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Malate, oxalate and mustard oils were analysed in zinc-resistant and zinc-sensitive ecotypes of Silene cucubalus Wib., Rumex acetosa L., Thlaspi alpestre L. and Agrostis tenuis Sibth. The effect of zinc on the activities of carbonic anhydrase and peroxidase in Siiene cucubalus was tested. Carbonic anhydrase of the zinc-resistant ecotypes was stimulated by addition in vivo of high amounts of zinc. The high activity of peroxidase in the non-zinc-resistant ecotypes after the addition of zinc documented a poisoning of the sensitive plants by zinc. The amount of oxalate differed greatly between ecotypes. There was, however, no direct correlation between zinc-resistance and oxalate. When applying zinc to the nutrient medium, the synthesis of oxalate was inhibited in zinc-sensitive, but stimulated in zinc-resistant ecotypes of Silene cucubalus and Rumex acetosa. In Thlaspi alpestre high concentrations of mustard oil glucosides were found. Zinc-resistant plants produced twice as much glucosides as sensitive ones. A possible role of mustard oils in zinc-resistance is discussed. In the content of malate there were great quantitative differences between zinc-resistant and zinc-sensitive plants. All zinc-resistant ecotypes of all the species contained much higher concentrations in their green organs than the sensitive ones. It is assumed that malate is a major factor in the evolution of zinc-resistance. Malate may act as a complexing agent for zinc within the plasma, whereas oxalate and mustard oils may function as “terminal acceptors” of large amounts of zinc. The role of malate may be extended by a special transport mechanism, by which zinc is eliminated from the plasma into the vacuole.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Rehydration in the triatomine bug Rhodnius prolixus (Stål) is dependent on the blood meal, and water balance regulation is crucial for survival of starving bugs. In an experimental arena with zones at different climatic conditions, starved R. prolixus nymphs prefer a cooler and more humid zone, stopping there more often and for longer periods. This is probably a behavioural adaptation to limit water loss and reduce metabolic rate. In the Venezuelan State of Portuguesa, temperature and humidity were monitored in three kinds of potential refugia during the dry season: (i) in a palm roof; (ii) in a crack of the wall of a house; and (iii) in a palm tree crown. Fluctuations in temperature and saturation deficit are not very different inside and outside the palm roof except during a few hours of the day when the sun is at its zenith. In the crack of the wall, the diurnal temperature range is reduced to 6.5 °C compared with 12.4 °C outside, and the saturation deficit varies by only 7.6 hPa compared with 28.6 hPa outside. In the palm tree crown, the daily temperature range is only 4.2 °C compared with 13.8 °C outside, and the saturation deficit is permanently < 5 hPa. The microclimatic conditions in the palm tree crown would appear to be ideal for starving R. prolixus , but this kind of refugium generally harbours low densities of bugs, probably related to a combination of predation, pathogens and lower mean temperature within the crown. Such biotic and abiotic constraints play a lesser role in the less ideal palm roof and wall crack refugia where bugs can proliferate as long as hosts are readily available nearby.  相似文献   
In the next decades, many soils will be subjected to increased drying/wetting cycles or modified water availability considering predicted global changes in precipitation and evapotranspiration. These changes may affect the turnover of C and N in soils, but the direction of changes is still unclear. The aim of the review is the evaluation of involved mechanisms, the intensity, duration and frequency of drying and wetting for the mineralization and fluxes of C and N in terrestrial soils. Controversial study results require a reappraisal of the present understanding that wetting of dry soils induces significant losses of soil C and N. The generally observed pulse in net C and N mineralization following wetting of dry soil (hereafter wetting pulse) is short‐lived and often exceeds the mineralization rate of a respective moist control. Accumulated microbial and plant necromass, lysis of live microbial cells, release of compatible solutes and exposure of previously protected organic matter may explain the additional mineralization during wetting of soils. Frequent drying and wetting diminishes the wetting pulse due to limitation of the accessible organic matter pool. Despite wetting pulses, cumulative C and N mineralization (defined here as total net mineralization during drying and wetting) are mostly smaller compared with soil with optimum moisture, indicating that wetting pulses cannot compensate for small mineralization rates during drought periods. Cumulative mineralization is linked to the intensity and duration of drying, the amount and distribution of precipitation, temperature, hydrophobicity and the accessible pool of organic substrates. Wetting pulses may have a significant impact on C and N mineralization or flux rates in arid and semiarid regions but have less impact in humid and subhumid regions on annual time scales. Organic matter stocks are progressively preserved with increasing duration and intensity of drought periods; however, fires enhance the risk of organic matter losses under dry conditions. Hydrophobicity of organic surfaces is an important mechanism that reduces C and N mineralization in topsoils after precipitation. Hence, mineralization in forest soils with hydrophobic organic horizons is presumably stronger limited than in grassland or farmland soils. Even in humid regions, suboptimal water potentials often restrict microbial activity in topsoils during growing seasons. Increasing summer droughts will likely reduce the mineralization and fluxes of C and N whereas increasing summer precipitation could enhance the losses of C and N from soils.  相似文献   
The effects of mycorrhiza formation in combination with elevated CO2 concentrations on carbon metabolism of Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) seedlings and aspen ( Populus tremula × Populus tremuloides ) plantlets were analysed. Plants were inoculated for 6 wk with the ectomycorrhizal fungi Amanita muscaria and Paxillus involutus (aspen only) in an axenic Petri-dish culture at 350 and 700 μl l−1 CO2 partial pressure. After mycorrhiza formation, a stimulation of net assimilation rate was accompanied by decreased activities of sucrose synthase, an increased activation state of sucrose-phosphate synthase, decreased fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and starch, and slightly elevated glucose-6-phosphate contents in source leaves of both host species, independent of CO2 concentration. Exposure to elevated CO2 generally resulted in higher net assimilation rates, increased starch as well as decreased fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (aspen only) content in source leaves of both mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants. Our data indicate only slightly improved carbon utilization by mycorrhizal plants at elevated CO2. They demonstrate however, that both factors which modulate the sink-source properties of plants increase the capacity for sucrose synthesis in source leaves mainly by allosteric enzyme regulation.  相似文献   
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