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Theamylose-free (amf) potato mutant can easily be complemented through introduction of the wild-type gene coding for granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS). After iodine staining the starch of theamf mutant is red whereas that of the wild type and the complementedamf mutant is blue. The level of complementation of selected transformants and their sexual off-spring after backcrossing withamf was investigated using sporophytic tuber cells and gametophytic microspore cells. Two diploid and two tetraploid transformants with full complementation demonstrated the expected segregation patterns of 1:1 (one active insert) or 3:1 (two independently segregating active inserts) in the microspores and in the F1 offspring based on staining of tubers. All expected genotypes in the F1 generation were found, based on microspore segregation patterns of the individual F1 plants. Two transformants with partial complementation (mixed phenotypes) were investigated. One of them, B1, was tetraploid and duplex for the GBSS insert, which had originated through mitotic doubling of the transformed diploid cells. In the F1 generation three phenotypic classes were found:amf, fully complemented and partially complemented. The latter two classes exist independently of a simplex or duplex gene status. The second transformant with partial complementation, B10, appeared to have a complex molecular composition. One cluster of five transgenes caused the partial complementation. Fully and partially complemented phenotypic classes were found after crossing B10 with theamf mutant. Indications were found that the ploidy level of the tissue in which the genes were introduced and expressed played an important role. Firstly, partial complementation was found after transformation of the diploid and not of the tetraploidamf genotypes. Secondly, the level of complementation was higher in tissue with lower ploidy levels, as illustrated by the colour of the starch inin vitro tubers (2x–4x cells) versus field-grown tubers (16x–64x).  相似文献   
 In a pot trial growth and transpiration of 3-year-old Douglas-fir seedlings on an acid, sandy soil was examined at a deficient (30 kg N ha –  1 year –  1) and an excessive level (120 kg N ha –  1 year –  1) of NH4 application. Dissolved ammonium sulphate was applied to the pots weekly for two growing seasons. In half of the pots a complete set of other nutrients was applied in optimal proportions to the applied nitrogen. Water supply was optimal and transpiration was recorded. At the end of the second treatment season irrigation was stopped for 2 weeks during dry and sunny weather. Both high application of NH4 and additional nutrients increased shoot growth and transpiration demand in the first treatment year. The root system was smaller at higher N level and this reduced water uptake accordingly. In the second year the combination of high NH4 + and additional nutrients affected root functioning predominantly due to salinity effects and this seriously decreased water uptake capacity and shoot water potentials, finally resulting in tree death. Without addition of other nutrients the high NH4 + application resulted in a high degree of soil acidification, which damaged the roots, that showed a decrease in water uptake capacity. At the low NH4 supply level soil acidification was lower, and root functioning was not affected, and the trees recovered quickly from the imposed drought. Higher needle K and P status depressed transpiration rates at the low NH4 application rate. Received: 9 January 1995 / Accepted: 18 September 1995  相似文献   
Summary The effects of disturbing (cultivating) and stockpiling prairie grassland topsoil on microbial activity, microbial biomass C, plant production and decomposition potentials were studied by measuring CO2 efflux from unamended and glucose amended soil in the laboratory and by conducting a pot and litter bag study in the greenhouse. Stockpiling appeared to have very little effect on soil respiratory activity, but did reduce the microbial biomass C levels. Throughout the 3 year study the microbial biomass C in the surface soil of the stockpile was less than that in the undisturbed soil, while the biomass C in soil at the bottom of the stockpile was at no time significantly different from that in the undisturbed soil. The reduction in microbial biomass C in the surface soil immediately after stockpiling was attributed to a decrease in the soil organic C levels caused by a slight dilution of the topsoil with subsurface mineral soil, and the exposure of the stockpile surface to extreme environmental conditions. Soils from all depths of the stockpile responded more slowly to the addition of glucose than soil from the undisturbed and cultivated treatments even when no differences in biomass were detected between the undisturbed and stockpiled soils. It is postulated that the rapidity with which the soil microbial biomass responds to glucose additions may be a sensitive indicator of stress on the soil biological components. The reduction in biomass after storage for 1 year had no adverse effects on the decomposition or primary production potential of the stored soil. Rather, shoot production by fall rye was stimulated in the stored topsoil, presumably a result of better N nutrition.  相似文献   
Rat liver homogenate was incubated at 37 degrees C with thyroxine, 3,3',5-tri-iodothyronine, 3,3',5'-tri-iodothyronine or 3,3'-di-iodothyronine. The degradation or accumulation of these compounds was measured by specific radioimmunoassays. (1) Production of 3,3',5-tri-iodothyronine from thyroxine was highest at pH 6.0--6.5 and was markedly stimulated by the addition of dithiothreitol and effectively inhibited in the presence of 6-propyl-2-thiouracil. (2) Accumulation of 3,3',5'-tri-iodothyronine on incubation of thyroxine with homogenate was only observed above pH 8.5. Otherwise the product was converted into 3,3'-di-iodothyronine too rapidly to allow its measurement. By measuring 3,3'-di-iodothyronine it was deduced that 5-deiodination of thyroxine was most effective at approx. pH 8.0. Dithiothreitol powerfully stimulated this reaction and 6-propyl-2-thiouracil strongly inhibited. (3) Monodeiodination of the tyrosine ring of 3,3',5-tri-iodothyronine was the slowest reaction, was optimal at pH 8.0 and was less affected by dithiothreitol and 6-propyl-2-thiouracil than the above reactions. (4) 5'-Deiodination of 3,3',5'-tri-iodothyronine was extremely rapid, with a pH optimum probably at about 6.5. Owing to the high reaction rate under the conditions used it was not possible to assess the effects of dithiothreitol and 6-propyl-2-thiouracil.  相似文献   
The ability of an Aeromonas hydrophila isolate obtained from filtered river water to grow at low substrate concentrations was studied in batch experiments with tap water supplied with low concentrations of substrates. Growth was assessed by colony count determinations. The isolate only multiplied in the used tap water (2 to 3 mg of dissolved organic carbon per liter) after the addition of a small amount of an assimilable carbon compound. d-Glucose especially caused growth of the organism even at initial concentrations below 10 mug of C per liter. At initial glucose concentrations below the K(s) value (12 mug of C per liter), generation times and yield (colony-forming units per milligram of substrate-C) were nonlinear with 1/initial glucose concentrations and initial glucose concentrations, respectively. From these observations, the maintenance coefficient m was calculated (m = 0.015 mg of glucose per mg [dry wt] per h at 12 degrees C). At initial concentrations below the K(s) value of starch (73 mug of C per liter), no growth was observed, but complete use of starch occurred in these situations after the addition of 10 mug of glucose-C per liter. The results of this study show that information of ecological significance may be obtained by very simple batch experiments. Moreover, the isolate studied may be used in growth experiments to assess the maximum concentration of glucose which might be present in water, particularly tap water.  相似文献   
Using the strategy based on the Hansch method which analyses effects of substituents on biological activity in terms of their hydrophobic, electronic and steric effects we selectively synthesised a series of 11β-substituted-17α-ethynyl-4-estren-17β-ols that combine ease of synthesis with good discrimination between these factors aiming at finding the compounds with optimum biological activity in that series. The compounds were tested quantitatively in the Clauberg test (rabbit) and the ovulation inhibition test (rat). The differences in biological activity could reasonably be correlated with two steric effects introduced by the 11β-substituent. These were a change in the overall shape of the 11β-substituent and the angular methyl group, and direct steric hindrance of the steroid-receptor protein binding. Some exceptions were found possibly due to metabolic conversion of these compounds to the corresponding 11β-substituted-17α-ethynyl-l,5,5(10)-estratriene-5, 17β-diols.  相似文献   
Three amino acid residues in the active site of lipoamide dehydrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii were replaced by other residues. His450, the active-site base, was changed into Ser, Tyr and Phe. Pro451, in cis conformation, was changed into Ala. Glu455 was replaced with Asp and Gln. Absorption, fluorescence and CD spectroscopy of the mutated enzymes in their oxidized state (Eox) showed only minor changes with respect to the wild-type enzyme, whereas considerable changes were observed in the spectra of the two-electron-reduced (EH2) species of the enzymes upon reduction by the substrate dihydrolipoamide. Differences in extent of reduction of the flavin by NADH indicate that the redox potential of the flavin is altered by the mutations. Enzyme Pro451----Ala [corrected] showed the greatest deviation from wild type. The enzyme is very easily over-reduced to the four-electron reduced state (EH4) by dihydrolipoamide. This is probably due to a change in the backbone conformation caused by the cis-trans conversion. From studies on the pH dependence of the thiolate charge-transfer absorption and the relative fluorescence of EH2 of the enzymes, it is concluded that mutation of His450 results in a relatively simple and easily interpreted distribution of electronic species at the EH2 level. For all three His450-mutated enzymes an apparent pKa1 near 5.5 is calculated that is assigned to the interchange thiol. A second apparent pKa2 is calculated of 6.9, 7.5 and 7.1 for the His450----Phe, -Ser and -Tyr enzymes, respectively, and signifies the deprotonation of the tautomeric equilibrium between the interchange and charge-transfer thiols. The difference in apparent pKa2 values between the His450-mutated enzymes is explained by changes in micropolarity. At the EH2 level the wild-type enzyme consists of multiple electronic forms as reported for the Escherichia coli enzyme [Wilkinson, K. D. and Williams C. H. Jr (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 852-862]. Based on the results obtained with the His450-mutated enzymes, it is concluded that the lowest pKa is associated with the interchange thiol. A model for the equilibrium species of the wild-type enzyme at the EH2 level is presented which takes three pKa values into account. The results of the pH dependence of the electronic species at the EH2 level of Glu455-mutated enzymes essentially follow the model proposed for the wild-type enzyme. However mutation of Glu455 shifts the tautomeric equilibrium of EH2 in favor of the charge-transfer species.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Time-resolved fluorescence and fluorescence anisotropy data surfaces of flavin adenine dinucleotide bound to lipoamide dehydrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii in 80% glycerol have been obtained by variation of excitation energy and temperature between 203 and 303 K. The fluorescence kinetics of a deletion mutant lacking 14 COOH-terminal amino acids were compared with the wild-type enzyme to study a possible interaction of the COOH-terminal tail with the active site of the enzyme. The flavin adenine dinucleotide fluorescence in both proteins exhibits a bimodal lifetime distribution as recovered by the maximum entropy method of data analysis. The difference in standard enthalpy and entropy of associated conformational substates was retrieved from the fractional contributions of the two lifetime classes. Activation energies of thermal quenching were obtained that confirm that the isoalloxazines in the deletion mutant are solvent accessible in contrast to the wild-type enzyme. Red-edge spectroscopy in conjunction with variation of temperature provides the necessary experimental axes to interpret the fluorescence depolarization in terms of intersubunit energy transfer rather than reorientational dynamics of the flavins. The results can be explained by a compartmental model that describes the anisotropy decay of a binary, inhomogeneously broadened, homoenergy transfer system. By using this model in a global analysis of the fluorescence anisotropy decay surface, the distance between and relative orientation of the two isoalloxazine rings are elucidated. For the wild-type enzyme, this geometrical information is in agreement with crystallographic data of the A. vinelandii enzyme, whereas the mutual orientation of the subunits in the deletion mutant is slightly altered. In addition, the ambiguity in the direction of the emission transition moment in the isoalloxazine ring is solved. The anisotropy decay parameters also provide information on electronic and dipolar relaxational properties of the flavin active site. The local environment of the prosthetic groups in the deletion mutant of the A. vinelandii enzyme is highly inhomogeneous, and a transition from slow to rapid dipolar relaxation is observed over the measured temperature range. In the highly homogeneous active site of the wild-type enzyme, dipolar relaxation is slowed down beyond the time scale of fluorescence emission at any temperature studied. Our results are in favor of a COOH-terminal polypeptide interacting with the active site, thereby shielding the isoalloxazines from the solvent. This biological system forms a very appropriate tool to test the validity of photophysical models describing homoenergy transfer.  相似文献   
Model membranes with unsaturated lipid chains containing various amounts of M13 coat protein in the -helical form were studied using time-resolved fluorescence and ESR spectroscopy. The lipid-to-protein (L/P) ratios used were > 12 to avoid protein-protein contacts and irreversible aggregation leading to -polymeric coat protein. In the ESR spectra of the 12-SASL probe in dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) bilayers no second protein induced component is observed upon incorporation of M13 coat protein. However, strong effects are detected on the ESR lineshapes upon changing the protein concentration. The ESR lineshapes are simulated by assuming a fixed ratio between the parallel (D) and perpendicular (D) diffusion coefficients of 4, and an order parameter equal to zero. It is found that increasing the protein concentration from L/P to L/P 15 results in a decrease of the rotational diffusion coefficient D from 3.4 × 107 to 1.9 × 107 s–1. In the time-resolved fluorescence experiments with DPH-propionic acid as a probe, it is observed that increasing the M13 coat protein concentration causes an increase of the two fluorescent lifetimes, indicating an increase in bilayer order. Analysis of the time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy decay allows one to quantitatively determine the order parameters P2 and P4, and the rotational diffusion coefficient D of the fluorescent probe. The order parameters P2 and P4 increase from 0.34 to 0.55 and from 0.59 to 0.77, respectively, upon adding M13 coat protein to DOPC bilayers with an L/P ratio of 35. The rotational diffusion coefficient D of the DPH-propionic acid probe decreases on incorporating M13 coat protein, in accordance with the ESR results. It is concluded that M13 coat protein in the -monomeric state is not able to produce a long living lipid boundary shell and consequently an immobilization of the lipids. An overall effect on the lipids is induced, resulting in a reduction in the dynamics and an increase in average lipid order. The hydrophobic region of M13 coat protein is proposed to perfectly match the lipid bilayer, resulting in a relatively small distortion of the bilayer structure of the lipid system.  相似文献   
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