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Ferrets are the domesticated form of the European polecat. Changesin ferret kit, face to face orientation (en face) were describedfor littermate dyads at 46, 62, and 94 days after birth. Enface characteristics were discussed in terms of their appropriatenessfor reported burrow attachment and subsequent dispersal of polecatkits to illustrate both the transactional and the developmentalnature of our approach and to emphasize the neglected developmentalproblem of knowing the organization of kit behavior in its ecologicalsetting. This emphasis brings into question the appropriatenessof play criteria, reduces the heuristic value of play for thoseinterested in development, and suggests the importance of multipleendpoints for developmental investigations. Play also limitsdevelopmental investigations because of the nature of ethologicalbehavioral categories: Their adult, motivational, and evolutionaryemphases direct attention to "functional" rather than "analytic"questions. Although these questions are complementary, theyare not equally appropriate for problems of evolution and developmentbecause the former direct our attention of behavior of youngorganisms while the latter direct our attention to mechanismsof the developmental process. Our evaluation of play appliesequally well to other functional categories of behavior, suchas sexual and aggressive behavior.  相似文献   
MAMMALIAN metaphase chromosomes may be isolated either at an acid pH1–4 or at nearly neutral pH5–7. The only exception is the method of Corry and Cole8, performed at pH 9.5. We used alkaline sucrose velocity gradients to determine the size distributions of DNA (molecular weight) in metaphase chromosomes in an attempt to understand their arrangement. Initial experiments yielded 1 × 106 molecular weight DNA (single stranded) pieces regardless of chromosome size. When metaphase cells are lysed directly on the gradient a high molecular weight (1 × 108 for single stranded) is obtained. We therefore examined a large number of chromosome isolation procedures and cytological conditions to determine their effects on the molecular weight of the DNA.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS Motile cells and cysts of Polytomella agilis, obtained over the entire growth cycle, were examined by electron microscopy. In typical late log phase cells there is a concentric arrangement of the internal organelles around the centrally located nucleus. Lying just beneath the plasma membrane is a peripheral band of elongate mitochondria. Numerous well defined Golgi bodies are also distributed around the nucleus. Vesicles associated with the Golgi body increase in size with distance from the secretory edges of the organelle. Cytoplasmic membranes with associated ribosomes are found between the mitochondrial and Golgi regions. A layer of slender membrane-limited structures is located near the mitochondrial layer. These organelles, which resemble proplastids, become highly branched during late log and early stationary phase, reaching maximum development in late stationary and early pre-cyst stages. Large storage granules of varying density are found within the cell. The PAS-positive granules have been isolated and shown to contain starch. There is an increase in the amount of this storage material as the cells enter the stationary phase. The remainder of the cytoplasmic matrix is finely granular and contains numerous free ribosomes except in the region of the anterior papilla. Four flagella arise from basal bodies at the anterior end of the cell. The cyst is characterized by a thick multi-layered cell wall whose electron density obscures the limiting plasma membrane. Large storage granules are located close to and often in contact with the periphery of the cell, suggesting their involvement in the process of cell wall deposition. Altho mitochondria can still be seen in the mature cyst, other cytoplasmic organelles often appear atypical. The mature cyst has an irregular profile possibly due to shrinkage from dehydration.  相似文献   
Several genera of marine dinoflagellates contain species that have evolved parasitic life styles. Dinoflagellate infections have been reported for a wide range of host organisms including sarcodines. ciliates, free-living dinoflagellates, various invertebrates, and a few vertebrates. Some dinoflagellates even parasitize other parasitic dinoflagellates. Most species are obligately parasitic and rely on heterotrophy as their sole means of nutrition; however, some are mixotrophic, as they possess chloroplasts during part or all of their life cycle. Many are ectoparasites that use highly specialized structures to attach to their host and feed, while others are intracellular parasites that feed by osmotrophy. Parasitic dinoflagellates often have adverse effects on their host that can lead to reproductive castration or death. The ecological importance of parasitic dinoflagellates is particularly evident during epidemic outbreaks that cause mass mortality of host organisms. Species that infect fish can pose threats to aquaculture. while other species can make commercially important crustacea unpalatable. In the planktonic realm, parasitic dinoflagellates influence the structure and function of the microbial food web. They compete with copepods and other grazers by utilizing ciliates as hosts and can stimulate rapid recycling of nutrients by causing the decline of toxic and non-toxic red tides.  相似文献   
The successful re‐introduction of grey wolves to the western United States is an impressive accomplishment for conservation science. However, the degree to which subpopulations are genetically structured and connected, along with the preservation of genetic variation, is an important concern for the continued viability of the metapopulation. We analysed DNA samples from 555 Northern Rocky Mountain wolves from the three recovery areas (Greater Yellowstone Area, Montana, and Idaho), including all 66 re‐introduced founders, for variation in 26 microsatellite loci over the initial 10‐year recovery period (1995–2004). The population maintained high levels of variation (HO = 0.64–0.72; allelic diversity k = 7.0–10.3) with low levels of inbreeding (FIS < 0.03) and throughout this period, the population expanded rapidly (n1995 = 101; n2004 = 846). Individual‐based Bayesian analyses revealed significant population genetic structure and identified three subpopulations coinciding with designated recovery areas. Population assignment and migrant detection were difficult because of the presence of related founders among different recovery areas and required a novel approach to determine genetically effective migration and admixture. However, by combining assignment tests, private alleles, sibship reconstruction, and field observations, we detected genetically effective dispersal among the three recovery areas. Successful conservation of Northern Rocky Mountain wolves will rely on management decisions that promote natural dispersal dynamics and minimize anthropogenic factors that reduce genetic connectivity.  相似文献   
Abstract: There is a need for insight into fence heights required for impeding white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). We evaluated the ability of wild-caught deer to jump progressively taller fences and documented deterrence rates of 0% for fences ≤1.5 m followed by increasing deterrence rates of 14% at 1.8 m, 85% at 2.1 m, and 100% at 2.4 m. We documented 100% deterrence rates during 5 additional experiments with different deer and the test fence at 2.4 m, a common height of fences at captive deer facilities. Our results will be valuable to those managing spread of wildlife diseases, deer-vehicle collisions, and agricultural damage.  相似文献   
1. We conducted bioassays of nutrient limitation to understand how macronutrients and the position of streams relative to lakes control nitrogen (N2) fixation and periphytic biomass in three oligotrophic Rocky Mountain catchments. We measured periphytic chlorophyll‐a (chl‐a) and nitrogen‐fixation responses to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) additions using nutrient‐diffusing substrata at 19 stream study sites, located above and below lakes within the study catchments. 2. We found that periphytic chl‐a was significantly co‐limited by N and P at 13 of the 19 sites, with sole limitation by P observed at another four sites, and no nutrient response at the final two sites. On average, the addition of N, P and N + P stimulated chl‐a 35%, 114% and 700% above control values respectively. The addition of P alone stimulated nitrogen fixation by 2500% at five of the 19 sites. The addition of N, either with or without simultaneous P addition, suppressed nitrogen fixation by 73% at nine of the 19 sites. 3. Lake outlet streams were warmer and had higher dissolved organic carbon concentrations than inlet streams and those further upstream, but position relative to lakes did not affect chl‐a and nitrogen fixation in the absence of nutrient additions. Chl‐a response to nutrient additions did not change along the length of the study streams, but nitrogen fixation was suppressed more strongly by N, and stimulated more strongly by P, at lower altitude sites. The responses of chl‐a and nitrogen fixation to nutrients were not affected by location relative to lakes. Some variation in responses to nutrients could be explained by nitrate and/or total N concentration. 4. Periphytic chl‐a and nitrogen fixation were affected by nutrient supply, but responses to nutrients were independent of stream position in the landscape relative to lakes. Understanding interactions between nutrient supply, nitrogen fixation and chl‐a may help predict periphytic responses to future perturbations of oligotrophic streams, such as the deposition of atmospheric N.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The species of Australimyza Harrison are revised and the saprophagous larvae are described for the first time. The phylogenetic analysis revealed two species groups and one ungrouped species. One species group is distributed in New Zealand and associated subantarctic islands; all other species occur in Australia. Four new species, A. glandulifera , A. kaikoura , A. mcalpinei and A. victoria , are described, A. anisotomae is synonymized with A. australensis and a neotype is designated for the latter species. A lectotype is designated for A. macquariensis .  相似文献   
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