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Understanding how species' traits and environmental contexts relate to extinction risk is a critical priority for ecology and conservation biology. This study aims to identify and explore factors related to extinction risk between herbaceous and woody angiosperms to facilitate more effective conservation and management strategies and understand the interactions between environmental threats and species' traits.






We obtained a large dataset including five traits, six extrinsic variables, and 796,118 occurrence records for 14,888 Chinese angiosperms. We assessed the phylogenetic signal and used phylogenetic generalized least squares regressions to explore relationships between extinction risk, plant traits, and extrinsic variables in woody and herbaceous angiosperms. We also used phylogenetic path analysis to evaluate causal relationships among traits, climate variables, and extinction risk of different growth forms.


The phylogenetic signal of extinction risk differed among woody and herbaceous species. Angiosperm extinction risk was mainly affected by growth form, altitude, mean annual temperature, normalized difference vegetation index, and precipitation change from 1901 to 2020. Woody species' extinction risk was strongly affected by height and precipitation, whereas extinction risk for herbaceous species was mainly affected by mean annual temperature rather than plant traits.

Main conclusions

Woody species were more likely to have higher extinction risks than herbaceous species under climate change and extinction threat levels varied with both plant traits and extrinsic variables. The relationships we uncovered may help identify and protect threatened plant species and the ecosystems that rely on them.  相似文献   
黄花棘豆的喹诺里西定生物碱   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
豆科棘豆属有毒植物含多种有毒生物碱,有关棘豆属中生物碱成分的研究,早在1929年Couch由兰伯氏棘豆(Oxytropis lambertii DC.)中分离到一种多羟基化的含氮有机化合物,这是最早报道由棘豆属植物中分离出的生物碱成分,由于当时条件限制未能确定其结构。1982年美国农业部西部研究中心的植物化学家Molyneux从绢毛棘豆(Oxytropis sericea)中分离到苦马豆碱(swainsonine)等吲哚里西定生物碱(indolizidinealkaloids);1989年沈阳药学院于荣敏等由小花棘豆(Oxytropis glabra DC.)中分离出多种喹诺里西定生物碱。喹诺里西定生物碱具有多种生理活性,对试验动物中枢神经系统产生抑制,呼吸抑制或兴奋,致幻、流产和致畸等作用。本文报道由黄花棘豆(Oxytropis ochrocephala Bunge)中测得4种喹诺里西定生物碱。  相似文献   
为挖掘微杆菌(Microbacterium sp.)XT11在黄原胶降解过程中起关键作用的功能基因,预测黄原胶降解通路,利用转录组测序技术对该菌株在不同碳源培养条件下的转录本进行测序,对差异基因进行功能富集分析。结果表明,菌株XT11以葡萄糖为对照组,以黄原胶为碳源时可获得上调差异基因213个。显著上调的基因主要富集在聚糖降解、淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径、ABC转运、苯丙氨酸代谢、丙酮酸代谢五个KEGG途径。碳水化合物活性酶(Carbohydrate-active enzymes, CAZymes)功能注释表明,位于同一基因簇上的4个CAZymes基因和黄原胶降解直接相关,其余的CAZymes基因具有潜在的黄原胶降解活性。此外,预测到磷酸转移酶系统(phosphotransferase system, PTS)和ABC转运途径(ABC transporters)参与了胞外黄原胶降解中间产物的跨膜转运。挖掘了菌株XT11中黄原胶降解过程中的功能基因,并阐述了菌株XT11的黄原胶降解通路。  相似文献   
本文主要观察硫酸铝钾——饮用水净化剂引致小鼠肝酶组化,超微结构和组织结构的变化。动物30只,分为正常组、硫酸铝钾大、小剂量组。实验结果:硫酸铝钾10mg/kg/日(大剂量组)与5mg/kg/日(小剂量组)动物用药10天、80天均可使肝SDH酶活性降低;肝细胞线粒体肿胀、嵴断裂和溶解。在光学显微镜下用药80天后大部分肝细胞肿胀,胞浆疏松淡染、肝小叶内可见呈小灶状分布的炎性细胞浸润,主要为淋巴细胞及浆细胞,门管区偶见少许炎性细胞,但肝小叶和门管区未见结缔组织增生。为此,硫酸铝钾作为净水剂,不宜用量过大。  相似文献   
为探索适合格木(Erythrophleum fordii)人工林在幼龄阶段的种植密度,在不同林分密度(2 m×1 m、2 m×2 m、2 m×3 m、3 m×3 m)的6 a生格木人工林下设置标准样地,采用土壤质量评价和灰色关联度等方法,探究不同密度下格木幼林的土壤理化与林下植被特征。结果表明,密度2 m×3 m下的林木胸径、树高最优,较最低水平高16.7%、27.9%;土壤总孔隙度最大,全N、硝态N、铵态N含量最高,灌木草本多样性最高。相关性分析表明土壤化学性质对灌木草本的多样性影响最大。不同林分密度下格木幼林土壤理化性质及林下植物多样性有显著差异,因此,选择合适的林分密度对人工林土壤肥力的可持续利用及林分的经营培育至关重要。  相似文献   
Based on small-scale synthesis (0.3 g), a 100-g scale-up synthesis of crude [Aib8, Arg34]-glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) (7–37) was completed. The crude [Aib8, Arg34]-GLP-1 (7–37) was purified using a dynamic axial compression column 200 (DAC-200). Approximately 61 g of [Aib8, Arg34]-GLP-1 (7–37) with a purity of >99% was obtained through one-step reverse-phase chromatography. The purification yield was approximately 92%. The yield from the total reaction was approximately 60%. In summary, we developed an economical and environmentally friendly route to the synthesis and purification of crude [Aib8, Arg34]-GLP-1 (7–37), laying a foundation for subsequent industrial production.  相似文献   
This study investigated that dieckol (DKL), a natural drug, inhibits colon cancer cell proliferation and migration by inhibiting phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase B (AKT), and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) phosphorylation in HCT-116 cells. The cells were treated with DKL in various concentrations (32 and 50 μM) for 24 h and then analyzed for various experiments. MTT (tetrazolium bromide) and crystal violet assay investigated DKL-mediated cytotoxicity. Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate staining was used to assess the reactive oxygen species (ROS) measurement, and apoptotic changes were studied by dual acridine orange and ethidium bromide staining. Protein expression of cell survival, cell cycle, proliferation, and apoptosis protein was evaluated by western blot analysis. Results indicated that DKL produces significant cytotoxicity in HCT-116, and the half-maximal inhibitory concentration was found to be 32 μM for 24-h incubation. Moreover, effective production of ROS and enhanced apoptotic signs were observed upon DKL treatment in HCT-116. DKL induces the expression of phosphorylated PI3K, AKT, and mToR-associated enhanced expression of cyclin-D1, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-4, CDK-6, and Bcl-2 in HCT-116. In addition, proapoptotic proteins such as Bax, caspase-9, and caspase-3 were significantly enhanced by DKL treatment in HCT-116. Hence, DKL has been considered a chemotherapeutic drug by impeding the expression of PI3K-, AKT-, and mTOR-mediated inhibition of proliferation and cell cycle-regulating proteins.  相似文献   
钾通道阻断剂所致的蜗内直流电位改变   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王坚  李倩虹 《生理学报》1993,45(1):69-74
本实验采用耳蜗外淋巴灌流技术,观察了四氨基吡啶(4-AP)、四乙基铵(TEA)以及奎宁等不同钾通道阻断剂对豚鼠蜗内直流电位(EP)的影响。发现快钾通道阻断剂4-AP对EP无明显影响,但可改变强噪声所致EP改变的形式。TEA与奎宁则可减少负相EP(N-EP)的绝对值。实验结果提示耳蜗内有不同类型的钾离子通道存在并各具有不同的生理意义。  相似文献   
A substance cryoprotective for Vibrio cholerae on the prawn shell surface was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and gel filtration. It was a protein of 81 kDa and called cryoprotective protein (CPP). The cryoprotective activity of this protein for V. cholerae was sensitive to heat at 100 C and trypsin treatment. In the presence of Mg ion the protein can bind to the bacterial cell surface. V. cholerae can adhere to the shell surface of the prawn. The number of adhered bacteria was reduced by treating the shell with anti-CPP serum, heat or by trypsin. The presence of Mg ion promoted the adherence. These results suggest that the CPP could serve as an adherence site for V. cholerae on the shell surface.  相似文献   
粟穗螟滞育的形成和解除与环境条件的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘学贤  程开禄 《昆虫学报》1993,36(4):451-458
粟穗螟Manpava bipunctella Ragonot在川南地区为二化性兼性滞育的昆虫。光周期是诱发滞育的主导因素,在中位温度下,滞育与否主要取决于幼虫发育期间的每日光照时数。在2s℃恒温下,临界光周期为14小时38分。幼虫对光照刺激反应的敏感期为低龄期。 温度和食料效应只发生在每天14小时以上的长光照下,低温有抵销长光照抑制滞育的作用,高温影响不显著;取食玉米的幼虫滞育率比高粱的高,并随寄主生育阶段的发展而增高。该虫滞育解除必需每天14-15小时的长光照;不利于滞育发育和解除,适宜温度为10一25℃。本文最后讨论了该虫滞育形成和解除的特点对发生规律的作用及在测报上的意义。  相似文献   
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