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The C3H/HeJ mouse strain bears an autosomal gene defect, Lpsd, which results in a greatly diminished capacity to respond to endotoxin, the ubiquitous lipopolysaccharide derived from the cell walls of gram-negative bacteria. These mice also exhibit greater susceptibility to a variety of viral and bacterial infections than syngeneic, fully lipopolysaccharide-responsive (Lpsn) mouse strains and possess macrophages with defects in differentiation which are reversed by treatment with exogenous interferon (IFN). To test directly the hypothesis that C3H/HeJ macrophages are deficient in endogenous IFN levels, macrophages from C3H/HeJ (Lpsd) and C3H/OuJ (Lpsn) mice were compared for sensitivity to vesicular stomatitis virus. At a multiplicity of infection of 0.1, C3H/OuJ macrophages were completely refractory to infection, whereas C3H/HeJ macrophages were permissive for replication, and infection resulted in 100% cytopathic effect. These findings were confirmed with a second inbred Lpsn and Lpsd strain pair. Levels of 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase were significantly higher in Lpsn cells. C3H/HeJ macrophages, derived from bone marrow precursors under the influence of macrophage colony-stimulating factor, shown previously to induce IFN in macrophages, were as refractory as C3H/OuJ macrophages. Exposure of nonpermissive macrophages to anti-IFN-alpha/beta antibody prior to infection rendered cells permissive. Our findings suggest that endotoxin provides a primary stimulus for the maintenance of normal macrophage differentiation and innate resistance via the induction of endogenous IFN by macrophages.  相似文献   
Endoreduplicated tetraploid metaphases could for the first time be induced in preimplantation mouse embryos by culture in the suboptimum medium MEM. In such endomitoses sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency was approximately the same during the first and the second cell cycle. However, when morulae and blastocysts were cultured in the presence of cyclophosphamide metabolites SCE frequency was increased predominantly during the second cell cycle. Compared to diploid metaphases a decreased SCE frequency was found under both conditions of endomitoses induction, which may be related to DNA-repair processes.  相似文献   
The secondary structure of bacterio-opsin (BO), the retinal free protein-component of bacteriorhodopsin (BR), has been determined by Raman spectroscopy. Additional circular dichroism (CD) measurements have revealed only negligible conformational differences between BO in apomembranes and BR in purple membranes. Therefore, the secondary structure of BR was derived from the Raman data of BO. The protein conformation was determined to consist of 72-82% helices, 2-11% beta-strands, and 11-17% beta-turns. Only about half of the helical structures correspond to alpha 1-helices, the other half possess non-alpha 1-helical structures. According to the analysis of the Raman data, the derived secondary structure of BR was obtained with high reliability for all structure classes which can be distinguished by this method within the given uncertainty range. This is a remarkable difference from recently published secondary structural data derived from CD measurements where the helix content was reported to be between 50 and 80%. The inherent experimental and methodological uncertainties of the CD-technique leading to such a range of variation are critically discussed in comparison to the method of Raman spectroscopy. The combined application of Raman and CD spectroscopy, as performed here, is demonstrated to be a substantial improvement in the secondary structure determination of retinal-containing membrane proteins. On the basis of our results, some of the recently proposed structural models of BR with a beta-strand content of more than 11% can be ruled out.  相似文献   
We identified a variant murine cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) clone which, in contrast to the parent clone and all other murine T cell populations tested, was found to have acquired spontaneously the ability to produce interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in response to recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2). IFN-gamma production in response to concanavalin A (Con A), which was characteristic of all T cell populations tested, was preserved in this variant. The IFN produced by the variant in response to either stimulus was active in both a macrophage-activating factor assay and an anti-viral assay. Both activities induced by either stimulus could be blocked by monoclonal anti-IFN-gamma antibodies. Upon Northern blot analysis using an IFN-gamma-specific cDNA probe, the IFN-gamma RNA isolated from variant cells stimulated with Con A or IL-2 were found to migrate equivalently. The unusual pattern of responsiveness in this variant CTL was exploited to compare the mechanisms involved in induction of IFN-gamma production by Con A or IL-2. Striking differences were observed. Unlike IFN-gamma production induced by Con A, IFN-gamma production induced by IL-2 was not accompanied by an elevation of intracellular Ca2+ levels, did not require physiologic extracellular Ca2+ levels, and was not inhibited by the immunosuppressive agent cyclosporin A. Thus, in this variant CTL clone, conditions that have ordinarily been associated in an obligate manner with lymphokine gene expression were found instead to be related to the specific mode of stimulation.  相似文献   
Maximal ethanol production by Candida tropicalis grown on xylose was obtained at an oxygen transfer rate of 5 to 7 mmol/liter per h. Addition of 0.2 mM azide increased the ethanol yield by a factor of 3 to 4, based on the cell mass produced, and decreased the formation of the by-product xylitol by 80%. In the presence of azide, ethanol was reassimilated before the carbon source was depleted. At all oxygenation levels studied, azide caused 25 to 60% of the carbon to be lost, most probably as carbon dioxide. Identical spectra were obtained with 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy performed on extracts of C. tropicalis grown on xylose in the absence and presence of azide. Azide lowered the levels of sugar phosphates. Enzymatic analysis showed extremely low levels of fructose 1,6-diphosphate compared with the levels obtained in the absence of azide, while the level of malate, a citric acid cycle intermediate, was not influenced by azide. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy performed on xylose-grown whole cells of C. tropicalis showed that azide lowered the intracellular pH, inhibited the uptake of external Pi, and decreased the buildup of polyphosphate in relation to results with untreated cells. Similar results were obtained with the uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), except that CCCP treatment led to extremely high levels of internal Pi. The dual effect of azide as a respiratory inhibitor and as an uncoupler is discussed with respect to the metabolism and product formation in xylose-assimilating C. tropicalis.  相似文献   
Interpathway regulation of the TRP4 gene of yeast.   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Summary We describe the use of different reporter groups in visualizing replication patterns on metaphase chromosomes after BrdU incorporation by the BrdU antibody technique for the electron microscope. There is an inverse correlation between the density of the label and the size of the reporter particles. This observation alludes to stereo problems interfering with the access of the labeled antibodies into the chromatin. The use of silver enhancement enables easy detection of 1-nm and 5-nm gold particles, which make replication patterns visible in the electron microscope as does the diaminobenzidine/ H2O2 reaction. Possible consequences for the demonstration of replication patterns and for nonradioactive DNA in situ hybridization are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A product with 40 % protein content was obtained from sugar beet pulp (1.25–2.0 mm) in 48 h one stage (simultaneous) saccharification/fermentation process under optimized conditions using a specific enzyme mixture andCandida tropicalis strain, also saving about 40 % enzymes in comparison to a 2-stage process.  相似文献   
Summary For the protein upgrading of sugar-beet pulp in solid state fermentation byTrichoderma reesei andFusarium oxysporum, serveral conditions were studied to prepare an economical preculture for large scale process. The best performance was shown by a preculture obtained in 24 h from 1.5 % molasses solution at pH 4.5–5.0 with 1.0 % milled beet pulp.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that the activation of murine macrophages to a fully tumoricidal state requires that specific environmental signals be delivered to the macrophage in a step-wise manner: a "priming" signal first renders the macrophage stimulated, but not cytolytic. The addition of a second or "trigger" signal to the primed macrophage results in tumoricidal activity. One potent priming signal has been identified as IFN-gamma and one often used trigger signal for endotoxin-responsive (Lpsn) macrophages is LPS. In contrast to LPS-responsive macrophage, rIFN-gamma-primed C3H/HeJ (Lpsd) macrophages fail to become cytolytic in response to protein-free, phenol-water-extracted LPS preparations, but become tumoricidal when exposed in vitro to protein-rich butanol-extracted LPS or purified lipid A-associated proteins. Further characterization of the activation requirements of the C3H/HeJ macrophages revealed that for optimal elaboration of TNF in vitro, two signals were also required: rIFN-gamma and a second signal that contained LAP. C3H/HeJ macrophages macrophages primed with rIFN-gamma failed to produce TNF in response to any concentration of protein-free phenol-water extracted LPS, even when supernatants were concentrated before assaying for functional activity in a standard TNF L929 fibroblast assay. Although exposure of rIFN-gamma-primed C3H/HeJ macrophages to LAP resulted in a fully tumoricidal state equivalent to that exhibited by C3H/OuJ macrophages, the levels of TNF produced remained discrepant. Under identical conditions, C3H/OuJ macrophages produced approximately fivefold more TNF (11,776 U/ml) than C3H/HeJ macrophages (2,399 U/ml). This suggests that although C3H/HeJ macrophages can respond functionally in a "normal" manner given the correct signals, they remain quantitatively deficient in the production of certain proteins. In this system, the elaboration of TNF and macrophage-mediated tumor cell lysis were shown to be dissociable events. The tumor target used in these studies (P815) was shown to be resistant to as much as 40,000 U/ml of purified rTNF. In addition, C3H/OuJ macrophage cultures exposed to LPS only (which resulted in the production of high levels of TNF), failed to lyse these targets. Lastly, anti-mouse TNF antibody added to macrophage cultures had no effect on the induction of tumor cell lysis.  相似文献   
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