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The tumor necrosis factor alpha converting enzyme (TACE) activity is required for the shedding of a variety of biologically active membrane bound precursors. The activation of TACE necessitates the proteolytic cleavage of its prodomain, a process that was suggested to be catalyzed by the proprotein convertase furin. However, the involvement of furin in this activation process has never been experimentally demonstrated. We have shown that the furinlike cleavage site (R-V-K-R(214)) localized between the prodomain and the metalloprotease domain of TACE is the sole site that can be in vitro cleaved by furin. In Cos7 cells, the release of TACE-processed substrates was reduced by the overexpression of the furin-specific proprotein convertase inhibitor Portland alpha1-antitrypsin inhibitor, but the release of TACE-processed substrates was increased by overexpression of furin in LoVo cells (deficient in furin activity) in which a mature form of TACE was identified. The immature form of TACE was detected at the surface of LoVo cells and at the surface of Cos7 and HT29 cells upon proprotein convertase inhibition. These results suggest that furin is the major proprotein convertase involved in the maturation/activation of TACE which is not a prerequisite for its cell-surface expression.  相似文献   
Sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases (SERCAs) pump Ca2+ into the endoplasmic reticulum. Recently, three human SERCA3 (h3a-c) proteins and a previously unknown rat SERCA3 (r3b/c) mRNA have been described. Here, we (i) document two novel human SERCA3 splice variants h3d and h3e, (ii) provide data for the expression and mechanisms regulating the expression of all known SERCA3 variants (r3a, r3b/c, and h3a-e), and (iii) show functional characteristics of the SERCA3 isoforms. h3d and h3e are issued from the insertion of an additional penultimate exon 22 resulting in different carboxyl termini for these variants. Distinct distribution patterns of the SERCA3 gene products were observed in a series of cell lines of hematopoietic, epithelial, embryonic origin, and several cancerous types, as well as in panels of rat and human tissues. Hypertension and protein kinase C, calcineurin, or retinoic acid receptor signaling pathways were found to differently control rat and human splice variant expression, respectively. Stable overexpression of each variant was performed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, and the SERCA3 isoforms were fully characterized. All SERCA3 isoforms were found to pump Ca2+ with similar affinities. However, they modulated the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) and the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content ([Ca2+]er) in different manners. A newly generated polyclonal antibody and a pan-SERCA3 antibody proved the endogenous expression of the three novel SERCA3 proteins, h3d, h3e, and r3b/c. All these data suggest that the SERCA3 gene products have a more widespread role in cellular Ca2+ signaling than previously appreciated.  相似文献   
Two different approaches provided evidence for a physical interaction between the carbamate kinase-like carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase (CKase) and ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus. Affinity electrophoresis indicated that CKase and OTCase associate into a multienzyme cluster. Further evidence for a biologically significant interaction between CKase and OTCase was obtained by co-immunoprecipitation combined with formaldehyde cross-linking experiments. These experiments support the hypothesis that CKase and OTCase form an efficient channeling cluster for carbamoyl phosphate, an extremely thermolabile and potentially toxic metabolic intermediate. Therefore, by physically interacting with each other, CKase and OTCase prevent the thermodenaturation of carbamoyl phosphate in the aqueous cytoplasmic environment.  相似文献   
The control of coagulation enzymes by antithrombin is vital for maintenance of normal hemostasis. Antithrombin requires the co-factor, heparin, to efficiently inhibit target proteinases. A specific pentasaccharide sequence (H5) in high affinity heparin induces a conformational change in antithrombin that is particularly important for factor Xa (fXa) inhibition. Thus, synthetic H5 accelerates the interaction between antithrombin and fXa 100-fold as compared with only 2-fold versus thrombin. We built molecular models and identified residues unique to the active site of fXa that we predicted were important for interacting with the reactive center loop of H5-activated antithrombin. To test our predictions, we generated the mutants E37A, E37Q, E39A, E39Q, Q61A, S173A, and F174A in human fXa and examined the rate of association of these mutants with antithrombin in the presence and absence of H5. fXa(Q61A) interacts with antithrombin alone with a nearly normal k(ass); however, we observe only a 4-fold increase in k(ass) in the presence of H5. The x-ray crystal structure of fXa reveals that Gln(61) forms part of the S1' and S3' pocket, suggesting that the P' region of the reactive center loop of antithrombin is crucial for mediating the acceleration in the rate of inhibition of fXa by H5-activated antithrombin.  相似文献   
The small nonstructural NS2 proteins of parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVMp) were previously shown to interact with the nuclear export receptor Crm1. We report here the analysis of two MVM mutant genomic clones generating NS2 proteins that are unable to interact with Crm1 as a result of amino acid substitutions within their nuclear export signal (NES) sequences. Upon transfection of human and mouse cells, the MVM-NES21 and MVM-NES22 mutant genomic clones were proficient in synthesis of the four virus-encoded proteins. While the MVM-NES22 clone was further able to produce infectious mutant virions, no virus could be recovered from cells transfected with the MVM-NES21 clone. Whereas the defect of MVM-NES21 appeared to be complex, the phenotype of MVM-NES22 could be traced back to a novel distinct NS2 function. Infection of mouse cells with the MVM-NES22 mutant led to stronger nuclear retention not only of the NS2 proteins but also of infectious progeny MVM particles. This nuclear sequestration correlated with a severe delay in the release of mutant virions in the medium and with prolonged survival of the infected cell populations compared with wild-type virus-treated cultures. This defect could explain, at least in part, the small size of the plaques generated by the MVM-NES22 mutant when assayed on mouse indicator cells. Altogether, our data indicate that the interaction of MVMp NS2 proteins with the nuclear export receptor Crm1 plays a critical role at a late stage of the parvovirus life cycle involved in release of progeny viruses.  相似文献   
A large number of mathematical models have been developed that show how natural and sexual selection can cause prezygotic isolation to evolve. This article attempts to unify this literature by identifying five major elements that determine the outcome of speciation caused by selection: a form of disruptive selection, a form of isolating mechanism (assortment or a mating preference), a way to transmit the force of disruptive selection to the isolating mechanism (direct selection or indirect selection), a genetic basis for increased isolation (a one- or two-allele mechanism), and an initial condition (high or low initial divergence). We show that the geographical context of speciation (allopatry vs. sympatry) can be viewed as a form of assortative mating. These five elements appear to operate largely independently of each other and can be used to make generalizations about when speciation is most likely to happen. This provides a framework for interpreting results from laboratory experiments, which are found to agree generally with theoretical predictions about conditions that are favorable to the evolution of prezygotic isolation.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis produces a series of major secreted proteins, the fibronectin-binding proteins (Fbps), also known as the antigen 85 complex, that are believed to play an essential role in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis through their mycoloyltransferase activity required for maintaining the integrity of the bacterial cell envelope. Four different fbp genes are found in the genome of M. tuberculosis, but the reason for the existence of these Fbps sharing the same substrate specificity in vitro in mycobacteria is unknown. We have shown previously that, in the heterologous host, Corynebacterium glutamicum, FbpA, FbpB and FbpC can all add mycoloyl residues to the cell wall arabinogalactan and that, in M. tuberculosis, the cell wall mycoloylation decreases by 40% when fbpC is knocked out. To investigate whether the remaining 60% mycoloylation came from the activity of FbpA and/or FbpB, fbpA- and fbpB-inactivated mutant strains were biochemically characterized and compared with the previously studied fbpC-disrupted mutant. Unexpectedly, both mutants produced normally mycoloylated cell walls. Overproduction of FbpA, FbpB or FbpC, but not FbpD, in the fbpC-inactivated mutant strain of M. tuberculosis restored both the cell wall-linked mycolate defect and the outer cell envelope permeability barrier property. These results are consistent with all three enzymes being involved in cell wall mycoloylation and FbpC playing a more critical role than the others or, alternatively, FbpC is able to compensate for FbpA and FbpB in ways that these enzymes cannot compensate for FbpC, pointing to a partial redundancy of Fbps. In sharp contrast, FbpD does not appear to be an active mycoloyltransferase enzyme, as it cannot complement the fbpC-inactivated mutant. Most importantly, application of Smith degradation to the cell walls of transformants demonstrated that the multiple Fbp enzymes are redundant rather than specific for the various arabinogalactan mycoloylation regions. Neither FbpA nor FbpB attaches mycoloyl residues to specific sites but, like FbpC, each enzyme transfers mycoloyl residues onto the four sites present in the arabinogalactan non-reducing end hexaarabinosides.  相似文献   
Functional mitochondria require up to 1000 proteins to function properly, with 99% synthesized as precursors in the cytoplasm and transported into the mitochondria with the aid of cytosolic chaperones and mitochondrial translocators (import components). Proteins to be imported are chaperoned to the mitochondria by the cytosolic heat shock protein (cHSP70) and are immediately pursued by Translocators of the Outer Membrane (TOMs), followed by transient interactions of the unfolded proteins with Translocators of the Inner Membrane (TIMs). In the present study, we describe a human gene, TOMM70A, orthologous to the yeast Tom70 import component. TOMM70A is ubiquitously expressed in human tissues, maps on chromosome 3q13.1-q13.2 and consists of 12 coding exons spanning over 37 kb. TOMM70A localizes in the mitochondria of COS-7 cells, and in organello import assays confirmed its presence in the Outer Mitochondrial membrane (OM) of rat liver mitochondria. TOMM70A could play a significant role in the import of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins with internal targeting sites such as ADP/ATP carriers and the uncoupling proteins.  相似文献   
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