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喜树毛状根的诱导及其喜树碱含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王伟  陆杨  李礼  王敬  开国银 《西北植物学报》2008,28(12):2416-2422
研究了不同外植体类型(包括真叶、茎段、子叶及胚轴)、胚轴年龄和不同发根农杆菌菌株(包括A4、15834、R1601、C58C1)等因素对喜树毛状根诱导频率的影响,并用PCR对诱导出的毛状根进行了分子鉴定.结果表明:(1)最佳外植体为胚轴,5~10 d是胚轴最佳诱导年龄段,最佳诱导菌株为15834.(2)PCR鉴定结果表明,发根农杆菌的rolB基因已整合到喜树毛状根基因组中.(3)对不同菌株诱导的毛状根进行HPLC检测表明,C58C1菌株诱导的毛状根的喜树碱和羟基喜树碱含量最高,分别为1.219 mg/g和0.305 mg/g.研究结果为喜树碱的药源开发提供了一条新途径,并为进一步利用基因工程技术调控喜树碱的代谢合成奠定了基础.  相似文献   
Vegetation dynamics plays a critical role in causing the decadal variability of precipitation over the Sahel region of West Africa. However, the potential impact of changes in CO2 concentration on vegetation dynamics and precipitation variability of this region has not been addressed by previous studies. In this paper, we explore the role of CO2 concentration in the regional climate system of West Africa using a zonally symmetric, synchronously coupled biosphere‐atmosphere model. We first document the response of precipitation and vegetation to incremental changes of CO2 concentration; the impact of CO2 concentration on the variability of the regional biosphere‐atmosphere system is then addressed using the second half of the twentieth century as an example. An increase of CO2 concentration causes the regional biosphere‐atmosphere system to become wetter and greener, with the radiative effect of CO2 and improved plant‐water relation dominant in the Sahelian grassland region and the direct enhancement of leaf carbon assimilation dominant in the tree‐covered region to the south. Driven by the observed sea surface temperature (SST) of the tropical Atlantic Ocean during the period 1950–97 and with CO2 concentration prescribed at a pre‐industrial level 300ppmv, the model simulates a persistent Sahel drought during the period of 1960s?1990s. The simulated drought takes place in the form of a transition of the coupled biosphere‐atmosphere system from a wet/green regime in the 1950s to a dry/barren regime after the 1960s. This climate transition is triggered by SST forcing and materialized through vegetation‐climate interactions. The same SST forcing does not produce such a persistent drought when a constant modern CO2 concentration of 350ppmv is specified, indicating that the biosphere‐atmosphere system at higher CO2 level is more resilient to drought‐inducing external forcings. This finding suggests that the regional climate in Sahel, which tends to alternate between dry and wet spells, may experience longer (or more frequent) wet episodes and shorter (or less frequent) dry episodes in the future than in the past. Our study has significant implications regarding the impact of climate change on regional socio‐economic development.  相似文献   
通过超声波分散胆固醇过程,研究了各工艺参数超声波剂量、处理时间、胆固醇添加量和乳化剂量等对胆固醇氧化酶产量和残留胆固醇量的影响。结果表明,当超声波剂量为2.5W/mL,胆固醇3.5‰~4.0‰,吐温-800.3%,20min作用培养基时酶活达到最高。  相似文献   
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a Gram-positive bacte-rium, produces insecticidal crystal proteins during sporulation. Bt has been used as biopesticides to con-trol a number of insect pests from Lepidoptera, Dip-tera and Hymenoptera and also has become so far the leading gene sources of transgenic plants resistant toinsect pests[1,2]. In China, the use of Bt cotton began in 1997 in Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces, etc. and rapidly increased to more than 2 million ha in 2002, which is effe…  相似文献   
分别以苗期(分蘖)、拔节期、抽穗期叶片和花粉母细胞减数分裂期、小孢子双—三核期、花粉粒时期的花药为材料,对由小麦CMS与恢复系杂交F1杂种优势形成机理作了比较蛋白质组分析。结果表明,F1杂种中有超亲、亲二型和低亲三种蛋白质表达类型出现,出现频率为亲二型>低亲>超亲。对这三种类型共17个蛋白质斑点作了质谱分析,其功能涉及DNA和蛋白质合成、能量代谢、环境防御,基因转座及光合作用等。苗期生长特性如叶鲜重、叶干重、叶片数,F1杂种倾向于双亲,没有观察到杂种优势现象,这与F1叶片中蛋白质表达多数呈亲二型相吻合。但F1中分蘖数多于双亲,因此其总鲜重、干重、总叶片数明显呈现出杂种优势,然而这种杂种优势现象与蛋白质组的变化是否有关需进一步研究。  相似文献   
目的:探讨单气囊小肠镜(single-balloonenteroscop,SBE)在胶囊内镜检查阴性的可疑小肠疾病患者中的应用价值。方法:选取在我院行胶囊内镜检查无异常发现,后行单气囊小肠镜检查的可疑小肠疾病患者24例,分析后者对胶囊内镜检查阴性可疑小肠疾病患者的阳性发现率和病因的分布特点。结果:24例行SBE检查者有22例(91.7%)获得成功,2例失败,10例被检出阳性病变,其中间质瘤5例,小肠息肉2例,过敏性紫癜1例,血管畸形2例,SBE对胶囊内镜检查阴性的患者小肠疾病的再检出率为41.7%。结论:胶囊内镜和SBE在小肠疾病的诊断上有着各自的优缺点,对于胶囊内镜检查阴性的可疑小肠疾病患者进一步行SBE检查有助于确诊。  相似文献   
MAP kinase-interacting kinase-2 (Mnk2) is one of the downstream kinases activated by MAP kinases. It phosphorylates the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (elF4E), although the role of elF4E phosphorylation and the role of Mnk2 in the process of protein translation are not well understood. Except for elF4E, other physiological substrates of Mnk2 are still unidentified. To look for these unidentified substrates and to reveal the physiological function of Mnk2, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screening with Mnk2 as the bait. The results demonstrated Mnk2 could interact with VHL (von Hip-pel-Lindau tumor suppressor), Rbx1 (ring-box 1) and Cul2 (Cullin2) proteins in yeast cells. Furthermore, we validated the interaction between Mnk2 and VHL proteins in mammalian cells by co-immunoprecipitation analysis. Because the three proteins VHL, Rbx1 and Cul2 are all components of the CBCVHL ubiquitin ligase E3 complex, it has been shown that Mnk2 can interact with CBCVHL complex, and is probably one of the new substrates of the CBCVHL complex. Furthermore, during the interaction of Mnk2 with von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor- binding protein 1 (VBP1), it appears that Mnk2 also joins to modulate cell shape as VBP1 plays an important role in the process of the maturation of the cytoskeleton and in the process of morphogenesis.  相似文献   
以小麦(Triticum aestivum)幼苗叶片为材料,利用提取原生质体方法在小麦幼苗叶肉细胞中成功地装载了钙离子荧光指示剂fluo-3/AM,采用激光共聚焦显微技术检测了增强UV-B辐射后小麦幼苗叶肉细胞内游离钙离子荧光强度的分布,并对[Ca2+];进行了测定.结果显示,对照组细胞内钙离子荧光分布较均匀,主要分布于紧贴质膜处和核周围,UV-B辐射组钙离子荧光与对照组分布相似,但其原生质体表面不如对照组平滑;同时发现增强UV-B辐射组细胞内钙离子荧光强度值较对照组高,说明增强UV-B辐射组小麦幼苗叶肉细胞维持较高浓度的钙离子水平.这些变化表明Ca2+信号有可能以一定的方式参与了小麦响应UV-B辐射胁迫的过程.  相似文献   
王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):227-230
该文描述了自四川西北部发现的罂粟科绿绒蒿属二新种:肋蕊绿绒蒿,可能与拉萨绿绒蒿近缘,区别特征为其叶片较狭,全缘,子房具4条纵肋; 以及狭瓣绿绒蒿,此种可能与川西绿绒蒿近缘,区别特征为其叶片较小,无毛,花瓣呈条状倒披针形。  相似文献   
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