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Abstract Successful ecosystem restoration requires the re-establishment of fundamental ecological processes, many of which involve plant-animal interactions. Myrmecochory (seed dispersal by ants) is a particularly important plant-animal mutualism in Australia, but little is known about its response to either disturbance or restoration following disturbance. Here we investigate the effects of disturbance on seed dispersal by ants, and the extent to which the ant-seed relationship has re-established at sites undergoing rehabilitation, at Ranger uranium mine in the seasonal tropics of Australia's Northern Territory. We focused on the composition of seed-dispersing ant assemblages, rates of seed removal by ants, and the dispersal curves generated by ants, as determined by observations of removal from seed depots. Ten sites were studied, comprising four ‘natural’ (undisturbed) sites representing a range of savanna habitats occurring in the region, four disturbed sites representing a range of habitat disturbance but with intact soil, and two waste rock sites subject to preliminary revegetation trials. A total of 22 ant species from 10 genera were observed during 154 observations of seed removal, most commonly Rhytidoponera aurata (53 records), Monomorium (rothsteini gp) sp. 1 (14), Iridomyrmex sanguineus (13), Iridomyrmex pallidus (12) and Pleidole sp. 3 (10). Removal rates (over 3 h) averaged 29% across all sites and time periods, varying markedly both between and within sites. However, mean rates of removal were similar between natural, disturbed and waste rock sites (29%, 28% and 31%, respectively). A high incidence (62% of all depots) of'aril robbing’ by ants (primarily Monomorium spp.) eating arils in situ, without removal, was observed. Dispersal distances varied markedly between ant species, with Iridomyrmex sanguineus having both the highest mean (7.25m) and maximum (13.08 m) dispersal distances. Species of Pheidole typically dispersed seeds less than 0.5 m, and Meranoplus, Monomorium and Tetramorium spp. only ever moved seeds a few centimetres, usually dropping and abandoning them before reaching the nests. The dispersal curves characteristic of each site varied markedly due to the different composition of seed-dispersing ants. The mean dispersal distance at disturbed sites (3.91 m) was significantly higher than at natural sites (2.19 m), and the curves were strongly skewed in the former, but relatively uniform in the latter. The implications of these differences for recovery following disturbance are unclear. At rehabilitated waste rock sites, all observed removals involved distances less than 0.5 m, with a mean of 17 cm. This lack of effective ant-seed relationships might represent a barrier to further vegetation development at rehabilitated sites.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Sphaerospores were found among three species of fish examined from waters known to be enzootic for proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids. They were detected in the renal tubules of both hatchery-reared rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) exposed to the infectious stage of PKD and in chubs (Gila bicolor) in the headwaters of a hatchery where PKD is enzootic. Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) collected near net pens where Pacific salmon had experienced a PKD epizootic were also found to harbor sphaerospores in the lumen of the kidney tubules. The latter two host species contained developmental stages of a myxosporidan in the blood and in the lumen of the kidney tubules which are similar to those of PKX, the causative agent of PKD in salmonid fish. The sphaerospores observed in the rainbow trout are the first to be observed in this species. The similarity to previously observed developmental stages, rarity, and presence of these sphaerospores in salmonid fish from a hatchery where PKD is enzootic suggest that they are the most mature stage of the PKX myxosporidan yet observed.  相似文献   
Phylogeny of Trichomonads Inferred from Small-Subunit rRNA Sequences   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
ABSTRACT. Small subunit (16S-like) ribosomal RNA sequences were obtained from representatives of all four families constituting the order Trichomonadida. Comparative sequence analysis revealed that the Trichomonadida are a monophyletic lineage and a deep branch of the eukaryotic tree. Relative to other early divergent eukaryotic assemblages the branching pattern within the Trichomonadida is very shallow. This pattern suggests the Trichomonadida radiated recently, perhaps in conjunction with their animal hosts. From a morphological perspective the Devescovinidae and Calonymphidae are considered more derived than the Monocercomonadidae and Trichomonadidae. Molecular trees inferred by distance, parsimony and likelihood techniques consistently show the Devescovinidae and Calonymphidae are the earliest diverging lineages within the Trichomonadida, however bootstrap values do not strongly support a particular branching order. In an analysis of all known 16S-like ribosomal RNA sequences, the Trichomonadida share most recent common ancestry with unidentified protists from the hindgut of the termite Reticulitermes flavipes. The position of two putative free-living trichomonads in the tree is indicative of derivation from symbionts rather than direct descent from some free-living ancestral trichomonad.  相似文献   
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