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Majdi  Hooshang  Persson  Hans 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):151-160
The effect of ammonium sulphate application on the bulk and rhizosphere soil chemistry, elemental concentration of living fine roots (<2 mm in diameter), amounts of living and dead fine roots, root length density and specific root length density were investigated in a 28 year old Norway spruce stand in SW Sweden. The treatments started in 1988. Core samples of the LFH layer and mineral soil layers were sampled in control (C) and ammonium sulphate (NS) treatment plots in 1988, 1989 and 1990. Soil pH and NO3-S and SO4-S, Al, Ca, Mg, Mn and K concentrations were measured for both the bulk soil and rhizosphere soil.The pH-values of the bulk and rhizosphere soil decreased in 1989 and 1990 in NS plots compared to control plots, while the SO4-S concentration increased. The Ca, Mg and K concentration increased in the NS treatment in almost all layers in the bulk and the rhizosphere soil. Ammonium ions may have replaced these elements in the soil organic matter. The NS treatment reduced Mg concentration in fine roots in all layers in 1990. The Al concentrations in the rhizosphere and bulk soil were higher in NS plots in all layers, except at 0–10 cm depth, both in 1989 and 1990. The Al content of living fine roots was higher in NS plots than C plots but the differences were not significant. The NS addition did not affect the P and K contents of fine roots in any soil layer, but the S concentrations of fine roots were significantly higher in NS plots in 1989 and 1990. The fine root necromass was higher in NS than in C in 1990, in the LFH layer, indicating a gradual decrease in the vitality of the fine roots. It was suggested that the NS treatment resulted in displacement of Mg and K from exchange sites in the LFH layer leading to leaching of these cations to the mineral soil. Further application of ammonium sulphate may damage the fine roots and consequently adversely affect the water and nutrient uptake of root systems.  相似文献   
The production of D-lactic acid by Lactobacillus delbrueckii (ATCC 9649) during fermentation was monitored on-line with a reagentless D-lactate dehydrogenase modified carbon paste electrode in a flow injection system integrated with a filtration sampling device. The time delay between sampling and detection was approximately 6 min. The use of an electropolymerized ortho-phenylenediamine membrane on the elctrode resulted in a very selective sensor response with acceptable stability and sensitivity. The D-lactate concentrations determined on-line agreed well with those determined by a standard method, suggesting that this sensor system is suitable for on-line monitoring of fermentation processes. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The suggestion that the ethanol regulatory protein from Aspergillus has its evolutionary origin in a gene fusion between aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenase genes (Hawkins AR, Lamb HK, Radford A, Moore JD, 1994, Gene 146:145-158) has been tested by profile analysis with aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenase family profiles. We show that the degree and kind of similarity observed between these profiles and the ethanol regulatory protein sequence is that expected from random sequences of the same composition. This level of similarity fails to support the suggested gene fusion.  相似文献   
We have earlier shown that d-lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD and its 2-bromo derivative, BOL like the dopamine (DA) antagonists haloperidol increased the rate of the in vivo tyrosine hydroxylation in the striatum measured as the accumulation of DOPA after decarboxylase inhibition.Now we have found that several agents structurally similar to LSD increase the in vivo tyrosine hydroxylation in the striatum. Psilocybin (50 mg/kg i.p.) and N,N-dimethyltryptamine (50 mg/kg i.p.) caused a short-lasting increase of DOPA accumulation, while mescaline (10 – 100 mg/kg i.p.) did not increase the DOPA accumulation. A marked increase of DOPA accumulation was observed after the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) antagonist cyproheptadine. The effects of LSD and structurally related drugs on the DOPA accumulation in the striatum appear to be mediated via DA antagonism at receptor level. However, these agents may control the DOPA accumulation via other receptors than DA receptors e.g. 5-HT receptors. A control of DOPA accumulation via receptors other than DA receptors appears to be predominant after treatment with N,N-dimethyltryptamine or psilocybin.  相似文献   
In this study, galactose dehydrogenase (EC was chosen as a prototype target protein to investigate the capability of metal affinity precipitation to facilitate the purification of genetically engineered proteins. A DNA fragment encoding five histidine residues was fused to the 3'-terminal end of the galactose dehydrogenase gene from Pseudomonas fluorescens and thereafter expressed in Escherichia coli. The additional five histidines functioned as an affinity tail and the modified enzyme could be purified using metal affinity precipitation when the metal-chelate complex with ethylene glycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N',N'-tetra-acetic acid, EGTA(Zn)2, was added to the protein solution. The affinity tail could also be applied for the purification of the fusion protein utilising immobilised metal affinity chromatography. After purification, the pentahistidine affinity tail could be removed enzymatically by carboxypeptidase A. Furthermore, growth rate experiments demonstrated that the expression of the metal-binding affinity tail in E. coli cells enhanced the tolerance to zinc ions when added to the growth medium.  相似文献   
The effect of infusion of nerve growth factor (NGF) into the rat testis on the expression of androgen-binding protein (ABP) mRNA was studied. A major 1.7-kb and a minor 3.7-kb ABP mRNA were present at all stages of the seminiferous epithelium with maximal levels at stages VIII-XI and the lowest levels at stages IV-VI. Infusion of 15 ng/h of NGF with a mini-osmotic pump for 14 days resulted in a 2-fold increase of ABP mRNA as revealed by Northern blots, whereas the mRNA level of another Sertoli cell protein, urokinase-type plasminogen activator, remained unchanged. Image analysis of autoradiograms obtained by in situ hybridization of sections from treated testes showed a similar increase in APB mRNA compared to noninfused or PBS-infused testes. However, at the cellular level the labeling intensity for ABP mRNA over Sertoli cells of different stages of the seminiferous epithelium was the same in NGF-infused and control testes. This suggests that the increase of ABP mRNA in NGF-infused testes was caused by prolongation of stages VII-VIII with maximal ABP mRNA expression; the suggestion is supported by an increase of 30 percent in frequency of these stages in histological sections from NGF-infused testes.  相似文献   
Nerve growth factor (NGF), like many other growth factors and hormones, binds to two different receptor molecules on responsive cells. The product of the proto-oncogene trk, p140trk, is a tyrosine kinase receptor that has been identified as a signal-transducing receptor for NGF, while the role of the low affinity NGF receptor, p75NGFR, in signal transduction is less clear. The crystal structure of NGF has recently been determined, although structures involved in receptor binding and biological activity are unknown. Here we show that Lys-32, Lys-34, and Lys-95 form a positively charged interface involved in binding to p75NGFR. Simultaneous modification of Lys-32 with either of the two other lysines resulted in loss of binding to p75NGFR. Despite the lack of binding to p75NGFR, these mutants retained binding to p140trk and biological activity, demonstrating a functional dissociation between the two NGF receptors.  相似文献   
The presence of nitric oxide (NO) in the exhaled air of humans and of anaesthetized rabbits and guinea pigs was demonstrated by chemiluminescence, diazotization and mass spectrometry. This NO is endogenously produced in the lung by an NO synthase, since its generation in guinea pigs and rabbits was inhibited by N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester and NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, inhibitors of this enzyme. The effect of the inhibitors was reversed by the precursor of NO synthesis, L-arginine. Since NO is produced by normal vascular endothelium for the physiological regulation of blood flow and pressure and also by activated macrophages to contribute to non-specific immunity, our experiments suggest that NO may play both vascular regulatory and host defence roles in pulmonary physiology and pathophysiology.  相似文献   
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