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脊椎动物线粒体DNA的基因重排   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
将GenBank上已公布的321种脊椎动物mtDNA全序列,按纲整理归类,绘制基因排布图并进行比对。比对结果表明:81个物种的mtDNA中观察到基因重排现象,涉及脊椎动物各纲,其中9个物种同时存在基因顺序变化和基因倒置现象,所有的基因重排都涉及tRNA的变化。脊椎动物mtDNA基因顺序变化可分为3类:1)邻接的基因或片段的位置交换;2)接近于控制序列或轻链起始位点的基因或片段的位置变化,有时还伴随着控制序列的倍增;3)I-Q-M区域的变化。所有鸟类、蛇类、鳄类和有袋类的mtDNA具有各自独特的基因排列顺序。基因倒置现象常见于鱼类和哺乳类,且多表现为tRNA从轻链往重链上迁移。本文就这些基因重排现象、发生重排的机制和mtDNA基因重排在系统发生研究中的应用做一简要概述。  相似文献   
强直性脊柱炎易感基因的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈蕊雯  王勇  孙树汉  段世伟 《遗传学报》2005,32(10):1108-1114
强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS)是一种常见的高度遗传的风湿类疾病。至20世纪70年代以来,越来越多的证据表明HLA-B27是AS最主要的易感基因。然而,全基因组扫描和关联分析等研究发现在HLA以外的区域仍存在AS的易感区域,大量的证据显示在HLA区内外有许多基因与AS的发病有关。文章主要综述了与AS相关的易感基因以及它们的研究现状。  相似文献   
云南丽江山慈菇遗传多样性的DALP分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用DALP (Direct amplification of length polymorphism) 分子标记技术, 对产自云南的药用植物丽江山慈菇Iphigenia indica (L.) Kunth的9个居群进行DNA指纹检测。筛选出5个引物组合, 扩增共产生131条DNA片段, 其中104 条谱带具有遗传多态性, 约占79 39%, 平均每组引物扩增所得多态条带为20 8, 9个居群平均多态百分率为42 21%。9个居群平均观察等位基因数Na为1 4224, 总Na为1 7939; 平均有效等位基因数Ne 为1 3141, 总Ne 为1 4810; 平均遗传多样性指数H为0 1745, 总H为0 2831; 平均Shannon 多样性指数I 为0 2527, 总I为0 4231; 总基因多样性Ht为0 2831, 居群内多样性Hs 为0 1745, 居群间基因分化系数Gst为0 3834, 即丽江山慈菇有61 66%的遗传变异来自居群内, 38 34%来自居群间, 居群间存在较高水平的遗传分化。滇西北居群的遗传多样性明显高于滇中居群的遗传多样性, 这与滇中地区丽江山慈菇野生资源被大规模挖掘有着直接的关系。  相似文献   
实验性X综合征大鼠模型的建立   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 建立一种典型的X综合症动物模型。方法 雄性SD大鼠施行两肾一夹术后普通饲料喂养 4周 ,诱发肾性高血压 ,继以高果糖饲料喂养 4周 ,诱导建立X综合症模型。结果 术后 4周 ,大鼠仅出现收缩压升高 ,血糖、血脂未见明显改变。高果糖饲料喂养 4周后 ,大鼠出现高血糖、高胰岛素血症、胰岛素抵抗、高血压和高脂血症。结论 肾性高血压形成后高果糖饮食 1个月 ,可诱导SD大鼠出现典型的X综合症 ,为研究胰岛素抵抗及其伴随的心血管疾病提供了一种理想的动物模型。  相似文献   
鄂报春(Primula obconica Hance)亲缘地理学的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了获得鄂报春(Primula obconica Hance)的种内亲缘地理学信息,对叶绿体基因组上非编码区trnL-trnF的序列变异进行了分析.获得的20个单倍型具有一定的地理分布结构.对这些单倍型进行系统发育分析,得到了三个主要分支:东部分支广泛分布于中国东南部、湖南、湖北、四川和云南;四川分支分布于四川西部;云南分支分布于云南西北部.东部分支分布面积较后两个分支大,并且在东部分支中可以发现一定的演化关系.结合古气候学和地质学信息,推测东部分支中现存的单倍型由冰期时气候变冷导致鄂报春快速迁移而形成,云南、四川分支中的单倍型可能是在各自的避难所中得以保存.同时本文也简要地探讨了鄂报春几个亚种之间的分类学关系.  相似文献   
贺兰山保护区冬季岩羊集群特征的初步分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Group size and composition of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) were studied in the Helan Mountains, Ningxia Autonomous Region from November to December 2003. We scanned mountain slopes with binoculars and observed with 20 - 60 x spotting-scope. A total of 310 herds of blue sheep and 1 336 individuals were observed during the study period. Blue sheep were frequently seen in small herds of 2 to 8 individuals, which represent 94.8% of total herds observed. Herds consisting of 9 individuals or more represented 5.2%. The largest herd we observed numbered 51 individuals. Mean group size was 4.2 individuals. Blue sheep herds can be divided into three types: male herds (composed solely of males), female herds (consisting of females with or without juveniles of both sexes), and mixed herds (including adult males, females, and subadults). Among the 310 herds, female herds were counted 150 times (48.4%}, mixed herds 154 times (49.7%), and male berds 6 times (1.9%) . Of 1 336 blue sheep classified by sex and age, adults, subadults and juveniles composed 64.1%, 20.8%, and 15.1% respectively. The female: male ratio of adults was 1:0.73. The ratio of adult females to juveniles was 1:0.56, which is higher than the ratio recorded in spring ( 1:0.43) or summer ( 1:0.44). The results showed that the Helan Mountains State Nature Reserve has succeed in protecting blue sheep.  相似文献   
人类活动对北京空气质量影响的综合生态评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
周文华  王如松  张克锋 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2214-2220
为给北京未来的空气污染控制政策的制定提供科学依据,采用基于压力-状态-响应模型框架构建的指标体系、生态服务功能估算和历史分析相结合的方法,探讨了人类活动、人工调节措施(1983~2003年)和生命支持系统生态服务功能(北京建城初~2003年)对北京城市生态系统空气质量影响的综合评价方法,结果表明:(1)人类活动对北京城市空气质量综合影响的排序结果前3位排名为2003年(0.619)、2001年(0.598)和2002年(0.578),后3位排名为1983年(0.392)、1984年(0.395)和1985年(0.495),综合影响总体趋向积极且稳步上升;(2)1983~2003年北京市的人类活动对北京城市空气质量消极与积极影响同时增强,城市空气质量自1998年后有所改善;(3)压力指数p与响应指数r呈极显著负相关关系,相关系数-0.995(p<0.001);(4)不同响应指数下的状态指数变化表明随着响应指数的增加,北京空气质量改善,但是在响应力度不强时其消极影响占主位;(5)1900年以前北京市人类活动对空气环境的影响很小,北京市生命支持系统的生态服务功能可以调节其影响;1975年后,北京市生命支持系统的生态服务功能显著下降,城市空气质量恶化,但随着人工调节能力的增强城市空气质量自1998年后趋于改善。  相似文献   
介绍了国内外6个梨种质资源描述标准,并对其主要形态特征与农艺性状描述符进行了归纳整理;分析了各描述符标准的层次结构特征、生物胁迫与非生物胁迫评价内容以及描述符编码方式;指出了制定我国梨相关标准借鉴之处.  相似文献   
王玉良  王虹  郑玉华 《植物研究》2005,25(2):136-137
报道了采自新疆的蜈蚣衣属(Physcia)地衣--中国新记录种(Phy scia a lba(Fée)Mül.lA rg.),用扫描电镜、光镜等手段对其形态结构进行了较为详尽的研究,对其化学成分和分布范围也做了描述,并与同属的相近种类做了观察比较研究。  相似文献   
Synergistic actions for mixtures of abamectin with other insecticides in some insect pests were evaluated, and the possible synergistic mechanism was studied by the comparison in toxicity and cuticular penetration of abamectin between with and without other insecticides or synergists in Helicoverpa armigera larvae. The results of bioassay showed that horticultural mineral oil (HMO), hexaflumuron, chlorpyrifos, and some other insecticides were synergistic to abamectin with 152.0-420.0 of co-toxicity coefficient(CTC) in some agricultural insect pests. In topical application tests, HMO or piperonyl butoxide (PBO) increased the toxicity of abamectin in larvae of H. armigera, but the mortality was not affected by s,s,s-tributylphorotrithioate (DEF) and triphenylphosphate (TPP). The synergistic action of HMO was obviously higher than PBO, and when treated simultaneously with abamectin, HMO gave a more significant synergism than if treated 2 hours ahead. The highest synergistic effect (SE) was found in the mixture of ‘abamectin HMO (1:206)‘. The mortality did not increase or the toxicity drop, when a synergist or HMO was added into the mixture of ‘abamectin HMO‘ or ‘abamectin synergist‘, respectively. Results from the isotope tracing experiments showed that HMO significantly enhanced the penetration of ^3H-abamectin through the cuticle of H.armigera larvae, which resulted in the synergism of the mixture. The cuticular penetration of ^3H-abamectin was not accumulatively affected by chlorpyrifos, nor by hexaflumuron,though there was an inhibition within 30 seconds or 1 hour after treated by these two chemicals respectively. Results suggested that the synergism of abamectin mixed with hexaflumuron or chlorpyrifos might be related to inhibition of metabolic enzymes or target sites in the larvae.  相似文献   
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