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Dunlop, J., Knighton, M. V. and White, D. W. R. 1988. Ion transportand the effects of acetic acid in white clover. II. Potassiumabsorption.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 89–96. Acetic acid stimulated K+ influx into cells of white cloverin suspension culture and net K+ influx by roots of intact whiteclover plants. At concentrations of acetic acid up to 2·0mol m–3 the stimulation continued unabated for at least2 h. However, at higher concentrations the rate of absorptiondeclined to near zero values after 2 h. When acetic acid wasremoved from the solution there was a net efflux of K+. Thestimulation was pH dependent with a maximum at pH 5·0.There was maximum stimulation at an acetic acid concentrationof 2·0 mol m–3 Net H+ efflux was reduced by 1·0 mol m–3 aceticacid. When Rb+ uptake and H+ efflux were measured at a rangeof RbCl concentrations Rb+ uptake increased with concentrationwhereas H+ efflux was maximum in the absence of Rb+ (and K+)and decreased as RbCl concentration was increased Acetic acid caused a hyperpolarization of the membrane electricalpotential difference (E) of about 25 mV. In 1·0 mol m–3acetic acid the hyperpolarization persisted for at least 2 hwhereas at 10 mol m–3 d E subsequently depolarized tovalues around –80 mV. With a slight lag, the time courseof the stimulation of the rate of K+ absorption followed thepolarization and depolarization of E. These results imply thatthe linkage between K+ and H+ movements is probably throughE. Key words: Proton efflux, membrane electrical potential difference, Trifolium repens  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We assessed variation in reporting probabilities of standard bands among species, populations, harvest locations, and size classes of North American geese to enable estimation of unbiased harvest probabilities. We included reward (US$10, $20, $30, $50, or $100) and control ($0) banded geese from 16 recognized goose populations of 4 species: Canada (Branta canadensis), cackling (B. hutchinsii), Ross's (Chen rossii), and snow geese (C. caerulescens). We incorporated spatially explicit direct recoveries and live recaptures into a multinomial model to estimate reporting, harvest, and band-retention probabilities. We compared various models for estimating harvest probabilities at country (United States vs. Canada), flyway (5 administrative regions), and harvest area (i.e., flyways divided into northern and southern sections) scales. Mean reporting probability of standard bands was 0.73 (95% CI = 0.69–0.77). Point estimates of reporting probabilities for goose populations or spatial units varied from 0.52 to 0.93, but confidence intervals for individual estimates overlapped and model selection indicated that models with species, population, or spatial effects were less parsimonious than those without these effects. Our estimates were similar to recently reported estimates for mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). We provide current harvest probability estimates for these populations using our direct measures of reporting probability, improving the accuracy of previous estimates obtained from recovery probabilities alone. Goose managers and researchers throughout North America can use our reporting probabilities to correct recovery probabilities estimated from standard banding operations for deriving spatially explicit harvest probabilities.  相似文献   
Abstract: Understanding the relative importance of density-dependent and density-independent feedback on population growth is essential for developing management strategies to conserve wildlife. We examined a 99-year time series of annual counts and removals for 2 bison (Bison bison) herds occupying northern and central Yellowstone National Park in the western United States. Yellowstone's aggressive management intervention effectively recovered bison from 46 animals in 1902 to > 1,500 animals in 1954. Supplemental feeding of the northern herd facilitated rapid growth (r = 0.16) during 1902 to 1952. Augmentation of the central herd with 71 animals also led to rapid growth over 1936 to 1954 (r = 0.10). In 1969, manipulative management ceased in the park, and we detected evidence of density-dependent changes in population growth rates for both herds during 1970 to 2000 as numbers increased to >3,000 animals. The central herd showed evidence of a constant density-dependent response over 1970 to 2000. In contrast, density dependence had a stronger effect on the northern herd's growth rate during 1970 to 1981 than during 1982 to 2000. We found evidence to suggest that these trends resulted from pulses of emigration from the central herd to the northern range beginning in 1982 in response to resource limitation generated by an interaction between density and severe snow pack. Corroborative evidence supporting this interpretation included 1) the annual growth of the central herd was negatively correlated with snow pack but that of the northern herd was not, 2) growth rates of the central and northern herds were uncorrelated during 1970 to 1981 but significantly and negatively correlated during 1982 to 2000, and 3) the northern herd could not have sustained the high removals experienced during 1984 to 2000 without immigration. Density-related emigration from the central herd to the northern range may be fueling bison emigration onto private and public lands where large-scale removals occur, exacerbating the brucellosis controversy for natural resource managers.  相似文献   
DNA sequencing with arbitrary primer pairs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
ABSTRACT Decreasing abundance of resident, nonmigratory trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), USA, raised concern that this population, which helped facilitate the restoration of the species across North America, may disappear. We quantified trends in abundance of resident and migratory trumpeter swans in YNP from 1967 to 2007 and investigated the potential mechanisms for declining population trends, including cessation of the supplemental feeding program and relocation programs outside of YNP, density dependence, and annual variations in environmental conditions. Estimated abundance of resident trumpeter swans in YNP ranged from 59 individuals in 1968 to 10 individuals in 2007. Using log-linear modeling, the best approximating model chosen from an a priori set of competing models estimated the annual growth rate (r) of resident swans from 1967 to 2007 was −0.036 (95% CI =−0.042 to −0.030, Akaike wt [wi] = 0.44). A competing model provided evidence that decreases in abundance became more dramatic after supplemental feeding of grain outside of YNP was terminated in winter 1992–1993 (1967–1992 = −0.027, 95% CI = −0.039 to −0.015; 1993–2007 = −0.053, 95% CI = −0.029 to −0.080; wi = 0.42). There was little evidence of density-dependent effects on the resident population growth rates (βYNPpop = 0.006, 95% CI = −0.017 to 0.007), but rates were lower following severe winters, wetter springs, and warmer summers. Our results indicate that the YNP population of trumpeter swans is decreasing and may act as a sink to surrounding populations. Thus, population levels of YNP trumpeter swans may depend on management outside the Park and we recommend the National Park Service collaborate with surrounding agencies in managing trumpeter swans throughout the Tri-state region where more productive habitats may exist.  相似文献   
Acoustic features are important for individual and species recognition. However, while dialectal variations in song characteristics have been described in many songbirds, geographical divergence in vocal features across populations has seldom been studied in birds that are not thought to have song-learning abilities. Here, we document marked differences in the vocal structure of calls of two populations of black-legged kittiwakes ( Rissa tridactyla ), a seabird whose call is considered as not being learned from other individuals. We found that calls vary both within and between populations. Within-population variation may convey individual identity, whereas the marked differences in frequency and temporal parameters observed between the two populations may reveal ongoing divergence among kittiwake populations. Moreover, we were unable to detect any sex signature in adult calls in a Pacific population (Middleton, Alaska), while these were detected in an Atlantic population (Hornøya, Norway), potentially affecting sexual behaviours. Despite the fact that these calls seemed to change over the reproductive season and across years, the individual signature remained fairly stable. Such vocal differences suggest that Pacific and Atlantic populations may be undergoing behavioural divergences that may reveal early stages of speciation, as is suggested by molecular data.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 289–297.  相似文献   
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