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Serum samples from 2970 (1400 sows, 1570 fattening) pigs, from 100 farms in the 10 main swine production regions in Spain were tested for antibodies against T. gondii by the modified agglutination test (MAT). Antibodies to T. gondii (MAT 1:25 or higher) were detected in 492 pigs (16.6%, 9.7% in fattening pigs and 24.2% in sows). The herd prevalence was 85.0% (95% CI: 78–92) and within-farm prevalence ranged from 2.9% to 92.8% (median = 17.6%). Statistically significant differences were observed among sampling regions with seroprevalence significantly higher in pigs from Valencia Community (27.3%), Extremadura (23.3%) and Catalonia (21.2%). A generalized estimating equations model indicated that the risk factors associated with T. gondii seroprevalence were: age, sows compared to fattening pigs (OR = 2.9; 95% CI = 1.83–4.53), lack of rodent control (OR = 1.9; 95% CI = 1.04–3.60) and presence of cats (OR = 1.6; 95% CI = 1.12–2.34). The seroprevalence observed in the present study indicates a widespread, although variable, exposure to T. gondii among domestic pigs in Spain, which might have important implications for public health. Management measures including control of rodents and cats on the farms could help to reduce the observed prevalence levels in Spain.  相似文献   
A method was developed for genome analysis of phytoplasmas, bacterial plant pathogens that cannot be cultivated in vitro in cell-free media. The procedure includes a CsCl-bisbenzimide gradient buoyant centrifugation followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-mediated whole genome amplification. The latter step involves digestion of the DNA by a restriction enzyme with an A/T-rich recognition sequence. Due to the different A/T content in the DNA of the pathogen and its plant host, the fragments originating from phytoplasma are shorter and are preferentially amplified in the PCR reaction. Products obtained were cloned and screened by dot-blot hybridization. Results showed that about 90% of recombinant clones appeared to harbor phytoplasma specific DNA inserts. Sequencing of randomly selected clones was carried out and comparison with the NCBI database confirmed the bacterial origin for the sequences, which have been assigned a putative function. The origin of the recombinant clones was further confirmed by the generation of specific amplicons from the phytoplasma-infected plant and not from the healthy control, using PCR primers devised from the sequences of the recombinant clones. This method could be used for genome-wide comparisons between phytoplasmas.  相似文献   
The development of strategies capable to promote nervous system plasticity in adulthood is nowadays an important aim in neuroscience to improve not only cognitive abilities but also to ameliorate pathological dysfunctions. Several studies have demonstrated that adult neurogenesis is regulated by many physiological and pathological stimuli at almost every stage, from proliferation of neuronal precursors until integration and activation of newly formed neurons in the preexisting network. We review the process of generating functional neurons from precursors in the adult brain and its implications in intellectual disability disorders.  相似文献   
Annexin A6 (AnxA6) belongs to a conserved family of Ca2+-dependent membrane-binding proteins. Like other annexins, the function of AnxA6 is linked to its ability to bind phospholipids in cellular membranes in a dynamic and reversible fashion, in particular during the regulation of endocytic and exocytic pathways. High amounts of AnxA6 sequester cholesterol in late endosomes, thereby lowering the levels of cholesterol in the Golgi and the plasma membrane. These AnxA6-dependent redistributions of cellular cholesterol pools give rise to reduced cytoplasmic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) activity, retention of caveolin in the Golgi apparatus and a reduced number of caveolae at the cell surface. In addition to regulating cholesterol and caveolin distribution, AnxA6 acts as a scaffold/targeting protein for several signaling proteins, the best characterized being the Ca2+-dependent membrane targeting of p120GAP to downregulate Ras activity. AnxA6 also stimulates the Ca2+-inducible involvement of PKC in the regulation of HRas and possibly EGFR signal transduction pathways. The ability of AnxA6 to recruit regulators of the EGFR/Ras pathway is likely potentiated by AnxA6-induced actin remodeling. Accordingly, AnxA6 may function as an organizer of membrane domains (i) to modulate intracellular cholesterol homeostasis, (ii) to create a scaffold for the formation of multifactorial signaling complexes, and (iii) to regulate transient membrane-actin interactions during endocytic and exocytic transport. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 11th European Symposium on Calcium.  相似文献   
SYMRK is a leucine-rich-repeat (LRR)-receptor kinase that mediates intracellular symbioses of legumes with rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. It participates in signalling events that lead to epidermal calcium spiking, an early cellular response that is typically considered as central for intracellular accommodation and nodule organogenesis. Here, we describe the Lotus japonicus symRK-14 mutation that alters a conserved GDPC amino-acid sequence in the SYMRK extracellular domain. Normal infection of the epidermis by fungal or bacterial symbionts was aborted in symRK-14. Likewise, epidermal responses of symRK-14 to bacterial signalling, including calcium spiking, NIN gene expression and infection thread formation, were significantly reduced. In contrast, no major negative effects on the formation of nodule primordia and cortical infection were detected. Cumulatively, our data show that the symRK-14 mutation uncouples the epidermal and cortical symbiotic program, while indicating that the SYMRK extracellular domain participates in transduction of non-equivalent signalling events. The GDPC sequence was found to be highly conserved in LRR-receptor kinases in legumes and non-legumes, including the evolutionarily distant bryophytes. Conservation of the GDPC sequence in nearly one-fourth of LRR-receptor-like kinases in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana suggests, however, that this sequence might also play an important non-symbiotic function in this plant.  相似文献   
Strains ATCC 14028 and SL1344 of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium are more virulent than LT2 in the BALB/c mouse model. Virulence plasmid swapping between strains ATCC 14208, LT2, and SL1344 does not alter their competitive indexes during mouse infection, indicating that the three plasmids are functionally equivalent, and that their contribution to virulence is independent from the host background. Strains ATCC 14028 and LT2 are more efficient than SL1344 as conjugal donors of the virulence plasmid. Virulence plasmid swapping indicates that reduced ability of conjugal transfer is a property of the SL1344 plasmid, not of the host strain. An A→V amino acid substitution in the TraG protein appears to be the major cause that reduces conjugal transfer in the virulence plasmid of SL1344. Additional sequence differences in the tra operon are found between the SL1344 plasmid and the ATCC 14028 and LT2 plasmids. Divergence in the tra operon may reflect the occurrence of genetic drift either after laboratory domestication or in the environment. The latter might provide evidence that possession of conjugal transfer functions is a neutral trait in Salmonella populations, a view consistent with the abundance of Salmonella isolates whose virulence plasmids are non-conjugative.  相似文献   
Winter congregations of migratory birds are made by individuals of different origins and generally assumed to be variable across space and time, but the demographic characteristics of these temporal populations are poorly known. We used 2,216 observations of 472 colour-ringed individuals to estimate the annual local survival of Mediterranean gulls Larus melanocephalus wintering in NE Spain. In addition, by gathering the ringing information on the 19,856 individuals marked as fledglings in 18 countries between 1990 and 2009, we were able to infer the composition of population in relation to the country of origin. We coupled these estimates with geographic information to contrast hypotheses on the migratory pattern most likely used by the gulls in their first migration from their natal colonies to the wintering area. The probability of reaching the study area was negatively associated with the distance from the natal colony. Data were consistent with a migratory strategy that combines fluvial and coastal routes in an optimal way, seeking minimal distance along favourable terrain. We found that, after the first year, annual local survival at the wintering site (0.81 on average) was comparable with the one estimated at the breeding colonies, indicating a high individual fidelity to the areas used in winter. Our work shows that winter groupings may behave as real populations, shaped by breeding output and survival, and that the geographic origin of wintering birds can be explained by a simple model. The study of winter congregations can help understand a species’ population structure and movement strategies.  相似文献   
Oleyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-α-D-glucopyranoside (1) was previously shown to exhibit antimitotic activity on glioma (C6) and melanoma (A375) cell lines. Preliminary studies about its mechanism of action using (1)H MAS NMR suggested that 1 may be altering the metabolism of lipids. We have now studied the effect of 1 on the fatty acid, sphingolipid and ganglioside content in a line of carcinomic human alveolar epithelial cells (A549) using UPLC-MS. Oleic acid and NB-DNJ were used as positive controls for inhibition of fatty acid and ganglioside synthesis, respectively. Compound 1 (10 μM) was more efficient than oleic acid in reducing fatty acid levels of A549 cells, producing a decrease in the range of 40-15%, depending on the acyl chain length and the number of insaturations. In addition, glycoside 1 caused a reduction on ganglioside content of A549 tumor cell line and accumulation of lactosylceramide, the common metabolic precursor for ganglioside biosynthesis. Alteration of ganglioside metabolism was also observed with two galactosylated derivatives of 1, which caused a more pronounced increase in lactosylceramide levels. Compound 1 at higher concentrations (above 30 μM) produced drastic alterations in glycosphingolipid metabolism, leading to cell metabolic profiles very different from those obtained at 10 μM. These biochemical changes were ascribed to activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress pathways.  相似文献   
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