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The cellular endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery is involved in membrane budding processes, such as multivesicular biogenesis and cytokinesis. In HIV-infected cells, HIV-1 hijacks the ESCRT machinery to drive HIV release. Early in the HIV-1 assembly process, the ESCRT-I protein Tsg101 and the ESCRT-related protein ALIX are recruited to the assembly site. Further downstream, components such as the ESCRT-III proteins CHMP4 and CHMP2 form transient membrane associated lattices, which are involved in virus-host membrane fission. Although various geometries of ESCRT-III assemblies could be observed, the actual membrane constriction and fission mechanism is not fully understood. Fission might be driven from inside the HIV-1 budding neck by narrowing the membranes from the outside by larger lattices surrounding the neck, or from within the bud. Here, we use super-resolution fluorescence microscopy to elucidate the size and structure of the ESCRT components Tsg101, ALIX, CHMP4B and CHMP2A during HIV-1 budding below the diffraction limit. To avoid the deleterious effects of using fusion proteins attached to ESCRT components, we performed measurements on the endogenous protein or, in the case of CHMP4B, constructs modified with the small HA tag. Due to the transient nature of the ESCRT interactions, the fraction of HIV-1 assembly sites with colocalizing ESCRT complexes was low (1.5%-3.4%). All colocalizing ESCRT clusters exhibited closed, circular structures with an average size (full-width at half-maximum) between 45 and 60 nm or a diameter (determined using a Ripley’s L-function analysis) of roughly 60 to 100 nm. The size distributions for colocalizing clusters were narrower than for non-colocalizing clusters, and significantly smaller than the HIV-1 bud. Hence, our results support a membrane scission process driven by ESCRT protein assemblies inside a confined structure, such as the bud neck, rather than by large lattices around the neck or in the bud lumen. In the case of ALIX, a cloud of individual molecules surrounding the central clusters was often observed, which we attribute to ALIX molecules incorporated into the nascent HIV-1 Gag shell. Experiments performed using YFP-tagged Tsg101 led to an over 10-fold increase in ESCRT structures colocalizing with HIV-1 budding sites indicating an influence of the fusion protein tag on the function of the ESCRT protein.  相似文献   
The sense of touch provides fundamental information about the surrounding world, and feedback about our own actions. Although touch is very important during the earliest stages of life, to date no study has investigated infants’ abilities to process visual stimuli implying touch. This study explores the developmental origins of the ability to visually recognize touching gestures involving others. Looking times and orienting responses were measured in a visual preference task, in which participants were simultaneously presented with two videos depicting a touching and a no-touching gesture involving human body parts (face, hand) and/or an object (spoon). In Experiment 1, 2-day-old newborns and 3-month-old infants viewed two videos: in one video a moving hand touched a static face, in the other the moving hand stopped before touching it. Results showed that only 3-month-olds, but not newborns, differentiated the touching from the no-touching gesture, displaying a preference for the former over the latter. To test whether newborns could manifest a preferential visual response when the touched body part is different from the face, in Experiment 2 newborns were presented with touching/no-touching gestures in which a hand or an inanimate object—i.e., a spoon- moved towards a static hand. Newborns were able to discriminate a hand-to-hand touching gesture, but they did not manifest any preference for the object-to-hand touch. The present findings speak in favour of an early ability to visually recognize touching gestures involving the interaction between human body parts.  相似文献   
In recent years, an increasing number of surveys have definitively confirmed the seasonal presence of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in highly productive regions of the Mediterranean Sea. Despite this, very little is yet known about the routes that the species seasonally follows within the Mediterranean basin and, particularly, in the Ionian area. The present study assesses for the first time fin whale acoustic presence offshore Eastern Sicily (Ionian Sea), throughout the processing of about 10 months of continuous acoustic monitoring. The recording of fin whale vocalizations was made possible by the cabled deep-sea multidisciplinary observatory, “NEMO-SN1”, deployed 25 km off the Catania harbor at a depth of about 2,100 meters. NEMO-SN1 is an operational node of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) Research Infrastructure. The observatory was equipped with a low-frequency hydrophone (bandwidth: 0.05 Hz–1 kHz, sampling rate: 2 kHz) which continuously acquired data from July 2012 to May 2013. About 7,200 hours of acoustic data were analyzed by means of spectrogram display. Calls with the typical structure and patterns associated to the Mediterranean fin whale population were identified and monitored in the area for the first time. Furthermore, a background noise analysis within the fin whale communication frequency band (17.9–22.5 Hz) was conducted to investigate possible detection-masking effects. The study confirms the hypothesis that fin whales are present in the Ionian Sea throughout all seasons, with peaks in call detection rate during spring and summer months. The analysis also demonstrates that calls were more frequently detected in low background noise conditions. Further analysis will be performed to understand whether observed levels of noise limit the acoustic detection of the fin whales vocalizations, or whether the animals vocalize less in the presence of high background noise.  相似文献   
We propose a computationally efficient, bio-mechanically relevant soft-tissue simulation method for cranio-maxillofacial (CMF) surgery. Special emphasis is given to comply with the current clinical workflow. A template-based facial muscle prediction was introduced to avoid laborious segmentation from medical images. In addition, transversely isotropic mass-tensor model (MTM) was applied to realize the directional behavior of facial muscles in short computation time. Finally, sliding contact was incorporated to mimic realistic boundary condition in error-sensitive regions. Mechanical simulation result was compared with commercial finite element software. And retrospective validation study with post-operative scan of four CMF cases was performed.  相似文献   
Selected biological effects of 1,4-naphthoquinone, menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) and structurally related quinones from natural sources - the 5-hydroxy-naphthoquinones juglone, plumbagin and the 2-hydroxy-naphthoquinones lawsone and lapachol - were studied in human keratinocytes (HaCaT). 1,4-naphthoquinone and menadione as well as juglone and plumbagin were highly cytotoxic, strongly induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and depleted cellular glutathione. Moreover, they induced oxidative DNA base damage and accumulation of DNA strand breaks, as demonstrated in an alkaline DNA unwinding assay. Neither lawsone nor lapachol (up to 100 μM) were active in any of these assays. Cytotoxic and oxidative action was paralleled by stimulation of stress signaling: all tested quinones except lawsone and lapachol strongly induced phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the related ErbB2 receptor tyrosine kinase. EGFR activation by plumbagin, juglone and menadione was attenuated by a superoxide dismutase mimetic, indicating that ROS-related mechanisms contribute to EGFR activation by these naphthoquinones.  相似文献   
The endosomal pathway in neuronal dendrites is essential for membrane receptor trafficking and proper synaptic function and plasticity. However, the molecular mechanisms that organize specific endocytic trafficking routes are poorly understood. Here, we identify GRIP-associated protein-1 (GRASP-1) as a neuron-specific effector of Rab4 and key component of the molecular machinery that coordinates recycling endosome maturation in dendrites. We show that GRASP-1 is necessary for AMPA receptor recycling, maintenance of spine morphology, and synaptic plasticity. At the molecular level, GRASP-1 segregates Rab4 from EEA1/Neep21/Rab5-positive early endosomal membranes and coordinates the coupling to Rab11-labelled recycling endosomes by interacting with the endosomal SNARE syntaxin 13. We propose that GRASP-1 connects early and late recycling endosomal compartments by forming a molecular bridge between Rab-specific membrane domains and the endosomal SNARE machinery. The data uncover a new mechanism to achieve specificity and directionality in neuronal membrane receptor trafficking.  相似文献   
Mutations in the sulfate transporter gene, SCL26A2, lead to cartilage proteoglycan undersulfation resulting in chondrodysplasia in humans; the phenotype is mirrored in the diastrophic dysplasia (dtd) mouse. It remains unclear whether bone shortening and deformities are caused solely by changes in the cartilage matrix, or whether chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan undersulfation affects also signalling pathways involved in cell proliferation and differentiation. Therefore we studied macromolecular sulfation in the different zones of the dtd mouse growth plate and these data were related to growth plate histomorphometry and proliferation analysis.A 2-fold increase of non-sulfated disaccharide in dtd animals compared to wild-type littermates in the resting, proliferative and hypertrophic zones was detected indicating proteoglycan undersulfation; among the three zones the highest level of undersulfation was in the resting zone. The relative height of the hypertrophic zone and the average number of cells per column in the proliferative and hypertrophic zones were significantly reduced compared to wild-types; however the total height of the growth plate was within normal values. The chondrocyte proliferation rate, measured by bromodeoxyuridine labelling, was also significantly reduced in mutant mice. Immunohistochemistry combined with expression data of the dtd growth plate demonstrated that the sulfation defect alters the distribution pattern, but not expression, of Indian hedgehog, a long range morphogen required for chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation.These data suggest that in dtd mice proteoglycan undersulfation causes reduced chondrocyte proliferation in the proliferative zone via the Indian hedgehog pathway, therefore contributing to reduced long bone growth.  相似文献   
Data on immune responses during human Ebola virus disease (EVD) are scanty, due to limitations imposed by biosafety requirements and logistics. A sustained activation of T-cells was recently described but functional studies during the acute phase of human EVD are still missing. Aim of this work was to evaluate the kinetics and functionality of T-cell subsets, as well as the expression of activation, autophagy, apoptosis and exhaustion markers during the acute phase of EVD until recovery. Two EVD patients admitted to the Italian National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Lazzaro Spallanzani, were sampled sequentially from soon after symptom onset until recovery and analyzed by flow cytometry and ELISpot assay. An early and sustained decrease of CD4 T-cells was seen in both patients, with an inversion of the CD4/CD8 ratio that was reverted during the recovery period. In parallel with the CD4 T-cell depletion, a massive T-cell activation occurred and was associated with autophagic/apoptotic phenotype, enhanced expression of the exhaustion marker PD-1 and impaired IFN-gamma production. The immunological impairment was accompanied by EBV reactivation. The association of an early and sustained dysfunctional T-cell activation in parallel to an overall CD4 T-cell decline may represent a previously unknown critical point of Ebola virus (EBOV)-induced immune subversion. The recent observation of late occurrence of EBOV-associated neurological disease highlights the importance to monitor the immuno-competence recovery at discharge as a tool to evaluate the risk of late sequelae associated with resumption of EBOV replication. Further studies are required to define the molecular mechanisms of EVD-driven activation/exhaustion and depletion of T-cells.Ebola virus (EBOV) is one of the most deadly human pathogens, causing a severe hemorrhagic fever syndrome in both humans and non-human primates with fatality rates ranging from 50 to 70%.1 The recent outbreak of Ebola Virus Diseases (EVD) in West Africa highlights the pathogenic nature of this virus, the high mortality rates and pandemic potential. To date, there have been over 27 700 cases and >11 280 deaths.1, 2 Although EVD is usually an acute illness, increasing evidences exist of persistent infections and post infection syndromes,3, 4, 5, 6 highlighting the need to identify immune correlates of a protective immune response.Defining human immune responses to EBOV infection, pathogenesis and correlates of protection are important for designing effective therapeutic and vaccination interventions. A decrease in lymphocytes has been observed in studies in mice,7 non-human primates8 and humans,9 and is attributed to apoptotic mechanisms.7, 10 Persistent B and T-cell activation has been described in four survivors as long as one month after discharge from the hospital, suggesting recurrent antigenic stimulation.11 While aberrant immune responses have been described after EBOV infection (reviewed in12, 13), and different patterns of inflammatory mediators have been associated with different clinical outcomes,9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17 data on human immune responses to Ebola virus remain scanty, due to difficulties in obtaining sequential samples through the course of illness and to limitations imposed by biosafety requirements for laboratory analyses.We conducted a longitudinal study aimed to characterize the kinetics of T-cell phenotypes, activation/differentiation profile, autophagic/apoptotic markers and functionality in two EVD patients from soon after symptom onset through their hospitalization until recovery.  相似文献   
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