insect predators can structure aquatic prey communities via selective predation, but receive considerably less attention than vertebrate predators. We conducted laboratory experiments to test selective predation by two species of larval dytiscid beetles ( Agabus ; Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) and the potential contribution of these beetles to suppression of mosquito populations in constructed wetlands.
2.  Agabus consumed copepods, ostracods and mosquito larvae in no-choice tests. When offered a choice, 76% of all prey consumed were mosquito larvae, indicating selective predation. Subsequent experiments revealed this preference was due to ease of capture of mosquito larvae over alternative prey.
3. Cannibalism and intraguild predation were common within and between species of Agabus , which may reduce the overall impact of the observed selective predation.
4.  Agabus larvae selectively preyed on mosquito larvae over alternative prey, which is not characteristic of some fish used as biological control agents for mosquitoes. Predator exclusion or similar experiments in the field could document how these results translate into a natural setting.
5. The findings of this study suggest developing mosquito suppression strategies focused on conservation of native wetland predators. These strategies are preferable to introducing non-native generalist predators, or applying pesticides.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. In 2004, Brood X of the periodical cicada (Magicicada spp.) emerged in Delaware. Extensive suburban development and concomitant planting of exotic species has occurred since the previous emergence of Brood X in 1987. 2. Exotic species could suffer extensive damage during years of cicada emergences if they are preferred for oviposition. Alternately, a shortage of suitable plant hosts may negatively affect remaining cicada populations. 3. We determined if the periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim, preferred to oviposit on native or exotic woody plant species. Potential hosts were divided into three groups and planted in a randomised design near a likely source of cicadas. The first group, Natives, included 15 species native to Delaware. The second group, Non‐natives, included 15 exotic species that had a native congener represented in the Native group. The final group, Aliens, included 13 exotic species that did not have a native congener. 4. Based on observations of 428 plants, cicadas were more likely to oviposit on Natives or Non‐natives, which did not differ from each other in this measure, than on Aliens. Non‐natives had more oviposition holes per metre than Natives, which had more holes per metre than Aliens. The likelihood of stem flagging was lowest on Alien species; the percentage of the total plant that flagged was greatest for Natives. Plant morphology also influenced host preference and likelihood of flagging. 5. Taking plant morphology into consideration, we speculate that the evolutionary history between periodical cicadas and potential hosts is an important component of host preference.  相似文献   
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