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Cell lines are key tools in cancer research allowing the generation of neoplasias in animal models resembling the initial tumours able to mimic the original neoplasias closely in vivo. Canine lymphoma is the major hematopoietic malignancy in dogs and considered as a valuable spontaneous large animal model for human Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL). Herein we describe the establishment and characterisation of an in vivo model using the canine B-cell lymphoma cell line CLBL-1 analysing the stability of the induced tumours and the ability to resemble the original material. CLBL-1 was injected into Rag2(-/-)γ(c) (-/-) mice. The generated tumor material was analysed by immunophenotyping and histopathology and used to establish the cell line CLBL-1M. Both cell lines were karyotyped for detection of chromosomal aberrations. Additionally, CLBL-1 was stimulated with IL-2 and DSP30 as described for primary canine B-cell lymphomas and NHL to examine the stimulatory effect on cell proliferation. CLBL-1 in vivo application resulted in lymphoma-like disease and tumor formation. Immunophenotypic analysis of tumorous material showed expression of CD45(+), MHCII(+), CD11a(+) and CD79αcy(+). PARR analysis showed positivity for IgH indicating a monoclonal character. These cytogenetic, molecular, immunophenotypical and histological characterisations of the in vivo model reveal that the induced tumours and thereof generated cell line resemble closely the original material. After DSP30 and IL-2 stimulation, CLBL-1 showed to respond in the same way as primary material. The herein described CLBL-1 in vivo model provides a highly stable tool for B-cell lymphoma research in veterinary and human medicine allowing various further in vivo studies.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial genomes of spermatophytes are the largest of all organellar genomes. Their large size has been attributed to various factors; however, the relative contribution of these factors to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) expansion remains undetermined. We estimated their relative contribution in Malus domestica (apple). The mitochondrial genome of apple has a size of 396 947 bp and a one to nine ratio of coding to non-coding DNA, close to the corresponding average values for angiosperms. We determined that 71.5% of the apple mtDNA sequence was highly similar to sequences of its nuclear DNA. Using nuclear gene exons, nuclear transposable elements and chloroplast DNA as markers of promiscuous DNA content in mtDNA, we estimated that approximately 20% of the apple mtDNA consisted of DNA sequences imported from other cell compartments, mostly from the nucleus. Similar marker-based estimates of promiscuous DNA content in the mitochondrial genomes of other species ranged between 21.2 and 25.3% of the total mtDNA length for grape, between 23.1 and 38.6% for rice, and between 47.1 and 78.4% for maize. All these estimates are conservative, because they underestimate the import of non-functional DNA. We propose that the import of promiscuous DNA is a core mechanism for mtDNA size expansion in seed plants. In apple, maize and grape this mechanism contributed far more to genome expansion than did homologous recombination. In rice the estimated contribution of both mechanisms was found to be similar.  相似文献   


Although there is data on the spontaneous behavioural repertoire of the fetus, studies on their behavioural responses to external stimulation are scarce.

Aim, Methods

The aim of the current study was to measure fetal behavioural responses in reaction to maternal voice; to maternal touch of the abdomen compared to a control condition, utilizing 3D real-time (4D) sonography. Behavioural responses of 23 fetuses (21st to 33rd week of gestation; N = 10 in the 2nd and N = 13 in the 3rd trimester) were frame-by-frame coded and analyzed in the three conditions.


Results showed that fetuses displayed more arm, head, and mouth movements when the mother touched her abdomen and decreased their arm and head movements to maternal voice. Fetuses in the 3rd trimester showed increased regulatory (yawning), resting (arms crossed) and self-touch (hands touching the body) responses to the stimuli when compared to fetuses in the 2nd trimester.


In summary, the results from this study suggest that fetuses selectively respond to external stimulation earlier than previously reported, fetuses actively regulated their behaviours as a response to the external stimulation, and that fetal maturation affected the emergence of these differential responses to the environment.  相似文献   
There is currently large interest in distinguishing the signatures of genetic variation produced by demographic events from those produced by natural selection. We propose a simple multilocus statistical test to identify candidate sites of selective sweeps with high power. The test is based on the variability profile measured in an array of linked microsatellites. We also show that the analysis of flanking markers drastically reduces the number of false positives among the candidates that are identified in a genomewide survey of unlinked loci and find that this property is maintained in many population-bottleneck scenarios. However, for a certain range of intermediately severe population bottlenecks we find genomic signatures that are very similar to those produced by a selective sweep. While in these worst-case scenarios the power of the proposed test remains high, the false-positive rate reaches values close to 50%. Hence, selective sweeps may be hard to identify even if multiple linked loci are analyzed. Nevertheless, the integration of information from multiple linked loci always leads to a considerable reduction of the false-positive rate compared to a genome scan of unlinked loci. We discuss the application of this test to experimental data from Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   
Ca(2+) signaling is the astrocyte form of excitability and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) plays an important role as an intracellular Ca(2+) store. Since the subcellular distribution of the ER influences Ca(2+) signaling, we compared the arrangement of ER in astrocytes of hippocampus tissue and astrocytes in cell culture by electron microscopy. While the ER was usually located in close apposition to the plasma membrane in astrocytes in situ, the ER in cultured astrocytes was close to the nuclear membrane. Activation of metabotropic receptors linked to release of Ca(2+) from ER stores triggered distinct responses in cultured and in situ astrocytes. In culture, Ca(2+) signals were commonly first recorded close to the nucleus and with a delay at peripheral regions of the cells. Store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOC) as a route to refill the Ca(2+) stores could be easily identified in cultured astrocytes as the Zn(2+)-sensitive component of the Ca(2+) signal. In contrast, such a Zn(2+)-sensitive component was not recorded in astrocytes from hippocampal slices despite of evidence for SOC. Our data indicate that both, astrocytes in situ and in vitro express SOC necessary to refill stores, but that a SOC-related signal is not recorded in the cytoplasm of astrocytes in situ since the stores are close to the plasma membrane and the refill does not affect cytoplasmic Ca(2+) levels.  相似文献   
In a continuing study of hybrid compounds containing the α-bromoacryloyl moiety as potential anticancer drugs, we synthesized a novel series of hybrids 4ah, in which this moiety was linked to a 1,5-diaryl-1,4-pentadien-3-one system. Many of the conjugates prepared (4b, 4c, 4e and 4g) demonstrated pronounced, submicromolar antiproliferative activity against four cancer cell lines. Moreover, compound 4b induced apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway and activated caspase-3 in a concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   
A minor component of chromatin, the phospholipid fraction, changes during cell cycle as result of the activation of intranuclear lipid metabolism enzymes including phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C activity. It is known that this enzyme may be activated by phosphatidylcholine plasmalogen (Plg). Until now, there has been little evidences for the presence of Plgs inside the nucleus. The aim of our study is to ascertain if they are present in the nucleus and are responsible of the activation of phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C during cell proliferation and apoptosis. Therefore, we have analysed the Plg composition of the whole homogenate, cytosol, nuclei and chromatin of hepatocytes. The phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C activity was assayed using both phosphatidylcholine and plasmalogenyl-phosphatidylcholine as substrates. Our results show, for the first time, that Plgs are present in chromatin and the plasmalogenyl-phosphatidylcholine stimulates the phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C activity more than phosphatidylcholine. Finally, in order to verify the possible role of these molecules during cell proliferation and apoptosis, we used liver of rats fed with ciprofibrate which stimulates hepatocytes proliferation during the treatment and, after withdrawal, apoptosis. After 3 days of ciprofibrate treatment, the chromatin plasmalogenyl-phosphatidylcholine increases as well as the phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C activity. After drug withdrawal, when the hepatocytes undergo to apoptosis, the plasmalogenyl-phosphatidylcholine content together with phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C activity decreases. Therefore, it can be concluded that plamalogens are present in the chromatin, and probably may have a function both in regulating phosphatidylcholine dependent phospholipase C and cell cycle.  相似文献   
A series of geiparvarin analogues modified on the unsaturated alkenyloxy bridge, where a H-atom replaced the 3'-Me group, were synthesized and evaluated against a panel of human tumor cell lines in vitro. These compounds demonstrated a stronger increase in growth inhibitory activity when compared to the parent compound geiparvarin (8). In particular, the activity increased even further in the series of demethylated compounds when a Me substituent in the coumarin moiety is introduced. On the contrary, the same modifications exerted on the parent compound led to an activity reduction. Interestingly, the new derivatives proved to be fully inhibitory to drug-resistant cell lines, thus suggesting that they are not subject to the pump-mediating efflux of antitumor drugs. On the basis of their cytotoxic profiles, the most-active compounds were selected for further biological evaluation. The extracellular acidification rate by the new geiparvarin analogues was measured with the Cytosensor microphysiometer. The new derivatives significantly increased the acidification rate during the 24-48 h of incubation in a concentration-dependent manner. Cell-cycle analysis, evaluated by flow cytometry, revealed a strong apoptotic induction by these compounds confirmed by DNA laddering and observation by electron microscopy. Interestingly, the apoptotic pathway did not appear to be mediated by the activation of caspase-3.  相似文献   


Autophagy can either be protective and confer survival to stressed cells, or it can contribute to cell death. The antimitotic drug 2-ethyl-3-O-sulpamoyl-estra-1,3,5(10),15-tetraen-17-ol (ESE-15-ol) is an in silico-designed 17-β-estradiol analogue that induces both autophagy and apoptosis in cancer cells. The aim of the study was to determine the role of autophagy in ESE-15-ol-exposed human adenocarcinoma breast cancer cells; knowledge that will contribute to future clinical applications of this novel antimitotic compound. By inhibiting autophagy and determining the cytotoxic effects of ESE-15-ol-exposure, deductions could be made as to whether the process may confer resistance to the drug, or alternatively, contribute to the cell death process.

Methods and results

Spectophometrical analysis via crystal violet staining was used to perform cytotoxicity studies. Morphology studies were done using microscopic techniques namely polarization-optical transmitted light differential interference light microscopy, fluorescent microscopy using monodansylcadaverine staining and transmission electron microscopy. Flow cytometry was used to quantify the autophagy inhibition and assess cell viability. Results obtained indicated that 3-methyladenine inhibited autophagy and increased cell survival in both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines.


This in vitro study inferred that autophagy inhibition with 3-methyladenine does not confer increased effectiveness of ESE-15-ol in inducing cell death. Thus it may be concluded that the autophagic process induced by ESE-15-ol exposure in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells plays a more significant role in cell death than conferring survival.
D. J. Nolte 《Chromosoma》1969,26(3):287-297
The production of a gregarization pheromone has been postulated in locusts, with effects on melanization of the hopper cuticle and increased chiasma frequency during meiosis in the adult on crowding or gregarization. Lack of chiasma-inducing effect of the pheromone on albino strains is correlated with the absence or deficiency of some of the products of the metabolic pathways of tyrosine. Some of these products, commercially obtainable, are the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine leading to both the melanization and sclerotization pathways; dopamine formed from dopa in the lastnamed pathway; three products of dopamine i.e. protocatechuic acid, noradrenaline and adrenaline. The injection of solutions of these metabolites into the haemolymph of solitary hoppers has shown that only dopa to some extent but noradrenaline to a large extent are effective in raising chiasma frequency in solitarised individuals of normal-coloured strains of Locusta, while in two albino strains, which differ genetically, the injection of dopa, dopamine, protocatechuic acid and noradrenaline proved effective; phenylalanine was effective in only one of these albino strains, while adrenaline was effective in neither. The chiasma-inducing effect of noradrenaline, common to the three strains, is accompanied in the normal-coloured strain by a greater retention of dark coloration during solitarization and by some attainment of the crowded type of morphometric ratios which is a third physical criterion of gregarization. The genetic blocks to the physical criteria of gregaria in the albino strains lie at the immediate level of dopa production or previous to this reaction; it may be construed that such a block in the solitaria of normal-coloured strains also lies at this early level, in this case being induced by too low a pheromone concentration.  相似文献   
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