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1. For north temperate lakes, the well‐studied empirical relationship between phosphorus (as measured by total phosphorus, TP), the most commonly limiting nutrient and algal biomass (as measured by chlorophyll a, CHL) has been found to vary across a wide range of landscape settings. Variation in the parameters of these TP–CHL regressions has been attributed to such lake variables as nitrogen/phosphorus ratios, organic carbon and alkalinity, all of which are strongly related to catchment characteristics (e.g. natural land cover and human land use). Although this suggests that landscape setting can help to explain much of the variation in ecoregional TP–CHL regression parameters, few studies have attempted to quantify relationships at an ecoregional spatial scale. 2. We tested the hypothesis that lake algal biomass and its predicted response to changes in phosphorus are related to both local‐scale features (e.g. lake and catchment) and ecoregional‐scale features, all of which affect the availability and transport of covarying solutes such as nitrogen, organic carbon and alkalinity. Specifically, we expected that land use and cover, acting at both local and ecoregional scales, would partially explain the spatial pattern in parameters of the TP–CHL regression. 3. We used a multilevel modelling framework and data from 2105 inland lakes spanning 35 ecoregions in six US states to test our hypothesis and identify specific local and ecoregional features that explain spatial heterogeneity in TP–CHL relationships. We include variables such as lake depth, natural land cover (for instance, wetland cover in the catchment of lakes and in the ecoregions) and human land use (for instance, agricultural land use in the catchment of lakes and in the ecoregions). 4. There was substantial heterogeneity in TP–CHL relationships across the 35 ecoregions. At the local scale, CHL was negatively and positively related to lake mean depth and percentage of wooded wetlands in the catchment, respectively. At the ecoregional scale, the slope parameter was positively related to the percentage of pasture in an ecoregion, indicating that CHL tends to respond more rapidly to changes in TP where there are high levels of agricultural pasture than where there is little. The intercept (i.e. the ecoregion‐average CHL) was negatively related to the percentage of wooded wetlands in the ecoregion. 5. By explicitly accounting for the hierarchical nature of lake–landscape interactions, we quantified the effects of landscape characteristics on the response of CHL to TP at two spatial scales. We provide new insight into ecoregional drivers of the rate at which algal biomass responds to changes in nutrient concentrations. Our results also indicate that the direction and magnitude of the effects of certain land use and cover characteristics on lake nutrient dynamics may be scale dependent and thus likely to represent different underlying mechanisms regulating lake productivity.  相似文献   
Morphological delineation of sponge species is hindered by the narrow range of fixed diagnostic characters and our limited knowledge of how much phenotypic plasticity the sponge body plan assumes in response to environmental conditions. Here, we make use of the partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region to assess the taxonomic validity of colour morphotypes observed in the elephant ear sponge Ianthella basta (Pallas, 1776) across its distribution range in northern Australia, and explore levels and patterns of genetic diversity among populations of the species collected from both sides of the Torres Strait. Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed congruent topologies consistent with three evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) that were independent of the morphology of the sponge. ESU I includes previously morphologically and genetically delineated western Pacific specimens of I. basta (Guam), and probably corresponds to the type specimen originally described from Indonesia. ESU I occurs in almost all sampling sites across northern Australia, suggesting considerable levels of connectivity among reefs throughout the Torres Strait. ESUs II and III are each exclusively associated with a geographic region of high sponge species richness separated by Torres Strait, and probably represent the result of historical population fragmentation. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 225–235.  相似文献   
Population genetic perturbations of intermediate hosts, often a consequence of human pressure on environmental resources, can precipitate unexpectedly severe disease outbreaks. Such disturbances are set to become increasingly common following range changes concomitant with climate shifts, dwindling natural resources and major infrastructure changes such as hydroprojects. Construction of the Diama dam in the Senegal River Basin (SRB) reduced river salinity, enabling the freshwater snail intermediate host Biomphalaria pfeifferi to rapidly expand its distribution. A serious public health problem ensued, with an epidemic of intestinal schistosomiasis occurring in the previously schistosome‐free Richard‐Toll region within 2 years. The current study aimed to assess the population variability of B. pfeifferi in the SRB, and speculate upon its subsequent impact on host‐parasite interactions following such engineered ecological change. Genetic variation at nine polymorphic microsatellite loci revealed little population differentiation in SRB snails compared with those from natural habitats in Zimbabwe, where Schistosoma mansoni transmission is much lower. ‘Open’ SRB habitats are associated with greater water contact, smaller population sizes and less genetic diversity, with sites downstream of Richard‐Toll showing greater inter‐ and intrapopulation variation, concomitant with less frequent human contact. These observations may be explained by rapid expansion into pristine habitat selecting for high fecundity genotypes at the expense of schistosome resistance, presenting S. mansoni with genetically homogenous highly fecund susceptible populations around the focal point, promoting development of a highly compatible host‐parasite relationship. Longitudinal study of such systems may prove important in predicting public health risks engendered by future environmental engineering projects.  相似文献   
During the last century, the global biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) have been drastically altered by human activities. A century of land‐clearing and biomass burning, followed by fossil fuel combustion have increased the concentration of atmospheric CO2 by approximately 20%, and since the mid‐1900s, the use of agricultural fertilizers has been the primary driver of an approximate 90% increase in bioavailable N. Geochemical records obtained through stable isotope analysis of terrestrial and marine biota effectively illustrate rising anthropogenic C inputs. However, there are fewer records of anthropogenic N, despite the enormous magnitude of change and the known negative effects of N on ecosystem health. We used stable isotope values from independent octocorals (gorgonians) sampled across the Western Atlantic over the last 143 years to document human perturbations of the marine C and N pools. Here, we demonstrate that in sea plumes δ13C values and in both sea plumes and sea fans δ15N values declined significantly from 1862 to 2005. Sea plume δ 13C values were negatively correlated with increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations and corroborate known rates of change resulting from global fossil fuel combustion, known as the Suess effect. We suggest that widespread input of agricultural fertilizers to near‐shore coastal waters is the dominant driver for the decreasing δ 15N trend, though multiple anthropogenic sources are likely affecting this trend. Given the interest in using δ 15N as an indicator for N pollution in aquatic systems, we highlight the risk of underestimating contributions of pollutants as a result of source mixing as demonstrated by a simple isotope‐mixing model. We conclude that signals of major human‐induced perturbations of the C and N pools are detectable in specimens collected over wide geographic scales, and that archived materials are invaluable for establishing baselines against which we can assess environmental change.  相似文献   
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