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This paper describes the characterization and chromosomal distribution of new long repetitive sequences present in all species of the genus Zea. These sequences constitute a family of moderately repetitive elements ranging approximately from 1350 to 1700 copies per haploid genome in modern maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and teosinte (Zea diploperennis), respectively. The elements are long, probably larger than 9 kb, and they show a highly conserved internal organization among Zea subspecies and species. The elements are present in all maize chromosomes in an interspersed pattern of distribution, are absent from centromeric and pericentric heterochromatin, and with some clustering in the distal regions of chromosome arms.  相似文献   
The ultrastructural patterns characterizing wheat straw degradation by the ligninolytic fungi Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Trametes versicolor were studied. During fungal attack, the less lignified tissues were degraded first, whereas the xylematic and sclerenchymatic fibers underwent a delayed attack. In straw samples degraded by T. versicolor, partial delignification, defibrillation and swelling of cell walls, often causing separation between primary and secondary walls, were observed. By contrast, the formation of erosions and fissures, with minor lignin removal, characterized the attack to the cell wall by P. chrysosporium. At an advanced stage of decay, KMnO4 staining demonstrated abundant electron-dense material around hyphae and in the proximity of the cell-wall surface. In the case of P. chrysosporium, spherical black bodies were found in the erosions and fissures produced during fungal attack.  相似文献   
Miconia howardiana, which is known only from a diverse moist montane forest in the vicinity of Loma Trocha de Pey (or “Monteada Nueva”), the easternmost peak of the Sierra de Baoruco, is described and illustrated. It is compared to phenetically similar (and probably phylogenetically related) species of theMiconia favosa complex, i.e.,M. favosa, M. xenotricha, M. campanensis M. Sintenisii, M. foveolata, andM. pycnoneura. The species of this complex are characterized by bullate leaves with frequently cordate bases and often six secondary veins. Most species also have large berries and flowers, 5-locular ovaries, large inflorescence bracts and bracteoles, and more or less dendritic multicellular hairs.  相似文献   
Chromosomal pairing of one triploid and three tetraploid plants of rye, Secale cereale, was analyzed by electron microscopy in surface-spread prophase I nuclei and compared with light microscopic observations of metaphase I cells. Prophase I is characterized by: (i) the weak alignment showed by the three or four unsynapsed or partially homologous synapsed axes; (ii) the low number ber of pairing partner switches (PPSs) displayed by both trivalents and quadrivalents; and (iii) the existence of complex multivalents in which up to 13 chromosomes in the triploid and 22 chromosomes in the tetraploids were involved. However, only few heterologous chromosomal associations were maintained at metaphase I. The results obtained are discussed under the assumptions of the random end pairing model with some modifications.  相似文献   
1H-NMR cross-relaxation rates and nonselectivelongitudinal relaxation times have been obtained at two magnetic fields (7.0and 11.8 T) and at a variety of temperatures for the branchedtetrasaccharide methyl3-O--N-acetyl-galactosaminyl--galactopyranosyl-(14)[3-O--fucosyl]-glucopyranoside (1), an inhibitor of astrocyte growth. Inaddition, 13C-NMR relaxation data have also been recorded atboth fields. The 1H-NMR relaxation data have been interpretedusing different motional models to obtain proton–proton correlationtimes. The results indicate that the GalNAc and Fuc rings display moreextensive local motion than the two inner Glc and Gal moieties, since thosepresent significantly shorter local correlation times. The13C-NMR relaxation parameters have been interpreted in termsof the Lipari–Szabo model-free approach. Thus, order parameters andinternal motion correlation times have been deduced. As obtained for the1H-NMR relaxation data, the two outer residues possess smallerorder parameters than the two inner rings. Internal correlation times are inthe order of 100 ps. The hydroxymethyl groups have also different behaviour,with the exocyclic carbon on the glucopyranoside unit showing the highestS2. Molecular dynamics simulations using a solvated systemhave also been performed and internal motion correlation functions have beendeduced from these calculations. Order parameters and interproton distanceshave been compared to those inferred from the NMR measurements. The obtainedresults are in fair agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To examine any possible links between exposure to DDE (1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)ethylene), the persistent metabolite of the pesticide dicophane (DDT), and breast cancer. DESIGN: Multicentre study of exposure to DDE by measurement of adipose tissue aspirated from the buttocks. Laboratory measurements were conducted in a single laboratory. Additional data on risk factors for breast cancer were obtained by standard questionnaires. SETTING: Centres in Germany, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Switzerland, and Spain. SUBJECTS: 265 postmenopausal women with breast cancer and 341 controls matched for age and centre. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Adipose DDE concentrations. RESULTS: Women with breast cancer had adipose DDE concentrations 9.2% lower than control women. No increased risk of breast cancer was found at higher concentrations. The odds ratio of breast cancer, adjusted for age and centre, for the highest versus the lowest fourth of DDE distribution was 0.73 (95% confidence interval 0.44 to 1.21) and decreased to 0.48 (0.25 to 0.95; P for trend = 0.02) after adjustment for body mass index, age at first birth, and current alcohol drinking. Adjustment for other risk factors did not materially affect these estimates. CONCLUSIONS: The lower DDE concentrations observed among the women with breast cancer may be secondary to disease inception. This study does not support the hypothesis that DDE increases risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women in Europe.  相似文献   
A new genus of Platycopioida is described from a boxcore sample taken at a depth of 534 m in the ArcticBarents Sea. This is the deepest record ofPlatycopioida so far. Sarsicopia gen. n. is thesistergroup of a taxon comprising Platycopia and Nanocopia; the sistergroup ofthese is Antrisocopia. Sarsicopia gen. n.is the only platycopioid to retain 2 inner setae onthe second endopod segment P2–P4, and 8 setae in thethird endopod segment of P2. The male antennnule isremarkable in having a geniculation located betweenancestral segments XX and XXI. It is suggested thatthis flexure zone was already present in thegroundpattern of Copepoda. Platycopia and Nanocopia have secondarily lost thisgeniculation.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that NT2N neurons derived from a human embryonal carcinoma cell line (NT2) constitutively process the endogenous wild-type β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) to amyloid β peptide in an intracellular compartment. These studies indicate that other proteolytic fragments generated by intracellular processing must also be present in these cells. Here we show that the NH2-terminal fragment of APP generated by β-secretase cleavage (APPβ) is indeed produced from the endogenous full length APP (APPFL). Pulse–chase studies demonstrated a precursor–product relationship between APPFL and APPβ as well as intracellular and secreted APPβ fragments. In addition, trypsin digestion of intact NT2N cells at 4°C did not abolish APPβ recovered from the cell lysates. Furthermore, the production of intracellular APPβ from wild-type APP appears to be a unique characteristic of postmitotic neurons, since intracellular APPβ was not detected in several non-neuronal cell lines. Significantly, production of APPβ occurred even when APP was retained in the ER/ intermediate compartment by inhibition with brefeldin A, incubation at 15°C, or by expression of exogenous APP bearing the dilysine ER retrieval motif.  相似文献   
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