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Pathogenic Neisseria use a variety of mechanisms to survive the bactericidal action of the complement system. Serum resistance is a crucial virulence factor for the development of severe meningococcal disease, meningococcal meningitis and disseminated gonococcal infection. Furthermore, local inflammation at the site of gonococcal infection exposes the bacteria to moderate concentrations of complement factors. We review current concepts of neisserial serum resistance with emphasis on porins and polysaccharides exposed on the neisserial surface and their interaction with components of normal human serum.  相似文献   
Summary The hybridization kinetics of DNA with labeled (18s+28s)rRNA from HeLa cells was determined in patients with trisomy 21, healthy probands with normal karyotype and in carriers of a t(DqGq) centric fusion. The results are in, accordance with the saturation values obtained earlier for these probands:Three patients with trisomy 21 showed an increased saturation level. In 2 of these patients the excess of rDNA exceeded the expected value considerably.Three of the investigated translocation carriers t(14q21q) showed significantly reduced saturation values, while results of a fourth proband with a dicentric chromosome t(15q21q) were found to be within the range of normal probands.The heterogeneous results were correlated with the cytogenetic characteristics of the acrocentric chromosomes. It is expected that these differences could be explained on the basis of family analysis.
Zusammenfassung Hybridisierungskinetiken der DNA mit markierter (18s+28s)rRNA aus HeLa-Zellen wurden ermittelt bei Patienten mit Trisomie 21, gesunden Probanden mit normalem Karyotyp und Trägern einer zentrischen Fusion t(DqGq). Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die bereits früher ermittelten Sättigungswerte von Hybridisierungen bei diesen Probanden:3 Patienten mit Trisomie 21 zeigten erhöhte Sättigungsniveaus. Bei 2 dieser Patienten übersteigt der Überschuß an rDNA den Erwartungswert erheblich.3 der untersuchten Translokationsträger t(14q21q) hatten signifikant erniedrigte Sättigungswerte, während die vierte Probandin mit dem dizentrischen Chromosom t(15q21q) im Normbereich lag.Die unterschiedlichen Befunde werden mit den cytogenetischen Eigenschaften der akrozentrischen Chromosomen in Zusammenhang gebracht. Es wird erwartet, daß diese Unterschiede sich durch Familienuntersuchungen aufklären lassen.
Summary Steroid sulfatase (STS) and arylsulfatase C (ARSC) were studied in fibroblast clones from a 45,X/47,XXX mosaic and from a 69,XXY triploidy with one or two active X chromosomes. The comparison of the 47,XXX with 45,X clones showed an incomplete gene dosage effect (1.8 for STS and 2.0 for ARSC). This was not the case for the triploid clones with different X-inactivation patterns. These results confirm previous reports on the non-inactivation of the STS gene, and establish X linkage and non-inactivation for the ARSC gene as well.  相似文献   
In soil micromorphology fissures are considered in vertical sections. To get information about the properties of the soil the joint distribution of spatial direction and width of these fissures is of interest. The fissures are mathematically generalized to flat bodies which are defined as stationary weighted surface processes with the weight “thickness”. In a typical point of the surface process suitable, joint parametric distributions of direction and thickness are assumed. The parameters have to be estimated from measurements on vertical sections which are taken from the soil. On these sections only a visible thickness and a visible angle can be observed. The joint distribution of these variables can be expressed by the joint distribution of spatial direction and thickness with the same parameters and in this indirect way the parameters can be estimated. The paper describes how to randomize the vertical section and how to measure the visible variables on the sections. The Chi-Square method is proposed for the parameter estimation. Further it is discussed how to derive good starting values for the numerical procedure. All this is demonstrated in a simulation study using the Bingham-Mardia distribution for the direction and the lognormal distribution for the thickness including a way to correlate the mean thickness and the direction. Finally an application in soil micromorphology is demonstrated for one soil horizon.  相似文献   
The C3H/HeJ mouse strain bears an autosomal gene defect, Lpsd, which results in a greatly diminished capacity to respond to endotoxin, the ubiquitous lipopolysaccharide derived from the cell walls of gram-negative bacteria. These mice also exhibit greater susceptibility to a variety of viral and bacterial infections than syngeneic, fully lipopolysaccharide-responsive (Lpsn) mouse strains and possess macrophages with defects in differentiation which are reversed by treatment with exogenous interferon (IFN). To test directly the hypothesis that C3H/HeJ macrophages are deficient in endogenous IFN levels, macrophages from C3H/HeJ (Lpsd) and C3H/OuJ (Lpsn) mice were compared for sensitivity to vesicular stomatitis virus. At a multiplicity of infection of 0.1, C3H/OuJ macrophages were completely refractory to infection, whereas C3H/HeJ macrophages were permissive for replication, and infection resulted in 100% cytopathic effect. These findings were confirmed with a second inbred Lpsn and Lpsd strain pair. Levels of 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase were significantly higher in Lpsn cells. C3H/HeJ macrophages, derived from bone marrow precursors under the influence of macrophage colony-stimulating factor, shown previously to induce IFN in macrophages, were as refractory as C3H/OuJ macrophages. Exposure of nonpermissive macrophages to anti-IFN-alpha/beta antibody prior to infection rendered cells permissive. Our findings suggest that endotoxin provides a primary stimulus for the maintenance of normal macrophage differentiation and innate resistance via the induction of endogenous IFN by macrophages.  相似文献   
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