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A. Soteriou M. D. Carr T. A. Frenkiel J. E. McCormick C. J. Bauer D. Šali B. Birdsall J. Feeney 《Journal of biomolecular NMR》1993,3(5):535-546
13C-based three-dimensional 1H–1H correlation experiments have been used to determine essentially complete 13C and 1H resonance assignments for the amino acid side chains of uniformly 13C/15N labelled L. casei dihydrofolate reductase in a complex with the drug methotrexate. Excellent agreement is observed between these assignments and an earlier set of partial assignments made on the basis of correlating nuclear Overhauser effect and crystal structure data, indicating that the tertiary structure of the enzyme is similar in solution and in the crystal state.To whom correspondence should be addressed. 相似文献
The prediction of adult emergence times in insect populations can be greatly complicated by microclimatic gradients, especially in circumstances where distributions of juveniles along those gradients vary from year to year. To investigate adult emergence patterns in topographically heterogeneous habitats, we built a model of postdiapause development of the Bay checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha bayensis. The model uses slope-specific insolation as the rate-controlling variable, and accounts for both solar exposure of the habitat and cloud cover. Instar-specific larval mass gains per unit of insolation were determined from mark-recapture experiments. A small correction for daily low temperatures was used to calibrate the model to five years of field data on larval mass. The model predicted mean mass of 90% of larval samples within 4 clear days over a 70–120 day growing season. The magnitude of spatial variation in emergence times across habitat slopes is greater than annual variation in emergence times due to yearly weather conditions. Historical variation (yearly shifts in larval distributions across slopes) is an important determinant of mean population emergence dates. All of these factors need to be considered in understanding adult emergence phenology in this butterfly and in other insects inhabiting heterogeneous thermal environments. Such an understanding can be useful in managing insect populations for both pest control and conservation. 相似文献
Genome constitutions of Thinopyrum curvifolium, T. scirpeum, T. distichum, and T. junceum (Triticeae: Gramineae). 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The objective of this study is to elucidate genome constitutions of Thinopyrum curvifolium (Lange) D.R. Dewey, T. scirpeum (K. Presl) D.R. Dewey, T. distichum (Thunb.) A. L?ve, and T. junceum (L.) A. L?ve. Hybrids of T. sartorii (Boiss. &Heidr.) A. L?ve with T. scirpeum and T. junceum, as well as the hybrid between T. curvifolium and Pseudoroegneria geniculata ssp. scythica (Nevski) A. L?ve, were made and chromosome pairing at metaphase I was studied. The karyotype analyses of mitotic cells stained by aceto-orcein were conducted for both hybrids and the four target species. The Giemsa C-banding following acetocarmine staining was carried out for the above species and the triploid hybrid T. curvifolium x T. bessarabicum (Savul &Rayss) A. L?ve. Meiotic data indicate that all target species have two sets of the basic genome J, but they behave like true allopolyploids because of bivalentization. Karyotypes of T. curvifolium and its triploid hybrid with T. bessarabicum indicate that T. curvifolium contains two different versions of the Jb genome, designated as Jb3 and Jb4, rather than two Je genomes as previously believed. Thinopyrum scirpeum and T. elongatum (4x) have similar karyotypes. Both are segmental allotetraploids carrying two forms of the Je genome. Their genome formulae are Je2 Je3 and Je1 Je3, respectively. Thinopyrum distichum has a karyotype similar to T. junceiforme, which has the Jb2 Je2 genome formula. However, the two species differ in C-banding patterns, reflecting their geographical separation. Thinopyrum junceum is a hexaploid with two pairs of Jb2 genomes and one pair of the Je2 genome, and it has a C-banding pattern similar to that of T. junceiforme, which has one pair each of the Jb2 and Je2 genomes. 相似文献
G. Heldmaier S. Steinlechner J. Rafael B. Latteier 《International journal of biometeorology》1982,26(4):339-345
For their seasonal control of thermogenesis Djungarian hamsters rely on environmental cueing by both photoperiod and ambient temperature. Their total potential for adaptive improvements of nonshivering thermogenesis is constant in summer and winter. The shortening of photoperiod in fall is used to anticipate about half of the total improvement in thermogenesis, in advance of any experience of cold, as can be concluded from the photoperiodic control of thermogenesis, cold resistance, and the protein content, cyctochrome oxidase activity and content of mitochondria in brown adipose tissue. The remainder of the seasonal thermogenic adaptation is due to stimulatory responses to chronic exposure to cold.This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Schwerpunktprogramm Mechanismen der Temperaturregulation und -Adaptation. 相似文献
The amino acid and ammonia profiles in various tissues of the rat exposed to different pressures of pure oxygen have been studied. Well-defined changes in behavioral activity accompanied a profile of increasing pressure, culminating in convulsive activity in each group of exposed animals. After an initial depression of ammonia, in all tissues studied at 0.68 atm oxygen ammonia increased significantly at higher oxygen pressures. A rise in tissue ammonia took place in the absence of undue muscular activity on the part of the exposed animals. A significant increase in ammonia occurred first in brain and liver at 3.40 atm. Ammonia concentration was high in all tissues after convulsions occurred at 4.08 atm. Between 0.68 and 2.72 atm oxygen, tissue ammonia concentration was generally low and brain glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid were high. At pressures higher than 2.72 atm oxygen, tissue glutamate declined and glutamine increased. Alanine became significantly elevated in serum and muscle at high oxygen pressure, and aspartate was depressed in heart, liver, and muscle. These pressure-course experiments on ammonia accumulation in tissue confirm previous serial time course observations that ammonia accumulates in the brain and several tissues of the rat even in the absence of undue muscular activity during high-pressure oxygen exposure and is a significant factor in inducing convulsions. 相似文献