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The aim of the study was to investigate the metabolism of 4‐fluoro‐N‐(1‐{2‐[(propan‐2‐yl)phenoxy]ethyl}‐8‐azabicyclo[3.2.1]octan‐3‐yl)‐benzenesulfonamide (PZ‐1150), a novel 5‐HT7 receptor antagonist with antidepressant‐like and anxiolytic properties, by the following three ways: in vitro with microsomes; in vitro employing Cunninghamella echinulata, and in silico using MetaSite. Biotransformation of PZ‐1150 with microsomes resulted in five metabolites, while transformation with C. echinulata afforded two metabolites. In both models, the predominant metabolite occurred due to hydroxylation of benzene ring. In silico data coincide with in vitro experiments, as three MetaSite metabolites matched compounds identified in microsomal samples. In human liver microsomes PZ‐1150 exhibited in vitro half‐life of 64 min, with microsomal intrinsic clearance of 54.1 μL/min/mg and intrinsic clearance of 48.7 mL/min/kg. Therefore, PZ‐1150 is predicted to be a high‐clearance agent. The study demonstrated the applicability of using microsomal model coupled with microbial model to elucidate the metabolic pathways of compounds and comparison with in silico metabolite predictions.  相似文献   
为了建立最佳的人妊娠子宫平滑肌细胞的原代培养方法和初步检测子宫平滑肌细胞中Transgelin蛋白的表达,采用组织块贴壁法和酶消化法进行人妊娠子宫平滑肌原代培养.发现组织贴块培养的细胞呈典型的梭状肌细胞样生长,经过传代纯化,通过免疫细胞化学方法检测平滑肌肌动蛋白(smooth muscle acting,SMA)进行细胞鉴定及检测Trangsgelin(smooth muscle 22 alpha,SM22-α)蛋白,得到SMA、snd2-α荧光免疫细胞化学染色为阳性.结果表明组织贴块法对妊娠子宫平滑肌细胞损伤小,可获得状态良好的纯净的子宫平滑肌细胞,子宫平滑肌细胞中大量表达sm2-α,为进一步研究sm22-α在子宫平滑肌细胞中作用打下基础.  相似文献   
We reported a new methodology for the stereoselective determination of metalaxyl enantiomers in tobacco and soil. The QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe) method was used for the extraction and clean-up of the tobacco and soil samples. Separation of the metalaxyl enantiomers was performed on an ACQUITY UPC2 Trefoil CEL1 chiral column coupled with supercritical fluid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (SFC-MS/MS), and the run time was only 5 minutes. Under the optimized conditions, the recoveries for the enantiomers were between 78.2% and 93.3% with intraday relative standard deviations (RSDs) ranging from 1.1% to 5.4%. The limit of detection (LOD) for the enantiomers in tobacco and soil varied from 0.005 to 0.007 mg/kg, and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) ranged from 0.017 to 0.020 mg/kg. In this method, only a small amount of methanol was consumed to obtain a rapid stereoselective separation. This proposed method showed good accuracy and precision and might be suitable for fast enantioselective determination of metalaxyl in food and environmental samples. The developed method was further validated by application to the analysis of authentic samples.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation has often been implicated in the decline of many species. For habitat specialists and/or sedentary species, loss of habitat can result in population isolation and lead to negative genetic effects. However, factors other than fragmentation can often be important and also need to be considered when assessing the genetic structure of a species. We genotyped individuals from 13 populations of the cooperatively breeding Brown‐headed Nuthatch Sitta pusilla in Florida to test three alternative hypotheses regarding the effects that habitat fragmentation might have on genetic structure. A map of potential habitat developed from recent satellite imagery suggested that Brown‐headed Nuthatch populations in southern Florida occupied smaller and more isolated habitat patches (i.e. were more fragmented) than populations in northern Florida. We also genotyped individuals from a small, isolated Brown‐headed Nuthatch population on Grand Bahama Island. We found that populations associated with more fragmented habitat in southern Florida had lower allelic richness than populations in northern Florida (P = 0.02), although there were no differences in heterozygosity. Although pairwise estimates of FST were low overall, values among southern populations were generally higher than northern populations. Population assignment tests identified K = 3 clusters corresponding to a northern cluster, a southern cluster and a unique population in southeast Florida; using sampling localities as prior information revealed K = 7 clusters, with greater structure only among southern Florida populations. The Bahamas population showed moderate to high differentiation compared with Florida populations. Overall, our results suggest that fragmentation could affect gene flow in Brown‐headed Nuthatch populations and is likely to become more pronounced over time.  相似文献   
张微  田颖  张亚琼  李杰  胡严 《动物学杂志》2024,59(3):349-357
红隼(Falco tinnunculus)被列为国家二级重点保护野生动物,是能同时适应农村和城市环境的小型猛禽,对维持城市生态系统稳定具有重要意义。2022年4月至7月,为在北京救助的7只红隼佩戴了卫星追踪器,追踪其活动轨迹,依据追踪的动物活动位点数据,采用净平方位移-时间曲线依次对各红隼的迁徙模式进行了判别,深入分析了迁徙红隼的迁徙时间、距离和路线等,并采用核心密度法分别计算了迁徙及留居型红隼95%及50%活动区面积。研究结果表明,在北京地区红隼的迁徙模式为部分迁徙,追踪的7只红隼个体(N01 ~ N07)中,4只为留鸟,1只为迁徙鸟,2只居留类型无法准确判断。N01为迁徙红隼,其度夏地和越冬地分别在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟和河北廊坊,此红隼秋季迁徙速度明显高于春季,其春季迁徙距离551 km,历时25 d,平均迁徙速度为22 km/d,而秋季迁徙距离412 km,历时2 d,平均迁徙速度为203 km/d,河北承德滦平县是其春季迁徙的重要中途停歇地。不同红隼个体间95%及50%活动区面积均存在较大差异,迁徙红隼N01 95%、50%活动区面积在度夏区分别为93.10 km2、17.50 km2,在越冬区分别为7.03 km2、0.99 km2;留居型红隼95%、50%活动区面积均值分别为1 165.34 km2、178.71 km2(n = 4),其中最大95%、50%活动区面积分别为4 320.26 km2(N02)、648.22 km2(N02),最小95%、50%活动区面积分别为2.80 km2(N03)、0.29 km2(N03)。本研究揭示了北京地区红隼的迁徙模式、迁徙路线、重要停歇地及活动区状况,为红隼的针对性保护和管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
啄木鸟科物种作为初级洞巢者与蛀干害虫控制者,对森林高度依赖,是森林生态系统重要的伞护种和环境指示物种。自20世纪以来,由于全球范围的栖息地丧失和片段化,啄木鸟科物种的森林生境急剧萎缩,威胁着该类群物种的生存和繁衍。为探究啄木鸟科动物濒危情况和研究现状,本研究利用世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录(IUCN Red List)和国际鸟盟(BirdLife International)在线数据库,检索并整理出1988年到2023年以下内容:(1)全球啄木鸟的物种数、濒危等级及其变化情况;(2)各大洲的啄木鸟物种数及其受威胁物种的比例;(3)啄木鸟的主要威胁因素;(4)通过Google学术搜索等方式检索并统计啄木鸟相关文章的研究内容。结果显示:(1)目前现存254种啄木鸟,33年间全球受威胁啄木鸟由7种增加至18种,受威胁物种数占当年已命名啄木鸟物种数的比例由3.4%上升至7.0%。(2)亚洲、南美洲和北美洲各分布了83种、93种和56种啄木鸟,受威胁物种占比分别为12.0%、6.4%、5.3%。非洲和欧洲分别分布了36种和11种啄木鸟,当前没有受威胁物种。(3)农业和生物资源利用以及放牧是啄木鸟的主要威胁因素。(4)共检索到研究啄木鸟的有关文章1 024篇,研究覆盖了140种啄木鸟,其中,文章数最多的物种是红顶啄木鸟(Leuconotopicus borealis)(162篇)。研究主要集中在巢相关特征(129篇)、生境选择特征(122篇)、取食行为(112篇)、繁殖行为(99篇)和种群状况(66篇)等基础生态学内容。这些研究为啄木鸟生物学、生态学积累了一定的基础,但物种覆盖程度还远远不够。在生物多样性急剧丧失的大背景下,亟需开展更为广泛和深入的研究。本研究对全球啄木鸟的濒危格局与研究现状进行了全面的分析,以期为后续啄木鸟的研究与保护工作提供参考。  相似文献   
大中型食肉动物肇事事件导致人类与野生动物关系恶化,给生物多样性保护工作带来巨大的挑战。若尔盖湿地是我国三大湿地之一,湿地、草原分布广泛,生物多样性丰富,畜牧业发达,但近年来狼(Canis lupus)捕杀牲畜的肇事事件时有发生。为了解若尔盖野生狼肇事件的空间分布以及牧民对人-狼冲突管理的看法,本研究于2022年对若尔盖县13个乡镇83个行政村进行走访调查。结果表明:(1)多数受访者(66.0%)认为在过去5年内,若尔盖县野生狼数量有所增加;(2)狼肇事事件具有明显的空间分异性,最严重的是包座乡。包座乡临近山区,该区域牧场面积广阔、牧民饲养牲畜数量多等原因导致该镇发生狼肇事事件较多;(3)对于狼肇事,绝大多数牧民(85.0%)更希望采取经济补偿或者驱赶措施,只有少数牧民(9.4%)希望采取捕杀的措施;(4)影响牧民对狼肇事管理措施的偏好因子中,受教育程度、年龄、民族以及被杀牲畜数量有显著影响。建议加强狼种群监测管理,采取措施减少狼捕杀牲畜,优化补偿机制,缓解当地牧民与狼之间的矛盾。本研究为当前若尔盖县野生动物保护和管理决策提供了依据,对其他地区大型食肉动物与当地居民冲突管理具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
中国蚌螨属支序分类分析(蜱螨亚纲:蚌螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择35个特征对我国蚌螨属15种的支序分析结果表明:蚌螨P-Ⅳ(胫节)端腹部的指状突是将它们聚集成两群的主要特征.今村蚌螨P-Ⅳ端腹部仅具有短矩,与外群最近,认为是我国的蚌螨属水螨中最原始的种类;雌螨前殖吸盘板的形态影响戊蚌螨亚属与多盘蚌螨亚属的种类聚类,由此推测可以将蚌螨P-Ⅳ端腹部的指状突与雌螨前殖吸盘板的形态也作为蚌螨亚属的区分特征.由于殖吸盘结构简单是祖征态之一,因此认为具有5对殖吸盘的邻近蚌螨比6对殖吸盘的厚蚌螨更原始.雌螨具有1对殖吸盘板的寄蚌螨亚属种类与沃蚌螨亚属种类在支序系统树中形成姊妹群,结果支持Vidrine 将沃蚌螨亚属从寄蚌螨亚属中分离的修订.  相似文献   
For decades, southern China has been considered to be an important source for emerging influenza viruses since key hosts live together in high densities in areas with intensive agriculture. However, the underlying conditions of emergence and spread of avian influenza viruses (AIV) have not been studied in detail, particularly the complex spatiotemporal interplay of viral transmission between wild and domestic ducks, two major actors of AIV epidemiology. In this synthesis, we examine the risks of avian influenza spread in Poyang Lake, an area of intensive free-ranging duck production and large numbers of wild waterfowl. Our synthesis shows that farming of free-grazing domestic ducks is intensive in this area and synchronized with wild duck migration. The presence of juvenile domestic ducks in harvested paddy fields prior to the arrival and departure of migrant ducks in the same fields may amplify the risk of AIV circulation and facilitate the transmission between wild and domestic populations. We provide evidence associating wild ducks migration with the spread of H5N1 in the spring of 2008 from southern China to South Korea, Russia, and Japan, supported by documented wild duck movements and phylogenetic analyses of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 sequences. We suggest that prevention measures based on a modification of agricultural practices may be implemented in these areas to reduce the intensity of AIV transmission between wild and domestic ducks. This would require involving all local stakeholders to discuss feasible and acceptable solutions.  相似文献   
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