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A population of 370 European-Zebu composite beef heifers, consisting of six different breed compositions (A-F), were characterized genetically, using RFLP markers of luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) genes. Our objectives were to genetically characterize this population and to determine the structure and the genetic variability of this hybrid herd. The genotypes were determined through PCR, followed by digestion with restriction endonucleases. The PCR-RFLP analysis made it possible to identify the LHR and FSHR genotypes, as well as to characterize the degree of heterozygosis, which was high for all of the breed compositions, for both loci, except for two combinations for LHR (B and C). The observed heterozygosity (Ho) was lower than the expected heterozygosity (He) for compositions C (for LHR) and A and D (for FSHR); however, for the population as a whole, Ho was above He (with a mean of 57 versus 46%, respectively), reflecting the elevated genetic variability in this population and also the informative value of the RFLP markers, which could be useful for population genetic characterization studies. The analysis of the degree of genetic structure of this population, estimated by the Nei's statistic, for both loci, indicated an elevated total genetic diversity (HT = 47%), with most of this variability being due to intrapopulational diversity (HS = 46%), with a low degree of genetic differentiation among the six breed compositions (GST = 1.2%). The estimates generated by the Wright's F statistic indicated a non-endogamic population, with excess heterozygotes (FIT = -0.22), which was also observed at the intrapopulational level (FIS = -0.23). The results gave evidence that the genetic selection applied to this European-Zebu composite population did not affect the expected high genetic variability for this type of crossbreeding, which makes it possible to use these animals to obtain economically valuable productive and reproductive traits.  相似文献   
Aggregation of proteins and peptides has been shown to be responsible for several diseases known as amyloidoses, which include Alzheimer disease (AD), prion diseases, among several others. AD is a neurodegenerative disorder caused primarily by the aggregation of beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta). Here we describe the stabilization of small oligomers of Abeta by the use of sulfonated hydrophobic molecules such as AMNS (1-amino-5-naphthalene sulfonate); 1,8-ANS (1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate) and bis-ANS (4,4'-dianilino-1,1'-binaphthyl-5,5'-disulfonate). The experiments were performed with either Abeta-1-42 or with Abeta-13-23, a shorter version of Abeta that is still able to form amyloid fibrils in vitro and contains amino acid residues 16-20, previously shown to be essential to peptide-peptide interaction and fibril formation. All sulfonated molecules tested were able to prevent Abeta aggregation in a concentration dependent fashion in the following order of efficacy: 1,8-ANS < AMNS < bis-ANS. Size exclusion chromatography revealed that in the presence of bis-ANS, Abeta forms a heterogeneous population of low molecular weight species that proved to be toxic to cell cultures. Since the ANS compounds all have apolar rings and negative charges (sulfonate groups), both hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions may contribute to interpeptide contacts that lead to aggregation. We also performed NMR experiments to investigate the structure of Abeta-13-23 in SDS micelles and found features of an alpha-helix from Lys(16) to Phe(20). 1H TOCSY spectra of Abeta-13-23 in the presence of AMNS displayed a chemical-shift dispersion quite similar to that observed in SDS, which suggests that in the presence of AMNS this peptide might adopt a conformation similar to that reported in the presence of SDS. Taken together, our studies provide evidence for the crucial role of small oligomers and their stabilization by sulfonate hydrophobic compounds.  相似文献   
We propose an approach to integrate the theory, simulations, and experiments in protein-folding kinetics. This is realized by measuring the mean and high-order moments of the first-passage time and its associated distribution. The full kinetics is revealed in the current theoretical framework through these measurements. In the experiments, information about the statistical properties of first-passage times can be obtained from the kinetic folding trajectories of single molecule experiments (for example, fluorescence). Theoretical/simulation and experimental approaches can be directly related. We study in particular the temperature-varying kinetics to probe the underlying structure of the folding energy landscape. At high temperatures, exponential kinetics is observed; there are multiple parallel kinetic paths leading to the native state. At intermediate temperatures, nonexponential kinetics appears, revealing the nature of the distribution of local traps on the landscape and, as a result, discrete kinetic paths emerge. At very low temperatures, exponential kinetics is again observed; the dynamics on the underlying landscape is dominated by a single barrier. The ratio between first-passage-time moments is proposed to be a good variable to quantitatively probe these kinetic changes. The temperature-dependent kinetics is consistent with the strange kinetics found in folding dynamics experiments. The potential applications of the current results to single-molecule protein folding are discussed.  相似文献   
The compatible solute mannosylglucosylglycerate (MGG), recently identified in Petrotoga miotherma, also accumulates in Petrotoga mobilis in response to hyperosmotic conditions and supraoptimal growth temperatures. Two functionally connected genes encoding a glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase (GpgS) and an unknown glycosyltransferase (gene Pmob_1143), which we functionally characterized as a mannosylglucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase and designated MggA, were identified in the genome of Ptg. mobilis. This enzyme used the product of GpgS, glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate (GPG), as well as GDP-mannose to produce mannosylglucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate (MGPG), the phosphorylated precursor of MGG. The MGPG dephosphorylation was determined in cell extracts, and the native enzyme was partially purified and characterized. Surprisingly, a gene encoding a putative glucosylglycerate synthase (Ggs) was also identified in the genome of Ptg. mobilis, and an active Ggs capable of producing glucosylglycerate (GG) from ADP-glucose and d-glycerate was detected in cell extracts and the recombinant enzyme was characterized, as well. Since GG has never been identified in this organism nor was it a substrate for the MggA, we anticipated the existence of a nonphosphorylating pathway for MGG synthesis. We putatively identified the corresponding gene, whose product had some sequence homology with MggA, but it was not possible to recombinantly express a functional enzyme from Ptg. mobilis, which we named mannosylglucosylglycerate synthase (MggS). In turn, a homologous gene from Thermotoga maritima was successfully expressed, and the synthesis of MGG was confirmed from GDP-mannose and GG. Based on the measurements of the relevant enzyme activities in cell extracts and on the functional characterization of the key enzymes, we propose two alternative pathways for the synthesis of the rare compatible solute MGG in Ptg. mobilis.Thermophilic and hyperthermophilic organisms, like the vast majority of other microorganisms, accumulate compatible solutes in response to water stress imposed by salt. In fact, many of the (hyper)thermophiles known were isolated from geothermal areas venting seawater (36). However, the compatible solutes of thermophilic and hyperthermophilic prokaryotes are generally different from those of their mesophilic counterparts and some, namely, di-myo-inositol-phosphate (DIP), mannosyl-di-myo-inositol-phosphate (MDIP), diglycerol phosphate, and mannosylglyceramide, are confined to organisms that grow at extremely high temperatures (19, 22, 34, 38). Mannosylglycerate (2-α-d-mannosylglycerate; MG), for example, is a common compatible solute of thermophiles and hyperhermophiles (23, 27, 38) but has also been found in mesophilic organisms, such as red algae, where it was first identified (6). It should also be noted that there is a growing awareness that compatible solutes are involved in other types of stress; trehalose, for example, plays a role in osmotic stress, heat stress, desiccation, and freezing (9). Some compatible solutes of thermophilic organisms are extremely rare and have been encountered in only one or two, generally closely related, species. Among them are mannosylglyceramide in Rhodothermus marinus, diglycerol phosphate in Archaeoglobus fulgidus, and, more recently, mannosylglucosylglycerate (α-d-1→2-mannopyranosyl-α-d-1→2-glucopyranosylglycerate; MGG) identified in Petrotoga miotherma (16, 19, 38).The species of the genus Petrotoga represent slightly thermophilic members of the generally hyperthermophilic and deep-branching bacteria of the order Thermotogales (2, 3, 31). Organisms of this genus have all been isolated from hot oilfield water (21, 25), and have an optimum temperature for growth of 55 to 60°C in medium containing NaCl in the range of 0.5 to 10% (16). In Ptg. miotherma, the levels of MGG increased during low-level osmotic adaptation, whereas glutamate and proline were used for protection against hyperosmotic stress (16). The hyperthermophilic Thermotoga spp. accumulate primarily di-myo-inositol-phosphate and mannosyl-di-myo-inositol-phosphate during osmotic adjustment or during growth at temperatures above the optimum for growth (37).The novel compatible solute MGG is a derivative of glucosylglycerate (2-α-d-glucosylglycerate; GG) identified in the free form in Erwinia chrysanthemi, in the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus marinus and Synechococcus sp. PCC7002, and in the thermophilic bacterium Persephonella marina, the latter of which possesses two alternative pathways for its synthesis (8, 13, 14, 18, 37). Glucosylglycerate has also been detected in trace amounts in Mycobacterium smegmatis, where it probably is the precursor of a polysaccharide involved in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis, as well as in the polar head group of a glycolipid from Nocardia otitidiscaviarum (17, 30).Two alternative pathways for the synthesis of GG have been identified and characterized. In the two-step reaction scheme, the synthesis of GG involves the condensation of nucleoside diphosphate (NDP)-glucose and d-3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) into glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate (GPG), which in turn is dephosphorylated to yield GG. Yet, in a single-step pathway, the synthesis of GG occurs via the condensation of ADP-glucose with d-glycerate (13). Similar routes to those described above also lead to the synthesis of mannosylglycerate in Rhodothermus marinus (4).Two functionally connected genes encoding an “actinobacterial”-type glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase (GpgS) and an unknown glycosyltransferase were detected in the genome of Petrotoga mobilis (12). In this study, we examine the synthesis of MGG through a phosphorylating pathway (with a phosphorylated intermediate) from 3-phosphoglycerate and UDP-glucose to the final compatible solute, in cell extracts and by functional characterization of recombinant enzymes. We also examine a second nonphosphorylating pathway (no phosphorylated intermediates) that could represent an alternative route for the synthesis of MGG in Ptg. mobilis that could lead to the direct conversion of GG and GDP-mannose to MGG. Pathway multiplicity likely reflects a crucial role for MGG in the physiology of Ptg. mobilis during stress adaptation.  相似文献   
Broad immune responses, in particular specific for the NS3 protein and mediated by both CD8+ and CD4+T lymphocytes, are thought to play a critical role in the control of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In this study, we searched for novel HLA-B*0702 NS3 restricted epitopes following an optimized NS3NS4 immunization protocol in transgenic mice expressing HLA-B*0702 molecule. Combining predicted and overlapping peptides, we identified two novel epitopes, WPA10 (aa 1111-1120) and LSP10 (aa 1153-1162), which triggered significant IFN-gamma-producing T cell frequencies and high CTL responses. Both epitopes were shown to be immunogenic when used as synthetic peptides to immunize mice. The relevance of these epitopes to humans was demonstrated, as both were able in vitro to recall specific IFN-gamma and IL10-producing cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HCV infected patients. Such epitopes enlarge the pool of NS3-specific CD8+T cell epitopes available to perform immunomonitoring of HCV infection and to develop vaccines.  相似文献   
Bipolaris euphorbiae (anamorphic Ascomycota: Pleosporaceae) has been studied since the early 1980s as a potential biocontrol agent of wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla), a noxious invader of soybean fields in Brazil. A new isolate (KLN05) was arbitrarily selected after the aggressiveness of six isolates of the fungus obtained from different sites was evaluated on wild poinsettias grown from seeds obtained from six different geographic origins in Brazil: Viçosa-state of Minas Gerais; Itabuna-state of Bahia; Niterói-state of Rio de Janeiro; Nova Laranjeira, Londrina and Foz do Iguaçú-state of Paraná. Bipolaris euphorbiae grew between 10 and 30 °C, with the optimum for colony growth at 25 °C. The best temperature range for conidial germination was between 20 and 30 °C. Conidial germination was not inhibited by mixing conidia with imazethapyr (106 g of active ingredient [a.i.]/l), glyphosate (720 g of a.i./kg), fomesafen (250 g of a.i./l), carfentrazone (400 g of a.i./l), atrazine (500 g of a.i./l) and glyphosate+carfentrazone (720 g of a.i/kg+400 g of a.i/l). Bipolaris euphorbiae was inoculated on plants belonging to 32 species of 12 different plant families and was only capable of infecting E. heterophylla.  相似文献   
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome encodes three proteins that display similarities with human GSTOs (Omega class glutathione S-transferases) hGSTO1-1 and hGSTO2-2. The three yeast proteins have been named Gto1, Gto2 and Gto3, and their purified recombinant forms are active as thiol transferases (glutaredoxins) against HED (beta-hydroxyethyl disulphide), as dehydroascorbate reductases and as dimethylarsinic acid reductases, while they are not active against the standard GST substrate CDNB (1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene). Their glutaredoxin activity is also detectable in yeast cell extracts. The enzyme activity characteristics of the Gto proteins contrast with those of another yeast GST, Gtt1. The latter is active against CDNB and also displays glutathione peroxidase activity against organic hydroperoxides such as cumene hydroperoxide, but is not active as a thiol transferase. Analysis of point mutants derived from wild-type Gto2 indicates that, among the three cysteine residues of the molecule, only the residue at position 46 is required for the glutaredoxin activity. This indicates that the thiol transferase acts through a monothiol mechanism. Replacing the active site of the yeast monothiol glutaredoxin Grx5 with the proposed Gto2 active site containing Cys46 allows Grx5 to retain some activity against HED. Therefore the residues adjacent to the respective active cysteine residues in Gto2 and Grx5 are important determinants for the thiol transferase activity against small disulphide-containing molecules.  相似文献   
For Staphylococcus aureus, pretreatment with furocoumarins (FCs) protect cells against killing by far ultraviolet light (FUV; approximately 254 nm). This protective effect was evident in the repair-proficient, parental strain as well as in the repair-deficient variants in the following order of efficacy: 4,5′’,8-trimethylpsoralen << 8-methoxypsoralen ≅ angelicin < 3-carbethoxypsoralen. The extent of protection was greater in the parental strain, indicating that despite the protective effect, a certain number of lethal lesions are nevertheless produced, which would be repaired with greater efficiency in such a strain than in the repair-deficient ones. This protective effect could be attribute to the inhibition of the formation of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers. Although the energy-transfer concept could explain the inhibition of pyrimidine dimer formation, and thus the protective effect of FC against FUV, we cannot rule out the possibility that the differences in degree of protection afforded by the FC employed here are related to a subtle and complex combination of effects.  相似文献   
A species-specific method to detect and quantify Planktothrix agardhii was developed by combining the SYBR Green I real-time polymerase chain reaction technique with a simplified DNA extraction procedure for standard curve preparation. Newly designed PCR primers were used to amplify a specific fragment within the rpoC1 gene. Since this gene exists in single copy in the genome, it allows the direct achievement of cell concentrations. The cell concentration determined by real-time PCR showed a linear correlation with the cell concentration determined from direct microscopic counts. The detection limit for cell quantification of the method was 8?cells?μL(-1), corresponding to 32 cells per reaction. Furthermore, the real-time qPCR method described in this study allowed a successful quantification of P. agardhii from environmental water samples, showing that this protocol is an accurate and economic tool for a rapid absolute quantification of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium P. agardhii.  相似文献   
Recovery from stroke engages mechanisms of neural plasticity. Here we examine a role for MHC class I (MHCI) H2-Kb and H2-Db, as well as PirB receptor. These molecules restrict synaptic plasticity and motor learning in the healthy brain. Stroke elevates neuronal expression not only of H2-Kb and H2-Db, but also of PirB and downstream signaling. KbDb knockout (KO) or PirB KO mice have smaller infarcts and enhanced motor recovery. KO hippocampal organotypic slices, which lack an intact peripheral immune response, have less cell death after in?vitro ischemia. In PirB KO mice, corticospinal projections from the motor cortex are enhanced, and the reactive astrocytic response is dampened after MCAO. Thus, molecules that function in the immune system act not only to limit synaptic plasticity in healthy neurons, but also to exacerbate brain injury after ischemia. These results suggest therapies for stroke by targeting MHCI and PirB.  相似文献   
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