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cDNAs were cloned, sequenced and expressed which encode two different cytochrome P-450 forms of the alkane-assimilating yeast Candida maltosa, designated as P-450Cm1 and P-450Cm2. The amino acid sequences deduced were about 55% identical. Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae resulted in the formation of intact microsomal P-450 systems catalyzing the hydroxylation of n-hexadecane and lauric acid with significantly different substrate preferences. A massive proliferation of the endoplasmic reticulum was observed in the S. cerevisiae cells which produced P-450. Depending on the P-450 form expressed, distinctly organized stacks of paired membranes appeared and occupied considerable areas of the cytoplasm. As shown by immunoelectron microscopy for P-450Cm1, the protein expressed was highly concentrated within these newly formed membrane structures.  相似文献   
Motility and orientation has been studied in the unicellular photosynthetic flagellate, Euglena gracilis, using real time image analysis capable of tracking up to 200 cells simultaneously in the slow rotating centrifuge microscope (NIZEMI) which allows one to observe the cells' swimming behavior during centrifugation accelerations between 1 g and 5 g. At 1 g the cells show a weak negative gravitaxis, which increases significantly at higher accelerations up to about 3 g. Though most cells were capable of swimming even against an acceleration of 4.5 g, the degree of gravitaxis decreased and some of the cells were passively moved downward by the acceleration force; this is true for most cells at 5 g. The velocity of cells swimming against 1 g is about 10% lower than that of cells swimming in other directions. The velocity decreases even more drastically in cells swimming against higher acceleration forces than those at 1 g. The degree of gravitactic orientation drastically decreases after short exposure to artificial UV radiation which indicates that gravitaxis may be due to an active physiological perception rather than a physical effect such as an asymmetry of the center of gravity within the cell. Offprint requests to: D.-P. Häder  相似文献   
Europium(III) binding to 9-kDa calbindin from pig intestines was studied by direct excitation of the 7Fo----5Do transition of the ion and by near-ultraviolet circular dichroic spectroscopy. Europium(III) binding is clearly biphasic. As with other lanthanides the C-terminal metal-binding site (site II) is filled first. The europium ion in this site gives an excitation spectrum with a single peak at 579.1 nm (peak 2). The occupation of the N-terminal site (site I) by europium gives excitation spectra that are pH-dependent and show a peak at 579.4 nm (peak 1a) at pH 5 which shifts to 578.7 nm (peak 1b) over the pH range 5-7. At pH 8.07 the fluorescence from europium in site I largely disappears because of weak binding, whereas that from site II is quenched by about 75% in spite of full occupancy of the site as shown by circular dichroic titration. There is a strong interaction between the two sites in spite of the very different affinities. The fluorescence from site II increases stoichiometrically with the addition not only of the first equivalent of europium, but also concomitantly with the fluorescence from site I upon addition of the second equivalent. Furthermore, when Eu1-calbindin is titrated with calcium the fluorescence at 579.1 nm is quenched by about 30% during the addition of one equivalent of calcium which fills site I. Subsequent titration with large excesses of calcium displaces europium from site II. The affinity of site II for europium is about 100 times that of calcium under these conditions.  相似文献   
Intracellular distribution of DNA methyltransferase during the cell cycle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The intracellular distribution of DNA methyltransferase has been analyzed in synchronously proliferating human cells. The localization of DNA methyltransferase was determined immunocytochemically using monoclonal antibodies directed against this enzyme. DNA methyltransferase was found to accumulate predominantly in nuclei with weak cytoplasmic staining. The DNA methyltransferase antigen was absent in early G1 phase, appeared in late G1 prior to the onset of DNA synthesis and persisted throughout S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. Mitotic cells showed a particularly strong staining intensity. These results show that DNA methyltransferase levels fluctuate during the cell cycle. This has possible implications on the stability of the DNA methylation pattern.  相似文献   
Methylmercury effects on cell cycle kinetics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methylmercury (MeHg) effects on cell cycle kinetics were investigated to help identify its mechanisms of action. Flow cytometric analysis of normal human fibroblasts grown in vitro in the presence of BrdU allowed quantitation of the proportion of cells in G1, S, G2 and the next G1 phase. This technique provides a rapid and easily performed method of characterizing phase lengths and transition rates for the complete cell cycle. After first exposure to MeHg the cell cycle time was lengthened due to a prolonged G1. At 3 microM MeHg the G1 phase length was 25% longer than the control. The G1/S transition rate was also decreased in a dose-related manner. Confluent cells exposed to MeHg and replated with MeHg respond in the same way as cells which have not been exposed to MeHg before replating. Cells exposed for long times to MeHg lost a detectable G1 effect, and instead showed an increase in the G2 percentage, which was directly related to MeHg concentration and length of exposure. After 8 days at 5 microM MeHg, 45% of the population was in G2. The G2 accumulation was reversible up to 3 days, but at 6 days the cells remained in G2 when the MeHg was removed. Cell counts and viability indicated that there was not a selective loss of cells from the MeHg. MeHg has multiple effects on the cell cycle which include a lengthened G1 and decreased transition probability after short term exposure of cycling cells, and a G2 accumulation after a longer term exposure. There were no detectable S phase effects. It appears that mitosis (the G2 accumulation) and probably synthesis of some macromolecules in G1 (the lengthened G1 and lowered transition probability) are particularly susceptible to MeHg.  相似文献   
Liposome stability during and after covalent coupling of Fab' antibody fragments was investigated. Large unilamellar vesicles containing entrapped 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (CF) as a marker for liposomal integrity were prepared by extrusion through polycarbonate membranes. N-[4-(p-Maleimidophenyl)-butyryl]phosphatidylethanolamine (MPB-PE) was employed as a liposomal anchor for the covalent coupling of Fab' fragments. We observed that coupling of Fab' fragments to liposomes containing 5 mol % MPB-PE caused a concentration-dependent increase in size and polydispersity of the liposomes. Dependent on the concentration of the MPB-PE anchor in the membrane and the concentration of Fab' added, coupling was associated with the release of up to 95% of the entrapped CF. Rupture of the liposomes was identified as the primary mechanism of CF release during Fab' coupling. Reduction of the MPB-PE concentration to 1 mol % resulted in liposomes that were stable during and after Fab' coupling. The increased stability of these liposomes was due to the lower MPB-PE concentration and not to the lower number of attached Fab' fragments. By proper adjustment of the experimental conditions for coupling, the number of Fab' fragments attached to the 1 mol % MPB-PE liposomes could be increased without affecting the stability of the resulting liposomes. These stable liposomes, made by an extrusion method that avoids the use of organic solvents, detergents, or sonication, are therefore suitable for entrapment of labile compounds and can be used for immunotargeting or immunoassays.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody (MAb) with specificity for murine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) was used as a probe for studying the effect of recombinant IFN-gamma (rIFN-gamma) on antiviral activity, Fc receptor expression, and Ia antigen induction in macrophages. Cultures of C3H/HeJ peritoneal exudate macrophages were used to allow direct comparison of all three functions in the same target cell system. Our data provide two major findings: the efficacy of the MAb is very different depending on whether murine fibroblasts or macrophages are used as the target cell in the antiviral assay, i.e., greater than 20 to 100 times more MAb was required to block antiviral activity in macrophage cultures; and 10 to 50 times more MAb was required to inhibit Fc receptor vs Ia antigen expression in response to rIFN-gamma. These latter findings confirm and extend previous observations, which indicate that the induction pathways of two important differentiation markers by IFN-gamma may be dissociable.  相似文献   
To investigate the role of specific cytokines in the development of the fully mature macrophage, we have employed murine bone marrow cells that were grown in the presence of CSF-1, a colony-stimulating factor that has been shown to induce the proliferation and differentiation of macrophages from their precursor cells. The CSF-1 employed in these studies was partially purified to ensure removal of contaminating interferon (IFN) from the preparations. After 1 to 2 wk in the presence of the partially purified CSF-1, the adherent macrophages were removed from flasks enzymatically and were recultured at known densities in the absence of CSF-1. Cell surface antigens (Mac-1 and Ia) and Fc receptor capacity (as assessed by Fc-mediated phagocytosis) were examined as markers of macrophage differentiation. Basal levels of Fc receptor capacity and Mac-1 antigen were markedly influenced by exposure to CSF-1, and appear to be modulated by CSF-induced, macrophage-derived IFN. When the bone marrow-derived macrophages were exposed to exogenous IFN in the absence of CSF-1, they proved to be extremely inducible with respect to Fc-mediated phagocytosis (IFN-beta and rIFN-gamma) and Ia antigen expression (rIFN-gamma) when compared with thioglycollate-elicited macrophages. Thus, macrophage growth factors, such as CSF-1, promote macrophage maturation by inducing the production of autostimulatory signals, such as macrophage-derived IFN. In addition, exogenous cytokine stimuli, such as IFN-gamma, further amplify the differentiative potential of these cells. Bone marrow-derived macrophages, propagated under well-defined conditions and never exposed to eliciting agents, provide a powerful model for studying the role of cytokines, such as CSF-1 and IFN, in the differentiative pathway of macrophages.  相似文献   
The cell surface expression of I region-associated (Ia) antigens by murine and human macrophages has been shown by investigators from a number of laboratories to be induced in a dose-dependent fashion by IFN-gamma, which is free of other lymphokines. The experiments described in this report demonstrate that fibroblast-derived IFN-beta exerts an antagonistic effect on IFN-gamma induced Ia expression in murine macrophages. Simultaneous addition of IFN-beta and IFN-gamma to peritoneal exudate macrophages results in decreased Ia expression when compared with macrophages treated with IFN-gamma only. Different sources of highly purified IFN-beta, as well as a recombinant human IFN-alpha (A/D Bgl; shown previously to be as active as IFN-beta in several other murine systems) acted in a similar antagonistic fashion to IFN-gamma-induced Ia induction. The down-regulation of Ia expression by IFN-beta is dose-dependent over a concentration range up to 100 U/ml. Time-course experiments indicated that for IFN-beta to down-regulate IFN-gamma-induced Ia, it had to be present either before stimulation with IFN-gamma or during the first 24 hr of simultaneous stimulation. Further experiments in which a highly specific antibody against IFN-alpha/beta was added to the cultures confirmed the findings of the time-course experiments. Inhibitors of the arachidonic acid pathway failed to reverse the effect of IFN-beta to reduce Ia antigen expression, which suggests that this inhibition is not prostaglandin mediated. Thus, these findings support a role for type I IFN as naturally occurring substances that negatively regulate the expression of class II molecules.  相似文献   
Rat plasma levels of amino acids and related compounds during stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Forty-one amino acids and related compounds were measured (using an HPLC physiological amino acid analysis procedure fully validated for plasma studies) in rat plasma obtained through an indwelling jugular catheter before, during and following a 30 min period of immobilization. Taurine, phosphoethanolamine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, cystine, tyrosine, beta-alanine and ethanolamine were increased during the period of stress; whereas, valine, tryptophan and arginine were decreased. Most of these alterations were restored toward normal during the 30 min of rest following the stress period. However, cystine, ethanolamine and beta-alanine remained significantly elevated, and valine, tryptophan and arginine remained significantly reduced. Serine, isoleucine, leucine and glutamine were not significantly altered during the stress period, but became significantly reduced during the 30 min following the stress period. While the patterns of amino acid alterations were generally consistent from animal to animal, the magnitude of the responses were variable with some rats demonstrating much larger responses than others. These results may implicate amino acids as important markers for stress related pathologies. The individual differences noticed may explain why some individuals show more stress effects than others.  相似文献   
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