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Zika virus (ZIKV) is a neurotropic flavivirus that causes several diseases including birth defects such as microcephaly. Intrinsic immunity is known to be a frontline defense against viruses through host anti-viral restriction factors. Limited knowledge is available on intrinsic immunity against ZIKV in brains. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is predominantly expressed in brains and implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer''s diseases. We have found that ZIKV interacts with APP, and viral infection increases APP expression via enhancing protein stability. Moreover, we identified the viral peptide, HGSQHSGMIVNDTGHETDENRAKVEITPNSPRAEATLGGFGSLGL, which is capable of en-hancing APP expression. We observed that aging brain tissues with APP had protective effects on ZIKV infection by reducing the availability of the viruses. Also, knockdown of APP expression or blocking ZIKV-APP interactions enhanced ZIKV replication in human neural progenitor/stem cells. Finally, intracranial infection of ZIKV in APP-null neonatal mice resulted in higher mortality and viral yields. Taken together, these findings suggest that APP is a restriction factor that protects against ZIKV by serving as a decoy receptor, and plays a protective role in ZIKV-mediated brain injuries.  相似文献   
Phenolic compounds are naturally occurring, bioactive substances with marked antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. The flavonoid chrysin, found in high levels in honey bee propolis, inhibits the activity of enzymes involved in carcinogenesis. We have investigated the effect of chrysin on pre-neoplastic colorectal lesions (ACF, aberrant crypt foci) in a rat model of chemical carcinogenesis induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH). Female Wistar rats weighing 137.2?±?24.3 g received weekly one subcutaneous injection of DMH (20 mg/kg) for 10 weeks. The animals were divided into five groups each with seven animals: Group 1, 0.9% saline; Group 2, DMH+0.9% saline; Group 3, DMH+chrysin (10 mg/kg); Group 4, DMH+chrysin (100 mg/kg); Group 5, DMH+chrysin (200 mg/kg). Groups 2 and 3 showed a significant increase in ACF number, nucleolus organizer regions per enterocyte nucleus and nitrite/nitrate serum levels compared with Group 1. Groups 4 and 5 presented a significant reduction in all these parameters compared with Group 2. The levels of antioxidant minerals (copper, magnesium, selenium, zinc) and the number of enteroendocrine and mucin-producing cells were significantly reduced in Groups 2 and 3 but were similar in Groups 4 and 5 compared with Group 1. Chrysin, at 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg, was effective in attenuating pathological colorectal remodeling, reducing the number of pre-neoplastic lesions in rats exposed to DMH. Some of these effects might be attributable to the recovery of antioxidant mineral levels, a reduction in systemic nitrosative stress and an inhibition of the cellular proliferation induced by this flavonoid.  相似文献   
Cranial musculature, dental function and mandibular movement patterns in Eremotherium laurillardi were reconstructed from the examination of crania and dentitions. Size, shape and pattern of muscle divisions were reconstructed from the examination of bony rugosities indicating muscle attachments. Details of masticatory muscle structure and function were based on dissections of the tree sloths Bradypus and Choloepus. Among sloths, masticatory muscles in E. laurillardi demonstrate a different synergist–antagonist pattern, reflecting greater emphasis on mediolateral mandibular movements. Eight cranial character complexes (anterior facial, zygomatic arch, superficial masseter, deep masseter–zygomaticomandibularis, pterygoid, temporal, occipital and occlusal) determined by interrelated contributions of each component made to group functions were identified. An elongate anterior face and predental spout in E. laurillardi allowed protrusion of a long narrow tongue at small degrees of gape, reflecting a probably ancestral xenarthran condition. Gape minimisation, in conjunction with the mediolaterally directed masticatory stroke in E. laurillardi, was a unique solution to increase masticatory efficiency by permitting molariform tooth shearing surfaces to remain in or near occlusion for a greater percentage of each chewing cycle.  相似文献   
This investigation was designed to explore the relationships between lichen symbionts (phycobiont and mycobiont) and the substrate on which they grow by examining the chemical and ultrastructural features of the lichen-soil interface. These lichens form an integral part of microbiotic soil crusts. Fragments of three different lichen biotypes growing over gypsum crystals and marls were fixed and embedded in resin. The lichen-substratum interface was then examined by scanning electron microscopy with backscattered electron imaging. In situ observation, microanalytical (EDS), and FT-Raman plus infrared spectroscopy of the lichen-substratum interface indicated that different ultrastructural features of the mycobiont were related to biogeochemical processes and Ca 2+ distribution in the soil crust. Phycobionts were observed to make direct contact with the substratum and to be surrounded by a nondifferentiated thallus structure. These observations suggest that they can grow outside the thallus in the early stages of lichen development in the semi-arid conditions of their habitat. The particular ultrastructural features of the lichen thallus and of the lichen-substratum interface appear to have marked effects on runoff phenomena and ponding generation of the surface.  相似文献   
This study examines fossil microorganisms found in iron-rich deposits in an extreme acidic environment, the Tinto River in SW Spain. Both electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and non-destructive in situ microanalytical techniques (EDS, EMP and XPS) were used to determine the role of permineralization and encrustation in preserving microorganisms forming biofilms in the sediments. Unicellular algae were preserved by silica permineralization of their cell walls. Bacterial biofilms were preserved as molds by epicellular deposition of schwertmannite around them. In the case of fungi and filamentous algae, we observed permineralization of cell structures by schwertmannite in the sediments. The extracellular polymeric matrix around the cells was also preserved through permineralization of the fibrillar component. The process of permineralization and deposition of iron-rich precipitates present in the acidic waters of Rio Tinto served to preserve many microfossils in an oxidizing environment, in which organic compounds would not normally be expected to persist. Studies of microbial fossil formation mechanisms in modern extreme environments should focus on defining criteria to identify inorganic traces of microbial life in past environments on Earth or other planets.  相似文献   
Haemophilus parasuis is the causative agent of Glässer''s disease, a systemic disease of pigs, and is also associated with pneumonia. H. parasuis can be classified into 15 different serovars. Here we report, from the 15 serotyping reference strains, the DNA sequences of the loci containing genes for the biosynthesis of the group 1 capsular polysaccharides, which are potential virulence factors of this bacterium. We contend that these loci contain genes for polysaccharide capsule structures, and not a lipopolysaccharide O antigen, supported by the fact that they contain genes such as wza, wzb, and wzc, which are associated with the export of polysaccharide capsules in the current capsule classification system. A conserved region at the 3′ end of the locus, containing the wza, ptp, wzs, and iscR genes, is consistent with the characteristic export region 1 of the model group 1 capsule locus. A potential serovar-specific region (region 2) has been found by comparing the predicted coding sequences (CDSs) in all 15 loci for synteny and homology. The region is unique to each reference strain with the exception of those in serovars 5 and 12, which are identical in terms of gene content. The identification and characterization of this locus among the 15 serovars is the first step in understanding the genetic, molecular, and structural bases of serovar specificity in this poorly studied but important pathogen and opens up the possibility of developing an improved molecular serotyping system, which would greatly assist diagnosis and control of Glässer''s disease.  相似文献   
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