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海南龙血树的组织培养   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
1植物名称海南龙血树(Dracaena cambodiana). 2材料类别幼嫩茎段. 3培养条件(1)诱导培养基:MS 6-BA 5.0 mg·L-1(单位下同) NAA 0.5 Ad(腺嘌呤)40;(2)增殖培养基:MS 6-BA 5.0 NAA 0.5 Ad 0.4;(3)分化壮苗培养基:MS 6-BA 5.0 NAA 0.1 Ad 40 AC(活性碳)1 g·L-1;(4)生根培养基:MS NAA 0.3 AC 1 g·L-1.以上培养基均添加30 g·L-1蔗糖、5.8g·L-1卡拉胶,pH 6.0.培养温度26~28℃,光照时间8~10 h·d-1,光照度1500~2000 1x.  相似文献   
我国12种无尾类的鸣叫特征参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了1 2种无尾类的求偶鸣叫特征参数,包括角蟾科(Megophryidae) 2种:峨眉角蟾(Megophrysomeimontis)、高山掌突蟾(Leptolalaxalpinus) ;雨蛙科(Hylidae) 2种:华西雨蛙(Hylaannectans)、秦岭雨蛙(H .tsinlingensis) ;树蛙科(Rhacophoridae) 5种:斑腿树蛙(Rhacophorusmegacephalus)、无声囊树蛙(R .mutus) ,宝兴树蛙(R .dugritei)、经甫树蛙(R .chenfui)、锯腿小树蛙(Philautusodontotarsus) ;蛙科(Ranidae)2种:弹琴水蛙(Hylaranaadenopleura)、沼水蛙(H .guentheri) ;姬蛙科(Microhylidae) 1种:花姬蛙(Microhylapulchra)。特征参数包括:(时域)时长和(频域)基频、主能峰、共振峰等9个。与已有的描述作了对比,发现差别较小,并简单讨论了差别出现的原因。此外,对同域分布且繁殖时间重叠的两个近缘种———宝兴树蛙和经甫树蛙的鸣叫比较发现,二者声音的9个参数除了音节间隔之外,差异都极其显著(P <0 0 0 1 ,α=0 0 5 ,two tailedtest) ,它们的鸣叫有显著差异。  相似文献   
Cardiac troponin I (cTnI), the inhibitory subunit of the thin filament troponin-tropomyosin regulatory complex, is required for heart muscle relaxation during the cardiac cycle. Expressed only in cardiac muscle, cTnI is widely used in the clinic as a serum biomarker of cardiac injury. In vivo function of cTnI is influenced by phosphorylation and proteolysis; therefore analysis of post-translational modifications of the intact protein should greatly facilitate the understanding of cardiac regulatory mechanisms and may improve cTnI as a disease biomarker. cTnI (24 kDa, pI approximately 9.5) contains twelve serine, eight threonine, and three tyrosine residues, which presents a challenge for unequivocal identification of phosphorylation sites and quantification of positional isomers. In this study, we used top down electron capture dissociation and electron transfer dissociation MS to unravel the molecular complexity of cTnI purified from human heart tissue. High resolution MS spectra of human cTnI revealed a high degree of heterogeneity, corresponding to phosphorylation, acetylation, oxidation, and C-terminal proteolysis. Thirty-six molecular ions of cTnI were detected in a single ESI/FTMS spectrum despite running as a single sharp band on SDS-PAGE. Electron capture dissociation of monophosphorylated cTnI localized two major basal phosphorylation sites: a well known site at Ser(22) and a novel site at Ser(76)/Thr(77), each with partial occupancy (Ser(22): 53%; Ser(76)/Thr(77): 36%). Top down MS(3) analysis of diphosphorylated cTnI revealed occupancy of Ser(23) only in diphosphorylated species consistent with sequential (or ordered) phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the Ser(22/23) pair. Top down MS of cTnI provides unique opportunities for unraveling its molecular complexity and for quantification of phosphorylated positional isomers thus allowing establishment of the relevance of such modifications to physiological functions and disease status.  相似文献   
DNA条形码识别Ⅰ.DNA条形码研究进展及应用前景   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
DNA条形码(DNA Barcoding)是近年来生物分类学中引人注目的发展热点.本文综述了DNA条形码的发展历史、识别原理以及公共数据库,并讨论了DNA条形码在检疫检验领域的应用前景.DNA条形码与DNA芯片技术的结合,将推动传统物种鉴定方法的更新,可在检疫检验领域中实现非专家检定,这对进出口口岸生物监测具有重要的理论意义和应用价值.  相似文献   
Dead end (dnd) is a vertebrate-specific component of the germ plasm and germ-cell granules that is crucial for germ-cell development in zebrafish and mouse. Dnd counteracts the inhibitory function of miRNAs, thereby facilitating the expression of proteins such as Nanos and Tdrd7 in the germ cells. Here, we show that cis-acting elements within dnd mRNA and the RNA recognition motive (RRM) of the protein are essential for targeting protein expression to the germ cells and to the perinuclear granules, respectively. We demonstrate that as it executes its function, Dnd translocates between the germ-cell nucleus and germ-cell granules. This phenomenon is not observed in proteins mutated in the RRM motif, correlating with loss of function of Dnd. Based on molecular modeling, we identify the putative RNA binding domain of Dnd as a canonical RRM and propose that this domain is important for protein subcellular localization and function.  相似文献   
The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) orchestrates plant adaptive responses to a variety of stresses, including drought. This signaling pathway is regulated by reversible protein phosphorylation, and genetic evidence demonstrated that several related protein phosphatases 2C (PP2Cs) are negative regulators of this pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we developed a protein phosphatase profiling strategy to define the substrate preferences of the HAB1 PP2C implicated in ABA signaling and used these data to screen for putative substrates. Interestingly, this analysis designated the activation loop of the ABA activated kinase OST1, related to Snf1 and AMPK kinases, as a putative HAB1 substrate. We experimentally demonstrated that HAB1 dephosphorylates and deactivates OST1 in vitro. Furthermore, HAB1 and the related PP2Cs ABI1 and ABI2 interact with OST1 in vivo, and mutations in the corresponding genes strongly affect OST1 activation by ABA. Our results provide evidence that PP2Cs are directly implicated in the ABA-dependent activation of OST1 and further suggest that the activation mechanism of AMPK/Snf1-related kinases through the inhibition of regulating PP2Cs is conserved from plants to human.  相似文献   
药用植物艾纳香基因组DNA提取方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以药用植物艾纳香为研究对象,以-20℃保存、4℃保存、室温自然干燥和硅胶干燥四种样品保存方式,并采用SDS法、CTAB法、SDS-CTAB法和改良CTAB法4种不同的基因组DNA提取方法进行了对比试验,以期建立艾纳香的较好的样品保存方法和基因组DNA提取方法。结果表明,-20℃保存是艾纳香的较理想的样品保存方式;改良CTAB法是艾纳香基因组DNA提取较适宜的方法,该方法提取的DNA经紫外检测,其A_(260)/A_(280)为1.8左右,明显优于SDS法(1.1~1.5)、CTAB法(1.2~1.5)和SDS-CTAB法(1.4~1.6),琼脂糖凝胶电泳、酶切检测和PCR扩增也得出了同样的结论。  相似文献   
食物丰容对圈养猩猩行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2007年2~4月对成都动物园圈养猩猩"铁里"进行了两个食物丰容试验,即用PVC+轮胎和圆木+轮胎试验,每期8 d,观察和记录了猩猩在丰容试验前、后以及两种丰容方式中的各种行为发生次数.结果 表明食物丰容有效地恢复了圈养猩猩的多种摄食行为,增加了猩猩的运动相关行为,减少了休息相关行为;但对刻板行为的影响不明显.  相似文献   
张博  郑岚  黄宇闻  莫琴  王迅  钱开诚 《病毒学报》2009,25(4):286-290
本研究探讨利用荧光定量PCR技术评价Sindbis病毒经亚甲蓝光化学处理后灭活效果的可行性。研究采用不同光照强度对Sindbis病毒进行亚甲蓝光化学灭活处理,并用SYBR Green I荧光定量PCR对Sindbis病毒的cDNA进行扩增,同时以细胞病变法做平行对照以测定病毒残余滴度。结果显示在亚甲蓝光化学处理过程中,随着光照强度的增强,病毒残余滴度由6.50 LgTCID50/mL逐渐降低至检测限以下,同时病毒核酸的拷贝数显著下降(P<0.05),并与病毒感染性的降低呈线性相关(R2>0.98)。以上结果表明,亚甲蓝光化学灭活法对Sindbis病毒核酸有破坏作用,病毒核酸损伤程度随光照强度的增强而增加,且与病毒感染性的降低存在相关性,提示荧光定量PCR技术评价亚甲蓝光化学法的病毒灭活效果具有可行性。  相似文献   
记述采自浙江省的短角瘿蚊1新种:狭短角瘿蚊Anarete angusta Mo et Xu,sp.nov..  相似文献   
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