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The objective of the current study was to investigate the mechanism by which the corpus luteum (CL) of the monkey undergoes desensitization to luteinizing hormone following exposure to increasing concentration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as it occurs in pregnancy. Female bonnet monkeys were injected (im) increasing doses of hCG or dghCG beginning from day 6 or 12 of the luteal phase for either 10 or 4 or 2 days. The day of oestrogen surge was considered as day ‘0’ of luteal phase. Luteal cells obtained from CL of these animals were incubated with hCG (2 and 200 pg/ml) or dbcAMP (2.5,25 and 100 M) for 3h at 37°C and progesterone secreted was estimated. Corpora lutea of normal cycling monkeys on day 10/16/22 of the luteal phase were used as controls. In addition thein vivo response to CG and deglycosylated hCG (dghCG) was assessed by determining serum steroid profiles following their administration. hCG (from 15–90 IU) but not dghCG (15-90 IU) treatment in vivo significantly (P < 0.05) elevated serum progesterone and oestradiol levels. Serum progesterone, however, could not be maintained at a elevated level by continuous treatment with hCG (from day 6–15), the progesterone level declining beyond day 13 of luteal phase. Administering low doses of hCG (15-90 IU/day) from day 6–9 or high doses (600 IU/day) on days 8 and 9 of the luteal phase resulted in significant increase (about 10-fold over corresponding control P < 0.005) in the ability of luteal cells to synthesize progesterone (incubated controls) in vitro. The luteal cells of the treated animals responded to dbcAMP (P < 0.05) but not to hCC added in vitro. The in vitro response of luteal cells to added hCG was inhibited by 0,50 and 100% if the animals were injected with low (15-90 IU) or medium (100 IU) between day 6–9 of luteal phase and high (600 IU on day 8 and 9 of luteal phase) doses of dghCG respectively; such treatment had no effect on responsivity of the cells to dbcAMP. The luteal cell responsiveness to dbcAMP in vitro was also blocked if hCG was administered for 10 days beginning day 6 of the luteal phase. Though short term hCG treatment during late luteal phase (from days 12—15) had no effect on luteal function, 10 day treatment beginning day 12 of luteal phase resulted in regain ofin vitro responsiveness to both hCG (P < 0.05) and dbcAMP (P < 0.05) suggesting that luteal rescue can occur even at this late stage. In conclusion, desensitization of the CL to hCG appears to be governed by the dose/period for which it is exposed to hCG/dghCG. That desensitization is due to receptor occupancy is brought out by the fact that (i) this can be achieved by giving a larger dose of hCG over a 2 day period instead of a lower dose of the hormone for a longer (4 to 10 days) period and (ii) the effect can largely be reproduced by using dghCG instead of hCG to block the receptor sites. It appears that to achieve desensitization to dbcAMP also it is necessary to expose the luteal cell to relatively high dose of hCG for more than 4 days  相似文献   
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is one of the major pollutantsin the atmosphere that cause acid rain. Microbialprocesses for reducing SO2 to hydrogen sulfide(H2S) have previously been demonstrated byutilizing mixed cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria(SRB) with municipal sewage digest as the carbon andenergy source. To maximize the productivity of theSO2-reducing bioreactor in this study, variousimmobilized cell bioreactors were investigated: a stirredtank with SRB flocs and columnar reactors with cellsimmobilized in either -carrageenan gel matrix orpolymeric porous BIO-SEPTM beads. Themaximum volumetric productivity for SO2reduction in the continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR)with SRB flocs was 2.1 mmol SO2/h·l. The-carrageenan gel matrix used for cellimmobilization was not durable at feed sulfiteconcentrations greater than 2000 mg/l or at sulfite feedrate of 1.7 mmol/h·l. A columnar reactor withmixed SRB cells that had been allowed to grow intohighly stable BIO-SEP polymeric beads exhibited thehighest sulfite conversion rates, in the range of16.5 mmol/h·l (with 100% conversion) to20 mmol/h·l (with 95% conversion). In addition toflue gas desulfurization, potential applications of thismicrobial process include the treatment ofsulfate/sulfite-laden wastewater from the pulp and paper,petroleum, mining, and chemical industries.  相似文献   
Total lipid concentration was elevated in the seminal plasma of oligo- and azoospermic men. The total cholesterol content was comparatively more in the seminal plasma of azoospermic men than in that of normo- and oligospermic men. In general, infertility was associated with increased seminal concentrations for most of the neutral lipid classes. However, total phospholipids and most of the phospholipid classes were diminished in the seminal plasma of oligo- and azoospermic men and in the spermatozoa of oligospermic men. We suggest that there is a positive correlation between seminal phospholipids and fertility and a negative correlation between seminal neutral lipids and fertility.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that the purified T lymphocyte glycoprotein, cluster differentiation 2 (CD2) (also known as T11, lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-2, and the erythrocyte (E) rosette receptor) interacts with the LFA-3 molecule on human E. We have examined the interaction of the purified CD2 molecule with the T11 target structure (T11TS) molecule on sheep E, and compared the two interactions. Purified, 125I-labeled CD2 bound to sheep E and the binding was inhibited by anti-T11TS monoclonal antibody (mAb). Reciprocally, the binding of T11TS mAb to sheep E was inhibited by pretreatment of sheep E with purified CD2. High concentrations of purified CD2 aggregated sheep E, possibly by inserting into the membrane, and the aggregation was inhibited by T11TS mAb. The affinity and number of binding sites for purified CD2 on sheep and human E was found to be similar, with Ka of 9 X 10(7)/M and 6 X 10(7)/M and 9800 and 8300 CD2 binding sites/E, respectively. Thus, the human T lymphocyte CD2 molecule is a receptor that cross-reacts between LFA-3 on human E and T11TS on sheep E, suggesting that LFA-3 and T11TS are functionally homologous ligands. As measured by saturation mAb binding, there are 8100 and 3900 ligand molecules/sheep and human E, respectively. Human and sheep E have surface areas of 145 and 54 micron 2, respectively. The 3.2- to 5.6-fold higher ligand density on sheep E appears to account for the ability of sheep but not human E to rosette with certain types of human T lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Summary The biting cycle of Armigeres subalbatus is distinctly crepuscular, exhibiting two peaks of activity, a smaller one at dawn and a larger one at dusk. The biting cycle is entrained to natural light-dark cycles and the time interval from dawn to dawn or dusk to dusk peaks is exactly 24 h and from dawn to dusk or dusk to dawn is about 12 h measured at 50% level. This rhythm manifests itself day after day without any marked qualitative change.The rate of change of light intensity may determine the onset of crepuscular biting. The sudden increase (up to ca. 17 lx) or decrease (down to ca. 4 lx) in the intensity of ambient light at the time of sunrise or sunset coincides with the peak of the biting activity.The density of the population of the host-seeking females fluctuates in relation to the phases of the moon, increasing with the full moon phase and decreasing with the new moon phase.Even though the density of the population is greater outdoors than indoors both at ground levels and in the first floor, the peak of activity occurs at the same time in all the places. A vertical stratification of biting activity was also noticed.  相似文献   
Choline oxidase (EC is a bifunctional enzyme that is capable of catalyzing glycine betaine biosynthesis from choline via betaine aldehyde. A gene (cox) encoding this enzyme in the gram-positive soil bacterium Arthrobacter pascens was isolated and characterized. This gene is contained within a 1.9-kb fragment that encodes a polypeptide of approximately 66 kDa. Transfer of this gene to an Escherichia coli mutant that is defective in betaine biosynthesis resulted in an osmotolerant phenotype. This phenotype was associated with the ability of the host to synthesize and assemble an enzymatically active choline oxidase that could catalyze biosynthesis of glycine betaine from an exogenous supply of choline. Although glycine betaine functions as an osmolyte in several different organisms, it was not found to have this role in A. pascens. Instead, both choline and glycine betaine were utilized as carbon sources. In A. pascens synthesis and activity of choline oxidase were modulated by carbon sources and were susceptible to catabolite repression. Thus, cox, a gene concerned with carbon utilization in A. pascens, was found to play a role in adaptation to an environmental stress in a heterologous organism. In addition to providing a possible means of manipulating osmotolerance in other organisms, the cox gene offers a model system for the study of choline oxidation, an important metabolic process in both procaryotes and eucaryotes.  相似文献   
Analysis of the amino acid sequences of plant Bowman-Birk inhibitors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plant seeds contain a large number of protease inhibitors of animal, fungal, and bacterial origin. One of the well-studied families of these inhibitors is the Bowman-Birk family(BBI). The BBIs from dicotyledonous seeds are 8K, double-headed proteins. In contrast, the 8K inhibitors from monocotyledonous seeds are single headed. Monocots also have a 16K, double-headed inhibitor. We have determined the primary structure of a Bowman-Birk inhibitor from a dicot, horsegram, by sequential edman analysis of the intact protein and peptides derived from enzymatic and chemical cleavage. The 76-residue-long inhibitor is very similar to that ofMacrotyloma axillare. An analysis of this inhibitor along with 26 other Bowman-Birk inhibitor domains (MW 8K) available in the SWISSPROT databank revealed that the proteins from monocots and dicots belong to related but distinct families. Inhibitors from monocots show larger variation in sequence. Sequence comparison shows that a crucial disulphide which connects the amino and carboxy termini of the active site loop is lost in monocots. The loss of a reactive site in monocots seems to be correlated to this. However, it appears that this disulphide is not absolutely essential for retention of inhibitory function. Our analysis suggests that gene duplication leading to a 16K inhibitor in monocots has occurred, probably after the divergence of monocots and dicots, and also after the loss of second reactive site in monocots. S. Selvaraj is on leave from Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli 620 024, Tamilnadu, India Correspondence to: M.R.N. Murthy  相似文献   
Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP‐IV) catalyzes conversion of GLP‐1 (glucagon like peptide 1) to inert structure, which results in insufficient secretion of insulin and increase in postprandial blood glucose level. The present study attempts to identify novel inhibitors from bioactive metabolites present in microalgae against DPP‐IV through virtual screening, molecular docking, and pharmacophore modeling for the active target. Possible binding modes of all 60 ligands against DPP‐IV receptor were constructed using MTiOpenScreen virtual screening server. Pharmacophore model was built based on identified 38 DPP‐IV test ligands by using the web‐based PharmaGist program which encompasses hydrogen‐bond acceptors, hydrophobic groups, spatial features, and aromatic rings. The pharmacophore model having highest scores was selected to screen active DPP‐IV ligands. Highest scoring model was used as a query in ZincPharmer screening. All identified ligands were filtered, based on the Lipinski's rule‐of‐five and were subjected to docking studies. In the process of docking analyses, we considered different bonding modes of one ligand with multiple active cavities of DPP‐IV with the help of AutoDock 4.0. The docking analyses indicate that the bioactive constituents, namely, β‐stigmasterol, barbamide, docosahexaenoic acid, arachidonic acid, and harman showed the best binding energies on DPP‐IV receptor and hydrogen bonding with ASP545, GLY741, TYR754, TYR666, ARG125, TYR547, SER630, and LYS554 residues. This study concludes that docosahexaenoic acid, arachidonic acid, β‐stigmasterol, barbamide, harman, ZINC58564986, ZINC56907325, ZINC69432950, ZINC69431828, ZINC73533041, ZINC84287073, ZINC69849395, and ZINC10508406 act as possible DPP‐IV inhibitors.  相似文献   
The MUC1 oncoprotein is known to be linked with different types of cancer. Therefore, it is of interest to document the molecular docking analysis of compounds from Justica adhatoda L with the MUC1 oncoprotein. We report the structure based molecular binding features compounds such as amrinone, ethambutol, pyrazinamide and vasicoline the MUC1 oncoprotein for further consideration in drug discovery.  相似文献   
Madhaiyan M  Poonguzhali S  Ryu J  Sa T 《Planta》2006,224(2):268-278
We report the presence of ACC deaminase in Methylobacterium fujisawaense and its lowering of ethylene levels and promotion of root elongation in canola seedlings under gnotobiotic conditions. To test a part of the previous model proposed for ACC deaminase producing bacteria with Methylobacterium, ACC levels and various enzyme activities were monitored in canola. Lower amounts of ACC were present in the tissues of seeds treated with M. fujisawaense strains than in control seeds treated with MgSO4. Though the increased activities of ACC synthase in the tissue extracts of the treated seedlings might be due to bacterial indole-3-acetic acid, the amount of ACC was reduced due to bacterial ACC deaminase activity. The activities of ACC oxidase, the enzyme catalyzing conversion of ACC to ethylene remained lower in M. fujisawaense treated seedlings. This consequently lowered the ethylene in plants and prevented ethylene inhibition of root elongation. Our results collectively suggest that Methylobacterium commonly found in soils, as well as on the surfaces of leaves, seeds, and in the rhizosphere of a wide variety of plants could be better exploited to promote plant growth.  相似文献   
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