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Climate and litter quality are primary drivers of terrestrial decomposition and, based on evidence from multisite experiments at regional and global scales, are universally factored into global decomposition models. In contrast, soil animals are considered key regulators of decomposition at local scales but their role at larger scales is unresolved. Soil animals are consequently excluded from global models of organic mineralization processes. Incomplete assessment of the roles of soil animals stems from the difficulties of manipulating invertebrate animals experimentally across large geographic gradients. This is compounded by deficient or inconsistent taxonomy. We report a global decomposition experiment to assess the importance of soil animals in C mineralization, in which a common grass litter substrate was exposed to natural decomposition in either control or reduced animal treatments across 30 sites distributed from 43°S to 68°N on six continents. Animals in the mesofaunal size range were recovered from the litter by Tullgren extraction and identified to common specifications, mostly at the ordinal level. The design of the trials enabled faunal contribution to be evaluated against abiotic parameters between sites. Soil animals increase decomposition rates in temperate and wet tropical climates, but have neutral effects where temperature or moisture constrain biological activity. Our findings highlight that faunal influences on decomposition are dependent on prevailing climatic conditions. We conclude that (1) inclusion of soil animals will improve the predictive capabilities of region‐ or biome‐scale decomposition models, (2) soil animal influences on decomposition are important at the regional scale when attempting to predict global change scenarios, and (3) the statistical relationship between decomposition rates and climate, at the global scale, is robust against changes in soil faunal abundance and diversity.  相似文献   
Abstract The enemy release hypothesis predicts that native herbivores will either prefer or cause more damage to native than introduced plant species. We tested this using preference and performance experiments in the laboratory and surveys of leaf damage caused by the magpie moth Nyctemera amica on a co‐occuring native and introduced species of fireweed (Senecio) in eastern Australia. In the laboratory, ovipositing females and feeding larvae preferred the native S. pinnatifolius over the introduced S. madagascariensis. Larvae performed equally well on foliage of S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis: pupal weights did not differ between insects reared on the two species, but growth rates were significantly faster on S. pinnatifolius. In the field, foliage damage was significantly greater on native S. pinnatifolius than introduced S. madagascariensis. These results support the enemy release hypothesis, and suggest that the failure of native consumers to switch to introduced species contributes to their invasive success. Both plant species experienced reduced, rather than increased, levels of herbivory when growing in mixed populations, as opposed to pure stands in the field; thus, there was no evidence that apparent competition occurred.  相似文献   
Occupancy estimation is an effective analytic framework, but requires repeated surveys of a sample unit to estimate the probability of detection. Detection rates can be estimated from spatially replicated rather than temporally replicated surveys, but this may violate the closure assumption and result in biased estimates of occupancy. We present a new application of a multi-scale occupancy model that permits the simultaneous use of presence–absence data collected at 2 spatial scales and uses a removal design to estimate the probability of detection. Occupancy at the small scale corresponds to local territory occupancy, whereas occupancy at the large scale corresponds to regional occupancy of the sample units. Small-scale occupancy also corresponds to a spatial availability or coverage parameter where a species may be unavailable for sampling at a fraction of the survey stations. We applied the multi-scale occupancy model to a hierarchical sample design for 2 bird species in the Black Hills National Forest: brown creeper (Certhia americana) and lark sparrow (Chondestes grammacus). Our application of the multi-scale occupancy model is particularly well suited for hierarchical sample designs, such as spatially replicated survey stations within sample units that are typical of avian monitoring programs. The model appropriately accounts for the non-independence of the spatially replicated survey stations, addresses the closure assumption for the spatially replicated survey stations, and is useful for decomposing the observation process into detection and availability parameters. This analytic approach is likely to be useful for monitoring at local and regional scales, modeling multi-scale habitat relationships, and estimating population state variables for rare species of conservation concern. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The sciarid, Lycoriella auripila, is a serious pest of commercial mushroom production. A series of trials demonstrated that the use of early, specifically-targeted, treatments of insecticides and/or antagonists and repellents, which distance treatment time from crop harvest, have the potential to play a useful part in the control of initial and subsequent generations of this pest. Of the treatments examined, those involving a drench treatment of the compost at filling (before pasteurisation) proved to be the most effective. Cyromazine and diflubenzuron were the most active insecticides tested, with cyromazine achieving a superior level of control of the initial infestation. Repellents and antifeedants were also effective, with calcium oxalate and sinapic acid both achieving about 50% control when applied at filling. Treatments applied later during the production cycle, unless in combination with a treatment at filling, were progressively less effective at controlling both the initial sciarid infestation and later generations of larvae. Multiple treatments caused greater reductions in fly populations than did the single treatments and continued to do so throughout the cropping cycle, the greatest reduction in the initial generation (79%) occurring with a triple treatment of cyromazine. With the exception of some diflubenzuron treatments, those that were effective resulted in increases in yield. The use of a physical paper barrier caused significant increases in both fly numbers and total yield.  相似文献   
mccluggage w. g., patterson a., white j. and anderson n. h. (1998) Cytopathology 9, 336–342
Immunocytochemical staining of ovarian cyst aspirates with monoclonal antibody against inhibin
Inhibin is a peptide hormone which is produced by ovarian granulosa cells during normal follicular development. It is important that granulosa cells are recognized in fine needle aspirates (FNAs) of ovarian cystic lesions, as this allows definite recognition of a functional cyst and exclusion of a potentially neoplastic epithelial lined cyst. Occasionally the distinction between granulosa and epithelial cells may be difficult, especially when aspirates from functional cysts are unusually cellular. In the present study, FNAs from 33 ovarian cystic lesions were immunostained with a monoclonal antibody against inhibin. Nine cases of peritoneal fluid containing malignant cells in patients subsequently confirmed to have ovarian adenocarcinoma were also stained. Where possible the cytological and immunocytochemical findings were correlated with subsequent biopsy. In most cases in which cytology suggested a functional cyst there was a strong positive staining with anti-inhibin, although occasional cases were negative. One case originally thought to contain epithelial cells stained strongly positive with anti-inhibin and on review was felt to represent a cellular functional cyst. In all other cases where cells were considered to be epithelial there was no staining with anti-inhibin. The study shows that immunocytochemical staining with anti-inhibin may be of value in confirming the presence of granulosa cells, thus establishing a diagnosis of functional cyst. Although negative staining does not exclude a functional cyst, positive staining with anti-inhibin allows exclusion of an epithelial lined cyst and may avoid unnecessary surgical intervention.  相似文献   
Plants must develop efficient root architectures to secure access to nutrients and water in soil. This is achieved during plant development through a series of expansion and branching processes, mostly in the proximity of root apical meristems, where the plant senses the environment and explores immediate regions of the soil. We have developed a new approach to study the dynamics of root meristem distribution in soil, using the relationship between the increase in root length density and the root meristem density. Initiated at the seed, the location of root meristems in barley seedlings was shown to propagate, wave‐like, through the soil, leaving behind a permanent network of roots for the plant to acquire water and nutrients. Data from observations on barley roots were used to construct mathematical models to describe the density of root meristems in space. These models suggested that the morphology of the waves of meristems was a function of specific root developmental processes. The waves of meristems observed in root systems of barley seedlings exploring the soil might represent a more general and fundamental aspect of plant rooting strategies for securing soil resources.  相似文献   
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