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A linkage map with RFLP and isozyme markers for almond   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Inheritance and linkage studies were conducted with seven isozyme genes and 120 RFLPs in the F1 progeny of a cross between almond cultivars Ferragnes and Tuono. RFLPs were detected using 57 genomic and 43 cDNA almond clones. Eight of the cDNA probes corresponded to known genes (extensin, prunin (2), -tubulin, endopolygalacturonase, oleosin, actin depolymerizing factor and phosphoglyceromutase). Single-copy clones were found more frequently in the cDNA (65%) than in the genomic libraries (26%). Two maps were elaborated, one with the 93 loci heterozygous in Ferragnes and another with the 69 loci heterozygous in Tuono. Thirty-five loci were heterozygous in both parents and were used as bridges between both maps. Most of the segregations (91%) were of the 11 or 1111 types, and data were analyzed as if they derived from two backcross populations. Eight linkage groups covering 393 cM in Ferragnes and 394 in Tuono were found for each map. None of the loci examined in either map was found to be unlinked. Distorted segregation ratios were mainly concentrated in two linkage groups of the Ferragnes map.  相似文献   
Using CD19 B-cell selection and polymerase chain reaction-amplified cDNA libraries, we analyzed the peripheral immunoglobulin heavy chain variable repertoire of three healthy adult donors. Here we report that most of the CD19+ circulating B cells expressed unmutated V H-D-JH rearrangements. By specific V H family hybridization, we show that V H gene family utilization in the periphery roughly corresponds to the complexity of these families in the germline and appears to be relatively constant among the analyzed subjects. However, sequence data of clones picked at random from one IgM cDNA library reveals that in spite of this random utilization, the V H gene expression in naive circulating B cells is highly biased towards the expression of a limited set of V H genes. As previously reported by others, this restricted mechanism is also found for the D and J H segments.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank/EMBL nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers Z47213-Z47243 and Z47349  相似文献   
Cells and protoplasts isolated from three different tissues of sunflower hypocotyls and cultured either in liquid or agarose medium were compared in terms of their volume, DNA content, division potential and embryoid formation. Epidermal and external cortical cells differ from other tissue cells by their small size, their weak response to plasmolysis and their low DNA content (around 1C). They contribute only very weakly to the dividing protoplast population. In contrast, protoplasts from cortical and medullar cells both have similar division potential, reaching 50%. The nuclear DNA content of these two cell types, as well as their corresponding protoplasts, has a 2C value, taking root tip cells in G0 phase as standard. The culture conditions induce the same specific response in protoplasts isolated from both tissues: exclusively loose colony formation in liquid medium, and mainly production of embryoids in agarose medium.  相似文献   
Haury  J.  Bagliniére  J. -L.  Cassou  A. -I.  Maisse  G. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,300(1):269-277
Four compartments of a salmonid brook were studied in consecutive sections either at sector scale or at facies scale: physical features, water quality, macrophytes and salmonids. The most important factor in the spatial and temporal organisation was the longitudinal zonation assessed by the four compartments. It was mainly shown by a gradient of the length of the morphodynamic sequence and of the facies width, of the pH and the conductivity and of macrophyte cover. It induced a colonisation by older trout in the downstream part of the brook where growth was better and shelter given by the bankside vegetation was more abundant. There were also greater densities of other age-classes upstream, with a correlation between salmon and rock shelter. Furthermore, the second factor corresponded to the flow characteristics and a granulometry gradient. The third factor corresponded chiefly to lighting, salmon numbers and densities. Salmonids showed a temporal stability from spring to autumn,and an opposition between growth and density. Six clusters of sectors defined functional entities. With regard to the 3—dimensitnal structure of the brook, the special pattern of each compartment shows its contribution to the functioning of the whole. Taking into account the scale of the study, the coexistence between trout and salmon did not show a competition between the two species, but rather a spatial partition, thanks to thehheterogenity inside each sector. We concluded on the necessity of studying sympatry at the facies scale to assess the role of habitat factors as regulators of carrying capacity.  相似文献   
Abstract: The distinctive pharmacological activity of zolpidem in rats compared with classical benzodiazepines has been related to its differential affinity for benzodiazepine receptor (BZR) subtypes. By contrast, in nonhuman primates the pharmacological activity of zolpidem was found to be quite similar to that of classical BZR agonists. In an attempt to explain this discrepancy, we examined the ability of zolpidem to differentiate BZR subtypes in vivo in primate brain using positron emission tomography. The BZRs were specifically labeled with [11C]flumazenil. Radiotracer displacement by zolpidem was monophasic in cerebellum and neocortex, with in vivo Hill coefficients close to 1. Conversely, displacement of [11C]flumazenil was biphasic in hippocampus, amygdala, septum, insula, striatum, and pons, with Hill coefficients significantly smaller than 1, suggesting two different binding sites for zolpidem. In these cerebral regions, the half-maximal inhibitory doses for the high-affinity binding site were similar to those found in cerebellum and neocortex and ~100-fold higher for the low-affinity binding site. The low-affinity binding site accounted for <32% of the specific [11C]-flumazenil binding. Such zolpidem binding characteristics contrast with those reported for rodents, where three different binding sites were found. Species differences in binding characteristics may explain why zolpidem has a distinctive pharmacological activity in rodents, whereas its pharmacological activity in primates is quite similar to that of classical BZR agonists, except for the absence of severe effects on memory functions, which may be due to the lack of substantial zolpidem affinity for a distinct BZR subtype in cerebral structures belonging to the limbic system.  相似文献   
Relaxation times have been obtained with time-domain EPR for the dinuclear mixed valence [CuA(1.5) ... CuA(1.5)[ S = 1/2 center in nitrous oxide reductase, N2OR, from Pseudomonas stutzeri, in the TN5 mutant defective in copper chromophore biosynthesis, in a synthetic mixed valence complex, and in type 1 and 2 copper complexes. Data confirmed that the intrinsic electron spin-lattice relaxation time, T1, for N2OR in the temperature range of 6-25 K is unusually short for copper centers. At best, a twofold increase of T1 from g perpendicular to g parallel was measured. Optimized fits of the saturation-recovery data were obtained using both double-exponential and stretched-exponential functions. The temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate of mutant N2OR is about T5.0 with the stretched-exponential model or T3.3 and T3.9 for the model using the sum of two exponentials. These T1s are intrinsic to the mixed valence [CuA(1.5) ... CuA(1.5)] center, and no interaction of the second copper center in wild-type N2OR with the [CuA(1.5) ... CuA(1.5)] center has been observed. The T1 of the mixed valence center of N2OR is not only shorter than for monomeric square planar Cu(II) complexes, but also shorter than for a synthetic mixed valence complex, Cu2(N[CH2CH2NHCH2CH2NHCH2CH2]3N). The short T1 is attributed to the vibrational modes of type 1 copper and/or the metal-metal interaction in [CuA(1.5) ... CuA(1.5)].  相似文献   
The movements of seabream (Sparus aurata L) were recorded in two earthen ponds (250 m2 and 400 m2) by tracking fish tagged with miniature acoustic transmitters. Five seabreams, 500 g in weight, were tracked for periods of four or five days. Fish positions were recorded continuously using an acoustic telemetry system. Each of the five tagged seabreams were tracked individually. Two fishes were released schooled with numerous other individuals, two others were released in isolation and one was grouped with three other individuals.The schooled seabreams were more active in general and, in the large school they were diurnal; isolated fishes however, were more active at night. Temperature influences significantly and progressively the fish activity. Activity decreases at night and increases during daylight. Oxygen saturation also influences swimming activity with a general positive relationship.The horizontal distribution of this species was not uniform. Its resting area was generally located around some particular landmarks such as inlet or outlet pipes in the ponds. No feverish feeding competition was observed between individuals of the same school. The feeding area was cleaned rapidly, in less than 10 minutes, without subsequent returns from the resting area to the feeding area.
Résumé Les déplacements de la daurade (Sparus aurata L.) ont été enregistrés dans deux bassins en terre (250 m2 et 400 m2) en suivant des poissons marqués avec des émetteurs acoustiques miniaturisés. Cinq daurades d'un poids individuel de 500 g furent suivies durant des périodes de 4 ou 5 jours. Les positions des poissons ont été enregistrées en continu avec un systéme de télémétrie acoustique. Chacun des cinq poissons marqués fut suivi individuellement. Deux poissons furent regroupés avec de nombreux autres individus, deux autres furent laissés seuls et le dernier fut mis avec trois autres individus.Les daurades groupées étaient en général plus actives et, en grand banc, étaient diurnes; les poissons isolés étaient toutefois plus actifs durant la nuit. La température influence significativement et progressivement l'activité des poissons. L'activité décroît durant la nuit et augmente pendant le jour. Le pourcentage de saturation en oxygéne agit aussi, de façon positive, sur l'activité de nage.La distribution horizontale de cette espéce n'est pas uniforme. Son aire de repos est généralement localisée dans quelques zones particuliéres comme les arrivées et les sorties d'eau. Aucune compétition alimentaire fébrile n'a été observée entre les individus d'un même banc. L'aire de nourrissage est rapidement nettoyée, en moins de 10 minutes, sans retours ultérieurs depuis la zone de repos jusqu' à la zone de nourrissage.
ROR alpha 1 and ROR alpha 2 are two isoforms of a novel member of the steroid-thyroid-retinoid receptor superfamily and are considered orphan receptors since their cognate ligand has yet to be identified. These putative receptors have previously been shown to bind as monomers to a DNA recognition sequence composed of two distinct moieties, a 3' nuclear receptor core half-site AGGTCA preceded by a 5' AT-rich sequence. Recognition of this bipartite hormone response element (RORE) requires both the zinc-binding motifs and a group of amino acid residues located at the carboxy-terminal end of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) which is referred to here as the carboxy-terminal extension. In this report, we show that binding of ROR alpha 1 and ROR alpha 2 to the RORE induces a large DNA bend of approximately 130 degrees which may be important for receptor function. The overall direction of the DNA bend is towards the major groove at the center of the 3' AGGTCA half-site. The presence of the nonconserved hinge region which is located between the DBD and the putative ligand-binding domain (LBD) or ROR alpha is required for maximal DNA bending. Deletion of a large portion of the amino-terminal domain (NTD) of the ROR alpha protein does not alter the DNA bend angle but shifts the DNA bend center 5' relative to the bend induced by intact ROR alpha. Methylation interference studies using the NTD-deleted ROR alpha 1 mutant indicate that some DNA contacts in the 5' AT-rich half of the RORE are also shifted 5', while those in the 3' AGGTCA half-site are unaffected. These results are consistent with a model in which the ROR alpha NTD and the nonconserved hinge region orient the zinc-binding motifs and the carboxy-terminal extension of the ROR alpha DBD relative to each other to achieve proper interactions with the two halves of its recognition site. Transactivation studies suggest that both protein-induced DNA bending and protein-protein interactions are important for receptor function.  相似文献   
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