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Cultured Burkitt cells were examined by immunofluorescence, autoradiography, and electron microscopy in an effort to identify the stainable cells with those harboring herpes-type virus particles. Immediately after a 2-hr pulse of (3)H-thymidine, from 30 to 60% of the cells revealed heavy nuclear labeling. In most cases the grains were evenly dispersed, but in about 3 to 5% the grains showed a focal distribution and occasionally they extended into the cytoplasm. Such nuclear foci were rarely seen at 8 hr after the pulse. When the analysis was restricted to preselected immunofluorescent cells, up to 80% showed label at 8 hr and cytoplasmic grains were prominent. To reduce cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis, cells were X-irradiated with 3,000 to 6,000 R, and the isotope pulse was applied 1, 4, or 7 days later. Whereas the total number of labeled cells decreased in roughly twofold steps at the respective intervals (from 40 to 10%), the incorporation of (3)H-thymidine into fluorescent cells was not affected by X irradiation. In each series, about 70% of the fluorescent cells contained label when they were examined at 24 and 48 hr after the pulse, whereas at 8 and 72 hr fewer were positive. At the earlier intervals, unlabeled fluorescent cells most likely represented cells which had completed viral DNA synthesis prior to the pulse; at the later intervals, unlabeled fluorescent cells were probably cells which commenced viral replication after the pulse. These data support the conclusion that the immunofluorescent cells are the ones which harbor virus, and also confirm the expectation that the virus is a DNA virus from a member of the herpes group. This conclusion was firmly established by sectioning and electron microscopic examination of individual fluorescent cells, all of which contained numerous virus particles, whereas the nonstained cells prepared in a similar manner were free of them.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Wand der Kapillaren in der menschlichen Placenta aus der Schwangerschaftsmitte wird elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht und zu der Wand des Sinusoides der reifen Placenta in Beziehung gesetzt. Bereits zur Zeit der Schwangerschaftsmitte sind vereinzelt Sinusoide nachweisbar, doch treten sie gegenüber den Kapillaren zahlenmäßig in den Hintergrund.Die Kapillaren des Zottenbinnenraumes besitzen keine Basalmembran; sie sitzen meist, nur durch einen Spalt getrennt, einer Pericytenschicht auf. Die Pericyten haben häufig fußförmige Ausläufer, die die Basalmembran des Cytotrophoblasten erreichen. Die Kapillarendothelien sind zwar einreihig angeordnet, überlappen aber einander in ausgedehnter Weise.Im Cytoplasma der Kapillarendothelien findet man häufig eine feinfilamentäre Zeichnung, jedoch nur nach Kaliumpermanganat-Kontrastierung.Die Kapillaren der unreifen Placenta sind durch das Fehlen der Basalmembran, durch die ungewöhnliche Dicke und durch die starke Überlappung ihres Endothels für eine Gefügedilatation besonders geeignet.Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Summary Augmented tumor-specific T cell responses were observed against the high metastatic murine lymphoma variant ESb when using as immunogen ESb tumor cells that had been modified by infection with a low dose of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Such virus-modified inactivated tumor cells (ESb-NDV) were potent tumor vaccines when applied postoperatively for active specific immunotherapy of ESb metastases. We demonstrate here that immune spleen cells from mice immunized with ESb-NDV contain enhanced immune capacity in both the CD4+, CD8 and the CD4, CD8+ T cell compartments to mount a secondary-tumor-specific cytotoxic T cell response in comparison with immune cells from mice immunized with ESb. ESb-NDV immune CD4+, CD8 helper T cells also produced more interleukin 2 after antigen stimulation than the corresponding ESb immune cells. There was no participation of either CD4+ or CD8+ virus-specific cells in the augmented response. The specificity of the T cells for the tumor-associated antigen remaind unchanged. Thus, there is the paradox that the virus-mediated augmentation of the tumor-specific T cell response in this system involves increased T helper activity but does not involve the recognition of viral epitopes as potential new helper determinants.Abbreviations CTL cytolytic T lymphocytes - IL-2 interleukin 2 - rIL-2 recombinant IL-2 - mAb monoclonal antibody - NDV Newcastle disease virus - SSC syngeneic spleen cell  相似文献   
Xylem sap of log pieces of maple trees was collected by a novelpressure/decompression method developed recently for the mechanicaldrying of timber. Seasonal changes and spatial distributionsof the osmotic potential, the pH and the concentrations of majorsolutes and of the plant stress-hormone abscisic acid (ABA)were investigated. Sucrose and quebrachitol were the main components of the xylemsap. The sucrose concentration varied between 10 mM and 25 mMduring the winter months and declined to a minimum during theperiod of bud burst. Quebrachitol was found in concentrationsof up to 7 mM with a high variability throughout the year. Highconcentrations of ABA were measured during the summer seasonand in mid-winter. Rainfall caused an increase of ABA in somesamples. The osmotic potential of the xylem sap increased with the heightof the collection site. The pH of the sap decreased by approximatelyone unit between the base of the trunk and the crown. The increaseof the osmotic potential was mainly due to sucrose, quebrachitoland potassium. Malate contributed to the decrease of the pH.ABA of the xylem sap increased with decreasing moisture contentof the wood. Key words: Pressure/decompression method, xylem sap, abscisic acid, sucrose, quebrachitol, Acer platanoides  相似文献   
Interactions between drought stress and inbreeding depression were studied in Lychnis flos-cuculi. Four inbreeding levels (F = 0, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75), and three watering treatments were used. Performance was scored for germination rate and proportion, survival, plant size, proportion of plants flowering, flowering date, stem height, number of flowers, flower size, anther weight, fruiting proportion and number of capsules. Multiplicative fitness values were estimated from these traits. Inbreeding affected most of the traits studied, and a severe inbreeding depression was found for the combined fitness estimates. The higher inbreeding depression found here relative to the same family groups in a former experiment may reflect greater dominance and suppression in the present experiment at higher density.  相似文献   
Complete 18S ribosomal RNA sequence data from representatives of all extant pteridophyte lineages together with RNA sequences from different seed plants were used to infer a molecular phylogeny of vascular plants that included all major land plant lineages. The molecular data indicate that lycopsids are monophyletic and are the earliest diverging group within the vascular land plants, whereasPsilotum nudum is more closely related to the seed plants than to other pteridophyte lineages. The phylogenetic trees based on maximum likelihood, parsimony and distance analyses show substantial agreement with the evolutionary relationships of land plants as interpreted from the fossil record.  相似文献   
In a controlled crossing experiment on Lychnis flos-cuculi plants in the greenhouse, outbred and selfed maternal plants were each treated with pollen from unrelated plants, siblings and selves. The seeds thus obtained had expected inbreeding coefficients of 0, 0.25 and 0.5 for the outbred maternal plants, and 0, 0.5 and 0.75 for the selfed maternal plants. Seed abortion rate, seed weight and germination rate were estimated. Seedlings were transplanted to an outdoor garden, and monitored for survival, probability of flowering, number of capsules and area of capsules next spring. Inbred seeds germinated slower and in lower proportions than those less inbred, and seedlings had lower survival, flowering, fruit set and area of capsules if inbred. Combined fitness values were estimated from the survival and fecundity components, and severe inbreeding depression was detected for these estimates (0.51 and 0.56 for one generation of selfing). The fitness function decreased linearly with the increase in inbreeding coefficient, which is as expected if the inbreeding depression is additive among loci.  相似文献   
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