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Effects of some neuropeptides identified in the brain of hibernators (TSKYR, TSKY, DY) and of monoaminergic neurotransmitters (noradrenaline and serotonin) on responses of the medial septal neurons evoked by intraseptal electrical stimulation were analyzed in slices taken from the ground squirrels with chronic basal undercutting of the septum. Despite the elimination of direct contacts with the preoptic area and afferents ascending in the medial forebrain bundle, the neurons retained almost normal level of reactivity and distribution of the reaction types. The neuropeptides effectively modulated neuronal responses of various types, including oligosynaptic short-latency single-spike responses. The latter were strongly facilitated by the neuropeptides. As a rule, changes in the responses to electrical stimulation were independent of the spontaneous activity shifts (in 78% of the tests). It was suggested that the neuropeptides exert a double influence on the septal neurons: direct nonsynaptic effects on the pacemaker potential responsible for the background activity and modulation of synaptic processes. Our experiments showed that descending influences of the septo-hippocampal system are not crucial for the entrance into the hibernation state and its tonic maintenance. The influences of the thermoregulatory--circadian structures of the preoptico-hypothalamic area determine the paradoxically increased latent excitability of septal neurons that allows the septo-hippocampal system to gate external stimuli and organize arousal of the forebrain during hibernation in case of emergency.  相似文献   
Seven genetic variants of Yersinia pestis were detected by finger-printing of 85 strains of this bacterium from natural foci by means of a BX probe. Variants of Y. pestis strains correlate with certain species of carriers.  相似文献   
The new neuroscience data rapidly accumulating by the end of the second millennium calls for radical revision of many long-established and widely accepted postulates. This paper reviews some data leading to new concepts of life and work of neurons. The adult brain contains stem cells which are the source of the precursors for all main types of the brain cells: neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendroglia. These cells can substitute the deteriorating elements in the adult and even old brain. The neurons occur to be highly resistant to lesion of their processes as well to anoxia, and inhibitory neurons are shown to be especially stable in some pathological conditions. Changes in the afferent inputs result in various types of rapid compensatory morphological and functional reorganizations at different levels. Thus, the previous fatalistic view of the nervous system is substituted now for an optimistic one regarding various possibilities of prolongation and restoration of normal functioning of the brain. Simultaneously, our concepts of the neurons changed drastically. An unitary neuron may operate by several neurotransmitting substances; their synaptic influences upon the dendrites may evoke the active propagation of calcium and sodium spikes, their axons may differentially release transmitter substances depending on parameters of excitation. All neuronal functions are helped and controlled by astroglia, which participates in the synthesis of transmitters and protects the neurons from the excitotoxic death. Besides the synaptic interactions between the neurons, there exist other types of communications, such as volume conduction of transmitters after their spillover from the excited synapses and non-synaptic (varicose) zones, as well as exchange of molecules and ions through the gap junctions. A complex picture of interneuronal communications with multiple synaptic, presynaptic, and parasynaptic interactions is further complicated by the intimate participation of neurotrophic substances and "mediators of the immune system"--cytokines in these processes. The mutual regulatory influences between neurotransmitters, neurotrophic, and neuroimmune systems show that in normal conditions all they are working in concert. This increase in number of factors determining the final result of interaction between the neurons contributes new difficulties to the development of theoretical concepts or simulation of brain functions. In this context it is possible to speak about a certain crisis of theoretical neurobiology at present, because multiplicity of fine details obtained by molecular neurobiology and neurogenetics cannot be integrated in a coherent view of the brain functions. Overcoming the present gap between the analytic and synthetic approaches to understanding the brain work will be the main aim for the neurobiologists of the third millennium.  相似文献   
Place learning in Morris place navigation task was studied in male rats of KHA (Koltushi High Avoidance) and KLA (Koltushi Low Avoidance) rat strains. These strains were selected for different rate of acquisition of active avoidance in a shuttle box. At the initial stages of learning and after changing the experimental conditions, the performance of KLA rats was significantly better than that of KHA. Analysis of individual escape latency showed that the latency of the platform finding in the first trial had a significant effect on successful performance in the second trial. This effect was different in KHA and KLA rats. As distinct from KLA, the KHA rats demonstrated more rigid strategy in spatial orientation, the clear-cut thigmotropism was characteristic for their behavior in water.  相似文献   
97 units of the hippocampal fields CA3 and CA1 were recorded extracellularly in chronic unanaesthetized rabbits after complete basal undercutting of the septum. In activity of about one third of the units slow rhythmic bursts (3,3-4,5 Hz) were present. Low frequency theta-like rhythm was present in EEG of the hippocampus. Reactivity to sensory stimuli was unusually low (46-47% of reactive units). Specific and phasic effects of stimuli, typical of the normal field CA1, were observed in both fields. The majority of the reactive neurons respond to sensory stimuli by prolonged shift of the mean frequency of discharges, by regularization of the rhythmic component, or by gradual increase of diffuse activation. Effects of suppression of activity by sensory stimuli were very rare. The data are discussed in the light of presumed difference of reinnervation by axonal sprouting in conditions of basal undercutting of the septum and complete septo-hippocampal disconnection.  相似文献   
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