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Evergreen boreal plant species express high variability in their leaf traits. It remains controversial whether this within-species variability is constrained to the same leaf trait relationships as has been observed across species. We sampled leaves of three boreal evergreen woody species along a latitudinal gradient (from 57o56′N to 69o55′N). Leaf longevity (LL) of Pinus sylvestris L. and Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. correlated negatively with mean annual air temperature (MAT), whereas the LL of Ledum palustre L. was not affected by MAT. V. vitis-idaea and L. palustre had a negative relationship between leaf mass per area (LMA) and MAT. In P. sylvestris, the LMA–MAT relationship was positive. A negative correlation between LL and LMA was significant only for P. sylvestris. Leaf nitrogen concentration was positively related to leaf phosphorus concentration in all three species. Leaf potassium concentration was related to nitrogen concentration only in L. palustre, and to phosphorus concentration in P. sylvestris and L. palustre. Our results demonstrate that although within the studied species the variation in some of the leaf traits may have the same degree as interspecific variation, there is no such intercorrelation of leaf traits within the studied species as has been observed across species.  相似文献   
The preconditioning response conferred by a mild uncoupling of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) has been attributed to altered reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and mitochondrial Ca2 + uptake within the cells. Here we have explored if altered cellular energetics in response to a mild mitochondrial uncoupling stimulus may also contribute to the protection. The addition of 100 nM FCCP for 30 min to cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) induced a transient depolarization of the Δψm, that was sufficient to significantly reduce CGN vulnerability to the excitotoxic stimulus, glutamate. On investigation, the mild mitochondrial ‘uncoupling’ stimulus resulted in a significant increase in the plasma membrane levels of the glucose transporter isoform 3, with a hyperpolarisation of Δψm and increased cellular ATP levels also evident following the washout of FCCP. Furthermore, the phosphorylation state of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) (Thr 172) was increased within 5 min of the uncoupling stimulus and elevated up to 1 h after washout. Significantly, the physiological changes and protection evident after the mild uncoupling stimulus were lost in CGNs when AMPK activity was inhibited. This study identifies an additional mechanism through which protection is mediated upon mild mitochondrial uncoupling: it implicates increased AMPK signalling and an adaptive shift in energy metabolism as mediators of the preconditioning response associated with FCCP-induced mild mitochondrial uncoupling.  相似文献   
When nutrients are depleted, Dictyostelium cells undergo cell cycle arrest and initiate a developmental program that ensures survival. The YakA protein kinase governs this transition by regulating the cell cycle, repressing growth-phase genes and inducing developmental genes. YakA mutants have a shortened cell cycle and do not initiate development. A suppressor of yakA that reverses most of the developmental defects of yakA- cells, but none of their growth defects was identified. The inactivated gene, pufA, encodes a member of the Puf protein family of translational regulators. Upon starvation, pufA- cells develop precociously and overexpress developmentally important proteins, including the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA-C. Gel mobility-shift assays using a 200-base segment of PKA-C's mRNA as a probe reveals a complex with wild-type cell extracts, but not with pufA- cell extracts, suggesting the presence of a potential PufA recognition element in the PKA-C mRNA. PKA-C protein levels are low at the times of development when this complex is detectable, whereas when the complex is undetectable PKA-C levels are high. There is also an inverse relationship between PufA and PKA-C protein levels at all times of development in every mutant tested. Furthermore, expression of the putative PufA recognition elements in wild-type cells causes precocious aggregation and PKA-C overexpression, phenocopying a pufA mutation. Finally, YakA function is required for the decline of PufA protein and mRNA levels in the first 4 hours of development. We propose that PufA is a translational regulator that directly controls PKA-C synthesis and that YakA regulates the initiation of development by inhibiting the expression of PufA. Our work also suggests that Puf protein translational regulation evolved prior to the radiation of metazoan species.  相似文献   
Lactate esters are widely used as food additives, perfume materials, medicine additives, and personal care products. The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of a series of lactate esters as penetration enhancers on the in vitro skin permeation of four drugs with different physicochemical properties, including ibuprofen, salicylic acid, dexamethasone and 5-fluorouracil. The saturated donor solutions of the evaluated drugs in propylene glycol were used in order to keep a constant driving force with maximum thermodynamic activity. The permeability coefficient (K p), skin concentration of drugs (SC), and lag time (T), as well as the enhancement ratios for K p and SC were recorded. All results indicated that lactate esters can exert a significant influence on the transdermal delivery of the model drugs and there is a structure-activity relationship between the tested lactate esters and their enhancement effects. The results also suggested that the lactate esters with the chain length of fatty alcohol moieties of 10–12 are more effective enhancers. Furthermore, the enhancement effect of lactate esters increases with a decrease of the drug lipophilicity, which suggests that they may be more efficient at enhancing the penetration of hydrophilic drugs than lipophilic drugs. The influence of the concentration of lactate esters was evaluated and the optimal concentration is in the range of 5∼10 wt.%. In sum, lactate esters as a penetration enhancer for some drugs are of interest for transdermal administration when the safety of penetration enhancers is a prime consideration.  相似文献   
The study of the structural and functional properties of key components of polar marine ecosystems has received increased attention in order to better understand the ecological consequences of future sea temperature rise and seasonal ice retraction. Owing to this purpose, during the ATOS-Arctic cruise, held in July 2007 in the framework of the 2007–2008 International Polar Year, we studied the respiratory carbon demand of mesozooplankton as well as their contribution to the regeneration of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus (NH4-N and PO4-P) via excretion. The studied area comprised several stations along a latitudinal gradient in the East Greenland current, plus a network of stations NW of the Svalbard islands. The specific respiratory carbon losses and phosphorus (PO4-P) excretion rates were similar or slightly higher than some reports for Arctic mesozooplankton, but the nitrogen (NH4-N) excretion rates were higher by a factor of 3 when compared with previous data sets. The mesozooplankton respiratory losses were equivalent to 23% of primary production, and at turn zooplankton contributed by excretion to more than 50% of the N and P required by phytoplankton. Although C:N, C:P and N:P metabolic atomic quotients almost coincided with the average Redfield’s stoichiometric ratios, the low C:N values when compared to previous reports suggested a predominance of protein-related metabolic substrates. The potential consequences of changes observed in the C:N, N:P and C:P metabolic ratios of mesozooplankton for Arctic marine ecosystems are discussed.  相似文献   
There is a long tradition of software simulations in theoretical biology to complement pure analytical mathematics which are often limited to reproduce and understand the self-organization phenomena resulting from the non-linear and spatially grounded interactions of the huge number of diverse biological objects. Since John Von Neumann and Alan Turing pioneering works on self-replication and morphogenesis, proponents of artificial life have chosen to resolutely neglecting a lot of materialistic and quantitative information deemed not indispensable and have focused on the rule-based mechanisms making life possible, supposedly neutral with respect to their underlying material embodiment. Minimal life begins at the intersection of a series of processes which need to be isolated, differentiated and duplicated as such in computers. Only software developments and running make possible to understand the way these processes are intimately interconnected in order for life to appear at the crossroad. In this paper, I will attempt to set out the history of life as the disciples of artificial life understand it, by placing these different lessons on a temporal and causal axis, showing which one is indispensable to the appearance of the next and how does it connect to the next. I will discuss the task of artificial life as setting up experimental software platforms where these different lessons, whether taken in isolation or together, are tested, simulated, and, more systematically, analyzed. I will sketch some of these existing software platforms: chemical reaction networks, Varela’s autopoietic cellular automata, Ganti’s chemoton model, whose running delivers interesting take home messages to open-minded biologists.  相似文献   
Changes in the duration and size of the vulnerable period of the myocardium in the presence of respiratory changes were studied in acute experiments on rats. The limits of the vulnerable period were determined by directly stimulating the heart during ventilation via the enlarged respiratory dead space, during hyperventilation and during heart failure. In the control group (normal ventilation without enlargement of the dead space), the vulnerable period lasted 5.7 +/- 0.76 ms. During ventilation via the enlarged dead space, hypercapnic hypoxaemia developed and the vulnerable period was markedly prolonged (18.55 +/- 5.29 ms) by a shift of its inner limit to the left. Hyperventilation caused normoxic to hyperoxic hypocapnia and markedly reduced the duration of the vulnerable period (8.17 +/- 2.21 and 9.31 +/- 2.38 ms respectively). The vulnerable period lengthened the most in heart failure (25.46 +/- 3.93), mainly as a result of a shift of its outer limit. In all the experimental groups there was a shift of the vulnerable period to the right, which was fastest in hypercapnic hypoxaemia and slowest in hyperoxic hypocapnia. The administration of Inderal (3 mg/kg i.p.) or Arfonad (50 mg/kg i.p.) markedly shortened the vulnerable period during hypercapnic hypoxaemia (9.87 +/- 2.78 and 9.32 +/- 2.16 ms respectively), but did not block the shift. Lengthening of the vulnerable period during hypercapnic hypoxaemia was probably due to activation of sympathetic nerves via beta-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   
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