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Western Atlantic coral reefs were differentially affected bya mass bleaching (discoloration) event in 1987. We periodicallyassessed the "appearance" of zooxanthellate organisms betweenDecember 1987 and June 1988 at nine conspicuously affected sitesin the Bahamas, Florida, St. Croix, and Venezuela, using a standardizedpoint-count technique. Three to four months after the localinitiation of the event, the "bleached" state was still presentin one to three of the most abundant reef coral taxa and ina few of the less common species (n = 5 sites). "Recovery" occurredsomewhat faster at shallower depths, at least in the Bahamasand Florida. Scleractinian corals which were "prolonged bleachers"had foliaceous or massive, rather than branching, morphologies."Bleached" points disappeared from the point counts after $6to $8 months. Long-term field data on spatial and temporal variability inthe dynamics of zooxanthellate organisms would help us to understandthe ecological consequences of bleaching. More generally, weneed to distinguish anthropogenic changes in the structure andfunctioning of reef ecosystems from those which occur naturally.Point-count techniques are well suited for collaborative studiesinvolving rapid quantification of coloration states and healthin reef corals.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS Two glutamate dehydrogenases, NADH-linked (EC and NADPH-linked (EC were isolated from the epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi and purified. Both enzymes exist as hexamers. The molecular weights of the native NADH-and NADPH-linked glutamate dehydrogenases were estimated to be 360,000 and 265,000, respectively, and those of the subunits to be 58,000 and 43,000, respectively. The isoelectric point of the NADH-linked dehydrogenase is at pH 5.25 and that of the NADPH-linked enzyme at pH 5.1. The activities of both enzymes are regulated by product inhibition. In addition, purine nucleotides were shown to be potent inhibitors of the NADH-linked glutamate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
Vegetative anatomy and systematics of subtribe Dendrobiinae (Orchidaceae)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Anatomy of leaf, stem, and root of more than 100 species in subtribe Dendrobiinae (Orchidaceae) was studied with the light microscope to provide a comparative anatomical treatment of these organs, to serve as an independent source of evidence that might be taxonomically important, and to recommend such reinterpretations of existing classifications as are suggested by a phylogenetic assessment of data. We based our classification on that of Rudolf Schlechter as the most complete and widely accepted today. We found that the anatomy of plants in subtribe Dendrobiinae reflects a high degree of morphological diversity, and many of the anatomical characters appear to be homoplasous. When these anatomical data are used to interpret the systematic relationships among the genera, they indicate that Dendrobium is not monophyletic and that Cadetia and Pseuderia are apparently nested within the structure of Dendrobium when section Grastidium is chosen as a functional outgroup. Lack of resolution in the strict consensus tree illustrates the difficulty of determining the phylogenetic relationships of many of Schlechter's sections using anatomical characters. Nevertheless, we recommend that his sectional classification, with appropriate modifications based on available data, be retained for the present, pending a more detailed understanding of the phylogeny of Dendrobiinae based on morphology, micromorphology, anatomy, and DNA studies.  相似文献   
The significance of short-term absorption periods in experimentson solute absorption by plant tissues is discussed. A techniqueis described for such short-term experiments. As applied inexperiments on ion absorption by barley roots, the techniquepermits accurate absorption rate determinations to be made inabsorption periods of ten minutes or even less. The heterogeneityof cation uptake by this tissue is demonstrated. A readily exchangeablefraction is often present which must be accounted for if ratesof metabolically active transport are to be determined. 1 Present address: Department of Botany, Southern Illinois University,Carbondale, Illinois. (Received December 4, 1962; )  相似文献   
Taxus media cv. Hicksii plants were grown one season under a low and high level of nitrogen fertilization. Before growth in the spring the plants were divided into two groups, one of which was defoliated and the other left intact. The growth and spring utilization of the nitrogen and carbohydrate reserves of defoliated plants were compared to the intact plants 0, 2, 4 and 6 weeks after growth started in the spring. The plants were separated into buds (all new growth), roots and stems and analyzed for changes in total nitrogen, basic and non-basic amino acids, hemicelluloses, soluble sugars, organic acids and chlorophyll. The older evergreen needles from plants grown under low nitrogen levels contain 20 % of the carbohydrate and 24% of the nitrogen used in spring growth. The needles from plants grown under high nitrogen levels contained 56% of the carbohydrate and 49% of the nitrogen used in spring growth. Removal of the old needles before spring growth removed this nitrogen and carbohydrate reserve and reduced the total plant chlorophyll content after 6 weeks of growth to 50% of that found in intact plants, with the result that defoliated plants did not show a growth response to nitrogen. Amino acids accumulated in the stems and buds of defoliated plants as carbohydrates became limiting. The defoliated plants removed 25% more available carbohydrates from the roots and stems than intact plants and their buds contained 50% less available carbohydrates. Plants without old needles showed similar growth rates under low and high nitrogen regimes and produced 33% of the dry weight of intact plants grown under high nitrogen levels and 66% of the dry weight of intact plants grown under low nitrogen levels. The old needles of taxus plants contain substantial amounts of reserve nitrogen and carbohydrate and these needles greatly influence the extent and rapidness of growth in the spring. When the needles are removed, the other tissues can supply an adequate amount of nitrogen but the carbohydrate supply becomes limiting for spring growth.  相似文献   
The evolution of internal membrane systems has introduced manyadditional control steps into pathways that, although basicallysimilar in prokaryotic cells, are less sophisticated and leavemany aspects up to chance. Temporal and spatial control of secretion,quality control of the proteins secreted or inserted into theplasma membrane, and exquisite control over the selective degradationof macromolecules, for example, are apparently indispensiblerequirements in multicellular organisms, but are relativelyunimportant in bacteria. Although complicated in detail, mostmembrane traffic in the eukaryotic cell can be reduced to afew basic principles. Such a reductionist's view provides aconceptual framework that allows the reader to organize an otherwiseoverwhelming amount of data on cellular membrane architectureand dynamics.  相似文献   
1. The effects of spawning coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) on the limnephilid caddisfly Ecclisomyia conspersa were evaluated by experimentally excluding salmon from the upper 14‐m stretch of a spawning channel by a wire‐meshed fence. Density, and development and growth rates, of larvae upstream of the fence (without salmon) were compared with those downstream (with salmon). 2. Larval density in the stretch with salmon declined during spawning, but increased again after spawning subsided and the carcasses of dead fish became available. In the stretch with salmon, larval density on salmon carcasses was seven to 37 times greater than on the adjacent channel substratum. The rate of larval development in the stretch with salmon was greater than that in the stretch without salmon. Two months after carcasses became available, 98% of larvae sampled from the stretch with salmon were in the fifth instar, compared to only 23% from the stretch without salmon. Body weight of E. conspersa in the stretches with and without salmon increased by an average of 3.04 and 2.38 mg, respectively, over a 6‐month period. 3. 15N values of larvae from the stretch with salmon increased following the arrival of the fish, suggesting that the larvae were feeding on salmon‐derived material, such as eggs and carcasses, which contain a high proportion of the heavier stable isotope. In contrast, 15N values of larvae from the stretch without salmon remained relatively constant throughout the experiment. The availability of salmon carcasses as a high‐quality food source late in larval development may increase survival and fecundity of E. conspersa. 4. These substantial differences were consistent with the view that they were due to the experimental exclusion of salmon and salmon carcasses from the upstream stretch, though the study was un‐replicated and thus precludes ascribing causation more definitely.  相似文献   
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