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Background:The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) Porphyrin Quality Assurance Program assesses the measurement of urine, faecal, plasma and whole blood porphyrins and their components plus urinary porphobilinogen and delta aminolaevulinic acid and has laboratories enrolled from around the world. It was observed that there was a wide scatter in results submitted to some subsections of the program.Methods:A detailed questionnaire covering the analytical techniques used in the diagnosis of porphyria was sent to all laboratories enrolled in the RCPA Porphyrin Quality Assurance Program. Additionally, self-enrolment data over a five year period was examined for trends/changes in standardisation, reagent sources and analytical technique.Results:Twenty of the 45 laboratories enrolled in the Porphyrin Quality Assurance Program completed the survey, providing a snapshot of the analytical techniques used world-wide. Post survey self enrolment data indicated only little or no noticeable changes to analytical standardisation of techniques despite the continual lack of agreement of results in subsections of the External Quality Assurance program.Conclusions:While some aspects of porphyria testing are relatively consistent between laboratories, other diagnostic techniques vary widely. A wide variety of individualised reference intervals and reporting techniques is currently in use world-wide. While most of the participants in the survey are regional reference centres specialising in the diagnosis of porphyria and, as such, their diagnostic capability is not in question, international guidelines or global harmonisation of analytical techniques should allow better inter-laboratory comparisons to be made, ultimately improving diagnostic accuracy.  相似文献   
Drought is an increasingly common phenomenon in drylands as a consequence of climate change. We used 311 sites across a broad range of environmental conditions in Patagonian rangelands to evaluate how drought severity and temperature (abiotic factors) and vegetation structure (biotic factors) modulate the impact of a drought event on the annual integral of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI-I), our surrogate of ecosystem functioning. We found that NDVI-I decreases were larger with both increasing drought severity and temperature. Plant species richness (SR) and shrub cover (SC) attenuated the effects of drought on NDVI-I. Grass cover did not affect the impacts of drought on NDVI-I. Our results suggest that warming and species loss, two important imprints of global environmental change, could increase the vulnerability of Patagonian ecosystems to drought. Therefore, maintaining SR through appropriate grazing management can attenuate the adverse effects of climate change on ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
Compounds from Allium species with cytotoxic and antimicrobial activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a bulb-shaped plant belonging to the Allium genus which also includes onions (Allium cepa L.), leek (Allium ampeloprasum L. var. porrum Gay), shallot (Allium ascalonicum L), scallion (A. fistulosum L.) and chives (Allium schoenoprasum L.). The biological activity of garlic has been known since ancient times. Babylonians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans used garlic as a remedy for intestinal disorders, respiratory infections, skin diseases, bacterial infections, worms, wounds and tumors. In particular, before the discovery of antibiotics, garlic has been used against amoebic dysentery and epidemic diseases such as typhus, cholera, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. To date, more than 3,000 publications scientifically supported the use of garlic in the ethno-medicine. But what makes garlic and Allium species effective against cancer? The effect of garlic may arise from its antibacterial properties or from its ability to block formation on cancer-causing substances, half the activation of cancer causing substances, enhance DNA repair, reduce cell proliferation or induce cell death. Epidemiological studies have found that an increase of consumptions of Allium spp. reduce the risk of prostate and gastric cancers and this has been mainly related to two main classes of compounds: the apolar sulphur compounds and the polar saponins. These latter compounds, compared to the more studied thiosulphinates, have the advantages of not being pungent and more stable during cooking. Recently, there has been increasing scientific attention given to such compounds. In this paper, the literature about the major volatile and non-volatile organic compounds of garlic and other Allium plants has been reviewed. Particular attention is given to the compounds possessing antibacterial and cytotoxic activity in garlic and in the other Allium species and their mechanism of action.  相似文献   
Persian walnut (Juglans regia L) is an economically important species cultivated worldwide for its wood and nuts. Despite the increasing interest in the development of conservation strategies for walnut germplasm, an accurate and full-scale overview of wild genetic resources of J. regia has not been conducted because natural populations are located in regions of Asia historically difficult to access. In this study, we estimated the genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure of 39 autochthonous Persian walnut populations sampled across its Asian range using 14 neutral microsatellite markers. A landscape genetic overlay approach was applied to detect the areas of current reservoirs of walnut genetic diversity in the Asian range and to evaluate the role of landscape in shaping walnut genetic diversity since the Last Glacial Maximum. Although Persian walnut has been highly manipulated by humans over the last 2,000 years, we determined that patches of high genetic diversity still exist in the Caucasus and mountains of Central Asia where J. regia might have survived after Pleistocene glaciations. We detected a clear separation of Persian walnut into four main genetic clusters centered in (1) western Kyrgyzstan, (2) western and south–central Asia, (3) east–central Uzbekistan, and (4) Xinjiang and Shandong provinces (China). Overlay of maps showed a coincidence between groups of walnut populations and potential barriers to gene flow such as the Hindu Kush, Pamir, Tien Shan, and Himalaya mountains and the Karakum, Kyzyl Kum, and Taklamakan deserts. This study claimed the relevance of the preservation of walnut genetic resources in the Asian range.  相似文献   
Recently, investigators showed that mice with syngeneic murine gliomas that were treated with a neuroattenuated oncolytic herpes simplex virus-1 (oHSV), M002, had a significant increase in survival. M002 has deletions in both copies of the γ134.5 gene, enabling replication in tumor cells but precluding infection of normal cells. Previous studies have shown antitumor effects of other oHSV against a number of adult tumors including hepatocellular carcinoma and renal cell carcinoma. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the oncolytic potential of M002 against difficult to treat pediatric liver and kidney tumors. We showed that the oHSV, M002, infected, replicated, and decreased cell survival in hepatoblastoma, malignant rhabdoid kidney tumor, and renal sarcoma cell lines. In addition, we showed that in murine xenografts, treatment with M002 significantly increased survival and decreased tumor growth. Finally, these studies showed that the primary entry protein for oHSV, CD111 (nectin-1) was present in human hepatoblastoma and malignant rhabdoid kidney tumor specimens. We concluded that M002 effectively targeted these rare aggressive tumor types and that M002 may have potential for use in children with unresponsive or relapsed pediatric solid tumors.  相似文献   
The tribe Hyoscyameae (Solanaceae) is restricted to Eurasia and includes the genera Archihyoscyamus, Anisodus, Atropa, Atropanthe, Hyoscyamus, Physochlaina, Przewalskia and Scopolia. Even though the monophyly of Hyoscyameae is strongly supported, the relationships of the taxa within the tribe remain unclear. Chloroplast markers have been widely used to elucidate plant relationships at low taxonomic levels. Identification of variable chloroplast intergenic regions has been developed based on comparative genomics of chloroplast genomes, but these regions have a narrow phylogenetic utility. In this study, we present the chloroplast genome sequence of Hyoscyamus niger and make comparisons to other solanaceous plastid genomes in terms of gene order, gene and intron content, editing sites, origins of replication, repeats, and hypothetical open reading frames. We developed and sequenced three variable plastid markers from eight species to elucidate relationships within the tribe Hyoscyameae. The presence of a horizontally transferred intron in the mitochondrial cox1 gene of some species of the tribe is considered here a likely synapomorphy uniting five genera of the Hyoscyameae. Alternatively, the cox1 intron could be a homoplasious character acquired twice within the tribe. A homoplasious inversion in the intergenic plastid spacer trnC-psbM was recognized as a source of bias and removed from the data set used in the phylogenetic analyses. Almost 12 kb of plastid sequence data were not sufficient to completely resolve relationships among genera of Hyoscyameae but some clades were identified. Two alternative hypotheses of the evolution of the genera within the tribe are proposed.  相似文献   
We report electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and one- and two-photon excited surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and hyper Raman studies on plasmonic silver nanoaggregates. By comparison with computations, EELS imaging reveals an inverse relationship between local field intensity in an optical experiment and electron energy loss intensity at energies corresponding to excitation wavelengths used for optical probing. This inverse relation exists independent on specific nanoaggregate geometries and is mainly controlled by the gap size between the particles forming the aggregate. The ratio between two- and one-photon excited SERS measured at different excitation wavelengths provides information about local fields in the hottest spots and their dependence on the photon energy. Our data verify experimentally the predicted increase of local optical fields in the hot spots with increasing wave lengths. The reported findings show new experimental ways to characterize local fields of plasmonic nanostructures. This is of particular importance for complex structures which are not easily approachable by computations.  相似文献   
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