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This article presents a molecular dynamics (MD) study of the cdk2 enzyme and its two complexes with the inhibitors isopentenyladenine and roscovitine using the Cornell et al. force field from the AMBER software package. The results show that inserting an inhibitor into the enzyme active site does not considerably change enzyme structure but it seemingly changes the distribution of internal motions. The inhibitor causes differences in the domain motions in free cdk2 and in its complexes. It was found out that repulsion of roscovitine N9 substituent causes conformational change on Lys 33 side chain. Isopentenyladenine forms with Lys 33 side chain terminal amino group a hydrogen bond. It implies that the cavity, where N9 substituent of roscovitine is buried, can adopt larger substituent due to Lys 33 side chain flexibility. The composition of electrostatic and van der Waals interactions between the inhibitor and the enzyme were also calculated along both cdk2/inhibitor MD trajectories together with MM-PB/GBSA analysis. These results show that isopentenyladenine-like inhibitors could be more effective after modifications leading to an increase in their van der Waals contact with the enzyme. We suggest that a way leading to better inhibitors occupying isopentenyladenine binding mode could be: to keep N9 and N7 purine positions free, to keep 3,3-dimethylallylamino group at C6 position, and to add, e.g., benzylamino group at C2 position. The results support the idea that the isopentenyladenine binding mode can be used for cdk2 inhibitors design and that all possibilities to improve this binding mode were not uncovered yet.  相似文献   
The paper focuses on the evaluation of transpiration as a physiological process, which is very sensitive to drought stress. Reactions of 25-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees to drought were examined during 2009 summer. Sap flow rate (SF), meteorological and soil characteristics were measured continually. Vapour pressure deficit of the air (VPD) and cumulative transpiration deficit (KTD) was calculated. During the second half of the vegetation period, the decrease in soil water content was observed and irrigation was applied to a group of spruce trees, while the second group was treated under natural soil drought. On the days, when the differences in transpiration between irrigated (IR) and non-irrigated (NIR) trees were significant (21 days), transpiration of NIR trees was only 23% of the transpiration of IR trees. We found significant differences in transpiration when the soil water content (SWC) of NIR variant at a depth of 5–15 cm ranged from 10.4 to 13.7%. Under both regimes of water availability, daily transpiration significantly responded to atmospheric conditions. However, the influence of all assessed meteorological parameters on SF of NIR trees was significantly lower than on IR tree. The dependency of transpiration on evaporative demands of atmosphere decreased with the decreasing soil moisture. Cumulative transpiration deficit of the stand during the entire evaluated period was 50.9 mm. The difference between the transpiration of the mean NIR tree and of the mean IR tree was 278.8 L over the assessed period of 47 days (5.9 L per day). The transpiration of NIR trees was 40.3% from the transpiration of IR trees during this period.  相似文献   
Quinacrine is a drug that is known to heal neuronal cell culture infected with prions, which are the causative agents of neurodegenerative diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. However, the drug fails when it is applied in vivo. In this work, we analyzed the reason for this failure. The drug was suggested to “covalently” modify the prion protein via an acridinyl exchange reaction. To investigate this hypothesis more closely, the acridine moiety of quinacrine was covalently attached to the thiol groups of cysteines belonging to prion-derived peptides and to the full-length prion protein. The labeled compounds were conveniently monitored by fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible spectral regions. The acridine moiety demonstrated characteristic UV–vis spectrum, depending on the substituent at the C-9 position of the acridine ring. These results confirm that quinacrine almost exclusively reacts with the thiol groups present in proteins and peptides. The chemical reaction alters the prion properties and increases the concentration of the acridine moiety in the prion protein.  相似文献   
Density functional theory was employed to study the influence of O-phosphorylation of serine, threonine, and tyrosine on the amidic 15N chemical shielding anisotropy (CSA) tensor in the context of the complex chemical environments of protein structures. Our results indicate that the amidic 15N CSA tensor has sensitive responses to the introduction of the phosphate group and the phosphorylation-promoted rearrangement of solvent molecules and hydrogen bonding networks in the vicinity of the phosphorylated site. Yet, the calculated 15N CSA tensors in phosphorylated model peptides were in range of values experimentally observed for non-phosphorylated proteins. The extent of the phosphorylation induced changes suggests that the amidic 15N CSA tensor in phosphorylated proteins could be reasonably well approximated with averaged CSA tensor values experimentally determined for non-phosphorylated amino acids in practical NMR applications, where chemical surrounding of the phosphorylated site is not known a priori in majority of cases. Our calculations provide estimates of relative errors to be associated with the averaged CSA tensor values in interpretations of NMR data from phosphorylated proteins.  相似文献   
Alpine ecosystems are seriously threatened by climate change. One of the key mechanisms by which plants can adapt to changing environmental conditions is through evolutionary change. However, we still know little about the evolutionary potential in wild populations of long‐lived alpine plants. Here, we investigated heritabilities of phenological traits, leaf size, and performance traits in natural populations of the long‐lived alpine dwarf shrub Salix herbacea using relatedness estimates inferred from SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers. Salix herbacea occurs in early‐ and late‐snowmelt microhabitats (ridges and snowbeds), and we assessed how performance consequences of phenological traits and leaf size differ between these microhabitats in order to infer potential for evolutionary responses. Salix herbacea showed low, but significant, heritabilities of leaf size, clonal and sexual reproduction, and moderate heritabilities of phenological traits. In both microhabitats, we found that larger leaves, longer intervals between snowmelt and leaf expansion, and longer GDD (growing‐degree days) until leaf expansion resulted in a stronger increase in the number of stems (clonal reproduction). In snowbeds, clonal reproduction increased with a shorter GDD until flowering, while the opposite was found on ridges. Furthermore, the proportion of flowering stems increased with GDD until flowering in both microhabitats. Our results suggest that the presence of significant heritable variation in morphology and phenology might help S. herbacea to adapt to changing environmental conditions. However, it remains to be seen if the rate of such an evolutionary response can keep pace with the rapid rate of climate change.  相似文献   
Rhesus factor polymorphism has been an evolutionary enigma since its discovery in 1939. Carriers of the rarer allele should be eliminated by selection against Rhesus positive children born to Rhesus negative mothers. Here I used an ecologic regression study to test the hypothesis that Rhesus factor polymorphism is stabilized by heterozygote advantage. The study was performed in 65 countries for which the frequencies of RhD phenotypes and specific disease burden data were available. I performed multiple multivariate covariance analysis with five potential confounding variables: GDP, latitude (distance from the equator), humidity, medical care expenditure per capita and frequencies of smokers. The results showed that the burden associated with many diseases correlated with the frequencies of particular Rhesus genotypes in a country and that the direction of the relation was nearly always the opposite for the frequency of Rhesus negative homozygotes and that of Rhesus positive heterozygotes. On the population level, a Rhesus-negativity-associated burden could be compensated for by the heterozygote advantage, but for Rhesus negative subjects this burden represents a serious problem.  相似文献   
This study aims to understand the genetic diversity of traditional Oceanian starchy bananas in order to propose an efficient conservation strategy for these endangered varieties. SSR and DArT molecular markers are used to characterize a large sample of Pacific accessions, from New Guinea to Tahiti and Hawaii. All Pacific starchy bananas are shown of New Guinea origin, by interspecific hybridization between Musa acuminata (AA genome), more precisely its local subspecies M. acuminata ssp. banksii, and M. balbisiana (BB genome) generating triploid AAB Pacific starchy bananas. These AAB genotypes do not form a subgroup sensu stricto and genetic markers differentiate two subgroups across the three morphotypes usually identified: Iholena versus Popoulu and Maoli. The Popoulu/Maoli accessions, even if morphologically diverse throughout the Pacific, cluster in the same genetic subgroup. However, the subgroup is not strictly monophyletic and several close, but different genotypes are linked to the dominant genotype. One of the related genotypes is specific to New Caledonia (NC), with morphotypes close to Maoli, but with some primitive characters. It is concluded that the diffusion of Pacific starchy AAB bananas results from a series of introductions of triploids originating in New Guinea area from several sexual recombination events implying different genotypes of M. acuminata ssp. banksii. This scheme of multiple waves from the New Guinea zone is consistent with the archaeological data for peopling of the Pacific. The present geographic distribution suggests that a greater diversity must have existed in the past. Its erosion finds parallels with the erosion of cultural traditions, inexorably declining in most of the Polynesian or Melanesian Islands. Symmetrically, diversity hot spots appear linked to the local persistence of traditions: Maoli in New Caledonian Kanak traditions or Iholena in a few Polynesian islands. These results will contribute to optimizing the conservation strategy for the ex-situ Pacific Banana Collection supported collectively by the Pacific countries.  相似文献   
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