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SYNOPSIS. Herpetomonas muscarum muscarum n. subsp. was isolated from Musca domestica L. In culture at 20 C it assumed the opisthomastigote (up to 15%), double-flagellate and flagellate promastigote forms. At 30 C or with 4% urea added to cultures at 20 C, the proportion of opisthomastigotes was greater (up to 40%). In experimentally infected flies only transient infections, which included both opisthomastigotes and promastigotes, occurred. The promastigotes were 15–30 μ long and the kinetoplast was small and subspherical or transversely elongate. H. muscarum ingenoplastis n. subsp. was isolated from Phormia regina (Meigen). In culture at 20 C almost all individuals were double-flagellate promastigotes 20–40 μ long and less than 1% were opisthomastigotes. At 30 C or with added urea there was no increase in the proportion of opisthomastigotes and the cultures were not vigorous. In experimentally infected flies opisthomastigotes were 5–39% of the population depending on the part of the gut sampled. In all stages the kinetoplast was large (1.5–2.5 μ long) and tear-drop-shaped with the point directed posteriorly.
In artificially mixed cultures of H. m. muscarum and H. m. ingenoplastis the former predominated after a short time and eventually survived alone. A mixed culture that was about 98% H. m. muscarum was fed to Phormia regina and produced heavy pure infections of H. m. ingenoplastis , which lasted for 22 days with no indication of decline. No evidence of cyst formation was found in either subspecies.  相似文献   
Stomatal Response to Humidity and Lanthanum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lanthanum fed to the base of excised leaves of Sesamum indicum L. and Helianthus annuus L. was used as a tracer to investigate by electron microscopy the path of water in the apoplast of leaves. The generally random distribution of lanthanum in cell walls provided no support for the hypothesis that cuticular transpiration may be greater for guard cells than for adjacent epidermal cells. Occasionally, accumulations of lanthanum were observed in anticlinal walls of epidermal cells and at the outer surface of the plasma membrane but lanthanum was not observed in the symplast. The influx of 86Rb to excised roots of sesame and sunflower was inhibited during incubation with 0.5 mM lanthanum or calcium for 15 or for 180 min. Stomata of sunflower partially closed when 2.5 mM lanthanum was supplied to the base of excised shoots in a potometer, whereas this treatment had little effect on stomatal conductance of sesame shoots maintained in a constant environment. Supplying 2.5 mM lanthanum to the base of sesame shoots strongly inhibited stomatal opening response to increase in ambient humidity but had little effect on stomatal opening response to light. It was concluded that stomatal opening response to increased humidity may be dependent upon some process, such as ion influx, that is inhibited by lanthanum, and that opening response to humidity may differ in mechanism from stomatal opening response to increased irradiance.  相似文献   
The experiments reported herein had two objectives. One was to determine if the slow rate of nitrate uptake which occurs upon initial exposure of nitrogen-depleted wheat (Triticum vulgare cv. Knox) plants to nitrate was the result of insufficient reduced nitrogen. The second was to determine the impact of restrictions in ribonucleic acid or protein synthesis on both nitrate uptake and nitrate reduction. Pretreatments of 14-day-old seedlings for a few hours in ammonium or nitrite did not result in an enhancement of the initial slow rate of nitrate uptake. Growth for two additional weeks in ammonium also failed to eliminate the induction period. The evidence indicates that the presence of nitrate, rather than a product of its reduction, was required to initiate development of the accelerated rate of nitrate uptake. Puromycin (400 μg ml?1) and 6-methylpurine (0.5 mM) prevented development of the accelerated phase of nitrate uptake. With both compounds, the relative restriction of nitrate uptake was greater than that of nitrate reduction as revealed by incorporation of 15N from labeled nitrate into reduced forms. The proportion of reduction which occurred in the root system under the imposed treatments could not be delineated precisely, preventing an unequivocal determination of the extent to which the two processes are coupled in the root system. The data nevertheless indicate nitrate reduction was closely associated with nitrate uptake. Accumulation of nitrate in the shoots was markedly restricted in presence of 6 methylpurine. This effect most likely was a result of a severe restriction in the translocation of nitrate into the xylem, rather than an increase in the reduction rate in the shoots.  相似文献   
The first unequivocal postcranial remains of baphetids (= loxommatids) associated with skull roof and lower jaw material are reported from a specimen of Baphetes from the English Upper Carboniferous, Duckmantian. Characters of the mandible, including the incorporation in the symphysis of paired parasymphysial plates, permit the identification of a previously indeterminate jaw from the Langsettian (Westphalian A) of Nova Scotia, as baphetid. The postcranial remains include vertebrae, pectoral and pelvic limb and limb girdle elements that present a combination of unique characters extending the diagnosis of the family Baphetidae, together with plesiomophic and derived characters which suggest that baphetids are primitive stem group tetrapods.  相似文献   
The Emsian? through early Eifelian Onondaga Limestone of the Appalachian Basin was deposited in a topographic basin and on the carbonate platform which surrounded the basin on the west, north, and northeast. Onondaga strata thin from the platform into the basin. Two sedimentary cycles are present in the sub-Tioga Onondaga of eastern North America. The Edgecliff-Amherstburg represents an interval of transgression, in which epeiric seas spread over much of eastern North America. During the Nedrow-Lucas regression, the interior of the carbonate platform became restricted, resulting in the deposition of evaporites. The Moorehouse-Anderdon transgression continued through the deposition of the Tioga Bentonite, followed by the pre-Speeds-Dundee regression from the craton. Early Eifelian Appalachian Basin Onondaga brachiopod communities, arranged from nearshore to offshore, include the Atrypid-Megakozlowskiella, Atrypid-Levenea, Chonetid, Atlanticocoelia, Ambocoeliid, and Truncalosia Communities. The Onondaga-age Eastern Americas Realm is divided into the Appohimchi Province in the Appalachian Basin and the Michigan Basin-Hudson Bay Lowland Province in the Midwest. The provincial assignment of the James Bay region of Ontario is uncertain; the Eastern Townships of Quebec are near the boundaries both of the two provinces of the Eastern Americas Realm, and of the Eastern Americas Realm and the Old World Realm, the latter realm being probably in the Canadian Maritime Provinces.  相似文献   
Abstract. Modifications in plasma membrane structure and permeability were observed in Chlorella sorokiniana following exposure to 0.2 gm−3(140 p.p.m.) O3 for 30 min. Sixty-eight per cent of the cells were plasmolysed after 15 min O3 exposure with disruption of organelles similar to that previously described in higher plants. Freeze-fracture exposed large areas of plasma membrane in 90% of the control cells and those exposed to O3for short periods. After 20 min O3 90% of the cells cross-fracture, which indicates a change in molecular interactions in the membrane exposed to O3 The earliest observed ultraslructural alteration is an aggregation of particles on the plasma membrane P face, statistically significant after 10 min O3 Changes in 86Rb influx occur during a similar time. After more extended exposure to O3 the plasma membrane P face shows regions of lipid phase transition to the crystalline state.  相似文献   
This article analyses great name rituals among the Gê-speaking Kayapó (Mebengokre) of central Brazil. Ritual organization compels a temporal and spatial co-ordination of exchanges between diverse categories of relations so that nuclear family ties are differentiated. As the fundamental site of this process of differentiation, the House undergoes various transformations in its organization during the ceremonial period and its centrality in Kayapó social thought derives from this, rather than from the attribution of an enduring corporate identity. Analysis of Kayapó ritual allows us to extend Rappaport's ideas about the relation between the invariant and variant messages in ritual, since the production of sentiment is a central task of ritual activity and such sentiments are necessary for the reproduction of formal order in ritual.  相似文献   
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