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Physiological and vegetative performances of three prairie grasses were investigated to assess their adaptation to soil conditions at two strip mine sites and a nearby railroad prairie. Additionally, rhizomes of the species were transplanted to a pot experiment and grown in both field soil and greenhouse potting medium to investigate the extent to which plants are limited under field conditions. Field measurements of photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance to water vapor were made on the three species monthly from May to late August. Gas exchange measurements on potted plants were made biweekly from early May to mid-July. In September, vegetative and flowering characteristics were measured on both field and potted plants. Field gas exchange rates were highest at one of the mines. Sorghastrum nutans had the highest rates at the mine sites, whereas Panicum virgatum had the highest rates at the prairie site. Potted plants from the prairie site usually exhibited the highest gas exchange rates, and Sorghastrum nutans had higher rates than Panicum virgatum and Andropogon gerardii. Potted plants in field soil generally had higher gas-exchange rates than plants growing in greenhouse potting medium, and potted plants had higher gas-exchange rates than field-grown plants. Vegetative and reproductive performance of field plants was highest at one of the mine sites. Potted plants in greenhouse medium had up to twice the vegetative and reproductive output as potted plants in field soil or plants growing in the field. The physiological and vegetative performance of these species indicates that they are well adapted to the soil conditions at these strip mine sites, and that they are a viable alternative to nonnative plantings for restoration.  相似文献   
Miconia howardiana, which is known only from a diverse moist montane forest in the vicinity of Loma Trocha de Pey (or “Monteada Nueva”), the easternmost peak of the Sierra de Baoruco, is described and illustrated. It is compared to phenetically similar (and probably phylogenetically related) species of theMiconia favosa complex, i.e.,M. favosa, M. xenotricha, M. campanensis M. Sintenisii, M. foveolata, andM. pycnoneura. The species of this complex are characterized by bullate leaves with frequently cordate bases and often six secondary veins. Most species also have large berries and flowers, 5-locular ovaries, large inflorescence bracts and bracteoles, and more or less dendritic multicellular hairs.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that NT2N neurons derived from a human embryonal carcinoma cell line (NT2) constitutively process the endogenous wild-type β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) to amyloid β peptide in an intracellular compartment. These studies indicate that other proteolytic fragments generated by intracellular processing must also be present in these cells. Here we show that the NH2-terminal fragment of APP generated by β-secretase cleavage (APPβ) is indeed produced from the endogenous full length APP (APPFL). Pulse–chase studies demonstrated a precursor–product relationship between APPFL and APPβ as well as intracellular and secreted APPβ fragments. In addition, trypsin digestion of intact NT2N cells at 4°C did not abolish APPβ recovered from the cell lysates. Furthermore, the production of intracellular APPβ from wild-type APP appears to be a unique characteristic of postmitotic neurons, since intracellular APPβ was not detected in several non-neuronal cell lines. Significantly, production of APPβ occurred even when APP was retained in the ER/ intermediate compartment by inhibition with brefeldin A, incubation at 15°C, or by expression of exogenous APP bearing the dilysine ER retrieval motif.  相似文献   
Synopsis In a high salinity estuary at North Inlet, South Carolina, co-occurrence and possible competition among adults of four dominant zooplanktivorous fishes were minimized by seasonal adjustments in lateral and vertical distributions as well as in dietary preferences. In winter, Atlantic silversides, Menidia menidia, occupied the entire water column while other planktivores were rare or absent from the estuary, and they consumed large prey such as mysid shrimps and fish larvae. An immigration of bay anchovies, Anchoa mitchilli, in the spring resulted in a redistribution of species with Atlantic silversides shifting to the surface waters and bay anchovies dominating the lower half of the water column. Both fishes consumed mostly copepods in the spring, but each favored a different species. There was little similarity in the large prey items consumed by the two fishes. Striped anchovies, Anchoa hepsetus, arrived in mid-summer and were most abundant at the surface while bay anchovies continued to dominate the bottom waters. Atlantic silversides were rare in all summer collections. The diets of the two anchovies were similar, but vertical separation during the period of maximum zooplankton abundance probably minimized competition. Rough silversides, Membras martinica, which were obligate surface dwellers, shared the upper water column with striped anchovies, but the two species had very different diets during their period of co-occurrence. Although seasonal changes in fish diets reflected shifts in zooplankton composition and all fishes consumed a variety of prey types, preferences for some prey taxa and total avoidance of others were indicated. Electivity indices indicated an especially strong selection for fiddler crab megalopae by all fishes in the summer and fall. All fishes, except rough silversides, which fed almost exclusively on copepods and crab zoeae, consumed large prey items when they were available. Fine scale partitioning of the food resources was apparent in the selection of different copepod and insect species by the fishes. Spatial and temporal separation in the distribution and/or dietary preferences of the zooplanktivores fishes probably reduces the potential for resource competition. Given the high abundances and selectivity of the planktivores, significant impacts on some zooplankton populations probably result.  相似文献   
Horse serum Cholinesterase hydrolyzes choline and p-nitrophenol esters at different rates. Deacylation and acylation seem to be the rate-limiting step for charged and uncharged substrates respectively. Activation energy is similar for the acetic, propionic, and butyric esters of thiocholine, but it is higher for p-nitrophenylpropionate. Inhibition by the tetramethyl-ammonium ion is competitive. Tetraethyl-, tetrapropyl-, and tetrabutyl-ammonium ions are mixed-type inhibitors. The pH studies demonstrated the existence of a residue, pK = 6.33, involved in catalysis.  相似文献   
Electron microscopic examination of yeasts of Blastomyces dermatitidis, exposed in vitro to concentrations of lidocaine that occur when the drug is used for topical anesthesia, showed that lidocaine rapidly damaged intracellular structures. The extent of damage was dependent on the concentration of drug and length of exposure. The observed ultrastructural changes were very similar to those reported for other drugs that directly damage membranes. This relationship suggests that the antifungal effect of lidocaine is the result of direct membrane damage.  相似文献   
Summary The relative nitrogen fixation efficiencies (RE 1-[H2 evolved÷C2H2 reduced]·100) of four mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var.torreyana) rhizobia (Strains WR 1001, WR 1002, L5, L9) and a cowpea rhizobia (Strain 176A32) on mesquite were evaluated in a glasshouse experiment. Plant yield, shoot N accumulation, and the natural15N abundance (15N) of nodule tissue were determined. Strain WR 1002 failed to nodulate mesquite and strain L5 produced ineffective nodules. Among the three effective strains (WR 1001, L9, 176A32) the cowpea strain (176A32) and strain L9 had significantly higher RE than strain WR 1001. Differences in RE, however, were not accompanied by significantly higher plant yield and shoot N accumulation. The difference in15N abundance between foliar tissue and nodules (nodules minus leaves) was 0.47 15N for the ineffective L5 nodules, while for the effective WR 1001, L9, and 176A32 nodules, respectively, this difference was 8.35, 7.81, and 8.35 15N. This indicates a similar relationship between N2-fixing effectiveness and natural15N enrichment of nodules that was previously observed in soybeans (Glycine max, L. Merr.). Strains WR 1001 and L9 produced elongate, indeterminate nodules typical for mesquite. The ineffective L5 nodules had few infected cells and an abundance of cortical amyloplasts. Mesquite nodules produced by the cowpea strain were spherical and were somewhat more similar in internal morphology to determinate nodules typical of cowpea than indeterminate nodules normally associated with mesquite.  相似文献   
The pattern of genome organization of Zea mays has been analyzed, and the relationship of maize to possible progenitor species assessed by DNADNA hybridization. Reassociation of 470 and 1,350 bp fragments of maize DNA to various C0t values demonstrates that the genome is composed of 3 major kinetic classes: highly repetitive, mid-repetitive, and unique. Mini-C0t curves of the repetitive sequences at short fragment length indicate that the highly repetitive sequence class is 20% of the genome and is present at an average reiteration frequency of 800,000 copies; the mid-repetitive sequence class is 40% of the genome and is present at an average reiteration frequency of 1,000 copies. Thermal denaturation studies show that the highly repetitive sequences are 12% divergent and mid-repetitive sequences are 6% divergent. Most of the genome is organized in two interspersion patterns. One, approximately one-third of the genome, is composed of unique sequences of average length 2,100 bp interspersed with mid-repetitive sequences; the other, also one-third of the genome, is mid-repetitive sequences interspersed with highly repetitive sequences. The repetitive sequences are 500 to 1,000 bp by electron microscopic measurement. The remaining third of the genome is unique sequences farther than 5,000 bp from a palindromic or repetitive sequence. Hybridization of maize DNA from Midwestern Dent to popcorn and related grasses indicates that both the unique and repetitive sequence elements have diverged. Teosinte and popcorn are approximately equally divergent from Midwestern Dent whereas Tripsacum is much more divergent. The divergence times calculated from the depression of Tm in heterologous duplexes indicate that the divergence within Zea mays and between maize and near relatives is at least an order of magnitude greater than expected. This high degree of divergence may reflect the pressures of domestication of maize.  相似文献   
We have used a sensitive electrophoretic technique for estimating the activity, or ratio, of two allozymes of the X-chromosome-linked enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK-1), in order to investigate the randomness of X-chromosome expression in the derivatives of the three primary cell lineages of the early mouse conceptus. The maternally derived Pgk-1 allele is preferentially expressed in the derivatives of the primitive endoderm and trophectoderm lineages at 6 1/2 days post coitum in Pgk-1a/Pgk-1b heterozygous conceptuses, and in the one informative 5 1/2-day heterozygous conceptus analysed. This evidence for preferential expression of the maternally derived X chromosome (Xm), so soon after the time of X-chromosome inactivation, favors the possibility that the preferential expression of Xm is a consequence of primary non-random X-chromosome inactivation, rather than a secondary selection phenomenon. The majority of embryos analysed at 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 days pc produced only a single PGK-1 band, corresponding to the allozyme produced by the Pgk-1 allele on Xm, although 50% of these embryos should have been heterozygous females. Possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   
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