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We examine the structural changes during the primary photoreaction in blue-absorbing proteorhodopsin (BPR), a light-driven retinylidene proton pump, using low-temperature FTIR difference spectroscopy. Comparison of the light-induced BPR difference spectrum recorded at 80 K to that of green-absorbing proteorhodopsin (GPR) reveals that there are several differences in the BPR and GPR primary photoreactions despite the similar structure of the retinal chromophore and all-trans --> 13-cis isomerization. Strong bands near 1700 cm(-1) assigned previously to a change in hydrogen bonding of Asn230 in GPR are still present in BPR. However, additional bands in the same region are assigned on the basis of site-directed mutagenesis to changes occurring in Gln105. In the amide II region, bands are assigned on the basis of total (15)N labeling to structural changes of the protein backbone, although no such bands were previously observed for GPR. A band at 3642 cm(-1) in BPR, assigned to the OH stretching mode of a water molecule on the basis of H2(18)O substitution, appears at a different frequency than a band at 3626 cm(-1) previously assigned to a water molecule in GPR. However, the substitution of Gln105 for Leu105 in BPR leads to the appearance of both bands at 3642 and 3626 cm(-1), indicating the waters assigned in BPR and GPR exist in separate distinct locations and can coexist in the GPR-like Q105L mutant of BPR. These results indicate that there exist significant differences in the conformational changes occurring in these two types proteorhodopsin during the initial photoreaction despite their similar chromophore structures, which might reflect a different arrangement of water in the active site as well as substitution of a hydrophilic for hydrophobic residue at residue 105.  相似文献   
Amino Acids - The simple and facilitated transfer of tripeptide glutathione across the water/2-nitrophenyl octhyl ether interface was studied via cyclic voltammetry at interface between two...  相似文献   
Proteorhodopsins (PRs), photoactive retinylidene membrane proteins ubiquitous in marine eubacteria, exhibit light-driven proton transport activity similar to that of the well studied bacteriorhodopsin from halophilic archaea. However, unlike bacteriorhodopsin, PRs have a single highly conserved histidine located near the photoactive site of the protein. Time-resolved Fourier transform IR difference spectroscopy combined with visible absorption spectroscopy, isotope labeling, and electrical measurements of light-induced charge movements reveal participation of His-75 in the proton translocation mechanism of PR. Substitution of His-75 with Ala or Glu perturbed the structure of the photoactive site and resulted in significantly shifted visible absorption spectra. In contrast, His-75 substitution with a positively charged Arg did not shift the visible absorption spectrum of PR. The mutation to Arg also blocks the light-induced proton transfer from the Schiff base to its counterion Asp-97 during the photocycle and the acid-induced protonation of Asp-97 in the dark state of the protein. Isotope labeling of histidine revealed that His-75 undergoes deprotonation during the photocycle in the proton-pumping (high pH) form of PR, a reaction further supported by results from H75E. Finally, all His-75 mutations greatly affect charge movements within the PR and shift its pH dependence to acidic values. A model of the proteorhodopsin proton transport process is proposed as follows: (i) in the dark state His-75 is positively charged (protonated) over a wide pH range and interacts directly with the Schiff base counterion Asp-97; and (ii) photoisomerization-induced transfer of the Schiff base proton to the Asp-97 counterion disrupts its interaction with His-75 and triggers a histidine deprotonation.A variety of unicellular microorganisms contain primary proton pumps that convert solar energy into a transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient, which is subsequently used by membrane ATP synthases to generate chemical energy. Well known examples of such pumps are the haloarchaeal rhodopsins, photoactive, seven-helix membrane proteins, which include the well studied proton pump bacteriorhodopsin (BR)4 from Halobacterium salinarum and BR homologs in other haloarchaea. Recently, a much larger new family of light-driven proton pumps, the proteorhodopsins (PRs), was identified in marine proteobacteria throughout the oceans (13). Despite the diverse properties of PRs, including different visible absorption maxima and photocycle rates (46), they all share with BR several key conserved residues as well as an all-trans-retinylidene chromophore in their unphotolyzed state, which is covalently bound to transmembrane helix G via a protonated Schiff base linkage.Many of the molecular events that occur in PRs following light activation are similar to those of BR, including an initial ultrafast all-trans→13-cis-retinal isomerization, which triggers a sequence of protein conformational changes, including several intramolecular proton transfer reactions. The two key carboxylate groups involved in proton pumping in helix C of BR are conserved in PRs, and in the first found and most commonly studied PR, the Monterey Bay variant eBAC31A08, also known as green-absorbing proteorhodopsin (GPR), the helix C residues Asp-97 and Glu-108 undergo protonation changes during the photocycle similar to those of the homologous carboxylate residues in BR. Initial FTIR studies on GPR identified the role of Asp-97 as the Schiff base counterion and proton acceptor during Schiff base deprotonation and concomitant M formation and Glu-108 as the proton donor that reprotonates the Schiff base during N formation (7, 8). Studies of other variants indicate these roles of the two carboxylic acid residues are general in the proteorhodopsin family.5One major difference between BR and the PRs is the presence of a highly conserved histidine residue at position 75, near the middle of transmembrane helix B in the latter pigments. The His-75 homolog is not present in BR nor thus far found in other microbial rhodopsins (9). The proximity of His-75 to the protein active site and specifically to the Schiff base counterion Asp-97 inferred from the x-ray crystal structure of BR suggests its involvement in spectral tuning of the visible absorption (10) and potentially PR photochemical reactions. Because the pKa of histidine in solution is close to neutral pH (11), its imidazole group often plays a major role in intramolecular proton transfers in enzymes, including NADPH oxidase (12), alcohol dehydrogenase (13), carbonic anhydrase II (14), and serine proteases (15).In this study we have used a combination of time-resolved FTIR difference spectroscopy, visible absorption spectroscopy, isotope labeling, kinetic charge displacement measurements, and site-directed mutagenesis to study the role of His-75 in GPR. We report evidence that protonated His-75 interacts directly with Asp-97 in the unphotolyzed protein and during the photocycle undergoes a deprotonation in response to the protonation of Asp-97.  相似文献   
A parasite's shift to a new host may have serious evolutionary consequences, since host switching usually is associated with a change in virulence and may lead to the evolution of emerging diseases. This phenomenon remains insufficiently studied in wildlife. Here, we combine microscopic examination of blood films and PCR-based methods to investigate the natural host specificity of Haemoproteus and Plasmodium spp. in birds of 4 families of the Passeriformes within a small geographic area. The material was collected on the Curonian Spit in the Baltic Sea between May and July in 2003-2004. A nested-PCR protocol was used for amplifying and sequencing a fragment of 480 nucleotides of the cytochrome b gene of the mtDNA of these parasites. Blood samples from 282 birds, which were positive both by microscopic examination of blood films and mtDNA amplification, were used in this study. We found that Haemoproteus majoris (lineages hPARUS1, hCCF5, hWW2, and hPHSIB1), Haemoproteus sp. (hWW1), Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) sp. (pSGS1), and Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) sp. (pGRW11) are capable of infecting birds belonging to different families of passeriform birds. Some species of Haemoproteus are less specific than have been traditionally believed. Haemoproteus majoris appears to have a genetic predisposition to have a broad host range. The level of host specificity varies markedly among different species of hemosporidian parasites of birds. The natural host range is thus not a reliable taxonomic character in the systematics of these parasites in the form in which it is still accepted in some recent taxonomic studies.  相似文献   
The voltage dependent anion channel (VDAC) forms a channel for metabolites and nutrients in the outer membrane of mitochondria, and it is also involved in apoptotic pathways. Here, we report sequence-specific NMR assignments for the isoform 1 of human VDAC reconstituted in lauryldimethylamine oxide (LDAO) detergent micelles. The assignments were deposited in the BMRB data base with accession number 16381.  相似文献   
Membrane PTK7 pseudo-kinase plays an essential role in planar cell polarity and the non-canonical Wnt pathway in vertebrates. Recently, a new N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mutant named chuzhoi (chz) was isolated in mice. chz embryos have severe birth defects, including a defective neural tube, defective heart and lung development, and a shortened anterior-posterior body axis. The chz mutation was mapped to the Ala-Asn-Pro tripeptide insertion into the junction region between the fifth and the sixth Ig-like domains of PTK7. Unexpectedly, chz reduced membrane localization of the PTK7 protein. We hypothesized and then proved that the chz mutation caused an insertion of an additional membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase cleavage site in PTK7 and that the resulting aberrant proteolysis of chz affected the migratory parameters of the cells. It is likely that aberrations in the membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase/PTK7 axis are detrimental to cell movements that shape the body plan and that chz represents a novel model system for increasing our understanding of the role of proteolysis in developmental pathologies, including congenital defects.  相似文献   
Time-resolved experiments demand high resolution both in spectral dimensions and in time of the studied kinetic process. The latter requirement traditionally prohibits applications of the multidimensional experiments, which, although capable of providing invaluable information about structure and dynamics and almost unlimited spectral resolution, require too lengthy data collection. Our work shows that the problem has a solution in using modern methods of NMR data collection and signal processing. A continuous fast pulsing three-dimensional experiment is acquired using non-uniform sampling during full time of the studied reaction. High sensitivity and time-resolution of a few minutes is achieved by simultaneous processing of the full data set with the multi-dimensional decomposition. The method is verified and illustrated in realistic simulations and by measuring deuterium exchange rates of amide protons in ubiquitin. We applied the method for characterizing kinetics of in vitro phosphorylation of two tyrosine residues in an intrinsically disordered cytosolic domain of the B cell receptor protein CD79b. Signals of many residues including tyrosines in both phosphorylated and unmodified forms of CD79b are found in a heavily crowded region of 2D 1H–15N correlation spectrum and the significantly enhanced spectral resolution provided by the 3D time-resolved approach was essential for the quantitative site-specific analysis.  相似文献   
Interspecific hybridization is an important evolutionary force promoting plant speciation. In the genus Onosma, one of three main evolutionary lineages presumably evolved by hybrid speciation. The assumed hybrid lineage (Heterotricha) consists of two species complexes with bimodal karyotypes containing different numbers of large (L) and small (S) chromosomes, the tetraploid Onosma pseudoarenaria (2n = 12 L + 14S) and the triploid Onosma arenaria (2n = 12 L + 8S). The latter represents a rare case of hemisexual, asymmetrically compensating allopolyploids. Representatives of the other two lineages of the genus, Haplotricha (2n = 12 L) and Asterotricha (2n = 14S), have been considered to be the ancestral taxa of O. pseudoarenaria and O. arenaria, although this has yet to be investigated critically. In the present study, we examined genetic [amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), internal transcribed spacer (ITS) , and chloroplast (cp)DNA)], reproductive (pollen viability and seed production) and cytogenetic (chromosome counts, genome size assessment) patterns to resolve the hypothesized allopolyploid formations in the Heterotricha group, single or polytopic allopolyploid origins, as well as ongoing interspecific gene flow as one piece of evidence for understanding past hybrid speciation events in the genus. Discordant patterns in maternally inherited cpDNA (Heterotricha accessions bearing the haplotypes related to asterotrichous species) and the nuclear ITS and AFLP markers (Heterotricha clustering with haplotrichous Onosma fastigiata), as well as karyological features, support the hybrid origin of the stabilized Heterotricha lineage. Genetic variation that is both large and geographically correlated indicates multiple origins of Heterotricha allopolyploids or, less likely, a single origin with recurring introgression from the progenitor species. The nuclear markers and cytogenetic features also provide evidence for the ongoing hybridization between O. arenaria and Onosma echioides (2n = 14S), which gives rise to sterile triploids of 2n = 6 L + 15S. We contrast the two cases of triploids with LLS (hemisexual O. arenaria from the stabilized Heterotricha lineage) and LSS (recent sterile hybrids) karyotypes, which could help to understand the mechanisms ensuring the establishment and reproductive fitness of the odd allopolyploids in Onosma. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 89–107.  相似文献   
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